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Posted: 25 January 2013 at 2:37pm |
1st August - Dejaca #2 - Finding out - Jessydukes #1 - Finding out - Lyndal #2 - Finding out sex? 2nd August -Bunny_owl #1 - Finding out sex 4th August - Aug13 #1 - Finding out sex? 6th August -Tamara #1 - Finding out sex? 8th August - Escadachic #3 - Finding out - Rosie_YoungMumma2one #2 - Wants a surprise 9th August - Mumtogirls #2 - Finding out sex? - Oskario #2 - Finding out - Tiffany #2 - Finding out sex? 10th August - HootingOwl #1 - Finding out sex? 11th August - Harvis #2 - Finding out sex? - Mum_mel #2 - Finding out - Gsbuni #1? - Finding out sex? 12th August - Devilprincess #2 - Finding out - Lilmissimpatient #3 - Undecided about finding out sex - Gem #2 - Finding out sex? 13th August - Markim #2 - Finding out 14th August - Mrs_C #2 - Finding out sex? 15th August - Katchup #2 - Wants a surprise - Kellie #3 - Wants a surprise 16th August - Seagersbaby #1&2(twins) - Wants a surprise 17th August - Lizzieholly #2 - Finding out sex? - DaisyAngel #2 - Finding out 18th August - Sag #1 - Wants a surprise 20th August -Blondes_Away #2 - Finding out sex? 21st August - Mamaofboys #3 - Finding out - Jenm #2 - Finding out - Blueberry #2 - Finding out 22nd August -Alice #1 - Finding out - al_rm #1? - Finding out sex? 23rd August - Ajmmum #2 - Finding out - Supra34 #1 - Wants a surprise 26th August - Tottiepie #1? - Finding out - Amy #1 - Finding out sex? - Marina #1 - Finding out 27th August - Blost #1 - Finding out sex? - AnAmazingGift #1 - Finding out 28th August - Aimeesowls #1 - Finding out 30th August - Threescompany #3 - Finding out sex? - Tubachick #2 - Wants a surprise Scans/Appointments - Mamaofboys - 12 week scan - 30th January - al_rm - 12 wk scan - 7th February  Angel babies -Fairylight Angel (EDD 12/08/2013) -Kellsz (EDD 16/08/2013) -Bubsonway (EDD 06/08/2013)
Edited by escadachic - 07 March 2013 at 9:18am
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Joined: 04 January 2013
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Posted: 25 January 2013 at 4:21pm |
escadachic wrote:
Congrats and welcome Gem10
Had a scan yesterday and all is fine with baby. So my body is just being a bit silly it seems. I have a referral to antenatal unit regarding my prolapse I keep getting with my cervix. They will possibly put a ring around it, to avoid it prolapsing. |
YAY for the encouraging scan and also a plan of action for you Escadachic!
I am blessed with an amazing gestational surrogate to complete my dream!
Joined: 14 January 2013
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Posted: 26 January 2013 at 9:49pm |
I had my first ever scan, but doctor said baby was not so big, and pushed me due date back to 26 August. I guess I ovulated late. Never mind, just a bit longer to wait now.
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Posted: 26 January 2013 at 10:45pm |
<hugs> I'm so sorry sweets! What awful news. I hope you have some good support for you both and you can both be gentle with each other for a little while
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Posted: 27 January 2013 at 8:45am |
Ok Marina, I will go update due date list and change that then
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Posted: 06 February 2013 at 7:54pm |
Supra34 - I've gone with a friend's midwife; she had all 4 of her children with her, so I figured I couldn't get much of a better recommendation. But I did have others suggested to me, & the final decision was based on personal preference - I like the fact my midwife is older; close to what my mother's age would have been, so she's had a long career & no doubt lots of experience
Edited by Alice102615 - 06 February 2013 at 7:56pm
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Posted: 06 February 2013 at 8:04pm |
Bubsonway - so sorry to read your sad news. Not that it lessens your pain but many of us have had miscarriages prior to this pregnancy so can relate to some of what you will be going through. Look after yourself & your partner, & please do let us know how you are going throughout the year.
Joined: 10 January 2013
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Posted: 07 February 2013 at 12:36pm |
Thanks Alice.
I failed to catch a rugby ball last night due to sun glare & it landed moderately hard into my tummy. Got home to find brownish mucus blood, just waiting to hear back from my LMC. Just had a bit more this morning. I'm hoping because its brown that its 'older' blood. Needless to say I won't be finishing my Touch Rugby season. Up until now I"ve had NO blood whatsoever so I'm a little concerned. I"m at 12 weeks too scan is on Valentines Day.
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Posted: 07 February 2013 at 2:39pm |
Hope it all turns out to be ok Supra
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Posted: 09 February 2013 at 9:18am |
Hi all, had my 12 week scan and all is good and well. Baby was jumping around and we got lots of good pictures. My scan person was a guy called Steve which at first was a little odd but he was super lovely and made me feel very comfortable. Due date is actually 22 August, can the list please be updated? We are still pondering finding out the sex.
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Posted: 09 February 2013 at 12:17pm |
Glad you had a good scan al_rm.
Have updated the due date list and realized that at some point I spelt August wrong on the 30th August due dates LOL! So have just been correcting that for the last 10 minutes.
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Posted: 12 February 2013 at 12:47pm |
Hi everyone I'm due 23 August... Just had my 12 week scan and baby is healthy and very lively! It was actuall a huge relief to see the little heartbeat going as I've had three previous m/c and the scans for those ones were pretty tough. I'm glad to have made it to 12 weeks and feeling reassured now. Very excited to be on this pregnancy journey
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Posted: 12 February 2013 at 2:01pm |
1st August - Dejaca #2 - Finding out - Jessydukes #1 - Finding out - Lyndal #2 - Finding out sex? 2nd August -Bunny_owl #1 - Finding out sex 4th August - Aug13 #1 - Finding out sex? 6th August -Tamara #1 - Finding out sex? 8th August - Escadachic #3 - Finding out - Rosie_YoungMumma2one #2 - Wants a surprise 9th August - Mumtogirls #2 - Finding out sex? - Oskario #2 - Finding out - Tiffany #2 - Finding out sex? 10th August - HootingOwl #1 - Finding out sex? 11th August - Harvis #2 - Finding out sex? - Mum_mel #2 - Finding out - Gsbuni #1? - Finding out sex? 12th August - Devilprincess #2 - Finding out - Lilmissimpatient #3 - Undecided about finding out sex - Gem #2 - Finding out sex? 13th August - Markim #2 - Finding out 14th August - Mrs_C #2 - Finding out sex? 15th August - Katchup #2 - Wants a surprise - Kellie #3 - Wants a surprise 16th August - Seagersbaby #1&2(twins) - Wants a surprise 17th August - Lizzieholly #2 - Finding out sex? - DaisyAngel #2 - Finding out 18th August - Sag #1 - Wants a surprise 20th August -Blondes_Away #2 - Finding out sex? 21st August - Mamaofboys #3 - Finding out - Jenm #2 - Finding out - Blueberry #2 - Finding out 22nd August -Alice #1 - Finding out - al_rm #1? - Finding out sex? 23rd August - Ajmmum #2 - Finding out - Supra34 #1 - Wants a surprise - Candycane #3 - Wants a surprise 26th August - Tottiepie #1? - Finding out - Amy #1 - Finding out sex? - Marina #1 - Finding out 27th August - Blost #1 - Finding out sex? - AnAmazingGift #1 - Finding out 28th August - Aimeesowls #1 - Finding out 30th August - Threescompany #3 - Finding out sex? - Tubachick #2 - Wants a surprise Scans/Appointments - Mamaofboys - 12 week scan - 30th January - al_rm - 12 wk scan - 7th February  Angel babies -Fairylight Angel (EDD 12/08/2013) -Kellsz (EDD 16/08/2013) -Bubsonway (EDD 06/08/2013)
Edited by escadachic - 07 March 2013 at 9:18am
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Posted: 12 February 2013 at 2:19pm |
Congrats and welcome Candycane Is this your 1st baby? Are you finding out sex? By the way, we have a FB page too, if you want to join that, I can give you the info. That applies to anyone in here as well.
Joined: 18 January 2012
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Posted: 13 February 2013 at 3:49pm |
Hi escadachic, this is my third baby but its been a long time waiting after three mc due to undiagonosed hypothyroidism . But so relieved that the meds are doing there job and all is going well... Besides the terrible nausea! We have decided it would be nice to have a surprise this time and yes can you send me details for fb Thanks
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Posted: 13 February 2013 at 4:26pm |
I didn't know Hypothyroidism could cause miscarriages.
I developed it after having my 2nd. Either at the end of pregnancy or after I had her. But it wasn't picked up til she was 8 months old.
Hypothyroidism sucks! Have you ever suffered any vertigo due to it? Or had the mood swings and all the other crappy symptoms?
I pretty much had a terrible time losing weight after my 2nd, who I gained 28kgs with and only lost 3kgs by the time she was 8 months and it was SO hard losing weight, til the meds were right. I also have severe PND, made worse my hypothyroidism, nausea, vertigo and hair was always malting it seems.
My thyroid went over-active(hyperthyroidism) with this pregnancy, was stable for a few weeks and is now over-active again, so I have been told to stop meds and it gets rechecked in 2 wks and if it's still over-active, I have to be referred to a specialist. The plus side is less weight gain. The down side is I feel it caused the Hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting) that I had from week 5-10. And I get exhausted easily.
I will send you the details for joining FB group now.
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Posted: 13 February 2013 at 4:35pm |
Hi all, wow this thread moves a bit slowly, it's been weeks since I last logged on and we are still on page 19!
Our 12w scan was yesterday, it was so incredible - we are so very very lucky to have such an amazing friend doing this for us! Hubby hadn't seen any scans until yesterday and he is now realising that we ARE expecting and in just six months time too!
Little bean had legs crossed and arms crossed, so awesome, but let's hope he/she uncrosses them in another 6 weeks so we know what we are having!
It's getting very very tempting to start shopping for baby stuff already but to be honest I have no idea where to start! A lot of friends have had all their children now and have kept stuff for us which is sooooo cool, seems they never gave up on our dream either :)
I am blessed with an amazing gestational surrogate to complete my dream!
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Posted: 13 February 2013 at 8:28pm |
I think it gets a bit quiet in here after some people join the FB group and they spend less time on here.
I always spend time on both places to be honest. As I still love hanging out in the forums.
If you knew what your friends will be giving you, that would be a starting point. Then you know what you still need to purchase.
Maybe just get some cute unisex clothes for now, if you really want something to buy.
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Posted: 18 February 2013 at 9:11pm |
I'm starting to get a bit excited now... passing the 12 week mark made a difference I think. I'm less worried about my previous mc having got this far. Dumb I know but the 12 week scan was such a relief to me.
I've still got MS though and I'm gutted!!!! It's gradually easing but nowhere near what it should be. Frustrated and pee'd off am I!! I'm not taking as many anti-nausea meds, but I can barely make it through the day. I'm napping for 2-3 hours some days and while some days I get nearly no nausea, others I can't get off the couch and am on 2 different anti-nausea meds just to keep from throwing up.
With my last bub I had none past 10-12 weeks and the second trimester was awesome so it's horrible to feel this yuck still now.
I did go out and buy a car seat though :P Bought a new capsule and base, and I've cleaned all the convertible covers and washed the buggy and all it's accessories. Slowly as I can I'm pulling out #2's things I've kept and am sorting out keep/replace piles. So. Much. To. Do.
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Posted: 19 February 2013 at 8:59am |
Glad you are feeling more excited now you've had your scan.
Yeah MS sux! I still get bouts of it. Yesterday morning I was a bit ill. And it's never fun throwing up the meds you just took.
I still get really tired. But having a toddler at home full time, who doesn't nap, means no naps for me.
Good on you for buying some stuff and cleaning the other stuff and it's cool you have things still from #2. As I didn't. I got rid of everything, as I was supposed to be getting my tubes tied and found out 4 days before the procedure, I was UTD.