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August and Sept ’08 Mums and Bubs

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Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2008
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Topic: August and Sept ’08 Mums and Bubs
Posted By: 11111
Subject: August and Sept ’08 Mums and Bubs
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 8:57am
Well decided it was time we had our thread course we will be checking in on both.
I was wondering how many babies were actually born on the 8th I count 4 plus I think one of the sep Mum's had one as well.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: babyg
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 12:43pm
Congrats Deb, I didn't realise you'd had Emily! How'd it all go?

Ev, Mum to:
Carys Ruby - 4 October 2007
Spencer James - 2 July 2010

Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 1:15pm
So far really well. So long may it last. we should really catch up sometime

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: babyg
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 5:01pm
Haha - you've just had a bub 4 days ago and you're already thinking about catchups!! I guess it can't have been bad then We should have a group catchup sometime when Emily is a little more used to the outside world!

Great to hear all is well.

BTW, you might want to ask admin to sticky this topic so it holds on the front page

Ev, Mum to:
Carys Ruby - 4 October 2007
Spencer James - 2 July 2010

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 6:13pm
I think there were five 080808 babies. Three girls, my boy and then someone from Sep but not sure about the sep.

How are you all doing on the sleep front? My little man like to be awake early morning through to mid afternoon then seems to like to be awake all night. I did try sort of waking him today but then I couldn't get him back to sleep so that was a bit of a disaster. He has been asleep pretty much since 2pm now though he did get up for a feed and change. Hope its not going to be another long night but it sure looks like its going to be.


Posted By: Bumble
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 7:02pm
We are keeping Micah on a 4 hour schedule during the day, then on demand at night time. Seems to be working for us.

Last night we fed at 10pm (till 11pm) then he slept till 3am. Fed till 3.40am again at 5.30am then woke him at 9.30 for the next day.

formerly known as "Bee"

Ethan ~ March 2003 Big 6 year old school boy!
Micah ~ Aug 2008 ~ Smiley pants who loves telephones!

Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 12 August 2008 at 7:16pm
feeding is going pretty well at the moment.   I have soooo much milk its gross want to shower all hte time. we are working on getting a routine I fuction better on them.   I never had one with the boy's and really struggled with life so thought we would give the whole routne thing ago.   Anyway boy's are in bed both with cold's along with me really worried about Emily getting it.    As far as sleep goes i am still on my baby high so only been having about 3-4 hour's a night. will most likely crash in about a week or so.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 13 August 2008 at 11:13am
I'm also still on a baby high when t comes to sleeping. Never felt so good before. Not looking forward to it finishing.
Before giving birth I was really worrie about the baby blues as I tend to get down sometimes but so far I've been feeling great.

So it seems you are both doing the routine thing. We are here too but its pretty flexible at this stage. Daniel works on a three to four hour routine. I find that sometimes he just wants an extra feed though so that's where the flexible comes in. He is a really contented baby and his feed cues are really obvious. What do you do when you bubs wants to feed before the due time?


Posted By: MelanieAndBree
Date Posted: 13 August 2008 at 12:36pm

*just lurking..*

Yay for August babies!

This is so exciting


congrats to those already here and good luck for those to come


Mum to Briahna Robyn, 3yrs

Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 13 August 2008 at 6:18pm

I am waiting, waiting, waitimg to come and join, hopefully it will be soon for me too.

Congrats to you who have had your bubs


Posted By: Candkids
Date Posted: 14 August 2008 at 9:37pm
hi ladies
wow congrats to you all!!

awwww so hard to believe this time last year it was us

-------------" rel="nofollow">
DD 10.5yrs
DS 6yrs
DS 11mths
5 little angles watching from above

Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 15 August 2008 at 1:18pm
yay for baby thread!! Lily is in a 4 hrly routine too. She did two big sleeps last night but it did take a few hours to actually get there. Between 11pm and 1am we had a mission getting her to sleep. I think maybe she gets over tired? And she usually falls asleep about 5-10 mins after a feed so maybe she doesnt quite know how to go to sleep without that yet? She is most hapy in my arms though which is fine during the day but t night i do struggle to stay awake. It sso cold in our house that I feed her in our room (after 11) where its nice and warm so perhaps that affects it too. Oh well. Its still very early days and im sure we'll figure it out. Was quite surprised not to get any baby blues. The only thing that tears me up is the thought of how much I love her! I just want to kiss her and cuddle her all the time!!!


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 15 August 2008 at 3:43pm
Catskids time does fly. I can't believe my little man is already a week old. It is so sad-i want time to slow down.


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 15 August 2008 at 9:31pm
well my baby hogh is slowly wearing off.   I was stupid and tried to go to town theother day it was a complete disater and I only had one boy with me and my Mum to help.    I eve nmanager's to loose my dam key's at the supermarket. We had a crap night last night she feed every 20min's for about 4 hour's.   during the day we seem to get good routine. I am hoping tonight will be better cause she cluster feed early in the evening. So after a nice warm bath Ems is tuckd up in her bed. I and i am far far away myelf.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 16 August 2008 at 3:51pm
we had a hard night last night. Lily was awake from 11 till 3am! Just feeding and feeding and as she fell asleep and Id put her down she'd wake up again. Finally took her into the lounge in front of the heater and then propped ourselves up on the couch with lots of pillows inc ase i fell asleep. I think I may have napped for a few minutes but we were both nice and snug. Finally got her back in her bassinette at 3 and she slept till 7 when i fed an dchanged her and then she slept through to 12, thankfully. we are going to bath her tonight (instead of afternoon) and hopefully that will help. I don't want DH to go back to work next week, I'm going to miss him. Does anyone else wake up thinking they are holding their baby but they aren't there?? Every time!! I freak out until i click and notice the bassinette next to the bed!!


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 17 August 2008 at 4:50pm
hi ladies    Well I am the sep mum who ended up having bubs on the 8th.   I just came in to introduce myself and had a smile when I saw that I was (sort of) mentioned in the first post. My names is Heather, DH is Beau and our little boy is Alex (who has just clicked that Mum is on the computer and so has woken up with a smelly bum yay for DH who is changing it for me) I will have a read and catch up with how you are all doing when monkey is next asleep.

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 18 August 2008 at 1:06pm
Hi All... :) I am really a July Mum!(keep forgetting)
I am struggling at mo..have PND very bad which is horrible. Am on medication and have had a referral to Maternal Mental Health done today..I also have an infection in my body which apparently is not helping how I feel. Doc thinks poss some placenta left in and now going yuck! (just gets better)
Brennan has not been a settled baby at all..has terrible wind....we are getting there.
If I could cuddle him all day and stay in bed and just be "with him" I think I could get thru this "yucky" stage and PND quicker but with the other two Im finding all that and the worry of goodness knows everything...tedious!

Im glad to see lots of babies arrived and will look forward to go checking out all the pics when Im feeling bit better...


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 18 August 2008 at 1:14pm
hey Kelpa. hang in there. the positive is that you re getting help. i hope dh is helping too? hugs!!
Lily did another 1030pm - 3am on and off so we just camped out in the lounge until i knew she was def asleep. dh went back to work today (11 hr days) so i didnt want him kept up all night. shes just had a feed and i can smell an all too familiar smell.....hehe
Deb, is that Jasmine you mentioned???


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 18 August 2008 at 5:49pm
Welcome Henna. The 8th was a good day to have your little one. I also had Daniel on the 8th so am slightly keen on the date.

Kelpa hang in there it will get better and despite how bad your feel things are and how hard you are finding things I'm sure that you are doing a great job with you kids.

Daniel is still being a little angel. Today we took him out for most of the day and he just took it all in his stride. so proud of him.


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 19 August 2008 at 8:42am
Big huge Hug's Kel. Good on your for getting on top of it early and seeking help. I am under MMH this time round and they are great here in NP so hopefully you will find the same.
Maysie yep that's her.   Hey are you keen to meet sometime it would be really nice to put face to name. I often look at really little babies in the past week and wonder if it might be you. Anyway if your keen PM me.
As far as we go we are having the same a period ehrew Ems is on and off me from about 7pm till last night it was 1am. I think she is having wind issues too so going to get gripe water or something to help. Anyway this is my first day with out my DH so far so good. Boy's are destorying house, but oh well. Off to pre school soon.
Right best get on with the hosue work.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 19 August 2008 at 9:36am
ButterflyMum best of luck with your first day at home without DH. My Dh goes back to work tomorrow but he hasn't been around to help out too much this past week as he's had a big assignment due so I'm not too worried about him going back to work.
DS seems to be struggling a bit with wind last night. Took me ages to get him to sleep and the poor wee boy projectile vomited two entire feeds up in a row. NOT pleasant. He seems to be doing better this morning. I wonder if it was the chocolate I ate yesterday afternoon.


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 20 August 2008 at 1:14pm

So now I can join in!! Seems strange that hes here now after waiting all this time.

Leah is coping far!! Facinated with me feeding Joel and wants to be sitting right with me.

Anyway off for a sleep now while I can.


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 21 August 2008 at 10:19am
Leah sounds so cute. Welcome to the 08 Aug bubs.


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 21 August 2008 at 11:00am

Yeah she is, altough this morning as I was feeding Joel, she was trying to put her shoes on his head not such a good look!!!


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 22 August 2008 at 12:03pm
will def do that Deb, I'll prob PM you next week. I took Lily to town quickly yesterday cause I had to deposit some $$ for a trademe purchase and we stopped in at the chemist - all the ladies there came and had a look and an 'ooh shes so little'. Isn't it nice how babies make people so happy?!


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 22 August 2008 at 1:11pm
O know what you mean. Well life has resumed this week to normal well as normal as can be with bubba. Got a great routine going at the momnet with everything Ems is 3 hourly. I have even managered to to have a shower every day

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: FionaS
Date Posted: 22 August 2008 at 1:16pm
And you managed to post the book to me! Thank you so much. :)

Mummy to Gabrielle and Ashley

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 22 August 2008 at 1:17pm
Can you let me know your routine?


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 22 August 2008 at 5:08pm
wow butterflymum a routine =) Alex is totally still in control of how we live our lives at the mo    We took him to meet my grandmother yesterday and it was so nice cos my Aunty and Uncle from Africa were still there and so they got to meet him too.

How are you feeling Kelpa? Hope things are getting better for you.

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 23 August 2008 at 10:27am
Yes Im feeling a little better...trying to talk those negative feelings out every time I start feeling them. I have the ladies from MMH coming on Monday so will be good to talk to them plus I think my pills are starting to work as well.


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 23 August 2008 at 11:19am
My plessure Fiona.
As far as my routine goes. I try to get Ems feed before the boy wake which is about 6am then she is straight back to bed(well not this morning WQe had crap morning). Then I go have a shower boy's usually destroying house, but I know if I don't get my shower I will feel yuck and unmotivated all day. then feed the boy's and myself get washing on and tidy house make bed's all in time to get Ems up and get to pre school by 10am.   To be honest I ahve no idea how I have mamanged so far I keep waiting for the baby high to wear off.   I am tired, but seem to cope on what sleep I am getting. Course with all this my poor DH has not had any wife time. Oh well i just waffling now. So going to go See if I can get some order to my house before DH get's home.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 23 August 2008 at 11:22am
Kelpa my best advice is to make sure you get a shower bath or something in the morning it alway's makes you feel load's better if you can feel clean. One of the thing's I talked to my MMH nurse about was this one of the first sign's of me not coping is I stop gwtting dressed and my kid's spend the day in their pj's don't get me wrong we have pj day's and they are great., but after I had Mikey when I got PND we had pj weeke's. Which was so no good for me.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 23 August 2008 at 5:38pm
Glad you are feeling a little better Kel.

A question for those of you with more than 1. Alex has started working on poop which is more poopish now than liquid is this normal? I am guessing it is cos he isn't getting upset at all just seems to have to work a bit the poor little boy.   Most of the time he doesn't actually do anything just makes the noises and hunches up like he is trying too.

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 24 August 2008 at 10:48am
Yes they can make a HUGE deal out of doing or working up to doing a can also be trapped wind they dont like the feeling of and are trying to get away from...
Brennan makes huge grunting noises when he is trying to poo..which is usually when he is feeding...


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 24 August 2008 at 11:19am

So....oh my god, my nipples are sooo sore What have you ladies done to help this, this morning feels like broken glass being pushed into them when he's feeding, not good I can tell you

Other than that and being up for 4-5 hrs last night, its all good here. My stitches were really sore yesterday but seem much better today so thats something.

We are now at the explosive poo stage, so its all moving along as it should.


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 24 August 2008 at 11:52am
thanks Kel.

Lisa my mum told me to air them out. So you could try that and also maybe cabbage leaves. I think they help with when your milk comes in but if they are lovely and cold might help with nipples as well.

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 10:31am
Nipple cream!!! I used it alot in the first week. Mine is a purple tube-can't remember what its called but it realy helped. Plus use you milk to spread over your nipple then let them air dry. they do get better eventually.

Kelpa I don't have PN/D but i second the shower thing-i always feel so much better after my shower. Sometimes it means leave DS to cry while i shower but it doesn't harm him and he has a better mummy after i've showered.

Iwas wondering how much sleep everyone was getting? i seem to be getting more now that DS is here than when i was carrying him.
Also where do you feed at night? I've been feeding while sitting in bed as its so cold to get up. DS is a quick feeder so i don't think it is to disruptive of DH's sleep.


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 11:52am
Lisa I had the same problem for the first week. I used breastmilk and paw paw ointment. all good now. she was latching properly it was just that she was feeding so much and my nipples werent used to the activity!!
Im getting enough sleep but would love a full night uninterrupted. And now that Lily is in her own room I do her night feed in there with a torch! I think i mght try and time our next baby for oct/nov so its not so cold!!!


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 12:40pm
maysie i'm glad to her that lily is in her own room im starting to think about putting DS into his room at night. I like him nearby but i also like to have some space that is baby free.


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 2:46pm
I think I may get a little less sleep. I also feed in bed at night and find it way easier than getting up. We have a tv in bedroom and as Alex take about an hour to feed I hae started watching it to keep me awake when feeding    DH is home for another 2 weeks and so I have been lucky enough to only have bubs to focus on as he takes care of everything else.

Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 4:15pm
First, if i didnt have the monitor with the movement pad i would still have Lily with us. but with DH back at work its too hard on him.
He told me off the other night for trying to do everything as well as look after Lily. Im not allowed to feel like i have to get all the housework etc done!! but sometimes i feel like i should be doing way more cause im at home all day. oh well, will make the most of it!!


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 25 August 2008 at 6:22pm
My DH is the same Maysie. I keep sneaking behind his back to do things but only cos it's driving me a little crazy being at home but not being allowed to do anything.

My in-laws are coming up at the end of the weeks to meet Alex for the first time so are looking forward to that. They have offered to babysit so DH and I can head out for a few hours but I said thanks but no thanks I think its just a little soon for me

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 27 August 2008 at 7:05am
You could pop out for a coffee? :)


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 27 August 2008 at 8:54am
I know what you mean about it being a litle too soon for you Henna. On Sunday a friend of mine who I trust with DS completely took him for a cuddle then disappeared for what was like 5 or 10 minutes. I can't tell you how much I missed my boy and wanted him near again. I know we have to let go at some point but wow not yet!


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 27 August 2008 at 4:35pm
LOL it so funny how much changes when it is not your first. Ems has been in her own room from the beginning I sleep sometimes in there if she is unsettled.   And i ahve left her with her Dad heap's and even with Nana today while i took the boy's to the dental nurse. In saying that I would never leave her with anyone else. With my first I would not let him out of my sight.
Well we have been having some really long night's. She is very unsettled and i think i only getting around 4 hour's sleep if that.   So starting to struggle with the lack of sleep cause i can't really nap during the day. I think it is cause she has a clod which she got from day one casue we were all full of it ourselves when she was born. hopefull y it will clear in the next few day's.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 27 August 2008 at 10:24pm
i tried my miracle blanket last night and she went to sleep straight away - for 6 hrs!! yay. hoping for a repeat tonight..
I left Lily with my grandparents for 10 - 15 mins the other day when i shot down to the vets to get cat biscuits. it was quite liberating to go somewhere without her. although, i did hurry cause i missed her!!!


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 8:11am

Maysie - what is a miracle blanket? Haven't heard of that one.

Joels doing pretty good, 3 hourly feeds during the day and 4 hourly at night.

Spent the whole day yesterday in cloth nappies as well.


Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 8:56am
Well done on the cloth nap's Lisa. I use flat's so have not braved them with Ems yet her bottom seem's far too small. plus we have loads of new born sposies to go through. Well we had a good night last night first time in a while i got to spend sometime in my bed. Anyway off to music today.
have great day ladies enjoy the weather.
Maysie isn't it great to see some sun and even the moutain today. We get an awsome view from our house.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 9:46am
Does anyone use a dummy?


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 11:56am
I am just starting to implement the dummy. I use it when he just wants to suck before going to sleep. I am finding however that its a pain as it keeps fulling out. Wil persever though as we want him sucking a dummy when we fly to australia later in the year as it help to prevent ear pain while they are flying.

Having a hard day today. DS isn't being anymore challenging than usual, I'm just finding it harder. Have noticed that he is straggling the past 24 hours to resettle himself after his 45min sleep. Trying to just settle and put him back down but sometimes he just refuses to settle. Almost as if he has gas but rub as I might he want bring it up.


Posted By: M.i.s.s.y
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 12:31pm
Hi Ladies, hope u r all well, & ur wee babes.

Here's a couple of photo's of my wee angel, Jade.


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 1:20pm
That first photo is particularly cute! She is so lovely.

I finally got my boy off to sleep but now I have to go out. Poor thing he has been struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep all day and now he is finally asleep and I have to bundle him up and tak ehim out. I think I'm going to try out some gripe water on him as he seems to have a sore stomach but buring him doesn't produce anything.


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 2:48pm
I have just given Alex some gripe water as the poor little man seems to have a sore tummy too. Hopefully it works and he starts having a nicer time winding

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 3:20pm
Brennan has reflux..I so wished he wasnt going to but Blake had it and apparently common for other siblings to get it too.

Big big bum and explains why he is so so so unsettled after feeds......


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 5:20pm
Hey all     -- thought it was about time I showed myself. I've been keeping up with all the goss, but usually when I sit down at the computer I'm feeding and not so good at typing one-handed!!

Everything going pretty well for us here. Been in cloth pretty much since day one, which I'm seriously stoked about and not even minding all the washing! Cian's feeding really well now too and we're even getting nights sorted out after a week of him not wanting to settle in his bassinet - although I'm not sure how much of that was me not wanting to let him go! lol

Happy to hear everyone else is good...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 5:31pm
OH Kel thats stink! How are you coping?

Missy I wondered if you would join us seeing this thread seeing as we aren't meant to be here just yet    Jade is looking gorgeous!

Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 9:59pm
Hi everyone. Having major problems with wind - seems everything I eat is giving them tummy aches. Its driving me mad. The boys are also puking all the time - Im going through so much washing and bibs - every 3 hours its a change of bedding, wraps and a couple of bibs (and often clothes too). I have given up breastfeeding both boys as I started to run out of milk so now I am breastfeeding one boy and bottle-feeding the other and swap over each feed. They seem to have taken to the bottle really well which is a relief.

DH is not much help at the moment - he is busy doing his own thing in the evenings and when its his turn to do the night feeds he grumps the whole time and makes it miserable.

Ive got the boys on a 3 hourly routine during the day and a 4 hourly at night. Means Im doing a feed at 10:30pm, 2am and 6am. Supposidly I should get a decent amount of sleep but they havent been settling well at night lately and sometimes I can only grab an hour or two sleep all night.

Kelpa, hope things improve for you. I agree about the shower each morning. Im grumpy if I dont get one cos it makes me feel so much better. Keep hanging in there.

Sorry for the griping - just need to vent to others who are going through a similar stage.


Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 28 August 2008 at 10:01pm
Oh and dummies are my best friends at the moment - couldnt survive without them as I just cant nurse a baby or two all day to comfort them. Its just physically impossible.

Nipple cream that really helped me was Lansinoh (in purple tube). Works a miracle on cracked, sore, blistered nipples!


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 9:17am
Cat what are you doing to help with the wind? My in-laws are up at the mo and MIL told me that Alex is holding his wind in which is what he does when he is groaning so I have been working on keeping him straight so he can't use his legs to hold it in.

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 10:41am
Oh wind is terrible...Brennan only farts when he is feeding and makes a huge deal squirming and grunting and alsorts.....

At this rate I am looking forward to when he is 4 months!

Cat...DH sounds like a pooh bum...give him a boot and tell him to pull his head in......


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 10:55am
cat you soubd like you are doing a fantastic job with your boys even if dh is being a poo.
i can relate to the vmiting. i was just reading that part of your post when DS vomited all over me. I think i let my milk down too fast when he first latches ad so he guzzles and then finds it too much for him ad vomits. funny thing is once he's vomitted he wants right back onto the breast and he enjoys a slower meal. maybe i should express some off before he feeds??


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 10:58am

am trying to put photos on, bear with me on this, may take a while, I have Leah helping!!!

Joel at 6 minutes old">
Free image hosting by -

Joel and big sister Leah and me">
Free image hosting by -


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 11:03am

Getting the hang of this photo thing now, will post more later!!!


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 3:32pm
Lisa he really is cute. I love the family picture. DS is three weeks old and we still don't have one of the three of us yet. Need to employ a friend me thinks.


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 4:03pm
first i think youll find there will hardly ever be photos of you with him - us mums are the ones who take all the phtoos!!


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 5:24pm
Lisa your babies are gorgeous!! What does big sister think of her little brother?

Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 29 August 2008 at 6:55pm

Thanks guys, they are cute but then I am very biased!

Leah thinks Joel is great, she is constantly asking for cuddles and sitting beside me on the couch with her arms out, of course then she says enough and lets him go as well. She likes to pat his back to help burp him and is facinated by his boy bits!!!

There are hardly any photos of me with Leah when she was little so I made sure to get some this time round.

On a happy note, we seem to have sorted the feeding thing out and my nipples are just about all better after last weekends mauling, both cracked and blistered and bleeding, so had 2 days of expressing and formula top ups and by tuesday we were back feeding again and so far so good.

Whats really good is that 9/10 times I will put him down awake into his bassinet and he self settles within a few mins, some times he just lies there and stares at the wall but never makes a sound and it can be half an hour before he nods off long may that continue!!

Hope you all have a good weekend, my sister has come to visit with her 2 boys, luckily they are staying at my parents just around the corner, so at least I can send them away when i've had enough!!


Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 31 August 2008 at 1:00pm
I think we are getting sorted on the wind thing - using gripewater in their bottles and religiously burping every 20mls that they drink. Hard work but at least its coming out.

I am so over breastfeeding mainly wish I could quit at night but then it doesnt seem so bad during the day. I will hang in there.

Boys are now in separate bassinettes as they have grown too much. They spend a lot of time awake at night so we are trying to keep them up a bit more during the day.

Ive also been told to drop the early morning feed now as they are big enough not to need it. So I feed at 10:30pm and then again at 7am. However, they seem to want one or two feeds inbetween so instead of dropping the feed I have ended up doing extra in the last couple of nights - I cant win!

Im still very tired and DH is still being a poo. On a better note - I am going out clothes shopping to find a pair of black pants - and so far am not getting depressed over my weight - yet. I actually am enjoying the shopping this time round. Ive decided that I cant live in jeans only - its all I have to wear and even then if I get vomited on I have only an old ripped pair to change into. Need more clothes!


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 10:33am
Clothes being vomitted on is a problem - I keep running out of clean clothes and that is with me washing every day. I just don't have enough clothes. I will put of clothe shopping for as long as I can though as I hate shopping.
Interesting that you are being told to drop your morngin feed alread cat. I would love to drop my morning feed for DS but he religiously wakes every three hours for a feed. I don't think he'd settle if I didn't feed him yet he only has very small feeds at night so I'm thinking he could probably make the drop.
Has anyone successfully dropped that morning feed yet?


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 11:41am
where do you get gripewater from? Cian's been really fussy lately and just won't settle, I think it's wind and general consensus seems to be that gripewater will sort it out...

I had a really sh*tty weekend - mastitis in first one breast then the other, accompanied by fevers so absolutely exhausted!! It's so hard being sick when you've still got a hungry baby to feed! I actually wonder how much of Cian not settling is him picking up on me being tired and grumpy.

Cat - my DH was being a bit of a poo too - until I gave him the hard word on Saturday. The turn around was phenomenal!! I think it may have been the tears that were the final decider (I don't cry much)

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 11:44am
Which feed are you talking about?

I also am running out of clothes....well clothes that look half pie decent and that I feel remotely OKAY in!


Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 1:09pm
I was told to drop the feed at about 2am in the morning. I have tried for 3 nights now and havent had any success - they keep waking up for a feed anytime from 2-3:30am. Last night they fed at 10:30pm, woke again at 3:30am and then slept through the 7am feed but thankfully woke at 8am. They must still need a middle of the night feed.

I found gripewater at the supermarket - in the baby aisle. It seems to work quite well for me - gets the wind up pretty easily and quickly after giving it to them. I find that burping them through the feed really helps too.

Gypsynita - you poor thing getting mastitis - have you been able to continue breastfeeding?

I got a new pair of black jeans which I am stoked about - DH wasnt sure about them because he is not used to me wearing something as fashionable as what I bought. It should last me for ages - at least if I put on weight or loose it, they should fit me for a while. I am just going to have to make do with them - even to dress-up. I tried to find a pair of black dress pants but was too worried about spending a fortune on them incase my weight changed and I couldnt fit them in a few weeks etc.


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 1:11pm
you can get gripe water from foodtown its in the baby section.
I wonder if its just normal for babies to go through an unsettled stage at just about three weeks because I am noticing that all of us are going through an unsettled stage at just about the time??


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 1:49pm
oh cool - thanks guys I'll have to look next time I do the groceries...

Yep still breastfeeding, apparently it's the best thing for it - but it really really hurts!! cracked nipples were a dream in comparison

first - yeah I wondered if it was just a stage thing too. Me and DH figured that Cian's just figured out that if he cries he gets picked up so is making the most of it! lucky they're so cute at this age...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 01 September 2008 at 2:39pm
Gee thats early to drop the middle of the night feed?????

Brennan slept from 9 until 2 last night.....of course I didnt as Mark away this week so was all anxious again...maybe tonight we might try again altho tonight might be going on til midnight while I find my feet around orgnanising all of them and getting everything sorted for the morning...looking forward to my shower tonight.

Brennan had to have blood tests today as he is all jittery and little bottom lip quivers all the time...was awful!


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 02 September 2008 at 9:17am
Kelpa that mst have been nasty having to take Brannan for a blood test.

Last night DS slept so well. Finally went to sleep at 2130 then stired for a pit stop at 0230 but really just wanted a cuddle and quick burp as he didn't really drink anything and was back down again in 15mins. Then he stired again at 0430 but this time took even less milk and went back to sleep. (I tried forcing him to wake and eat but this little guy is asleep when he's asleep) At 640 he woke had BM so changed him then feed him a good feed and he went right back to sleep again. May he continue with the 2130-0230 sleep!

Is this happening to anyone else? DS sleeps well most of the day and night but come 430-2200 he is terrible. We give him his bath in the evening but even on the nights where he doesn't have a bath he just wont sleep. He's not particularly unsettled he just wont go to sleep. He tends to have one extra feed during this time but on the whole is content though a lot bit windy.


Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 02 September 2008 at 10:01am
First .....

I think that is generally an unsettled time for many babies.....and lots of people do cluster feeding or something..which I have read can make them more irritable and not settle as their bodies are trying to digest food all the time and then they get upset cause it hurts so think they want to feed again as that makes them temp soothed and its a vicious cycle....guess thats why the 3/4 hourly routines seem to work once in place cause their little tummies are doing the job properly.....

Have you all seen that Dunstan website re what noises babies it..quite interesting....lots of things on youtube for it too.


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 02 September 2008 at 1:51pm
I have heard of the 3rd week being unsettled, but they seem to change each week!!
First, Lily is very predictable for us from around 6pm - midnight - she will feed on and off and nap but wont stay asleep in the bassinette for more than 1/2 hr, she wants to be held! i did notice that some of the time she is only sucking so have reluctantly introduced a dummy for those bits because itts too hard on my poor nipples! she'll take it but not fior long.
Im loving this mother stuff, i dont even miss work - i thought i would


Posted By: LeahandJoel
Date Posted: 02 September 2008 at 7:42pm

So, already day 14, time is going so fast....with Leah I don't really remember much of the first 6 weeks, everything is a bit of a blur what with BF then bottle top ups and expressing, and not settling very well, with Joel he is just BF and settles really well, pretty much straight away.

Seem to have sorted the sore boobs thing out, turns out I had a staph infection in both nipples, my MW gave me a script for some antibiotic cream which I have used for a week and its healed nicely. Still sore when he first latches on, but settles down and can feed quite happily.

He was weighed today, and he has put on 180grams this week, so good to know he is putting on weight just with breastmilk alone.

Hope everyone else is doing great too. Stitches starting to feel much better as well, soooo happy about that!


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 03 September 2008 at 3:02pm
Lily is now 8lb 9oz!! shes gained 1/2 pound in a week. was so relieved cause i thought she wasnt getting enough at night with the constant feeding she does. all ok though mw told me yesterday of a baby 2 days older than her who hasnt slept more than 2 hrs at a time since they came home from hospital! i would have gone absolutely crazy by now if we ha that. right, should really have some lunch!


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 03 September 2008 at 3:48pm
hi ladies, we have had a busy week.   Alex met his grandparents (the in-laws from Nelson) for the first time so we have been busy with them. I'm not sure he liked all the days out and stuff as he was pretty unsettled but seems to have had a good feeding week. MW came this morning and the is now just over 9lb. Anyway I am off for a nap

Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 03 September 2008 at 9:38pm
Well we are 8lb here. and doing well. Ems is such a great baby really settled most of the time. We had our first bath together tonight it was so lovely. so relaxing for both of us. My hubby has been sick this week along with my Mikey so ity been a long week so far. Now I am starting to get sick myself.   I am so over having bug's in my house. So we all having a jammy day tomorrow can't wait. Wel I am off to bed. for a few hour's. On the upside we have had great weather lately.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 04 September 2008 at 8:41am
Maysie - Cian's been working on a two-hourly feed (night and day!) for the last week and yes it is killing me!! We tried pushing him out to 3 hour gaps yesterday and seemed to work okay, but then last night he was waking up every hour for a feed. I think I got about 2 hours sleep total... but hey - who needs sleep to operate right?

Other than that MW is happy - he's gone from 8lb 6oz to 9lb 9oz in three weeks! What a little porker

Anyone got any tips for sorting out this feeding pattern?

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 04 September 2008 at 1:46pm
Gyps I don't know anything but how long is he feeding for at each feed? Could it be that he's only having the foremilk and not getting that hinde milk which keeps them full longer.

My little man was 7lb8 at birth an a little over two weeks later he was 9lb1 so he's growing real fast.


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 04 September 2008 at 3:01pm
yeah I wondered about that first, and have tried to force him into longer feeds with no luck... He's been all over the show today - one hour gaps, then three. We're going to my parents tonight for a week or so, maybe the change of scene will give us a fresh start...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: first
Date Posted: 04 September 2008 at 4:25pm
good luck. hope it gets better for you.


Posted By: maysie
Date Posted: 04 September 2008 at 4:33pm
Gypsynita, does Cian feed off both breasts at each feed? I often have to wake Lily to feed off the other one as well otherwise shell only sleep an hour or two. I do one breast and then burp and change her, thn do the other. You probably are doing this anyway and he has just decided he wants to do it that way!!


Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 05 September 2008 at 8:36am
Big Blobble ahead!!!! Coming from someone with a little man who has very bad problems getting and staying asleep!!! LOL......

Maybe he has got bit of upset tummy...

It takes two hours for a baby to fully digest a full feed.....In saying that a full feed would be 10-15mins on each side..apparently that is long enough to get what they need inc the fatty filling milk. Breastfed babies will always feed when "offered" and they have bit of wind or upset tum as the sucking "temporarily" soothes their little tummies but can create more problems. The mouthing action they make means a lot more than just they are hungry!
So of he is feeding every hour or so he is probably getting a sore tum and also over tired??? Vicious cycle.
Best thing to try and do with is to get him up, feed one side, burped and changed, feed other side and back down within the hour.
This generally works with babies that have no colic or wind or reflux issues and is a good thing to try get into....


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 05 September 2008 at 9:45am
I must have been so tired last night DH got up to Alex twice and had to wake me up so I think we may have a bed day today

Posted By: 11111
Date Posted: 06 September 2008 at 9:42am
Originally posted by Kelpa Kelpa wrote:

Big Blobble ahead!!!! Coming from someone with a little man who has very bad problems getting and staying asleep!!! LOL......

Maybe he has got bit of upset tummy...

It takes two hours for a baby to fully digest a full feed.....In saying that a full feed would be 10-15mins on each side..apparently that is long enough to get what they need inc the fatty filling milk. Breastfed babies will always feed when "offered" and they have bit of wind or upset tum as the sucking "temporarily" soothes their little tummies but can create more problems. The mouthing action they make means a lot more than just they are hungry!
So of he is feeding every hour or so he is probably getting a sore tum and also over tired??? Vicious cycle.
Best thing to try and do with is to get him up, feed one side, burped and changed, feed other side and back down within the hour.
This generally works with babies that have no colic or wind or reflux issues and is a good thing to try get into....

Thank you Kel for confirming what I was thinking that is what was happening to Ems she often act's like she wants more even tho I know she has had enough. She often get's an upset tum just before she does a big poo. Most of her wind comes out that way.

Deborah Mum to:

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 06 September 2008 at 8:02pm
Thanks Kelpa! I had no idea it took them 2 hours to digest, although it does make sense.

Cian usually feeds for 15-20 minutes just on one side before he pulls himself away, so I'm guessing that still counts as a full feed? MW said to wake him up during the day if he sleeps more than 3 hours, but he NEVER does this. We have started giving him gripewater after every feed and it seems to be helping quite a bit. He's still feeding really regularly, but settles afterward a lot easier. Maybe he's just a little piggy!! lol

DH has just had has ankle operation on the weekend so we're staying with my parents for a week just for a bit of extra support. So fantastic having those extra few hands to pass the boy over too when I want a stress-free shower!! I actually even got to squeeze in a nap today so things are definately looking up

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 06 September 2008 at 10:13pm
Sounds like everyone is struggling to sort out feeding routines and breastfeeds. I have unfortunately had to give up breastfeeding directly. The boys were alternating from breast one feed to bottle the next but have decided that they prefer the bottle as they dont have to work as hard. They potter around when breastfeeding and not getting much - and after an hour or more I get fustrated and they go to sleep because they are worn out. So Ive had to put them onto the bottle so that it reduces the feed times down to a manageable length and so that I can cope. On the plus side - I am managing to express every feed so they are still getting lots of breastmilk and nutrients. Even if they wont suck from me.

Trying to drop the middle-of-the-night feed hasnt worked but they are now on a 4 hourly routine instead.


Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 8:36am
Stink that you had to drop the BF cat -- although to be honest I'm so impressed you kept it up for that long! I can't imagine how hard it must be to cater for two at once!

After real issues getting Cian down to settle last night, Mum tried a new method of tucking him into bed and he slept for a full four hours!! Couldn't beleive it! That meant a five hour gap between feeds, and then another three hours before the next one, so down from 4-5 feeds a night to 2!! Now we just have to keep that up...

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 8:51am
Ooooh whats her special method??Fantastic Anita ..I hope you are feeling better now and are sleeping when you can......

I now have Brennan in a hammock but unsure yet really if its making a lot of difference really.


Posted By: Kelpa
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 10:08am
Just remembered was reading this off Breastfeeding website and thought would post it here..could explain a few things and help maybe..

Changing breasts during a feeding session. Not many mothers realise that the amount of fat in the milk contained in one breast increases as the baby feeds for longer. Therefore, a baby that empties one breast will get a larger amount of calories and require feeding less. The babies who take half the amount from both breasts are actually getting fewer calories, therefore requiring more feeds and taking in too much milk and concentrations of milk sugar throughout the day. This can cause wind, vomiting and messy nappies.


Posted By: first
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 1:57pm
I've only ever feed of one breast at each feed as have a mega surplus of milk and he gets plenty from just one breast. He still feed three hourly though at night he sometimes goes four or five hourly.

I am finding the fourth week much more serttled than the third. Really starting to feeling like I can tell his cries apart which is a nice feeling.

Can't believe he is a month old today. So sad. They really do just grow up so fast.


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 5:23pm
thanks for that info Kel. I started out only feeding off 1 breast but MW said that you have to offer them both so started doing that which most of the time he does take.

Alex is still fighting me with his wind. I have stopped using anything as nothing really seemed to help much. Although the last few days I've been giving him some boiled water and I think that does help more now. I think we are just gonna have to persist in helping him get rid of it though

Posted By: gypsynita
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 7:45pm
Kelpa - pretty simple really, she just wrapped him as normal but then putting him in the bassinet tucked a sheet in really tight so he was restricted that way as well, then blankets on top. We hadn't been using an extra sheet, just blankets and his wind had him moving around a lot and she figured that's what was waking him up... Whatever it was it seemed to work! Proof will be in a repeat performance tonight.

Henna79 - just picked up a herbal remedy for wind called "blow the wind" by Inseason that the health shop here recommended. Only used it a couple of times but seems to be working really well (better than the gripe water...). You just put a couple of drops on your nipple before you feed and they lap it right up

Mum to Cian (Aug 08), Josh (Jun 10)">

Posted By: cat007
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 9:18pm
Is anyone else having trouble trying to get DH to help with the babies? Mine seems to enjoy getting out of doing anything for them at the moment - its getting me very fustrated. And he is so grumpy. Im tired of it now.


Posted By: Henna79
Date Posted: 08 September 2008 at 9:54pm
gypsy does it actually bring it up? I have been crazy and bought gripe water, infacol and colidmed relief (from health shop). He isn't to bad but I just feel awful and would love to take it away (if you get what I mean).

Cat I have no issues with my DH but then this is our first and so we are both a little crazy with 'fighting' over who gets baby.

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