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Best piece of ’well-meaning’ advice.

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Category: Pregnant
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Topic: Best piece of ’well-meaning’ advice.
Posted By: ....
Subject: Best piece of ’well-meaning’ advice.
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 12:15am
I'm sure I'm not the only one of us being bombarded with lovely advice and tips on pregnancy, childbirth, and all that comes after.
And I'm sure I'm not the only one getting tips from those who have never been pregnant, given birth or raised children.

I thought it would be cool if we all contributed some of the funny/useless tips and advice we've gotten from our well-meaning friends and family.

I'll start with my dad telling me not to worry about giving birth, it'll won't hurt more than and will be similar to doing a big poo.

Posted By: Chickoin
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 12:24am
Bwahahaha, yeap, birth is totally like having a big poo! Sometimes I have babies without even realising it...

When I was visiting a childless friend with my then 6 day old, she cried a little (baby, not friend). My friend told me it probably means she is teething.
The same friend, 3 weeks later, asked if DD was crawling yet...


Posted By: MuppetsMama
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 6:48am
Not really advice, but i thought this was an excellent comment.
From an old lady, when I told her I was having an elective c-section (for medical reasons, but I didn't mention this) -
"What, don't you like giving birth?"

Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 8:37am
lol MM, I get surprised looks when I say this baby will be an elective... its fairly common knowledge that both my kids have been c-sections, so why should it be any surprise this one will be too!?

Not really advice either, just a passing comment from a storekeeper who noticed I was preg and had Jae with me 'wow, you're going to have your hands full!'

Really? I thought it'd be a walk in the park!

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 8:49am
Lol... I had so many people ask me this when I was heavily pregnant and baby would move and my whole stomach would move too ... 'can you feel that? When the baby moves I mean??' lol wtf?!


Posted By: becsscolly
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:38am
Originally posted by Babykatnz Babykatnz wrote:

Not really advice either, just a passing comment from a storekeeper who noticed I was preg and had Jae with me 'wow, you're going to have your hands full!'

Really? I thought it'd be a walk in the park!

I am SO SICK of this comment, its kinda obvious really    I get it when I'm with both my boys (1 and 3) and I'm only just becoming obviously pregnant... Any thoughts for smart comebacks? A muttered 'yeah' or 'its all good' is getting boring!


Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:48am
Look suprised and say "Oh, no, this ones for sale! You can get a really good price for them right now!"

My personal favourites came from a woman who starts every sentence with "I've never been pregnant but..." or "I don't have children but..." who saw fit to eat breakfast with me every morning (at work) and say things like
"I've never been pregnant but i know if you put your arms above your head the babies cord will get wrapped around its neck"
"I've never been pregnant but you shouldnt eat marmite, its high in folate and thats not good for a growing baby" (??????!)
"I've never had children but would LOVE to be at your birth. Do you have a midwife? Because i watched a baby being born one other time and i'd just love to do it again."

ETA: my brothers girlfriend asked me last week (At 38weeks) if i could feel the baby moving yet. What, did she they only 'activated' the day before the birth??)

Posted By: TheKelly
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 10:00am
haha I like Bowie's response, otherwise I would just smile and say "well,parenting is tiring and hard no matter if you have one, two or three "

When I was pregnant with C I made a comment to a friend about how baby had fingernails etc, I was 37 weeks pregnant, she was shocked, "really ?? I thought they were still like an alien "
Scary thing is,at the time, she was training to be a nurse


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 10:18am
Hehe that's awesome about your dad saying childbirth is just like doing a big poo!

I get told all the time by certain family members that "the next baby won't be as good as Chelsea is". I say "maybe it will sleep though!" (she's almost two and still wakes in the night most nights lol). I've also been told to not make the same "mistakes", ie don't feed this one as much, it'll spoil him. And leave it to cry from birth - cuddles spoil them

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 11:18am
Bowie! My grandma used to say 'Don't put your arms above your head, babies cord with strangle it!' or 'Don't stretch'

'Don't bath or you'll cook the baby'


Posted By: MummyFreckle
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 11:56am

Originally posted by becsscolly becsscolly wrote:

Originally posted by Babykatnz Babykatnz wrote:

Not really advice either, just a passing comment from a storekeeper who noticed I was preg and had Jae with me 'wow, you're going to have your hands full!'

Really? I thought it'd be a walk in the park!

I am SO SICK of this comment, its kinda obvious really    I get it when I'm with both my boys (1 and 3) and I'm only just becoming obviously pregnant... Any thoughts for smart comebacks? A muttered 'yeah' or 'its all good' is getting boring!

"We are only having this next one for spare parts.....

I have another three older ones at home and they are going to look after the baby when I go back to work....they dont really need to go to school anyway!




Posted By: Marengo
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 12:31pm
i hate people asking 'are you excited?"

nooo i'm filled with dread that i will have my daughter with me soon.. ffs people seriously..

i got told the other week 'make sure you change her nappies, nappy rash is just awful'

i just smiled and nodded to that one.. didnt quite know how to react! did she just tell me i'm so useless i wont change a nappy?


Our angel Ella Louise born 13.04.

Posted By: Lucky apple
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 1:06pm
It used to annoy me when people would try and convince me it was ok to eat food that you are meant to avoid in pregnancy. ("Oh, in my day it was fine to eat this/ you could probably eat this fish [that's been sitting out in the sun for ages before we cooked it]/ you could drink that glass of wine cos it's Christmas"....Yeah, ok...if you want my baby to have fetal alcohol syndrome or be harmed cos I get listeria....) Got tiresome having to justify my choices, and I wasn't even really fastidious about it!

Posted By: AuntieSarah
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 1:09pm
I had a woman at work who'd never been pregnant tell me that morning sickness is all in the mind (when I was about 12 weeks pregnant and was throwing up at work every day)

I saw on a friend's facebook page someone asking her if her baby was STTN yet...he was 6 days old lol.


Posted By: AuntieSarah
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 1:12pm
Originally posted by Sally Sally wrote:

It used to annoy me when people would try and convince me it was ok to eat food that you are meant to avoid in pregnancy. ("Oh, in my day it was fine to eat this/ you could probably eat this fish [that's been sitting out in the sun for ages before we cooked it]/ you could drink that glass of wine cos it's Christmas"....Yeah, ok...if you want my baby to have fetal alcohol syndrome or be harmed cos I get listeria....) Got tiresome having to justify my choices, and I wasn't even really fastidious about it!

Same - my Dad was a shocker for this over Christmas and would act like I was being so fussy - I am a hell of a lot more relaxed than I was first time and than a lot of other pregnant people. The opposite also annoyed me - someone at work told me I wasn't allowed to eat a sausage roll (actually "you're not allowed to eat that") and couldn't give me any reason why. ANd my MIL told me over xmas that I'm not allowed to drink coffee!


Posted By: jano1
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 1:15pm
I went out for dinner with friends one night while pregnant and I ordered tuna for dinner. She then told me my child was probably going to be autistic- WTF

Posted By: mothermercury
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 1:20pm
Originally posted by Marengo Marengo wrote:

i hate people asking 'are you excited?"

I used to get this aaaallll the time, so I just started saying to people, "No, not really. "

I didn't really get too much unwanted advice. Some of the people posted about in this thread sound nuts!

Posted By: MuppetsMama
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 2:08pm
UGH I hate the whole food thing. I wasn't paranoid, but figured if I knew about it I may as well avoid it as in the unlikely event I did get listeria I would never forgive myself.
Constantly got "You can eat that, you'll be fine, we all used to eat it when we were having babies" etc etc

Posted By: kiwisj
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 2:10pm
Originally posted by jano1 jano1 wrote:

I went out for dinner with friends one night while pregnant and I ordered tuna for dinner. She then told me my child was probably going to be autistic- WTF


Callum - Dec 2008
Daniel - Oct 2010

Posted By: Marengo
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 3:19pm
Originally posted by Sally Sally wrote:

It used to annoy me when people would try and convince me it was ok to eat food that you are meant to avoid in pregnancy. ("Oh, in my day it was fine to eat this/ you could probably eat this fish [that's been sitting out in the sun for ages before we cooked it]/ you could drink that glass of wine cos it's Christmas"....Yeah, ok...if you want my baby to have fetal alcohol syndrome or be harmed cos I get listeria....) Got tiresome having to justify my choices, and I wasn't even really fastidious about it!

i hated this too, you just reminded me of a girl that used to scoff at me when i would refuse her herbal teas.. saying i was overreacting and overcautious.. well i'm sure she would have been cautious too if she had been trying to have a baby for two years and had had miscarriages!!


Our angel Ella Louise born 13.04.

Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 3:28pm
"don't buy too many NB nappies - my baby was only in them for two weeks"
YOUR baby was 10lb12oz it's no wonder.
"Don't buy too many clothing items in NB size - My baby was only in them for a couple of weeks"
Again, your baby was 10lb12oz

I hated random people asking if I thought of any names. No, I wasn't planning on naming him actually.

When you have a newborn EVERYONE asks if they're a good sleeper, a good feeder, are you breastfeeding then proceed to tell their stories of cracked nipples and sleepless nights..

Even now, at 9months one of the most common questions is 'is he sleeping all night' then when I say no it's followed by things like oh it's coz he needs formula.

*rolls eyes*

Posted By: Keleho
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 3:52pm
I went and saw my GP at 4 weeks and he told me that morning sickness is all in your head, and if I think im going to get it, i probably will.

When I was throwing up 10+ times a day 2 weeks later I really felt like throwing up on his shoes....

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Posted By: ....
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 4:23pm
@KerryLea Haha, guess you should've stopped thinking about that morning sickness :P

Mum has told me to visit my Grandma and ask for baby advice, but not take any of it ^_^
One of her popular tips is to put salt in baby's bottle.

Posted By: Keolyn
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 4:30pm
I'm 21 and have been married for almost 3 years.. so at first it was:
'you're so young, are you sure you're ready for this?' UHH NAH! I didn't think about this at all.

then: 'Ah, you're married young, have any kids?' no, am I not allowed to just be married?

and now its: 'Oh you're pregnant! you're gonna be so tired, kids are hard work!'
Do they think I don't know that?! *sigh

People always ask about the Morning Sickness thing, I was lucky enough not to get any and people have said 'oh well, maybe you'll get some later'.. not everyone gets it! Can't they be happy I'm not throwing up every day? sheesh!


Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 4:51pm
I just had this one today: I saw a casual friend in the supermarket and she told me "whatever you do, don't stand up straight after the birth - i did and it was like a bloody niagra falls" which is probably great advice but a little shocking to hear out of the blue from someone you're not that close to in a supermarket! Her other tip was "Try not to eat too much afterwards, it'll hold of having to poo for an extra few days and thats a good thing"

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 5:44pm
Pillow_fight! Arghh! I had the don't buy too many NB items too! I bought some home and my mum and grandma said they were far too small for a NB and that I should get 3-6 sizing for it to fit lmao Lily didn't even fit NB it was too big!


Posted By: MrsMJD
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 6:58pm
When I was looking for a midwife I had one tell me "you probably won't need asthma medication during your pregnancy, most women get much better" after more than 20yrs needing medication I don't think so! the rockstar comment was "What do you do for a job" (I'm a Nurse working in general practice) "Oh well you have to stop that, nasty disgusting job" ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Needless to say I didn't choose her!!!

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Posted By: newme
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 7:30pm
Grandmas really have the worst advice. Mine told that I should be starting the baby on solids, or at the very least put him on formula by 2 - 3 months.
And now again with DS2 she has been telling me that he will definately need to be on solids soon....he is 7 weeks old!
MIL tried to give DS1 some lemonade when he was a month old, and told me how babies need sugar in their diets!!!

And a guy at my work (who I barely knew) made a special point about speaking to me to pass on his tips for giving birth!!! And he was serious!

Posted By: MrsEmma
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 7:55pm
Man some of these are awful!!

I also get the 'gosh, you'll be busy' comment when I've got DS and now look huge.

When I was about 32 weeks with DS I had just finished a work meeting and one of the younger girls with no children and I got talking (actually, it was more of 20 questions) but a few I've never forgotten!!!

"Will the baby sleep through the night when you bring it home?" hmmm

"do you think it will look look like you or your husband at all??"

HER "Are you actually giving birth or are you having a cesarean?" ME "Ill be giving birth naturally" (or so I thought) HER "that's disgusting and I don't think it's a good idea. I'm never actually giving birth, I'm only having a cesarean, I don't want to be torn to shreds when it comes out!"

Charming.. I was already a bit worried about the birth so thank goodness for input like this lol

And from another friend "if the baby doesn't sleep just put some brandy in with the milk and it will go straight to sleep"

Thankfully by that stage I had learned the smile and nod technique!


Posted By: crafty1
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 7:55pm
dear lord some people are nutbars!

well meaning no doubt but total nutbars!

hehe no crazy advice here but this thread cracked me up.


Posted By: Whateversville
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 8:42pm
It wasn't advice but I had a comment "so are you going to have one last night partying? Get trashed one more time?" me ahhh no "oh being a goody goody are ya"


Posted By: rachelsea
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:12pm
Originally posted by bowie bowie wrote:

I just had this one today: I saw a casual friend in the supermarket and she told me "whatever you do, don't stand up straight after the birth - i did and it was like a bloody niagra falls"

LMAO I'm sorry but I have to agree with that one (I gave birth standing up). But I don't go around telling people about it

DD 4yrs
DS 2yrs" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: QTMum
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:27pm
This is a great thread!

I just love the people who ask if I know what I'm having. When i say yes it's a girl (or boy in DS's case) they then tell me off for finding out! Why ask FFS.

Or oh no you've spoilt the surprise giving birth won't be as special. Umm no we had a lovely surprise when we found out at the scan and I'm sure I won't be bored when my child is born and I get to meet them for the first time.


Posted By: Babykatnz
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:47pm
Its no less a surprise at 20 (or however many you were at the scan) weeks than it is at birth!

I get asked if we've found out by just about everyone too, when we say yes we know, they somehow expect us to tell them... love seeing the looks on their faces when we say we're keeping it under the hat til birth though hehe

Brandon - 05/12/2003

Posted By: BeLoved
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 9:51pm
I can't think of any advice as such but I remember being continuously being asked when DD was a newborn "So what is she meant to be doing now?" I honestly never knew what to say I was just trying to go with the flow, sometimes I wanted to say "Well I asked her to clean her room but she still has not done it"


Posted By: Raspberryjam
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 10:05pm
hehe, this is a giggle

My nana said to me at christmas OMG are you still feeding her, she will still be sucking off you when she goes to school - um yeah she is only 6 months old
She often says If you just give her a bottle I could do that for you... yeah I kinda like it this way nan - and I have have had to work really hard to be able to do it!
We are trying for number 3 and Nan says oh no, you cant have them close together - her kids are 9 and 7 years apart - sorry Nan - I dont want to have one at 40 just because you did

Dad says on hearing Im pregnant again - Oh are you sure you can handle it (excuse me !) I coped with the first one and she wasnt a walk in the park dad
On hearing I was having a c section - oh what - thats the easy way out - WTF - um actually dad its major surgery - first time I was in a wheelchair for a week - its not like I asked for it!!~

Super market chic - when I was shopping with both my girls - oh what did you have - A girl I replied - oh thats sad - maybe you will get a boy next time
My old boss - are they to the same father


Posted By: Raspberryjam
Date Posted: 18 January 2011 at 10:08pm
oh and one more - I was locuming at a pharmacy when I was about 30 weeks with number 2 - a woman says oh is this your first - I say nono number 2, I have another girl - she says Oh my - girls are having babies so young these days arent they - I say, well I was 31 when I had my first - how old do I need to be! She thought I must have been about 25 - apparently thats too young!!


Posted By: karenb_chch
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 7:30am
I get the 'do you know what you're having?' I just say 'yes, a baby!' which usually shuts them up.

My fav comment was not given to me, but a co-worker many years ago when leaving on maternity leave (her first). My boss, trying to be reassuring, said that his wife likened childbirth to 'passing a slowly rotating pineapple'. That one's always stuck with me for some reason ...


Posted By: Plushie
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 9:35am
Thats incredible (and a little terrifying at this point!)

I got told of by a girl (no kids, no desire to have them) the other day because i mentioned my desire to have as much of a drug free birth as possible. Apparently i'm holding woman back, that modern medicine has given me a way out but my refusal to use it is hurting the womans lib movement. Figure that out!?

Posted By: MuppetsMama
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 10:03am
Some of these are awful!! Hila1, couldn't believe people would say that to you!!
Pillow_fight - what the heck??!
And raspberry jam - that comment from your boss was shocking!!

i had one lady at the supermarket ask me every time I came in from about 6 months onwards, "still havnt had that baby yet huh?" and then proceed to tell me it must be a boy because I was putting weight on in my bum!

ETA: It was a girl...

Posted By: AuntieSarah
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 10:22am
Oh yeah, don't you love it how everyone can just look at you and 'know' what you're having lol. Even people who don't know you from a bar of soap and have no idea what you look like normally!

A slowly rotating That one's going to stick in my head too.


Posted By: Lillybetts
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 11:43am
My childless friend asked me (about 12 hours after i had a c-section) "are you home yet? I'd like to come see you!" - She knew I had had a 43 hour labour then emergency CS. She also went on to ask me 2 days later if we would all like to go out to dinner that night?!?!?


Posted By: caliandjack
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 12:03pm
The two comments I hate atm are coming from my Dad.

Who said not to let DD rule my life, when I picked her up cause she was crying. I'm a SAHM what else am I expected to do with my time.

Being told not to spoil her, DD was 8 weeks old and sleeping on me at the time.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Angel June 2012

Posted By: AandCsmum
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 12:29pm
Originally posted by MuppetsMama MuppetsMama wrote:

i had one lady at the supermarket ask me every time I came in from about 6 months onwards, "still havnt had that baby yet huh?" and then proceed to tell me it must be a boy because I was putting weight on in my bum!

ETA: It was a girl...

LOL which is opposite of the olds wives tale! Boy's no bum, girls = bum.

I remember a check out lady when I was in (in hindsight) prelabour say something to me, DH had to quickly stand in front of me before I either decked her or lashed out verbally.


A = 01.02.04   &   C = 16.01.09   &   G = 30.03.12

Posted By: Raspberryjam
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 1:58pm
Originally posted by AandCsmum AandCsmum wrote:

LOL which is opposite of the olds wives tale! Boy's no bum, girls = bum.

oh thats good to know - I needed an excuse!!
(the doc told me my pelvis was really narrow so I had to have a c section which wrecked my last excuse of my bum looks big cause I have wide hips!)


Posted By: 5th...and final??
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 2:18pm


Posted By: kakapo
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 2:33pm

Jeepers, some of this advice is shocking !  A rotating pineapple ... yeah whatever.

When my friend's youngest (and last) child was about a year old, she and her hubby were lying on a bed in a furniture shop trying it out for comfort.  The sales assistant informed her "You'll really appreciate the back support from this bed towards the end of your pregnancy" and she retorted "I'm not pregnant!".

Posted By: Keleho
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 4:22pm
Not when pregnant but my BIL was shocked to know that my DD (then about 4mo) hadnt taken a bottle. I suggested that bfing straight from the spout (so to speak) was easier/less time consuming for me and how I chose to feed her.
He then in an all-knowing tone said 'well you'd better get her on a bottle soon otherwise shell never take formula and youll never have a life'
Okay boss....

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Posted By: Keleho
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 4:22pm
Has to be said too - I crossed my legs when I read that rotating pineapple comment. Yeouch!!

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Posted By: Nutella
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 5:10pm would anyone know what it was like to pass a slowly rotating pineapple hahahahahahaha. And youch, I reckon that would hurt more, at least babies don't have spikes!


Oct 11

Posted By: NewMummyJade
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 6:48pm
Man this thread just CRACKS me up!

My faves are:

My male boss, obviously had little to do with his newborn son's "Make sure you put her to bed at 5:30pm every night, babies need to get 12-14 hours of solid undisturbed sleep, otherwise she will just be a nightmare the next day"

Coz im sure my newborn is going to be more than aware that its 5:30pm and that means sleep time!

MIL when I asked her how a c-section compared to natural birth (I was hoping for constuctive advice"

Her answer "Pain PAIN pain PAIN pain PAIN pain PAIN pain PAIN pain Pain PAIN"

Yup thanks for that, just what i needed to here!


Posted By: tiptoes
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 7:38pm
haha these are great!! That bum comment reminded me of years ago when I had to go to the bank to deposit money each day there was a pregnant woman that did the same and one day the teller told her she was having a girl (I think it was this way around) because a girl steals the mother's looks, whereas a boy makes the mother beautiful. So in effect she told this woman she looked like crap. hehehe

My favourite from when I was pregnant last time, was a friend saying that I needed to make sure I had a brazilian wax before giving birth as she had two student nurse friends present at a birth and they were grossed out by all the hairy women!!!!   Um, no actually I'm not and I'm not having a student either now!!!


Posted By: MrsMJD
Date Posted: 19 January 2011 at 9:29pm
Good grief a brazilian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That might be as bad as the rotating pineapple comment.

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Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 9:17am
The very best peice of advice I ever got was this -
Don't listen to everyone elses advice!


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 9:23am
Hehe I had a brazilian 2 weeks before my elective and I was HUGE! I'm sure the lady doing it was terrified she'd rip a strip off me and a baby would pop out lol. I was so glad I did it though. I didn't want anyone trying to shave me before surgery lol. Plus I was paranoid about itchy regrowth growing in my fresh c/section wound


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: ButterflyMum
Date Posted: 20 January 2011 at 9:03pm
Love this I get the wow you going to be busy.   Comment I get it now when. Am with one or 2kids peope are shocked to here I have 4. Our latest has been hope you not having anymore lol their face when I say yeah course actualy we want 2more

Posted By: amme_eilyk
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 12:24pm
From dh's mother. Don't let the (newborn) baby sleep for 5-6 hours during the day or you will be up all night.

Does anyone have a nb who can sleep for that long? I thought I as lucky with the 3-4 hours I've been getting

Posted By: Marengo
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 1:01pm
not a piece of advice but yesterday when i was in the mall toilet a lady with a newborn said 'how much longer to go?' i told her and she said 'oooh sweets that will be THE looongest few weeks of your LIFE."

thanks lady.. appreciated.

then another lady spoke to me while i was washing my hands, 'do you know what your having?' yes a girl i said 'oh... (look of disappointment) are you pleased?' yes we would have been pleased either way i told her

'oh it must be your first then.'

i had forgotten my standard 'a baby' response to the what are you having question.. sigh..


Our angel Ella Louise born 13.04.

Posted By: ....
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 3:31pm
Mum and I were discussing girl names last night and she started a sentence with
"Well, if your last name was window . . ."

Posted By: lil_lease
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 7:19pm
Gosh some of this "advice" is shocking!!! I agree with a few others, yeouch on the pineapple!! That was too much, I had to share it with DF and we both cracked up laughing over it!

Ok, advice. I got asked if I was going to be breastfeeding and when I replied with an affirmative I got told "Oh it hurts, believe me. It's absolute agony!!"
Erm, thanks. Lol. I got a 5 minute tirade about how much this woman was in pain every time she breastfed. I would have told her to naff off but she's family

Same person asked us if we had a name picked yet and when I showed her the list of possibilities she went through it saying "Dont like that one, nope not that one"
Jeesh, and I thought -I- was the one having the baby and thus I thought -I- was going to be naming it! With DFs input of course lol.

Antony, gone but never forgotten 2-4-2010

Posted By: Chickoin
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 7:53pm
Urgh, I hated when people gave negative opinions on names!

When DD was 10 months and not yet crawling in any way, my dad told me (and anyone else who would listen) it was because I carried her everywhere. How else do you move a baby that isn't crawling?


Posted By: _SMS_
Date Posted: 21 January 2011 at 8:30pm
Originally posted by jano1 jano1 wrote:

I went out for dinner with friends one night while pregnant and I ordered tuna for dinner. She then told me my child was probably going to be autistic- WTF

Hahaha this is fantastic, gave me a good old laugh

When i told MIL i was pregnant this time, as soon as DP left the room she told me all the things i need to do better this time It always makes me laugh because she has 3 kids, raised them all the same never tried anything different so who is she to say her way is right

But i love the comment also from MIL that i need to put this baby on a 4 hr routine from day 1. Hrmmmmm so when my baby wakes after 2/3hrs wanting boob am i meant to say sorry back to sleep it hasnt been 4 hours yet. Ummm no.


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