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Anyone due October???

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Forum Name: Pregnancy
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Topic: Anyone due October???
Posted By: bonjovi6
Subject: Anyone due October???
Date Posted: 14 March 2005 at 5:56pm
Hi. I'm new here, just signed up.
I am due somewhere between 16 Oct and 18 Oct. My midwife says 18 but every site on the web that has due dates say 16 so we shall see. I have 2 kids, 17 year old girl and a 5 year old boy.
I am 9 weeks one day pregnant. I had 2 miscarriages last year, both were 4 weeks 5 days so I'm sure this little miracle will stick around.
I would love to talk with other mums and mums to be.">

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 15 March 2005 at 4:15pm
Hi there,welcome to the site.I am due in 8 weeks with baby #2.I have a 21 month old boy so I will be kept busy busy busy.

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: aimeejoy
Date Posted: 15 March 2005 at 7:49pm
Hi. I am new here too. I have only just finished posting messages on a wedding message board and now here I am! Our surprise honeymoon baby is due on the 22nd October!! Very exciting, but scary as this will be our first.

Posted By: lou
Date Posted: 15 March 2005 at 8:57pm
Hi and congrates to you both.  All the best for your pregnacys

Mother to two beautiful children - Sophie age 6 and Ephraim age 4

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 17 March 2005 at 2:50pm
If every thing goes well...I am due 31 October 2005.

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 17 March 2005 at 9:36pm
wow, it's funny seeing people due in october 2005,as i was due in october 2004. My little boy is growing so faast!!

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 7:51am
Hi Roksana. Congrats
So you must be around 7 weeks?
How are you feeling?

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 9:20am
Yes I am 7 weeks and 4 days today.
I feel fine, no morning sickness, no nothing yet.
I had a scan on wed and saw my baby's heart pumping was amazing.
I am trying not to get too excited as it is early days ....but I am very excited.
I am wishing you all the best.....

Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 9:28am
Hehehe... what is it about January that produces October babies?

My birthday is Oct 24, my husband is Oct 2. I know in my case it was my Dad's 23rd birthday (Jan 20) and I suspect Nathaniel was a New Years Eve conception, but I haven't had the courage to ask my mother-in-law that yet! Our wedding anniversary is Jan 5, so we might end up with an October baby ourselves at some stage!

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 18 March 2005 at 9:36am
My birthday is 17th January........

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 09 April 2005 at 9:41am
Hi Roksana.
Lucky you having a scan so early. I've just had mine yesterday. Its wonderful to see bubs and know everything is going great. I'm 12 weeks 6 days today.
I've had morning sickness right from the start and always tired. I think the morning sickness is getting better though as I'm starting to eat my normal diet.
I finally went and bought some pregy jeans so I know I'll be more comfortable now. My normal jeans have been getting rather tight and I've had to have the top button undone for ages.

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 9:17am
It is good to have scans early but not the way I had me when you are bleeding (I had that twice now, at 8 weeks and 10 weeks) and you are unsure that the baby is okay, you panic and stress (cant possibly be good for me).

Its wonderful to see your baby, at 10 week scan, my baby was very about yours?

See I am a bit lucky, I have no morning sickness.

I also know what you mean (cloths), I can hardly fit into half my cloths...I haven’t been shopping yet but I think I might have to....soon!


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 18 April 2005 at 8:08am
Hi again. Sorry its been so long(well it feels like a long time). I have had a lot going on which has been very stressful but I wont go into that right now.
The pregy jeans I'd bought, ended up being very painful and felt like they were cutting into my belly so I took the pair I hadn't worn back and went shopping again. This time, I went into pumpkin patch and found the people in there very nice and helpful. I bought 2 pairs of incredibly comfortable jeans, that looked exactly like jeans(to the untrained eye) but they are super stretchy and have a zillion adjustments so you can change them as your belly grows. They were $50 each, which is not a bad price, considering my normal jeans cost,on average, $70 each. The only thing I don't like about them is, they are flared at the bottom(I think they're called bootleg), Its not a major and I will just take them in. As for tops, I've always liked baggy tops so dont need to buy any of those.
That must have scared the hell out of you when you started to bleed. I've read that can happen, with those type of scans.
Yep, saw bubs moving heaps. Hubby said with all that moving around, how could I not feel bubs. Even my midwife is asking if I can feel bubs. Maybe I have, and not realized.
Hi Becca.I. I was really hoping to get pregnant in January as I've had 2 pregnancy's where I was huge right in summer and found it sooooo uncomfortable so I was even more happy knowing I wont have to suffer through summer again.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 18 April 2005 at 8:55am
hmmm....I might have to go shopping soon, as all my pants are getting tighter and tighter by the day. I know that PP has some nice Maternity cloths (I use to work for them).

I had slight spotting (nothing major) through out the last week but I am not panicking. I have my Antenatal appointment on the 21st (I will be 12 weeks 3 days).

Hoping that all is well with my baby.


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 22 April 2005 at 10:14am
Roksana, your appointment was yesterday, how did it go?
I've finally worked out how my midwife got the due date of the 18th Oct. Its from ovulation date. If I go by my last period, the DD is 16th but ovulation DD is 18th. I know its only a couple of days differance but its important to me to know the right date. Mind you, with my 2 prevous pregnancys, I was a week early on both so it might be the 9th to 11th.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 22 April 2005 at 10:52am
It went well......
The doc checked my BP and it was 120/80 (normal) she said. My urine test was clear. Had a scan to have a look at the baby and it looks healthy and happy. It was amazing how much it moves around. I felt it move through out the last week but wasn’t sure....

The Doc said it is a good size baby and looks normal so far. However I still have a Subchorionic Haemaorrhage (clot) sitting under the sac. That’s why I have been getting small brown blood every day. Doc said it is breaking up slowly and I should not be active till it is completely gone.....

They said they have to keep a close eye on my BP as that can cause the baby to be small, from not getting enough oxygen and I have to be careful.

My DD day was from a scan of the baby...

My next appointment is going to at 18 weeks (I think).

How are you doing?


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 23 April 2005 at 10:25am
grrr, this make me so angry. I had wrote this long reply and when I went to post it, another page came up saying I must be logged on to post messages, I WAS LOGGED ON, so I lost everything I'd wrote. That has happened so often. Some times, it only takes a minute for me to write something, go to post it and that happens. Please, anyone got any idea WHY.
Any way, I'll try to remember what I wrote.
Thats great news your appointment went well.
Because of the risk of miscarriage, for the first 9 weeks, I wasnt allowed to do anything, nothing, nada. Not even get close to hubby(if you get my meaning). Then up to 12 weeks, I was only allowed to do a little bit, but only very light dutys. Even now I have to be very carefull, but even though its frustrating the hell out of me, its worth it in the end because I'll get to finally hold my bubs. Did you get a photo of the scan?
My next midwife appointment is 26th of may and I'll be nearly 20 weeks. Then, on the appointment after, is the tour around the hospital.
I think I'm coming down with a cold or flu. I've got a sore throat and my nose is starting to block up. Oh well, it has been 4 months since my last, whatever. Last year I had 7 colds/flu. It wouldnt be so bad if I recovered like other people seem to but mine drag on for over a month. 2 weeks full on cold/flu, then at least another 2 weeks with the snuffels.
Thats enough moaning from me


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 26 April 2005 at 8:59am
And I guess it is worse when you can’t take any thing for it.....

It is so damn cold these days....I could hardly get my self out of bed this morning.....

No I did not get a picture of the baby this time, they used a simple machine this time around...not like the fancy one's they used previously.

I just received another appointment letter for the 5th of May???? That’s not even 2 weeks. I wonder why???

I think it could be because they want to monitor my BP...?

You know I want to get to your stage...15w sounds good, especially because the risk of miscarriage drops significantly at that stage.

Well I hope you don’t catch the flu...(though it might be hard, as it is getting colder by the minute).....grrrrreee


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 26 April 2005 at 12:09pm
Yes, it is getting really cold. We've had frosts 2 mornings in a row and there is already snow on the hills. I've had the heater going this morning. Wouldnt be so bad if I felt like we'd had a summer. There was only a couple of weeks max, that it sort of felt like summer. Even my autumm flowering plants havent flowered yet and wont now because they've been frosted.
I'm not feeling very well, as I've diffenatly got a cold and I broke a tooth in the weekend. I cant get an appointment with the dentist so they have put me on a cancelation list. As for my cold, they say I can take panadol and a saline nasal spray to help with the snuffels. Oh well, hopefully it wont last long.

That is really sad you didnt get a photo of the scan, when is your next scan? I'm sure it is only to monitor your BP. Easy to say but, try not to worry too much.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 28 April 2005 at 8:53am thing after the other huh?

My next appointment is on the 5th and I presume that they will do a scan then. May be to check if my Haemaorrhage is still there and to check the baby.

You must be excited about your next appointment???


Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 10:04am
you guys r lucky being preggo through winter. those little furnaces in your bellies will keep you warmer than others!

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 10:22am
yah I guess it is good huh?

Never thought of that......


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 10:22am
Most definitely excited about my next scan. Not long now. We really need to know what our babys sex is, so we can be prepared. We still have all of Shauns baby gear but, if its a girl, we need to go on the scavange. A friend of mine has said we can have some of her girly stuff, if need be. Of course, as I will have heaps of time to gather girly stuff, I can watch for all the sales as well.
Some people say, you just have a feeling what the sex will be, but I really dont have the foggest.
Even though my chance of miscarriage has dropped heaps, I still worry so much.I've read of women miscarrying even at 17 weeks.
Hi Nikki. I know what you mean. When I was pregnant with Shaun, I wore my jandels all through winter. Maybe I'm not far along enough yet, as I'm still feeling the cold.
How are you feeling today Roksana? Are you still bleeding


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 10:44am
No the spotting has stopped (last two days)....but I have the wonderful thrush.....

I know what you mean; my husband's auntie lost her baby at 5 months.... I get scared just thinking about it.
However I think we are going to be fine. How is your pain by the way? Did you find out what was causing it?

See my husband’s family is very old fashioned and believe that it is not good to buy stuff for the baby before it is born....hello!!! What am I suppose to do run around straight after my baby is born??? I think not.


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 10:47am
hey bon jovi..i had a "feeling" that my baby was a girl......I was convinced.

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 12:35pm
Hi Lizzle, yeah I sort of thought Shaun would be a boy, but I dont know if its because I really wanted a boy last time. This time, its more important to have a healthy baby but I still want to know. My scan date is 20 May at 1pm.
Roksana, that is so silly, your quite right, are you supposed to run around straight after you've had bubs, duh. Maybe in their day, after bubs was born, someone else ran out and bought all the stuff, at their expence.

As for that pain, I felt so silly, The midwife said it was more than likely to be my uterus, hips and ligiments stretching. If it was anything serious the pain would of started out dull then went bad, not the other way around.
Every pregnancy is so differant. Maybe, the older we get, the more we worry. Wow, if I'm this bad now, what am I going to be like next time? Yes, I'm greedy, I'd like another one after this one.
Hey, I'm glad the bleeding has stopped, lets hope it stays that way.Sorry to hear about the thrush, if its not to bad use diluted malt vinager as a rinse, it really helps.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 2:11pm
Tell me about it...I am not going to listen and start buying stuff soon. I have this thing about second hand stuff....I will never buy I have to buy new stuff. I was looking at cots and strollers etc yesterday on the net....I nearly had a fit. The things are soooooooo expensive.

Cot around $700...stroller is the same. UGHHHHH

I think I might have to start buying things now....tho my mum said she will buy a few of the things...still will be damn expensive. My hubby also has a large family. They will all give us gifts (after the baby is born)…most of the time it is cloths.

We plan to have our second in two or so years so I guess I could re-use them soon.

I am glad things were okay with you.....I am getting all stretchy feeling as well....not the most comfortable thing I must say.

Hay I have become a groupie


Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 6:02pm
Roskana there are some fantastic online places. one is - winkalotts and there are heaps of others. You should put together a list of everything you need and go ask for a price. You wouldnt beleive the differnce in quotes. We ended up getting all our stuff for ALyssa from a place called second childhood in dunedin. They did free delivery and were much much cheaper than baby factory. But now there are heaps of online stores and it pays to shop around for a price.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 6:24pm
Well done getting to a groupie!

I had this "thing" about all new stuff too, untill, like you saw the price of things. So, I had a look around and there are heaps of places that sell "as new" gear.
Honestly , you can get gear that looks new but is second hand. Just make sure(as Angelnz said) you shop around. There is a huge difference in prices. If you can, wait for the sales, (if your still wanting new). I had been looking for a change table with bath for ages, then farmers had a sale and I got it brand new, for the same price that second hand ones were. I've now got a Touchwood cot(have you heard of them?)Its secondhand but is in great condition. They're usually near $600 but we got our one for $270. Big saving.
Unless bubs is a girl, the only other thing I want/need is a angelcare breathing/sound monitor. They are normally $250 but on special $199 at the baby factory. Beleive it or not, second hand ones go for up to $180.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 6:52pm
I bought everything new for Maya, we went to the baby factory and gota discount coz we bought the carseat, cot and change table all from the same place. We got the whole lot for $750. I bought a cheap 3 wheel pram from The Warehouse, which I now regret coz I have had to replace it, but I have spent $350 on a new pram that will last me thru all my children (I hope )

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 8:28pm
the angel care monitor is fantastic. My sister brought it for us for ALyssa. It just gives you peice of mind. I could rave on about it for ages. Its great to have with Jayde as well because her breathing isnt always sounding that great.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 29 April 2005 at 11:05pm
we haven't got a monitor, but then baby will be in our room again, and our house is so small i can hear my little girl breathing from her room almost now.. and i am in the lounge.. lol, our hallway is 2 steps long (ok exageration)

we got our cot and buggy new, we are using the cot again, replacing the buggy (i hope, apparently my MIL called mike today and said she just went to look at the buggy we want and she hates it, i went nuts at mike and said she better fricken buy it, cos we have had 9 months to save and put it on layby, but have left it till now cos she said she'd get it, i'm not spoilt, but just don't like people backing out on me!!!) we got a new bouncer given to us by my sis, and a baby gym from my mum, and thats it. never used a change table - always change mat on the floor - baby can't fall off the floor!!

definately shop around - even look in your bounty pregnancy book too - our one had a voucher for 10% off at baby city - sometimes, if you get quotes from lots of shops, some will try and better the others, and i have even heard (for those expecting twins) that some will do really great deals if you are buying more than one or each thing. be crafty.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 30 April 2005 at 8:14am
Janine, I dont use the sound part on my angelcare, (that would drive me crazy). But what i do use is the movement monitor on it, it will alarm if the baby stops breathing for 20secs. Sounds a warning beep after 10secs then it full on alarms like a smoke detector.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 30 April 2005 at 9:18am
I was always worried bubs would fall off a change table too, but the new ones have a safety harness on them, so much safer than the old ones.


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 30 April 2005 at 10:48am
i never bothered getting a change table. Our apartment is so small, honestly it wouldn't fit!! As for your MIL, so what if SHE hates it! She's not the one who it's for is she?

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 30 April 2005 at 10:00pm
depends on the safety harness though.. most have a lovely one that goes across the tummy to prevent rolling. but the first movement most babies learn is to push off with their feet and scoot upwards.. so a tie across the tummy isn't gonna do much if their little head gets over the edge.. cos they're so top heavy. I think ones that have top edges to them are good, with harnesses as well, but still prefer to change baby on the floor.

went and had another look around today at all the buggys, and still that is the only one that will work for our situation. told mike he needs to arange a time where we go together with her, and she can try it out with putting paris etc in and out of the buggies like we have done.

Maria, I like that idea of the movement monitor.. that is something i wish i did have.. i think for the first little while with paris i was quite paranoid that she would stop breathing.. but most new mums are. didn't help, and this was so scary..that even now, when she is in a deep sleep, she goes a very whiteish purple colour, and you can't see or feel her breathing. mike was so scared of checking her cos it freaked him out. but yeah, the sound thing would annoy me.. just cos i think i would sit there waiting to hear a noise, lol. dunno if anyone has seen that thing billy connolly did about them., but it is so true and cracks me up... he reckons babies use them to torment their parents.. pretend to stop breathing, and wait till get up to rush to their room, then they let out a big breath! (sounded funnier when he said it, really it did)

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 9:06am
Thanks for all the advice ladies.
We went to Farmers this weekend and saw a cot on sale $600 (nearly $800 original price). It was 4 in 1 cot (becomes a bed later). Handy! And you can lay-buy it. But yes we will shop around, as we still have plenty of time.

At the moment we have a house that is too small for our furniture.....but we are looking into buying a new house before the baby is born. This way we could have every thing we need for the baby in the nursery.

My mum said that I should give her a list of things I will need and she will tell me what she will buy....And as I mentioned earlier, my MIL does not believe in buying things before the baby is she will end up buying cloths, baby gym etc etc.

Good to have my Mum and Dad around


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 12:35pm
i would recommend buying a minimal amount of clothes, especially if baby is a first grandchild. I bought a lot of clothes for Jake only to be given soooooo much by people. Honestly he has grown out of clothes that he hasn't eve worn. Wait til babies born, then buy the clothes that you haven't been given. especially cause you don't know if baby will have a long torso, but short legs or vice versa./

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 1:01pm
Yes our baby will be 1st grandchild from both sides (gosh ….the baby is going to be sooo spoilt).

My mum said that she will not give cloths and will give me useful things instead.

We also have loads of friends and I know half of them will give us cloths. The closest friends have already started to ask what we that’s good.

I haven’t started a list yet....any suggestions?


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 1:53pm
stock up on the basics yourself

flannels for face washing, (and bottom washing)
bibs, (frilly ones are cute, but plastic backed and bigger is better)

basic stuff is always good to have cos that's what you will go through the most of.. washing wise.

all the rest you will probably be given heaps.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 2:10pm
What about the expensive stuff…for nursery? What are the basics...e.g. cot, drawers???


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 5:27pm
So, was the cot you looked at in farmers a touchwood?
I love them but couldnt justify paying so much. This will be our 3 child, but I completly understand you wanting all new for your first. We just bought a second hand one(In like new condition) for $270. I dont think you need a brand new set of drawers, but totally optional.
Big items are bassinet, car seat, push chair, cot(unless you buy one that is like the touchwood and its a bassinet,cot, first bed, then couch), a bath, musical mobiles, a baby rocker is wonderfull. Dont forget wollen singlets, cotton singlets, socks, hats, baby blankets/sheets, underlays for keeping the mattress dry, stretch and grows with domes on the front(I found they were great), baby powder, baby soap, shampoo, nappy rash treatment, baby wipes. 3 of each will do for now untill you know what everyone is buying you.
I think thats about all, that I can remember anyway(it has been over 5 years). I'll have to go look at Shauns gear and see if there is anything else.


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 7:02pm
car seat you HAVE to buy new, so I've heard

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 7:37pm

not necessarily.Plunket rentals are just as good as new.they have to be otherwise theyd be a bit hypocritical.same with baby factory.

our cot we brought brand new from farmers for $299 and $60(half price when u bought cot) for an innersprung mattress,so ended up a pretty cheap deal for an american size cot I thought.

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 7:45pm
I bought a new carseat but only coz Mum and Dad were paying Otherwise we would have had a Plunket rental. As long as you check the expiry date on the Safety seal and all the straps/harnesses etc. are intact and it hasn't been in an accident it should be fine. Although I don't know if I would buy a second hand carseat from someone I didn't know coz you never know the history.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 02 May 2005 at 11:22pm
oh, thats actually what i meant, I'm sure the plunket and rental ones must be safe....with safety checks and everything. But i think I'd be very wary of buying from someone I didn't know

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 8:09am
One thing I just remembered, There is a car seat that has like a big plastic "T" thingy that goes in between the babys legs. I cant remember where I read it but these are bad for boys as it put undue pressure on his private parts.


Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 9:59am
those seats are calles T-bars. i think they are either evenflo or century brand.oh hang on, both brands have the T-bars.

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 1:09pm
We are getting our carseat from baby factory - ex-rental - they have to test them and all that before they can seel them.. so it's probably a heap safer than buying off the net, or out of the paper etc.. can never guarantee with that sorta thing that they haven't been in an accident.

For our cot, we used a portacot with Paris - with the basinette part.. it was all we could afford at the time, and never ended up getting a proper one. it was $179. was good cos we could pack it up and go anywhere and never had to worry that paris wasn't used to the bed she was sleeping in - cos it was her usual one!

we got a scotch chest of drawers for paris, and it fitted all of her stuff in it. we have just replaced it, and got the new baby a set the same.. mike had paris's "old" ones.

that's about it, cot, drawers, carseat, buggy. people give you heaps of rattles and clothes. a bouncer is good so you can stick bubba in it when you are cooking, also when you have to grab a shower and baby is awake (despite best intentions and planning, it WILL happen) it fits in the bathroom so you can keep an eye on bub the whole time. and we got given a soft playgym with the circle mat attached to it. from really early on we put paris under that and she loved it, it was a godsend.

you really can get away without spending a complete fortune.. unless you WANT to, that is.. there's nothing wrong with shopping.. lol.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 1:26pm
Well I am hoping that some of the expensive stuff will get given to me by my Mum and Dad........Well I know they will. However I will start buying a few things (Lay Buy) so that I have the essentials. I was thinking that I will start buying when I am around 20 weeks. Do you guys think it is to early/late? For lay buys I mean?

I am not going to buy any cloths or toys, as I know I will have plenty given to me. But I will buy a few for the hospital and when I bring the baby home.


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 1:30pm
most hospitals give you nighties and cloth naps to dress baby in... so you don't actually need stuff for the hospital - its easier to use theirs.. that way ou have no washing to do when baby gets home.. plus, sometimes if you change baby, and something gets mixed up accidently with the hospital washing, it can be a nightmare to get back.. use their stuff!!

we put our cot and buggy down on layby at 8 wks with Paris. go for it.. it may seem so far away.. but boy does it go fast!!!!

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 1:39pm
Thanks Janine...I was wondering if the hospitals give the initial baby cloths....

I know even tho I will have 20 weeks to pay every thing off ...the time will fly fast.

My mum and I might go window shopping this weekend to see what is around. Then compare prices and quality.

After that we will decide and lay buy some items.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 3:05pm
Thanks Janine, you just made me feel better! I thought I was the only nutter that laybyed things almost as soon as I found out I was pregnant!

The first thing I laybyed was some blankets and clothes at K-Mart when I was about 8-9 weeks, then I laybyed the pram just after 3 mths, then the cot etc. later on.

Maya's godmother bought her a flash baby gym from farmers, it's a mat with a tunnel and it cost her $90, but Maya loved it soooo much. I got it out again a few weeks ago when a friends baby came over, and Maya and her little friends were more into it than the baby

Here in West Auckland our liquor sales are administrated by a trust which means they have to put a % of money back into the community, so they run a scheme where you can get a brand new carseat for $25 when you have a baby. You just have to take baby's birth cert and proof of address within the first 3 mths of birth. I didn't live here when Maya was born, but it is something for us to think about next time round.

Oh, and I never thought about taking the bouncer into the bathroom with me, what a great idea! I just used to leave Maya in the cot with the mobile going so I knew she was safe. The mobile was another great purchase, cost about $35 but Maya would lay and watch it for ages.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 3:14pm
I have some Fly buys points and I saw things like baby monitor, mobile, playmat gym etc.....I dont ever get any thing for my points, so I was thinking I would get those.
However I know that friends and Family might also give us those...arggghhh I am confused.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 3:36pm
Use the Fly Buys points. Then you can tell family and friends what you already have so they can get you things that you don't have already.

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 4:04pm
Thanks Emma....
I think the mobiles are sooo cute......
I also like the bouncer and gym......
oh choices choices........


Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 6:12pm
I got the playgym for Jayde from Flybuys. They have different stuff on special every month on their website. So you have a bit of time if you want to wait until the things that you want require less points.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 8:04pm
I got Maya a pop up tent and a matching play tunnel from fly buys. Great wet day activities!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 03 May 2005 at 8:08pm
That car-seat scheme sounds really good.. i spose, it is a way to ensure that all babies travel in one - even those from families that could not afford one. if only they did that everywhere.

I did not know that about the flybuys having different specials and stuff.. i have never really looked - mike says we are saving ours for a new cordless phone, our old one stopped working and i have been tied to the wall with our other crappy phone ever since. the cordless was so great when paris came along.. meant i could feed her and still talk.. have it beside me just in case etc.

oh yeah, YAYAYAY, mike talked his mum into the buggy, we get it next weekend.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: nikkitheknitter
Date Posted: 04 May 2005 at 8:38am
i've got a 2nd hand carseat.... just made sure plunket gave it a good checking over before i used it.
maybe i'm a bit too trusting, but the lady i bought it from seemed very honest and the carseat looks in great condition

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 04 May 2005 at 8:46am
Oh I didn't know about the different specials all the time (Flybuy)....I might just wait and save more points!

Thanks Angelnz


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 06 May 2005 at 2:03pm
Just thought I would update you guys.............

I went for another check up yesterday, and my hubby made it this time.

They checked my BP and it was 105/80
Then they checked our was growing well. She measured the babies head and said 14 weeks 3 days and that’s exactly what I was yesterday.

The baby is moving its arms and legs...but especially the was over its face and then back to the side....oh it was sooooooo cute . You guys should have seen my hubby's was bright and he had this faint smile....he was so cute!!

And she said she could not see my hemorrhage, so good news...I can be active again....


Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 06 May 2005 at 11:01pm
have you felt baby move yet?

Posted By: nuttymama
Date Posted: 07 May 2005 at 1:29pm
We had a serious car accident when micheal was a toddler. The car was a complete write off. We rang plunket about his carseat, and then the makers and they both suggested we throw it out, as even if it doesn't looked damaged on the outside it can have structural damage on the inside. I was amazed how many people offered to buy it even though they knew why we were getting rid of it. We just dumped it. Be really careful buying secondhand even from shops, as to be tested proparly they are supposed to be sent away. We were told to Auckland.

Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden   21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 08 May 2005 at 6:15pm
Hi Roksana.
Thats great news
I'm really happy for you. So no more bleeding?
Time will fly for you now. It is for me. As you may remember, I wasnt allowed to do anything and boy was the time draging by. Now its flying. I'm 17 weeks today(yeah I know the ticker is american, so is a day behind).
Only 12 days before the scan to find out the sex.
I'm still feeling pretty tired all the time and the day sickness is almost, always there. Oh well, I know for sure it will stop after bubs is born.
I still havent felt bubs move which is annoying me. There are woman out there, who are feeling their bubs at 15 weeks. This is my third pregnancy so you'd think I'd be able to feel movement by now.
Well, my 17 year old left home today, to live with her biological father. She seems to think she has it soooo hard here. It will be an eye opener for both of them as the father has had stuff all to do with her.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 08 May 2005 at 6:35pm
My 12 year old ran away from home last weekend, similar thingm she thinks she has the meanest parents in the world. Bad luck for her is that being only 12 she doesn't have any choice, so she had to come home, and got a nasty lecture from the police, so she is feeling a bit sorry for herself this week.

Good luck with the scan!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: nuttymama
Date Posted: 09 May 2005 at 10:38am
Must be the season for it. My 14 year old neice ran away from home last week. She reacons she was stressing and just needed time out. Wait until they are mothers and then they will know stress. Especially if their child does the same thing.

Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden   21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 09 May 2005 at 11:29am
arrggg ...I wrote a huge post last night and the comp crashed!!!!

Any way...bonjovi...I started to feel the baby around 13 weeks. I wasn’t sure if it was the baby and the doc and midwife said that it is. On Thursday night by baby got an extra boost of energy and was moving, moving, was nice though!

I went window shopping this Sunday and found some really good stuff in Baby Factory. I think if we buy all the main things then it will cost us around $1700.

The cot was $600, pram $300 (on special), $300 for baby seat, $300 for wooden changing table and mattress $170.

I have to find out what my parents will buy first so that I can HP the rest (6 months interest free). If they buy two things then I will get a chest of drawers for $350.

Oh I am getting excited...I am 15 weeks today...25 to go!!

How are you feeling?


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 09 May 2005 at 6:12pm
Computers are wonderful things,,,,,,,untill they play up!
Its my favorite saying.
Ohh, lucky you feeling the baby, I'm so jealous. The closest I've come to feeling anything, is muscle twinges(same as before i got pregy).
I'm excited for you.
So did DH go shopping too? I have to say, I would love to buy all new gear as well, but we are doing up an old house and for me, its more important to live in a real house before bubs is born.
I'm doing OK, still getting pretty bad nausea and its not helping having a calf that has the scours(which are sooooo smelly, the smell sticks to my skin, no matter what I do), might have to call the vet in, yay, another bill.
Only 11 days before my scan.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a troublesome teenager


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 8:57am
On Sunday my hubby went too (I know I keep saying "I")
...and he was surprisingly excited about different things....and was asking more questions (shop assistant) than I cute

I spoke to mum and dad, they said they might buy the cot and the that's $900 sorted....

So we as a family are going shopping on Sunday to go and put stuff on HP. We will feel much relaxed when we get the major things sorted.

Oh poor you, must be awful to have morning sickness so late into your pregnancy....I was lucky I guess, I didn't have any sickness! Well I hope it passes soon!

Take care of your self!


Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 11:10am
Men, they can be quite funny/cute sometimes.
When ever we go near a shop with baby gear, hubbys looking at baby clothes, although they always have something to do with rugby on them. He's also very protective with me, for instance, if I'm climbing off something, he's right behind me in case I fall(so cute).
Man, you must have the very best parents, thats a lot of money saved for you.
There are soo many new cool things to buy for babys these days. When I had my first, car seats were virtually un-heard of, boy how things have changed.


Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 11:29am
Tell me about it....Mum said "what on earth is a changing table? I changed both of you on the bed". Yah but Mum, these days it is so much more convenient to have she just shakes her head.

Mind you I could do with out one, but it would be nice to give my child all the luxury right??? We are also looking for a new house, so there will be extra expenses there, and having Mum and Dad help out is great. But they are so excited at the moment, as it is their first grandchild. I can see them spoiling our baby.

My hubby is also very protective of me. We went shopping and I bought a photo album and he grabbed it of me and said you should not carry heavy stuff...hello it’s a photo album....he said still!! It’s cute and yet annoying!!!

Oh yes he already saw a baby all black T some where, just incase it is a boy!


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 11:35am
LOL Roksana - Willie bought Maya an All Black suit when she was a few months old and she's a GIRL! He just didn't seem to get it....

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 11:46am
LOL Emma - oh no, good thing my hubby doesn’t read these posts. It might give him an idea or two....

You never know, if we have a girl, he might buy her an all black T just for the sake of it. But he did say that if our baby was a boy he will be a All black and if we had a girl she would be a silver fern.....I laughed and said not if they take after their mother .


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 1:30pm
Paris has ford stuff, the new baby will have even more of it cos mike's uncle and auntie in aussie have gotten ford stuff. they had a "wheels" day at daycare the other week - Paris went dressed in one of daddy's ford tops, wearing his speedway cap, with a photo albumn full of pics of her grandad's stock car. she sits on sunday afternoons and watches the motor sport with im. and if he is playing playstation racing games, she will sit next to him shouting "go dad!, race!" or grab the other controller and pretend to drive. I think for us, it's the best of both worlds.. cos she is so into all the boyish stuff as well as liking pretty girly things.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 1:55pm
Willie took Maya for a ride in his truck the other day. he drives a big truck and trailer unit that carts concrete slabs for building sites. Maya loved it. When they came back she kept babbling on and on and on about "Maya go in truck with Daddy" "Daddy drive big truck". LOL, he'll make a truck driver out of her yet!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 3:58pm

With our brood it's gonna be martial arts cos daddy has his own style he founded and will be teaching it to the kids.LOL, wouldnt it be sooooooo funny if Xander wanted to become a ballet dancer lolololololol.I think Nath would disown him lol.

Nath already has a uniform for me to wear for when he teaches me!! Xander walks round the house wearing daddys boxing gloves

oh by the way,due today and not a single inkling of labour but I  think i have already mentioned???

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 4:08pm
Oh my you are!!!

I am sure it will happen soon....well sending you hurry up vibes!


Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 4:15pm
thanx Roksana,I may need more vibes from everyone if this darling wee girl is still in my belly by mid next week lol.Dont fancy an induction after i have heard the labour tends to be more rushed and hard.well, rushed would be ok i think

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 8:47pm
hhhm. the ticker box is so cute.. i haven't seen it on a due date before... lol. it'll happen.. this weekend. hhm, can i make a bet on her being here by sunday evening?

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 8:53pm
oooh, and she will be... hhm, 8lb 4 oz.. lolol

we are doing a guessing thing with family for the weight of our baby.. mike started it.. just cos he wants the glory of picking the weight.. last time he picked it spot on.. it can't happen twice.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 8:56pm
someone reckons this one will be 7lb 10oz - i nearly kicked them.. i can't have a baby that big (i know, not big compared to half the babies born on here) but big for me.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 9:26pm
WHATTTTTTTTT not another 8 pounder thanx.somewhere in the 7 pound range would be good,ohh maybe even 6pound would be better lol

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 10:34pm
ok, you can have my 7lb 10-er, lol.

I already know this one has a big head.. i spose that's what counts really.. i mean, that's what does the damage.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 10 May 2005 at 11:01pm
sweet u got a deal lol

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: kas
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 11:30am
Blair was 8lb 15oz when he was born and i thought thank god i didn't have to push him out (c-section), but apparently the bigger they are the easier they are to push out so i've been told by many people.


Posted By: nuttymama
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 12:15pm
We are lucky my kids got smalet. Micheal was 8lb 5oz With a really big head lots of stiches Jayden was 7lb 6oz and abby was 6lb 40z. The smallest one and I didn't get to push her out

Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden   21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997

Posted By: Roksana
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 12:29pm
Oh GOD....all this size talk is freaking me out!!!!

Ahhhh...I have 24.5 weeks to go......


Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 3:36pm
yeah i heard bigger ones are easier to actually feel what you are pushing.. but they do the damage too. as i said.. this one has a big head...well, it's in proportion, but at 33 wks.. you look at the scan and there's a little person with everything formed.. and you think omigod that baby is so big.. compared to the 20 wk scan where its all skinny and bony. last time i didn't get a 2nd scan, so it was all guess work with paris.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: daikini
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 4:03pm
We thought Josiah would be bigger than he was... with Kiya being 7lb 13, I thought he'd be 7.5-8.5lb. Nope, 7lb exactly. My waters broke, and half my tummy disappeared!

Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys

Posted By: bonjovi6
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 5:12pm
OH, boy, you ladys should try 8p14oz with a very big head, OUCH. My son was that big, even the nurses kept saying about his huge head, and no, I dont think he was any easyier to push out.


Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 6:52pm
Maya was 9lb1oz and born at 38 weeks - thank God she decided to come early!!!!! And her head was 36.5cm!

On a scan at 36 weeks the weight estimate was 7lb9oz, so she did some serious growing in the last two weeks. But she was still covered in vernix which is a sign of preterm birth.

But I don't think she was that hard to deliver, I didn't end up with any stitches, just a tiny tear. I guess it depends on your own body, and I am quite big boned (fat too, but big boned) so I guess I probably have a big pelvis?

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: AlyAyde
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 8:16pm
I tore with Alyssa 8lb6, but Jayde just flew out (literally) 9lb and no tears.


Jayde 25/12/04

Alyssa 08/04/03

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 8:40pm
Xander was 8pd 12oz and i tore outside and a lil bit internally.his head was 37.5cm,glad i couldnt feel it lol.

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: lizzle
Date Posted: 11 May 2005 at 11:17pm
I tore a bit twith Jake too, at 7 pounds. I remember reading "you won't feel it" and thought "yeah right", but I seriously didn't!!

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 12 May 2005 at 8:54am
I think its mostly because u are soooo busy concentrating on other things u are not focusing on tearing???

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: mum2paris
Date Posted: 12 May 2005 at 9:03am
ouch. hey, does anyone know.. if you has stitches last time.. are those areas more likely to tear this time.. cos i mean it'll be scar tissue.. so it won't necessarily stretch? just a thought i had.

Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 12 May 2005 at 9:06am
yeah I am worried bout that too cos it really hurts going to the loo if u dont do the warm water I never knew how huge the needle was til my mate who was with me told me a couple of months ago!!!!! she said it looked like a huge hook!! Mmmmmmmm lovely.Once again i am glad I was numb and didnt feel a thing

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

Posted By: Maya
Date Posted: 12 May 2005 at 10:19am
So glad that I'm not having a baby in the next few days/weeks - you guys are seriuosly freaking me out!

Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)

Posted By: Xander&Harmony
Date Posted: 12 May 2005 at 10:35am
hehehe Sorry Emma..

Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)

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