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August 2012 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2012
Forum Description: Find other parents and parents of 2012 babies here!
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Topic: August 2012 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: August 2012 Babies
Date Posted: 11 November 2011 at 9:20am
Welcome to the Due in August 2012 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website).  We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 22 November 2011 at 6:35pm
OMG can't believe we are up to August Mums already! Congrats to you lucky ladies Wonder who will be the first!


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 23 November 2011 at 1:53pm
Well I guess I will take that honour - yeyyy!!! I can't quite believe it. Just had the phone call from my FA nurse to say this morning's BT was a positive, HCG at 177!! Round 5 of Clomid was the one after being diagnosed with PCOS earlier this year and TTC for just over a year!

Due date should be 1st August, I am still in shock!!! Please be a sticky little bubs!!!

Looking forward to seeing who will join me

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: susieq
Date Posted: 23 November 2011 at 4:53pm
congrats on being the firs august mum from a lurker


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 23 November 2011 at 6:57pm

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will probably be finding out

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 23 November 2011 at 7:01pm
I thought I would get a list underway, hope some more people pop in to join me real soon!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Atiamuri
Date Posted: 23 November 2011 at 7:38pm
*Lurker in*
Awesome news MIW - congratulations!!! All that hard work has paid off... FX'd for a sticky and healthy 8 more months
*Lurker out*

Posted By: lisa85
Date Posted: 24 November 2011 at 8:02am
Congrats MIW! Bring on some more August ladies!


TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
MC April 2010

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 24 November 2011 at 3:51pm
Just lurking to say congrats again MIW - hehe I love seeing you in here!


Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 24 November 2011 at 8:55pm
Congrats makeitwork!
I am really hoping to join you here.. on TWW at the moment!
Fingers crossed!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 25 November 2011 at 8:28am
Thanks everyone and FX for you joining me soon Alias!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Velvet
Date Posted: 25 November 2011 at 12:04pm
I was so hoping I'd be joining you MIW, no such luck, stupid AF reared her ugly head this morning


Angel Baby, March 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 25 November 2011 at 12:11pm
Oh sorry to hear that Velvet. I will keep my FX that September is your month!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 27 November 2011 at 7:30pm
2 days and counting...
Did a HPT the other day and got BFN, but I am hoping I was just too early!?
Have been feeling a little nauseous.. but maybe I am imagining pregnancy symptoms!
Hope someone joins you in here soon MIW!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 27 November 2011 at 8:09pm
He he thanks Alias, FX it is you!!! Hope you get your BFP in a couple of days!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 10:13am
Well, I caved and did a HPT this morning. Faint positive Couldn't quite believe it, so I went to the shops & brought a different brand, and again a faint positive! So, I think I can officially join you in here!!

I must be very early, maybe just around 4 weeks, but I will work all that out later.
Yay! I can't quite believe it!
How are you feeling MIW? Any symptoms?

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 10:39am
Oh yeyyyyy Alias that is such fantastic news, huge congratulations hun!!! I had a feeling you would get to join me in here!!

My only symptoms so far have been very slightly tender boobs and that comes and goes a lot, some days they are fine and it can be quite unnerving!! It is all perfectly normal though!! No nausea yet thank goodness and the tiredness hasn't been too bad but I do notice that I have to refuel regularly to keep focused. I have a good stash of healthy snacks with me constantly now.

How about you, any symptoms that have been driving you crazy yet?

Let me know when you have worked out a due date and I will add you to the list - yey!!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 11:01am

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will probably be finding out

7th August - Alias #2 - will be finding out!

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 11:05am
hehe, I am okay to update myself. This is my #2, and I have been in a due date thread before, but I am hiding (hence the "alias"!) until I get to around 6 weeks. Hope that is okay, I just know a lot of people lurk, and I am not quite ready to announce yet.
I still can't quite believe it, I keep checking my tests to make sure I wasn't imagining a second line!
I have definitely felt slightly nauseous the last 2 or 3 days, so I take that to be a good sign.
Is definitely hard though, I totally thought I was over thinking & imagining things! Pregnancy & TTC does crazy things to women!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 11:15am
Hehe yeh totally OK with you updating the list yourself Alias, how exciting to see it growing finally!! I hope a few more join us soon! Nice to know that you have been there and done it all already so you can share your wisdom

Huge congrats again, I bet you will be pinching yourself for a few days yet

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 11:22am
haha, wisdom!
Is certainly going to be weird going through it all again!

I do hope our thread fills up a bit soon, but I guess we are still in the first week, not everyone is crazy like me and counts down to the days I can test!
Really looking forward to sharing this journey with you & anyone else who comes along!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 1:10pm
Likewise Alias, it is going to be an exciting journey for us all

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: nannikin
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 6:07pm
congrats August Mums, exciting times can't be long before you have a whole bucketload of ladies joining you!

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Posted By: troutpout
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 7:27pm
*lurks* yay makeitwork! Congratulations, so excited for you xxx

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Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 28 November 2011 at 7:46pm
Thanks nankin and TP - wow 28 weeks already how exciting!!! I hope you are doing well.

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 6:37am
Yep, definitely another BFP with FMU this morning!
Now, the shock is about to set in....!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:00am
Yey Alias, nice to have that confirmation of a second day!! Did you tell your DH/DP yesterday or was he with you when you tested? I bet he is super excited!

I am trying really hard to keep up some gentle exercise at the moment as I want to stay fit and healthy. I managed a 45min swim yesterday and have just been for a 30min walk this morning. It's amazing how quickly you can feel unfit, I was puffing a bit more than I would have liked going up a big hill this morning - eeek!! Just need to make sure I keep it up now!!

Still no nausea so FX that continues!!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:13am
Well, I got a typical male response from DF, a few grunts etc. lol He is stoked I think, we had "planned" it but I think it may have happened a little earlier than he expected.

Good on you for keeping up the exercise, you will definitely feel better down the track for it. Alot of people use pregnancy as a excuse to be lazy and eat rubbish, which isn't really doing your body any favours, especially with impending labour! I only put on 7kgs with my DD1, and lost most of it breastfeeding, so hoping for a repeat performance.

Yay for no nausea!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:22am
Wow that is great I can only hope to put on such a small amount of weight! I only need to look at a chocolate cake and I put on 1kg I am making sure I eat really well at the moment, lots of whole grain snacks and fresh fruit and veg so as long as I can keep that up with the exercise I should be OK. It is Christmas that is the worry but at least I get to avoid the drinking this year!!

Funny about your DF, I bet it can be a bit of a shock if it happens sooner than expected! We had the opposite in that we were trying for so long we both couldn't quite believe it when it did happen. I still don't believe it sometimes!! Might have to go for my antenatal bloods today just to make it feel real again!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:34am
Considering all I ate in the first trimester was pies last time around, I think I did pretty well! Wait till the food aversions kick in, they are terrible! I ate meat by the cowload, anything savoury, pies/shapes/pasta etc etc and couldn't stand anything sweet for weeks.
Made lunchtimes at work very difficult!

I think DF will be pleased that he doesn't have to drive this christmas! lol

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 12:26pm
He he that sounds like it could get interesting, I can't wait to see what I find I must have/can't stand!! My DH is convinced I will just want ice cream and chocolate all the time, craving or not

Yes our other halves do get a good deal out of the no drinking don't they, especially at this time of year!!

I am so excited, my mum gets here on Saturday. She lives in the UK and Turkey (splits time between 2) and I haven't seen her for almost 2 years apart from on Skype. She doesn't know we have been TTC and I can't wait to tell her I am UTD!!! We are really close and this will be her first grandchild (well proper one, she has a few step-grandchildren). I am going to be a big bag of nervous excitement for the rest of the week

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 12:33pm
Oh, that is so exciting! Are you going to be creative with how you tell her? I have only told a couple of people so far, hoping to get a dating scan, then I will feel more confident about announcing it to the world (and I will stop hiding on ohbaby! )

I do think that your body "craves" what it needs, I definitely needed the carbs by the way I was hoovering savoury food, and obviously the iron from all the meat I ate. Seriously, I remember having a piece of porterhouse when I was about 20 weeks, and it was the best tasting thing I had ever had! (Really hoping you are not a vegetarian right now, or I am sounding like a real *ss!)

Have you got yourself a midwife yet? Just debating when to call around, as the one I had first time around was completely useless, so need to shop elsewhere.

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 12:41pm
He he no worries on the vegetarian front, I am mostly gutted about not being able to eat my steaks rare anymore - no fair!!! I'd rather not have it than have to have it cremated

I saw my doctor last week and she gave me the form so I can go and get a dating scan when I am at that point, which I am sure I will as, like you, I will feel more confident about it all then.

So far I have only told our closest friends (a couple who went through similar fertility issues to us so we confided in them about that) and my sister. Now I will just be telling my mum before we get to the 12 week safety buffer. Hopefully having Christmas in the mean time will help the time pass quickly until we can properly announce it!

We are going to see a midwife tomorrow evening to see what she is like. I am very keen to make sure we get one that is a good fit as I have heard so much about how much it can ruin the experience if not. So I am prepared to 'shop around' if necessary to make sure we are 100% happy.

I want to ask what area you are in but I know you are trying to stay incognito so I will have to wait until you 'come out'

ETA - oh yeh I am thinking about presenting my mum with an apple seed (or something similar) and when she asks what it is I will say 'that is about the size your grandchild is right now' and see how quickly she catches on. With my sister we went out for dinner and I told her I was having the buffet platter for 2 and she said 'what, why?' and I said 'well I am eating for 2'. It was classic, she was so excited!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 12:51pm
hehe, I will PM you where I am from & my other username.
I already had a friend figure out who I was (I had told her I am pregnant) so she was having a lurk before.

Definitely want to go with a MW you are comfortable with..I thought mine was brilliant, and she turned out to be completely useless, but alot of that was due to the circumstances of the labour. You will know immediately if you like/trust them, I think it's an instinctual thing!

Posted By: Bells&Gem
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:17pm
Hey ladies, I am hoping to join but I have to wait patiently for 2 weeks Grrrrrrrrrrrr but have very tender boobs and so tired so fingers crossed :D

But congrats to you 2.

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 29 November 2011 at 8:53pm
Good luck B&G, I will keep my FX for you!! I hope the next 2 weeks go quickly for you!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: LivMcD
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 9:22am

*lurker in* Yah congrats MIW, I was in the clomid cycle with you for a bit, its nice to see other ladies from there coming into the due date thread!


Posted By: DrNic
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 9:43am
Congrats. If you'd like to help us with a research project about giving birth please see Cheers

Posted By: Bells&Gem
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 10:46am
I hope it goes quick too MIW I have a bit on been xmas and 2 other littlies so hopefully it'll fly by

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 11:40am
Good luck Bells & Gem! The TWW seems sooooo long!
It does help to have other kids to keep you busy though, hoping that will be the case with the whole pregnancy for me!
How are you doing MIW? I had my first real bout of MS this morning, no vomiting or anything, but man did I feel seedy! Really hoping that's as far as it goes. With DD1 I only had nausea and that was enough.

hehe, hope some others join us soon, or we will be getting to know each other really well!

ETA: Are you taking any vitamins/folic acid? Last time I took Elevit, which is so ridiculously expensive.
I just rang and made an initial appointment with a MW, which she said was a good idea as they get very busy & have holidays over christmas. Anyway, to get to the point, she asked if I was taking anything which I am, the blackmores pregnancy vitamins but I don't think these have enough FA.

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 12:39pm
He he yes Alias we could definitely know each other very well after 8 months of just us nattering in here!

Sucky about the MS, I hope it stays away for you and doesn't get any worse. I had about 30 seconds of feeling a bit nauseous when I was in the shower this morning but so far nothing more. I am feeling pretty good at the moment, plenty of energy and nothing to complain about, I think my regular healthy snacks are helping. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts!!! No doubt the MS will kick in just as my mum arrives at the weekend

I have been taking FA for over a year now and am on 800mcg a day. My doc has also got me taking the iodine as well now and I think that is 150mcg. I asked her about a multi vitamin but and she said if you eat well you don't really need to but if you want to you can. So I figured I would as it can't do any harm. I wasn't going to get Elevit but it was on offer at the supermarket when I went so I went for it.

DH and I are going to meet a MW this evening so I am really hoping we like her and decide to go with her as that will make it easy. She is based about 5 mins from our house which is good. I need to make a list of questions to ask her, I think I found some online the other day. She will probably think I am an obsessed nutter but I'm sure they see it all!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 12:49pm
Yeah, I'm sure they do see it all.
In all honesty, I think I would have driven my MW crazy with all my questions & worries, which is why this site is so wonderful! If I had questions, I asked them on here... and it was always so reassuring to have people experiencing the same things at the same time as you! This goes all the way through too, even with solids, teething etc.
I find it sad that OB is starting to quieten down, which I think is because alot of the groups move to facebook.
I guess you get privacy on FB that you don't get here. (haha, I say as I am "hiding" so people don't know who I am yet!)

I hope you like the MW, I was recommended mine, and she sounds lovely, so fingers crossed I will like her. She is going to give me forms for bloods, and to even book in for my scans, which I guess makes sense since the silly season is upon us.

The stupid multivitamins I got don't have enough FA. Grrr.. they shouldn't be allowed to sell them like that, or should at least have it on the front that it is below the recommended level. I might pop to the chemist & get some FA to tide me over until my MW appointment.

ETA: testing ticker

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 1:12pm
Yey for your new ticker!!! Yes I think it is crazy the pregnancy vitamins don't have enough FA, I guess they assume you will take additional with medical advice but it is annoying that they don't include it all.

I have to say that I have found this site such a great support, I really don't think I would have got through the last year without the fab gals on here, especially in the charting thread (I know some of you are lurking ).

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Hun
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 2:06pm
hey gals just lurking :)

MIW just be careful with the elevit cos its got folic acid and iodine in it already - you don't want to double up too much...


Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 2:11pm
I'm not sure about the iodine, but having just got back from the pharmacy I was told it is ok to take more than the 800mcg of folic acid. You just pee out any extra not needed.
I got some tablets to take on top of the blackmores.
My MW will prescribe me what I need long-term next week.

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 2:15pm
Thanks Hun, yeh I had also been told that taking more then you need is OK and doesn't cause any harm. My doctor recommended the Elevit and she prescribed the others so I can't be overdosing too much

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: silvs
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 4:19pm
**lurker in**

hi ladies - i am in the 2ww so i might join you in a few weeks but just reading your comments i have forgotten all about FA! baby number 2 is starting to get a raw deal and may have only just conceived. **runs away to see if i have any left over FA to take**

**lurker out**

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Posted By: Tissy
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 5:58pm
Originally posted by MakeItWork MakeItWork wrote:

I wasn't going to get Elevit but it was on offer at the supermarket when I went so I went for it.

*also lurking*
the boxes of elevit in the supermarket isnt the pregnancy supplement one (that costs something around $80 for a box of 100 pills) its their new womens multi vitamin version...I'm not sure if its safe to take when pregnant so you might want to check. I rememeber something about the levels of vitamin A in normal multi vitamins isnt reccomended over a certain mg per day

-------------" rel="nofollow - My Ovulation Chart

Posted By: southerngirrrrl
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 6:17pm
*yet another lurker in*

Wishing everyone the best on their pregnancies and safe sound deliveries in August...which by the way is the best month to be born :D


Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 6:25pm
Hey girls. I am tentatively lurking but want to wait for bloods before getting too excited. Today is 4wk 1 day and I woke feeling decidedly unPG to be honest. After 3 days of feeling nauseous it was a bit unnerving. Now I have one sore boob and a splitting headache, the later of which I have decided is from caffeine withdrawal .

I have been taking FA for a year now on Drs advise when I came off the pill. I think it costs $5 or something for a 3 month prescription. Works for me anyways

FX will be here officially soon

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 7:27pm
Thanks for the well-wishes lurkers!

Yay Jamsta, fingers crossed you will be joining us soon!

ETA: yes, there is definitely 2 types of Elevit, and I think EmptyVessel is right, the pregnancy one is not sold at the supermarket.

Posted By: WilsonPenn
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 8:35pm
Hello everyone

I am due on August 4th, very exciting. congrats to everyone. we had our first bloods on Friday result 229 and then again Monday and they were sitting at 882 so very positive which is great Thanks FA in chch for all your help and support

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 8:56pm
Oh bugger! Thanks for the advice EmptyVessel, I totally just thought there was only one kind of Elevit. I have just checked and it is only a normal women's multi vitamin but no sign of vitamin A. Hhhmm I think I will stop taking it just to be sure, what a waste of money!

Anyway yey Jamsta, I am sooo excited that you are dipping your toe in the water here. I have every confidence that your BT will come back great and you will be a fully fledged member before you know it! Huge congratulations hun! Don't worry about your symptoms coming and going either, I had a couple of days where mine disappeared completely and it is a bit scary but completely normal. Just try and enjoy the days where you feel good!

So we met our midwife this evening and she was lovely. We also got to meet her backup which was a bonus and she was great too. I feel really happy that we have made a good choice. Also she said that I could go for my dating scan at the end of next week so I can't wait for that!! I think I will phone tomorrow and book it for next Friday - yey!!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 30 November 2011 at 9:00pm
Oh crosspost WP, yey another august gal!! So happy for you and welcome to the group. Is this your first bubs?

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 6:58am
Morning! Welcome WilsonPenn!

Yay for liking your MW MIW! That's awesome! And yay for getting a dating scan! I am really hoping my MW will let me get one!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 8:39am

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out!
1st August - Deb #2 - will you be finding out?
4th August - WilsonPenn #1 - will be finding out!
7th August - Alias #2 - will be finding out!
8th August - Jamsta #1 - will be finding out!

8th December - Makeitwork - Dating Scan

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 8:42am
I thought I would add you new gals to the list (I know you were only tentatively popping in Jamsta so I can take you off for now if you would rather).

I also removed the colour from our names as I thought it could get confusing when we start to label blue or pink further down the track

I hope you are all feeling good today!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: *Deb*
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 8:59am
Morning ladies - looks like I'll be joining your group - yay!!
We have been trying for nearly 4 years for number two - our DD will be 6y1mth when the new baby arrives - We are sooo excited! Had resigned ourselves to having a singleton which we were fine about except for the fact that she has no first cousins yet (and doesnt look likely to have either)
My baby's DD is 1st Aug (same as you MiW) and all the racehorses too apparently : ) Feeling fine - slightly sore boobs but they get sore when AF is due anyway - only symptom is a 2nd RAGING RED line on HPT - Not sure how long I can hold off the exciting news to friends and fam - though with Xmas coming up I'm sure they may get suspicious - I usually adore my bubbles!!

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 11:25am
Congratulations & welcome Deb!
Yay, exciting to see our list starting to grow!
So, did the grocery shopping this morning and realised half way through I have to start thinking about what I put in my mouth again! *sigh*
Last time around I missed deli luncheon like crazy! lol.. I know, of all things, I missed luncheon the most!
Oh, and it is going to be painful at christmas when the crayfish comes out.. I think you can actually eat it if it is freshly cooked, but I would rather just not at all. Oh, and the ham off the bone!   Not really a very good time of the year to be pregnant! lol
I actually thought I would be a little more casual second time around about what I ate, but I don't think it is worth the risk.

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 11:26am
Yey how exciting, welcome Deb!! Huge congratulations, what a rough long road you have had. It will all be worth it when you have your new little bubs in your arms! And yey for a due date buddy I have added you to the list.

Will you be finding out the flavour?

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 12:36pm
He he Alias I know what you mean about the time of year not being great for the eating side of things!! We are planning to get a nice big piece of beef to put on the BBQ on Christmas Day and it pains me to think that I will have to make sure my bit is well done rather than nice and pink!!! I will miss the bubbles too Debs!

At least I will avoid the usual weight gain and guilt that comes hand-in-hand with Christmas, this year I get to gain the weight and not feel at all guilty No hangovers will be nice too, we just have to keep our FX that morning sickness stays well away!

I can't stop eating today, within an hour of eating something I feel peckish again!! I have almost finished all of my healthy snacks and lunch now so this afternoon could be a struggle If it gets too bad I will just go home and work from there for the rest of the day with the fridge on hand - one of the many benefits of owning your own business!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 2:05pm
Hey MIW. Thanks for the list add
This will be our first and fx EDD will be 8 August.

MS is back again today but not actually sick, just feeling super seedy. Is it possible to get motion sickness from walking??

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 2:34pm
Sorry to hear that you are feeling so seedy jamsta! I'm sure it is just that rather than motion sickness from walking but I'm no doctor I walked this morning and I felt shattered afterwards. In fact I do again now, I can't stop yawning. I think it is because I have run out of food

I have updated the list to say it is your first - yey! Do you think you will find out the flavour?

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 3:17pm
I think we will find out

Hey has anyone else tried those new Ginger Beer iceblocks?? I am quite tempted to splurge right now

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 3:28pm
Do it jamsta they are luuuurverly!!!! And the lemon, lime and bitters one!!! Very refreshing!

Ooohh now I want one

-------------" rel="nofollow">

TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: WilsonPenn
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 8:28pm
Evening everyone
Oh it's soooooo exciting reading everyone's post so glad everyone is doing well, apart from the sickness. I feel sick all the time as well and dizzy. did zumba tonight and lets say we had to spin around!! gave that a miss hehehe I start yawing around lunch time and don't stop. Yes this is my first bubs, my husband and I had to go down the IVF road and we are so so lucky it has taken first pop. We are both over the moon
Oh yum Jamsta they sound really good might have to buy some.
We are going to find out as well, we can't wait.

off to feed my baby love saying that

Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 9:18pm
Tried a ginger beer ice block. Not bad really. Any queasy gals out there def recommend a try

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 01 December 2011 at 9:21pm
He he that does sound cute WP! I bet you and DH are so excited after the TTC journey you have had. I know my DH and I felt so overwhelmed after just a year of trying so I can only imagine your jubilation!

Good on you for doing Zumba! I had toned down any high impact exercise as we were TTC so I am keeping it gentle now, just swimming and walking which suits me. I am going to start a yoga class in the new year too which is all about preparing your body for birth. I have missed my yoga so I will look forward to that.

Only a day and a half till my mum gets here now and I get to tell her our news, I can't wait!!!

No queasiness for me yet Jamsta but that doesnt mean I won't be tucking in to an ice block or 2!!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Peytons-Mum
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:00am
Morning all!
So, definitely no doubt I am pregnant.. the symptoms have begun!
I woke up with my face all poxy (normally have pretty good skin), nauseous, and now my breakfast tastes funny! I forgot about that one, nothing tastes the same anymore!
We had a wonderful night out last night, went to see 7 days (the TV show) live, it was so hilarious! I haven't laughed that much in ages! We sure have some decent comedians in little old New Zealand!

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:13am

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out!
1st August - Deb #2 - will be finding out!
4th August - WilsonPenn #1 - will be finding out!
7th August - PeytonsMum #2 - will be finding out!
8th August - Jamsta #1 - will be finding out!

8th December - Makeitwork - Dating Scan

-------------" rel="nofollow">

TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:19am
Morning ladies!

I thought I would bring the list forward and update some details - especially now you have 'come out' PM

Sucks that your symptoms have kicked in, I can't imagine things tasting different having never experienced it before.

I still don't have any symptoms really apart from the sore boobs and the odd cramping and twinges around my uterus. I would start to worry but I know everyone is different and I should make the most of feeling like this while it lasts! Besides my DH was almost sick in the night and still looked and felt awful this morning so I think he is getting my MS for me

Well my mum arrives tomorrow, I am soo excited!! I can't wait to see her face when we tell her Oh yeh and I went for my first antenatal bloods this morning so they should be back on Monday.

I hope you all have a good Friday!!!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:24am
Yeah, I decided to be brave! lol This is my actual profile, now I need to make another ticker!


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:38am
Awww cute picture!

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: LateStarterLorna
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 8:48am
*lurker - Congrats Rach

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Posted By: Stoked
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 12:03pm
*lurker in*

Yay, congratulations Rach!

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 5:21pm
hehe, thanks lovely lurkers!
As you can tell, I have come out in my other forum too!

How is everyone doing today? Has been fairly quiet in here!


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 5:33pm
I am stuffed PM! I have been doing housework nearly all day ready for my mum getting here and now I am hot, tired and over it! Just had a minor meltdown because I just want to be finished now hopefully DH will be home soon to help!

I haven't eaten well today either with being so busy! I have had a date scone, a couple of crackers, 2 slices of cheese on toast and 2 ginger nuts!! Hardly nutritious Can't be bothered to cook anything healthy for dinner either. Might grab some fruit now to make myself feel better!

How are you other gals feeling today?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: *Deb*
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 5:47pm
Evening ladies!
Still feeling fine here too - thirsty though, it was so hot today. Spent the day in the city christmas shopping so am pretty pooped but think I've got most of it under control - yay!
Thanks for adding me to the list - yep, I'm sure I'll find out the flavour though I though I would with Dd but the tech never asked if I wanted to know so I didnt say anything - hard to beleive really because Im generally so nosy!!
Have a great weekend everyone

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 7:09pm
Hi ladies, I guess that will teach me for being brave & positive and telling people... I have started bleeding, so obviously it was not meant to be this time around.
Cruel thing about it is if I wasn't so excited about it, and tested early I probably just would have thought it was my period.
I am feeling pretty sorry for myself right now, so am going to tuck up in bed, watch crap tv & eat junk food.

Really sorry I couldn't join you on this journey, all the best for your pregnancies, praying mine is the only one that doesn't stick.



Posted By: *Deb*
Date Posted: 02 December 2011 at 7:25pm
Aww, PM, thats awful...
Crap TV and junk food sound like just the ticket

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 6:09am
Oh PM I am so sorry to hear you are having to go through this Take good care of yourself and FX you will be back in a due thread soon with a lovely sticky bubs. We'll miss you in here hun xxx

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 8:39am
First off Hugs PM - that is my worse fear.

Second - I am 4 weeks today. Due 11th August =) with Number 1 and after 2.4years of trying. Success after first round of Clomid. Had bloods yesterday but got a great positive first with 2 hour old pee haha, then a 2pm with fresh pee.


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 9:03am
Thanks guys, good luck to you all.
I was holding out a little hope yesterday, but I am still bleeding today, so that is the end of that.
I am doing okay, it is natures way and we are fairly young, so have plenty of time to try for another, plus we have our gorgeous girl to be grateful for.
Can you please take me off the list, and I would rather not be on as an angel baby, I would rather see it as a chemical pregnancy. I hope you understand.
Here's to a healthy 9 months ladies, I'm sure I will lurk from time to time.


Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 9:08am
Hugs PM. I hope you still come in time from time. Stay Strong. And Love your attitude


Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 12:20pm
Very exciting SoHappy!! Congratulations

Sorry to hear about the chem PM. Hugs.

Posted By: Emilzz
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 6:49pm

Lurker in:

I am so sorry PM I lost my wee one last month and my first in July, lots of hugs hunny  

And Congrats to all of our new Mummys,

Good Luck to you all!!

 I am hoping to be apart of the september/October thred. (FX)

Lurker out

Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 03 December 2011 at 8:24pm
Wow we are quiet lol.

I have a tummy bug =( No fun x Man its hard to believe I am pregnant... how is everyone else?


Posted By: jamsta
Date Posted: 04 December 2011 at 12:08pm
Well my sore (.)(.) kept waking me up last night!! I don't feel as nauseous anymore, I think it is the balance of a little grazing, smaller meals and ginger beer. I have just finished thoroughly cleaning my kitchen. It wasn't super dirty or anything but I seem to be compelled to clean. At the moment our windows are filthy but we are on water restrictions so I am trying to think about something else.
I also seem to have developed a really sensitive sense of smell, anyone else noticed that?? I walked past a man yesterday who must have been a smoker and almost gagged. I gave up 3 years ago and am not a big anti smoking campaigner or anything but wow!
How's everyone else feeling??

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 December 2011 at 12:15pm

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out!
1st August - Deb #2 - will be finding out!
4th August - WilsonPenn #1 - will be finding out!
8th August - Jamsta #1 - will be finding out!
11th August - SoHappy #1 - will be finding out!

8th December - Makeitwork - Dating Scan[/QUOTE]

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 December 2011 at 12:23pm
Hi gals, thought I would update the list. Didn't much enjoy taking you off PM I hope you are doing ok hun!

Welcome to the group SoHappy, how exciting!!! Sorry to hear you had a tummy bug, I hope you are feeling better now.

Great that you have got the nausea under control Jamsta I am lucky that I still haven't had any kick in! My boobies are very tender but that's about it in terms of symptoms. I have been struggling a bit in the toilet department (sorry if TMI) but I either seem to be a bit blocked up or need to suddenly dash for the runs, never seems to be just normal Ahh well it could be worse.

Well my mum arrived yesterday so we got to tell her, it was great and she is so thrilled!! She is already planning to come back and meet her little grandchild some time next year

I hope you are all doing ok today and surviving the rubbish weather if you have it!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 04 December 2011 at 3:31pm
Hi, MakeItWork, we will be finding out lol.

Omg my breast are super sore today... I live near rotorua so I wonder how fun this will be with the smell thing lol.

ETA: 1st midwife app on the 12th =)


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 04 December 2011 at 8:43pm
He he brilliant SH, I really hope you don't get an aversion to the sulphur smell Yey for first MW appointment I hope she is super lovely!

I did a great walk this morning, about an hour and a half, and have eaten more healthily today so am feeling pretty good! Should get my first antenatal BT results tomorrow so FX everything is lookog good.

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: Guest_63582
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 11:47am

I'll join in - I'm due on the 4th August with our second (3 1/2yr).  I'm an oldie, just turned 39 so I had all but given up hope that it was going to happen again for us, so we are very happy that my baby girl is going to have a litlle sister or brother!

Been suffering big time with morning sickness this past week, forgotten how awful it can fun feeling sick from morning till night...its like the worst hangover that just wont go away!!  Been super hot here too which doesnt help. 

Living in New Caledonia at the moment where they speak french and i dont so little worried about that...had a couple of appointments so far and they've gone ok but some things just seem to be lost in translation. Thankfully will be coming back to NZ to have it!  We havent told anyone yet....have to tell the daughter first and the thought of her having to wait 9 months for something to actually happen is a little worrying...its bad enough with christmas...I get asked everyday if its christmas yet!  Will have to tell her soon though as hard not to tell the hard keeping a secret!!

Gen x

Posted By: Mickeyrat
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 11:55am
Ok thats strange - thats my post above, was logged in but seems to have given me someone elses profile? will test with this post to see if fixed.


Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 2:47pm
Hi Mickeyrat and welcome to the August gals!!! Huge congratulations to you and all the best for a happy & healthy 8 months! Exciting to be living in New Caledonia although I can understand how the language barrier could be daunting but I'm sure you will be OK. Are you coming back to NZ just to have your wee bubs or permanently?

I had my antenatal BT results today and everything is looking normal. I am a bit annoyed though as they didn't test my HCG levels which seems ridiculous! That was the only bit I was bothered about to check that my levels were rising as they should be and now I don't know. I know it is natural to worry a bit but I was just really hoping to get some peace of mind that things are tracking along nicely. My only symptoms so far have been peeing quite a lot and tender boobs and they aren't even as bad today. I know that is all normal but I guess it would just have been nice to know for sure that all is OK. Anyway I have my dating scan on Thursday so I will just have to wait until then and hope that we see that little heart beating away healthily!!

How is everybody else doing?

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TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: MakeItWork
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 2:48pm

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out!
1st August - Deb #2 - will be finding out!
4th August - WilsonPenn #1 - will be finding out!
4th August - Mickeyrat #2 - will you be finding out?
8th August - Jamsta #1 - will be finding out!
11th August - SoHappy #1 - will be finding out!

8th December - Makeitwork - Dating Scan

-------------" rel="nofollow">

TTC Since Oct 10 - PCOS

Our beautiful girl sadly born sleeping April 2012

Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 6:46pm
Welcome Mickeyrat =)

MIW I have tender boobs, constipation and thats about it haha. Had my doctors appointment today, got bloods for my 1st antenatal. My HCG on friday was 51 and today a whooping 351.... Yay!

My first scan is booked for the 19th at 12.10pm =)


Posted By: Red
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 7:16pm
MIW - it is not standard procedure to test HCG levels done. If you really want them done I am sure your midwife would let you for peace of mind.

Fingers crossed I get to join you lovely ladies, an August baby would be fab!


Posted By: SoHappy
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 7:24pm

1st August - MakeItWork #1 - will be finding out!
1st August - Deb #2 - will be finding out!
4th August - WilsonPenn #1 - will be finding out!
4th August - Mickeyrat #2 - will you be finding out?
8th August - Jamsta #1 - will be finding out!
11th August - SoHappy #1 - will be finding out!

8th December - Makeitwork - Dating Scan
19th December - SoHappy - Dating Scan


Posted By: Unicorn2012
Date Posted: 05 December 2011 at 7:51pm
Hi everyone.. I'm due august 1st as well.. although this is a bit scary for me as it wasn't planned!

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