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October 2012 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2012
Forum Description: Find other parents and parents of 2012 babies here!
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Topic: October 2012 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: October 2012 Babies
Date Posted: 11 November 2011 at 9:22am
Welcome to the Due in October 2012 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website).  We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 21 January 2012 at 5:40pm
Yay I get to start off the Oct list!
We are due with #3 on 1st Oct! So excited!

Posted By: susieq
Date Posted: 21 January 2012 at 6:52pm
Congratulations to you and a happy healthy nine months from TheKelly,s Mum


Posted By: EmDee
Date Posted: 22 January 2012 at 9:52am
*Squeee* Yay Kelly!!! Congratulations hun

DS 8
DD 6
DS 4
DD 2

Posted By: WestiesGirl
Date Posted: 22 January 2012 at 1:45pm
Wow October babies already. They are the best Congrats girls‼

Our Angel July 08 Gone but not forgotten

And to complete our family, our princess has arrived

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 22 January 2012 at 2:47pm
I'll say hi over here as well. I'm due Sept 29th, but went 11 days over with my first so I'm sure to end up in October.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 22 January 2012 at 5:56pm
Congrats Bky. I was 5 days overdue with #1 and #2 was born on his due date.

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 22 January 2012 at 9:18pm
Congrats to you too! I remember you from the TTC while BF thread.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 23 January 2012 at 6:38am
Yep thats me- I only just weaned DS around new year, and concieved 7 days after he stopped feeding,...after ttc for 8 months!

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 23 January 2012 at 8:30am
Yeah I had to stop mostly as well. I had to go down to once a day to get AF back at 16 months, but by 18 months I had cut her down to once a week more or less and that did the trick. She's kind of picked back up again and were now at a little every other day.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 23 January 2012 at 3:49pm
Yeah its weird how feeding so little can still affect fertility.
Saw my old midwife at work today, so booked in with her. Had already got blood form from Dr since I was there for another reason on thurs and did a preg test there at the same time.
Wont see midwife til 12 weeks tho, and wont be having a scan so dont need a for for that.
Will u have your same midwife too?

I hope some more people get bfp and come join us soon!

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 23 January 2012 at 6:02pm
I'm having no luck finding a midwife. I want different ones if I can because my last ones kind of dropped the ball on my breastfeeding problems. So I don't really trust them and that wouldn't be any good for a midwife-patient relationship. I've contacted 6 different midwives or practices, been denied by one (I want a VBAC if possible), heard back from one, and waiting to hear from the other 4. I know I'm barely 4 weeks now, but it's making me slightly anxious. I guess it's the tail end of a busy time of year. Must be patient! Not like I'll need much of anything for weeks yet, but still.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 23 January 2012 at 6:33pm
Yeah u definataly have to get onto to looking for out as soon as u get a bfp! Hope u can find a good one soon.
We were happy with ours, so Im glad we dont have to try and find a new one. Had to do that last time cos we were in a diff town than we were with our first.

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 10:45am
Just a minor moan. Apparently everyone is going on holiday in late September/early October! I've run into 3 midwives already that are going to be gone within a week or two of my due date. I'm waiting to hear back from one that was recommended to me by my first choice (who is going to be away), but she isn't back until the 5th of February. Wondering if I should wait until I hear from her to decide, or just keep looking before everyone else books up. I guess good news is that other than the first practice I contacted who told me better luck elsewhere for my VBAC, everyone else has been really positive about it.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 1:15pm
Thats crazy that the first practice didnt wanna do a VBAC- I thought it would be really common.
We only have 2 midwive practises here, and Im booked in with my old midwife - made first appt to see her at 12 weeks- 19 March.
Will only have the 20 week scan, and will be having a homebirth.

I hope u find a good midwife who isnt having Oct off, soon!

Posted By: millysmum
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 2:47pm
OMG October babies alraedy! Congrats everyone!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 2:48pm
Yay I just worked out that baby is due on the first day of the term 3-4 school holidays! DD is sooo excited about the baby it will be awesome that she doesnt have to go to school for that first 2 weeks,..then back to daily pick-up and drops offs,..with a new born and a toddler,...will be interesting!!

Posted By: Guest_58024
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 3:41pm
Isnt October a good time to have a baby!?!
Through winter and all.

Yay! Due on 15.10.12, first baby (:

So thrilled!!!!!!!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 25 January 2012 at 4:15pm
Congrats! Yay for more people joining us!
Did u have IVF? Trying to work how u have found out u are preg so early?!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 26 January 2012 at 5:15pm
Bky- any preg symptoms yet? I havent any at all,...just missed period and 3 bfp on hpt, lol! Had my first antenatal bloods today.
Went to plunket and they showed me how we can fit 3 carseats in our car, so thats a mega relief- thought we were gonna have to get a loan for a bus!! Its gonna be a very tight squeeze but is do-able, yay!

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 7:29am
Yeah, I've had some fleeting nausea, the taste in my mouth (thank you baking soda mouthwash, only thing that gets rid of it), cramping, being tired, mildly sore boobs, and being hot flashy. Edit: Also the sense of smell! Argh how could I forget that. I want to stick a lemon up my nose or something. Last time at 6 weeks like a switch morning sickness hit and I had food aversions so I'm trying to eat really well (lots of vegetables) until that happens.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Guest_66521
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 8:50am
Hi October Mummys,

Just did the test this morning and its a postive ! Yay nummber 2 due 2nd October !!

How do other people find out so fast they are pregnant ? I did a test two days ago and that was negative (obviously too early). My period is four days late today, and I had a little bit of bleeding Monday (so I guess that was the egg implanting).

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 11:42am
I found out the day after AF was due and was a definate positive that came up straight away but not as strong as the control line. I have a 24 day cycle tho, so thats why Ive found out earlier than u!

Posted By: Guest_66521
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 3:31pm

Aha, that makes sense !

How do you put the counter thing at the bottom of your posts ?

TTC since March 2010
MC #1: Sept 2011
Sperm Test: 0 sperm revealed March 2012
MC #2: April 2012
Referred onto Fertility Specialists: May 2012

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 3:48pm
You can make tickers in lots of places. Lilypie is where I got mine, there's also baby gaga and others. They usually have little walkthroughs where you pick the background and choose the date and stuff. Then you go up to profile (I was clicking on the wrong one, but it's the one right above 'new topic') and paste the BB code (there are several formats you can choose but forums usually use BB code) and there you go.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 6:09pm
Got my bloods back today and Im definatley preg, lol. Not that I doubted it. Have never had a preg confirmed by blood test before but the dr put it on the blood form.

Guest/Mum of David- Have u found a midwife? Will u have the same one?

Do either of you work? Ive been back part-time since Aiden was 5 months but had 2 1/2 years off with #1. I will hopefully work til about 36 weeks agian, and then have a year off this time- was only entitled to 6 months leave after Aiden cos hadnt worked in the job a year.

I feel like this next 8 weeks is gonna go SLOW! Ive got my first midwife appt to look forward to at 12 weeks, and then the scan at 20 weeks.

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 7:36pm

Got my BFP on 12dpo (Monday) and DH and I are super excited!!! Also have an underlying sense of anxiety as is normal I guess - wonder when it will subside a bit!? My BT results show my HCG levels are doubling as expected - stoked. Have a 6 week scan booked too. It's all on!!!

Due 3rd October (so Im approx 4 weeks, 3 days?)

Looking forward to chatting to you on our journey together...!!!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 27 January 2012 at 8:35pm
Congrats Beachoholic! Yep the anxiety is normal, and it sucks. I cant help being sooo excited I concentrate on planning ahead. The next 8 weeks are really gonna be head, but its easier after the 12 week mark. 6 weeks is quite early for a scan- wont be able to see a whole lot. Im not having one til 20 weeks which feels like a life time away!
Im already busy looking up carseat options, and working out the best way to fit 3 kids into our car, lol. Will need to buy 2 new carseats that are narrower so the fit. Will be the only things we have to buy for this baby tho!

For tickers you put the code in the signature box on your profile page. Just shorten the code so u only use the part that starts with

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 28 January 2012 at 2:33pm
Hi Beachoholic and congrats!
I hear you on the anxiety. I got an 8 week scan last time because I'd had a previous missed miscarriage. I doubt I'll get anything like that this time. We'll see once I actually nail down a midwife! I do think I'll buy a doppler this time though. Not like it's good until nearly 12 weeks, but it might be fun for DD to listen to the baby.

Kellz I work, though only 3 days a week. I went back when DD was 4 months, as though I was entitled to more, I'd basically started the job the day I got a BFP with her. I think this time I'll take maybe 7 months. The idea of less pumping at work is appealing, but the longer I stay away the more bored I'll get! I really like working part time. Just enough time at home and at work to fully appreciate how hard/rewarding both of them are. Two of my coworkers are out on parental leave now, one is taking 9+ months and the other is taking 7. I think they are both due back at work in April.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 1:08pm

Aww congrats to all the newly expectant ones!  I have an October baby, it's a great time year to have a newborn!  Just going into summer, so no cold night feeds.

Congrats again to Kellz, how're you feeling - any MS yet?


My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 1:43pm
Thanks M4B! No ms yet, but Ive never had any at all before either. Getting a bit tired but am permanently sleep deprived so not sure its preg related or not! No other symptoms at all yet either, but thats not unusual for me. 3 preg tests, no af, and a blood test all confirm I am utd tho, lol!

Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 29 January 2012 at 1:59pm
Wow how nice for you!!!  I think being pg and suffering MS is a big factor in stopping me having any more kids!!  Haha.  Probably a good thing - four children is PLENTY!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 3:45pm
OMG Beachoholic!!!! Big congrats hun!

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 3:54pm
Thanks so much Tiff!! Lovely of you to comment! It was oh naturale after 20months - had a failed IUI last cycle which was pretty gutting. Really excited but feel pretty nervous! Must... keep... positive!

Really hope your IVF is going ok missy?! FX for you.



Posted By: Tiff8ny
Date Posted: 31 January 2012 at 3:57pm
If you want too, come into the FB IVF group and let everyone know your news!! We all LOVE hearing the natural miracle stories! You brought a big smile to my face this arvo when I read this! I wish you a happy & healthy 8 months chick xo

Me 32, DH 30
TTC 4+ years
Unexplained Infertility
IVF#1 - Chem Pregnancy,no frosties
IVF#2 - BFP!!!! Plus 1 frostie

Posted By: JaneS
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 10:16am
Hi everyone

So i've been stalking this thread for a while, now I can officially join you!

Got my BFP this morning, which was a bit of a shock as we haven't been trying very long, I honestly thought this one would take a bit longer to happen!

No MS yet, just slightly sore boobs (I had forgotten about all of these things!)

Looking forward to getting to know you all!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 1:20pm
Congratulations Jane! When are u due? Ive not got any symptoms at all yet.
Will attempt to start a list of names/due dates etc, but Im a bit computer-illiterate, so may need help!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 1:35pm


Sept 29
#2 Bky

Oct 1
#3   Kellz    Will be a surprise!

Oct 2
#2 Guest _66521

Oct 3
#1 Beachaholic   Will be finding out

Oct 4
Oct 5
Oct 6

Oct 7
#2 JaneS

Oct 8
#1 Wooka

Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30

Beachaholic- 7th Feb (6weeks)
Kellz - May (20 weeks)

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 4:07pm
Thanks for setting that up Kellz! I'm so jealous of all you no MS people. Mine started at 5 weeks on the dot. Started at 6 weeks on the dot last time so I was hoping for at least another week. No food aversions yet though, that was the worst last time. I wasn't able to eat any vegetables for 3 months.
I've been trying gingery drinks but DD keeps begging them off me.
MS is so much easier with no kids. I'd like to be sitting on the couch watching TV but I've got to go out and push DD around on her bike and stuff. Oh well!

Hi Jane and congrats!

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 4:10pm
Lol, everything is so much easier without kids, hehe! Im not looking forward to the exhaustion to set in, no chance of a quiet relax or nap around here- DS is currently raiding the freezer and is covered in toothpaste, lol!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 6:00pm
Ive lost my appetite today, very unlike me. I had been eating more than normal now I dont feel like eating at all. Just had dinner but could only eat half. Weird! Maybe Im imagining it, lol. I was commenting to friends today that I wish I had some sort of symptom that Im preg, lol!

Hows everyone else doing? I hope we have some more people join us soon!

Posted By: Seraphim
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 7:38pm
Thought I should say hi in here too even though I'm due end of September. You never know!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 7:46pm
Hi! Im kinda hoping this baby will come at end of Sept, since I already have an Oct "baby", spreading the birthdays out a wee bit more will be kinder on the finances!! She was 5 days late, DS was born on his due date, so this one could come 5 days early please, lol!

Do u want to be added to our list?

Posted By: JaneS
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:10pm
Its funny how you imagine symptoms huh! then when you do get full blown MS you WISH you could go back to no symptoms lol

I was lucky with DS, was nauseous with reduced appetite for the first trimester, but was only physically sick twice, fingers crossed for a repeat this time around

Hi Seraphim! Is this your first? congrats

Oh and i'm due on the 7th Not sure if we're going to find out or not yet. We didn't with DS, but this is going to be our last one, so would be nice to know in advance so we can sell the boys stuff and get girls stuff if we need to


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:25pm
Congrats! We wont be finding out, did with #1, didnt with #2, and we already have one of each. This will be our last too, and Im also looking forward to being able to get rid of a heap of stuff we have stored once this one is born and we know the sex, plus when this one out grows stuff like the basinette, cot etc will be nice to be able to get rid of that stuff instead of having to find room to store everything! Lent a heap of stuff to good friends our ours, but have just got it back as their baby is nearly one now!

ETA- have added u to the list.

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:37pm
Congrats JaneS!! Yay we have a proper little group now!

You guys are awesome for looking after kids too. My symptoms aren't extreme - a little fatigue, a little cramping, a little nausea when I dont give in to the munchies... Nothing to complain about though.

I will definitely be finding out - too impatient to wait!!

Also, my first scan is Tuesday 7th Feb - my midwife (who I briefly spoke to on the phone) said that date is sweet (even though its just 6 weeks) and I will obviously be having the 12 week scan too...


Posted By: Lucky apple
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:37pm
Originally posted by JaneS JaneS wrote:

Oh and i'm due on the 7th Not sure if we're going to find out or not yet. We didn't with DS, but this is going to be our last one, so would be nice to know in advance so we can sell the boys stuff and get girls stuff if we need to

....I'm not stalking you, honest
But, if you have a girl, and we have a boy, then we can do a supply swap!!   
Congrats lady, super duper stoked for you. x

Posted By: wooka
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:40pm
October is my new favourite month - just got my BFP after a few months of trying, due October 8.
DH and I have been married for about 16 months, this will be our first and we are very excited and pretty nervous!
Wow it is great to be in here!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:44pm
Yay Congratulations! Will add u to the list now, then bring it forward.

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 01 February 2012 at 8:46pm


Sept 29
#2 Bky

Oct 1
#3 Kellz    Will be a surprise!
#1 Chocolatefish   

Oct 2
#2 Guest _66521

Oct 3
#1 Beachaholic   Will be finding out

Oct 4
#2 Storm11     Will be finding out
Oct 5
Oct 6

Oct 7
#2 JaneS

Oct 8
#1 Wooka

Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30

Beachaholic- 7th Feb (6weeks)
Kellz - May (20 weeks)

Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 9:47am
Am excited to make the move from the TWW!! Got my BFP this morning!!

My due date at this stage is 4 October.. but will be getting a dating scan, which may likely make due date later!

I had a Chem Preg in Sept last year, so am a little on the edge of my seat at the moment... still have a couple more HPT's in my cupboard, so won't be able to resist using them over the next couple days to make sure it stays dark LOL Chem preg the line got lighter

But anyway, if someone would like to add me to the list for 4th Oct baby #2, DH and I will be finding out the sex

How is everyone feeling?

It's a very quiet forum for now.... hopefully more ladies currently in the TWW will make the move over the weekend

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 12:46pm
Welcome Storm11! Have added you to the list. Yes it is very quiet- I resisted posting the whole day yesterday since Im dominating the posting in here already, lol!

Posted By: wooka
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 1:38pm
Yus Storm! Great to hear.

Boobs are crazy things, this week I've grown out of all except 2 pairs of bras, and as today is progressing I've nearly grown out of another!

Otherwise feel normal, but possibly breathless??? Is that even an early symptom?


Posted By: chocolatefish
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 2:02pm
Hi girls!

Im pregnant with our 1st, due date is 1st October, been married 2 years this month.

So excited but nervous! Cant wait for the 12 wk scan so we can make sure there is actually something there!


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 2:55pm
Congratulations chocolatefish! Have added you to the list! You are due the same day as me!

Posted By: HollyP
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:28pm
Yay and welcome to all the new October due Mummies !

Been MIA as my computer crashed - but to answer some of the previous posts....

I'm due 2nd Oct (I was #2 Guest _66521). I am working full time, and I have a 17 month old son (so he'll be just turned 2 when the new bubba comes along). We are going to find out the sex this time so we can prepare our son for some of the changes.

Havent got morning sickness yet, but I was really sick last time until 14 weeks - just started getting the watery mouth thing though so cant be far away now....

I've already stacked on weight - back to my 'fat' jeans :o(


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:28pm
Wooka- no idea about the breathlessness, but my boobs were like that with #1, grew crazy fast at first. Didnt with #2, and Ive not noticed any changes this time yet.
I still have no appetite, but no other symptoms.

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:35pm
Big big congrats to wooka, storm & chocolate fish!!! Group hugs!

Well fatigue has kicked in big time for me. Funny that you mention that your boobs are already growing - me too (unless I'm willing them to be so my eyes are playing tricks)!!

Time seems to be soooo sloooow at the mo. a preggy friend told me that her MW reassured her that you are pretty much sweet at 10 weeks... So hope that's true! Will still try and wait til 12weeks to tell my wider circle of friends and extended family though... Unless the pick up on it in the next few weeks of weddings etc.

Hope you're all having a fab day - yay for the long weekend!!


Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:42pm
PS hi hollyp... And congrats !!! :)


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:43pm
We've told everyone already- have never been able to keep it to oursleves with any pregnancy! Were ttc 8 months this time, so tonnes of people knew we were trying, plus now that DD is 5yrs we wanted to tell her and not have her find out from someone else. Shes super- excited too and telling everyone!

Beachaloic- if there is a heatbeat at your 6 week scan then its much less likely you will have a m/c as most m/c are from cells that would never go on to delvelop properly.

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 3:48pm


Sept 29
#2 Bky

Oct 1
#3 Kellz    Will be a surprise!
#1 Chocolatefish   

Oct 2
#2 HollyP Will be finding out

Oct 3
#1 Beachaholic   Will be finding out

Oct 4
#2 Storm11     Will be finding out
Oct 5
Oct 6

Oct 7
#2 JaneS

Oct 8
#1 Wooka

Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30

Beachaholic- 7th Feb (6weeks)
Kellz - May (20 weeks)

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 4:20pm
Im being very lazy- should finish the dishes and washing that are both half done, lol. Decorated a 2nd birthday cake for a friends son today, so still have tonnes dishes from that. DH is staying late at work for Fri drinks, and DD is staying the night at Nana's (MIL), so its just me and DS who is happily running about in the nude watching the wiggles and "riding" the arm of the couch like a horse, lol!

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 4:56pm
Haha misread that and thought you were both running around nude and riding the couch! Hahaha

Hope you get to relax :)

Can't go to the lantern fest cos of the dodgy stall food (which I normally love) so will just be hanging out tonight.

Kellz, thanks for the reassurance about the scan... Wondering whether my hormones are making me excessively worried too?!


Posted By: HollyP
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 5:23pm
So wish I could chill out after a hard week of work with a nice glass of wine... oh well not to be... maybe I'll get some of that non alcoholic stuff.

Going home to clean furiously before we have some people come round to look at the property - we are trying to sell as our dream house came on the market a few weeks ago and we want it desperately... great timing !

Is anyone else getting the run around from midwives ? Finding it so difficult just to find someone who's not grumpy and short tempered. I've made appointments with two different ones who sounded nice, and then they've cancelled on me because they were suddenly 'on holiday' around my due date. Why is it so difficult ??

Posted By: wooka
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 5:39pm
I have an appointment on Monday with MW who sounds lovely.

We have been house hunting for about 6 months, now need to decide whether to really try to buy soon or hold off for potentially a couple of years. Need to be able to save as much as possible, but it'd be so nice to have our own home for this baby!

Yep I'm astounded by the boob growth but it's definitely for real, and I'm pretty small so is noticable (to me anyway!)


Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 03 February 2012 at 5:40pm
Bky was having a lot of trouble finding a midwife too. Was easy for me, just saw my old one at work and told her and made an appt to see her when Im 12 weeks! Hope u can find a decent one soon!

Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 7:50am
Hmm ok, now I'm panicking! I had 2 more tests left over, so of course took another one this morning thinking the 2nd line would be darker than yesterday, which was pretty dar, and now it's almost barely there?? THis is what happened with my chem preg last year, but took a few days for the 2nd line to go this light...

Any ideas anyone? I am tempted to run out to the chemist and buy a discover and check again!

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Beachoholic
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 8:44am
Morning! Eek that must have given you a fright Storm. Sorry to hear that! Do you have any symptoms today? Yes I would totally recommend you buy a good quality test like discover which might be more reliable. Also, are you going to have blood tests? They will show whether your hormone levels are increasing. Have my fingers and toes crossed for you!! Hugs xo


Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 10:01am
ok, not so panicked now!! But yes, Beachoholic... was a major fright, have just spent the last 2 hours in a frantic depressed state of mind LOL guess it comes with wanting it so bad

So i'm pretty sure the test was faulty! I did another one, but of course didn't have enough (TMI) urine as I had only just been to the loo half hour before... so I peed into a lil urine cup from my OV tests and dipped the test in for 5 seconds! And it is much darker, not like yesterdays one, BUT then I just read that if using the first response that way, you are supposed to dip it in for 20second! LOL so don't think I got enough urine!! OMG what a drama this is LOL I have a crystal clear test I will try when I "need to go" again LOL

Oh, and I took an OPK which I have heard can detect, and it was positive!

Yup - i'm the crazy lady... haha

I want to get tests but couldn't get an appt with my doc till Thurs next week, and with the long weekend not sure what good it will do going to a walk in clinic..... will call my MW on Tuesday I think

So, anywho, how is everyone?

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 10:28am
Hope you find one soon Holly. I had to call over 10 and 3 were going on leave around my EDD, 1 was pregnant, I didn't like another one, a few never called me back and I'm meeting with 2 next week. I commented to one when she called me how difficult I'd found it and joked that there must be some kind of midwife convention in early October, but she took it seriously and said she didn't think so
Good luck with the house though!

I haven't tested again since I'd have to buy more tests. I was kind of worried but am having decent morning sickness so not much energy to worry too much. The tests have all different dye concentrations so I'm sure nothing to worry about.

Wooka: I always get breathless. It was really bad all first trimester with DD and I have it again this time. Some kind of hormonal thing.

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: JaneS
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 12:27pm
Scary storm, fingers crossed for you!

What times of the day are you testing? I think your HCG is more concentrated or something first thing in the morning, so maybe your getting differing results because your testing at different times of the day?


Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 12:45pm
Hello ladies!
I've been stalking this thread for weeks thinking it was our month and it turns out it is!! Got my BFP this morning! I was charting so I know exactly when I ovulated and my due date is the 13th. Can someone add me to the list? It's #2 (also an October baby!) and we won't be finding out.
I've been desperate to get pregnant again after having DS and now that I am I'm feeling so anxious!!


Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 04 February 2012 at 12:55pm
Welcome Jaune! Congrats on your BFP!!!

JaneS I have been testing first thing in the morning, and it was first thing this morning that the absolute negative came up, then an hour later positive again - so i'm pretty sure it was a faulty test! I am just very paranoid LOL after my chem preg last year.

As for MW's I am really hoping that mine will be free - I loved her when preg with DD! But I am hearing all over the place that so many MW's are away in October! Weird really!

My symptoms aren't that bad - still feel like throwing up at the thought of some foods, and still feel like I am getting stretching pains... but I also didn't get anything till about 7 weeks with DD

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 7:35am
Morning ladies,

I am sad to say I am out of this thread, after a positive HPT and a positive OPK yesterday, this mornings test has come back negative, with a very very faint line.

I can't believe this has happened again now hopefully the bleeding will hurry up and start!

Wishing all you ladies a happy healthy 9 months

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 7:57am
So so sorry to hear that Storm. Hope you're ok.


Posted By: sarahjans
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 12:40pm
Hi all

just found out Im pregnant with my first, I worked out about 6weeks now so due oct 1st i think, and not really sure what to do now..
do I need to see my GP first to confirm the pregnancy? (i used 3 tests though) or just go ahead and find a midwife?

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 12:45pm
Welcome sarah! Congratulations!
Totally up to you. With my first (who was born on the 1st Oct!) I went to the Dr first, had another preg test then had a blood test and was referred for a scan as I didn't have any clue how far along I was. I'm going to see my GP first this time too, then arrange my midwife. But you can bypass your GP and go straight to a midwife as they can refer for bloods and scans if you need them.


Posted By: sarahjans
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 1:48pm
Thanks for that :)

Posted By: WannaBMum
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 6:22pm
Hi ladies,

Would love to join you all. Got my first BFP on Friday, and another one yesterday, yaaaay!! It's our first baby, and the due date should be around the 13th of October. Will be finding out. So so excited! Lets enjoy this 9 month journey together.

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 6:35pm
Hey Springtime!! Congratulations - looks like we might be due date buddies!


Posted By: WannaBMum
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 7:03pm
Hi Jaune, yes we will be, how exciting. Just tried to put my ticker together, lets see if it worked.

Posted By: WannaBMum
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 7:04pm
Ok, so clearly it didn't work Where do I enter BB code for me ticker? Thanks ladies.

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 7:20pm
You go to the Profile underlined at the top of the page, and where it says signature you input the IMG code or something I think it is, that you get from the website...

ETA: It's the 'PseudoHTML, UBBCode and BB Code' that you use. It starts with url.


Posted By: MuckyBucky
Date Posted: 05 February 2012 at 11:13pm
Hi Ladies - I'm really pleased to be joining you in this thread and am very excited about baby number 2!!

I am due on 5 Oct (we will be finding out), had my bloods back confirming pregnancy, have spoken to my midwife for DD and she's agreed to be my midwife again and have a scan booked for Friday to check that everything is ok as I've had a miscarriage previously. No morning sickness yet just a general blur feeling ... Hope everyone else is feeling ok.


Posted By: WannaBMum
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 10:28am
Welcome MuckyBucky! Have a great Waitangi everyone.

Posted By: HollyP
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 10:31am
have booked in with a midwife for Thursday - thinking the 'on holiday' is the gentle way of saying they dont want to look after you....

Feeling very different this pregnancy - by this stage with my son I was sleeping 14 hours a day and vomiting all the time. This time I have a little bit of watery mouth and I'm breathless, but other than that I feel great, thinking maybe this one's a girl ? Has anyone else had different pregnancy symptoms with differnt babies ?

Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 10:37am
Wasn't able to post earlier, we'll see if this goes through.
Hi to all the new ladies!

Storm, you should get checked out by your GP, just to make sure you aren't having an ectopic. Hope it's just a bad test though!

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 11:19am
Hi MuckyBucky! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
You've been very organised! I'm hoping to see my GP this week and will then arrange my MW. Not keen on having the one I had for DS, but have a new one in mind...hope she's available!
I'm feeling ok, some waves of nausea and I'm really tired and really bloated. Symptoms seem to have come earlier than last time, although maybe it's because I didn't know at this stage last time...

Think I might try to update the list and bring it forward...


Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 11:25am


Sept 29
#2 Bky

Oct 1
#3 Kellz    Will be a surprise
#1 Chocolatefish
#1 sarahjans

Oct 2
#2 HollyP   Will be finding out

Oct 3
#1 Beachaholic   Will be finding out

Oct 4
#1 Guest_66521

Oct 5
#2 MuckyBucky    Will be finding out

Oct 6

Oct 7
#2 JaneS

Oct 8
#1 Wooka

Oct 9
Oct 10
Oct 11
Oct 12

Oct 13
#1 Springtime12
#2 Jaune    Will be a surprise

Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30

Beachaholic- 7th Feb (6weeks)
MuckyBucky - 10th Feb
Guest_66521 - 16th Feb
Kellz - May (20 weeks)



Posted By: Storm11
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 12:36pm
Originally posted by Bky Bky wrote:

Storm, you should get checked out by your GP, just to make sure you aren't having an ectopic. Hope it's just a bad test though!

I wish it was a bad test Bky, but the other 3 I have taken have the same negative outcome. I had a chem preg in Sept, so am pretty sure this isn't ectopic and is chem again. Have an appt with GP this week though

Can someone please remove me from the list when they get a chance thanks

TTC #2 6+ yrs. Multiple chemical losses, 4 IVF rounds, multiple FET's. Fingers still crossed for a miracle to come our way

Posted By: Guest_66521
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 12:54pm

Hi ladies!! I have been eyeing up this forum for a while and hoping to join, but I had forgotten my password and the site, although I tried, didnt seem to want to send me a reminder email!  Until today that woo hoo here I am!


Let me introduce myself; I found out I was pregnant 23 January and have a dating scan next thursday the 16th (went for one last thurs but obviously under 5-6 weeks as they couldnt see bubs). I estimate my due date to be about the 4th October but obviously will confirm that in a couple weeks!

Yay so excited to finally be joining one of these forums!!  Have thin PCOS and been trying for 6 months. 

Now im going to try and make a ticker!

TTC since March 2010
MC #1: Sept 2011
Sperm Test: 0 sperm revealed March 2012
MC #2: April 2012
Referred onto Fertility Specialists: May 2012

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 1:41pm
Originally posted by Storm11 Storm11 wrote:

Can someone please remove me from the list when they get a chance thanks

Have done Storm and have added yours as an Angel Baby, let us know if you'd rather it wasn't on there...
Thinking of you


Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 1:44pm
Guest_66521 - Congratulations on your pregnancy! Have added you to the list, but can change when you get your due date confirmed. I have PCOS too and was really worried it was going to take forever to conceive #2 but only our 2nd month trying so I'm over the moon.

If you want to change your name from Guest you go to {edit profile} then change your handle name...


Posted By: wooka
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 5:09pm
Meeting LMC this evening, I have so many questions she'll be thinking "here's another paranoid first time mum'! About food, exercise, how to manage being sooo tired, supplements, cats etc etc!!
It's lovely to see the October list growing with a mix of those with some experience and newbies like me. Hope everyone's enjoyed their long weekend


Posted By: HollyP
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 6:29pm
So sorry Storm, let us know when you get better news x


Posted By: Bky
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 6:53pm
Finally meeting with a midwife tomorrow. Also the one that's been recommended to me by what would have been my first choice (who's going to be away) should be back in town so I can call her tomorrow as well. I guess she got back the 5th, but Sunday and Waitangi day etc, so I'll call her tomorrow. I've only been calling people since before 4 weeks!

7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 7:47pm
Hi all, just back from an impromptu weekend away! I was working Sat but we were over- staffed so I got to go home at 11 am instead of 3.30, so we decided to go to Ohope for the weekend. Friends came with us too and we had a great weekend!
Welcome to all the newbies- I was writing them all down to update the list and then saw its been done, thanks Jaune!

Storm- so sorry you are going through this again.

Im still symptom free, have my appetite back and feeling fine. Normal for me tho, so Im not worried at all, would kinda be nice toi have some sort of sign that Im preg tho, other than no AF!!

Posted By: Jaune
Date Posted: 06 February 2012 at 9:40pm
No problem Kellz...thought you must've been away. Bit of a surge of BFPs which is great!
I'm so excited! Going to tell my family this weekend. I did the same with DS..tell them pretty much as soon as I know (well, within a couple of weeks) because I'd want them to know even if for any reason it didn't stick...need family support for stuff like that I reckon. They know we've been trying so will be very happy!
Kellz - you had to stop BF to get pregnant aye? I of those lucky ones that gets total protection from 1 feed a day!!


Posted By: AmberDan
Date Posted: 07 February 2012 at 5:17am
Hi gals! Just got my BFP Wednesday! Its our first baby and I'm soooo excited! I'm due october 11th but haven't had my dating scan yet so that could change. I wanted to be a part of this forum so maybe it would help ease some of my fears with me being a first timer and all lol. Congrats to you all!

Posted By: Kellz
Date Posted: 07 February 2012 at 7:40am


Sept 29
#2 Bky

Oct 1
#3 Kellz    Will be a surprise
#1 Chocolatefish
#1 sarahjans

Oct 2
#2 HollyP   Will be finding out

Oct 3
#1 Beachaholic   Will be finding out

Oct 4
#1 Guest_66521

Oct 5
#2 MuckyBucky    Will be finding out

Oct 6

Oct 7
#2 JaneS

Oct 8
#1 Wooka

Oct 9
Oct 10

Oct 11
#1 AmberDan
#2 Casablanca

Oct 12

Oct 13
#1 Springtime12
#2 Jaune    Will be a surprise

Oct 14
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 17
Oct 18
Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 22
Oct 23
Oct 24
Oct 25
Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28
Oct 29
Oct 30

Beachaholic- 7th Feb (6weeks)
MuckyBucky - 10th Feb
Guest_66521 - 16th Feb
Kellz - May (20 weeks)


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