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November 2012 Babies

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Expecting and Arrived
Forum Name: Born in 2012
Forum Description: Find other parents and parents of 2012 babies here!
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Topic: November 2012 Babies
Posted By: skiltz
Subject: November 2012 Babies
Date Posted: 11 November 2011 at 9:26am
Welcome to the Due in November 2012 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!

Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.

We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc

If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password.

Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website).  We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)

From the team at OHbaby!

Posted By: blessed_mama
Date Posted: 27 February 2012 at 9:49am
I'm due with #2 on Nov 6th. Very early days yet but I'm so excited!

Posted By: Aroha11
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 9:33am
Congrats I can't believe there are due Nov babies already. Are you telling people or in that zone of only those on Ohbaby know!! That is what I was like and it was great to be able to share the excitement with others in the same boat. YAY


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 3:29pm
Hi blessed_mama!
I have had a couple of + HPT's now.
Due on 8th November!

Pretty exciting stuff, though I am being cautiously optimistic, as I had a chem pregnancy in November 2011. Hoping this one is a sticky one, and hoping the same for you & anyone else who joins us here!!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 3:33pm">

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 9th
Spirals baby #3


Posted By: Stoked
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 3:38pm
Congrats Rach and all the other November Mummy's and Mummy's to be!. November babies are awesome!

-------------" rel="nofollow">" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 3:40pm
Thanks stoked... they really are!


Posted By: silvs
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 3:43pm
congrats rach and other nov mums to be haha that's my 3rd congrats for you rach i have everything crossed that this one works out for you

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: heavenly.talker
Date Posted: 28 February 2012 at 8:56pm
Congrats Peyton's Mum. I hope it all works out for you :-) YAY! Bring on more Nov babies

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 11:06am
Congratulations ladies woo-hoo!!

I have just found out I am due no. 3 on 9th Nov

Had to come on here and tell cos I am dying to tell someone but keeping it quiet IRL for now.
Will tell hubby when he gets home from work tonight.

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 11:09am
Wow. Haven't been on here in ages. Think I need to update my tickers and profile picture lol

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 11:21am
Hi spirals! Yay more people!

Just a couple of people know IRL, I am trying to keep it fairly quiet for now. Is it 12 weeks yet!?   

ETA: I added you to the list, hope that is ok!


Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 12:42pm
Of course that's OK. Thank you. x

I'm so excited!!! Gonna be a loooong pregnancy knowing this early on though lol

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 4:16pm
I am excited, but trying to be sensible about it.
I have been HPTing like a crazy person, to see if that lovely second line is getting darker. (It is!)
Will give it another week or so, then get in contact with a MW.
How old are your other two spirals? My girl will be not quite two when this one arrives, another November bubs!
Is a lovely time of year to have a newborn though.


Posted By: Casablanca
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 4:24pm
PeytonsMum - just saw you posted had to drop in and say congratulations! Awesome that a few more from the TTC thread have got BFP's how exciting!


Posted By: gossamer
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 6:03pm
Hi everyone! I'm due with number #3 on the 5th Nov, very excited for this little one!

T (6)
A (2)
Our angel baby Sep 2011">

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 6:43pm
Hi Gossamer

PeytonsMum - My other two children are 1 & 3 (so when this baby comes the oldest will be a few months off 4, and the younger one will be 2 in November also!

I agree, it is a lovely time of year to have a newborn.

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 7:26pm
Nice age gaps! I was originally aiming for 2 years or so, so things have worked out nicely!

Hi Gossamer! Welcome!


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 29 February 2012 at 8:00pm
Hi Ladies,

Im so excited to have found this..I am 4 weeks pregnant with our first baby due the 8th Novemeber!! I cant wait to share and hear all your pregnancy stories. A new baby for Christmas!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 11:28am
Hi Haleyjj! I wondered if we would get any first time mums. Congratulations!
Will go update our list!

Oh yay, just realised you are my due date buddy!


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 11:40am
My first post in November Babies thread!

I am due with my second on 6th November! Has anyone registered with a midwife yet?

Congratulations November Mummies!

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 11:46am
Congrats on your second! How old is your first child?

I haven't rung a MW yet, will give it about another week and then pencil it in I think. Really hoping she will allow me a early scan.


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 11:47am">

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2
UK2NZMummy baby #2
chills baby #3

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 9th
Spirals baby #3


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 12:05pm
My DD will be 1 in less than a month!!! I still can't believe I've been a Mummy for a year!

I've been told that the Wellington Midwives get booked up so quickly that I'm going to call this afternoon or tomorrow. There's one that has been recommended loads of the thread on here so I'll try her first. I think I'm classed as high risk (diabetes type 1) and I had a c-section last time - someone told me that some midwives refuse previous c-section patients. It just seems very early to me to call. Back in the UK you see your doctor first (at 8 weeks!) then your midwife at about 12 weeks after your scan, then again at 16, 20, 32 and 36 weeks. The midwife in the UK is the one based in the doctor's surgery who listens to the heartbeat and does your blood pressure (but literally nothing else!) and then you get whoever is working in the hospital on the day you turn up to deliver!

A definite learning experience for me!!!!

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 12:26pm
Wow, that's a nice close age gap!

I have also heard that MW's refuse c-section patients. I also had one first time around due to a terrible labour (first timers, stop reading! ) and am hoping for an elective this time. Someone told me not to tell them straight away. Then they will have you on their books, and can't really refuse you after they have already accepted you. I think the reasoning is probably that they don't receive the complete "fee" if the birth end in a c-section.

I think anywhere in the country the good MW's get booked up very early, so it does pay to get in asap.

So obviously you had your first in the UK? Wow, it sure is going to be different this time around!


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 1:40pm
I's really scary! The whole thing so far has been a learning experience. We don't know anyone here yet either so a support network is non-existent. We suspect that we'll have to pay for a flight for my Mum to come and babysit when I go in. Chances are that I'll be having the baby in October (38 weeks). This baby is already proving VERY expensive!
In an ideal world I'd like to have an elective as they'll induce at 38 or 39 weeks and I have a theory that inductions don't work if the baby isn't ready to make an appearance...this was my problem last time. THREE DAYS of induction - 1 pessary, stretch and sweep, 2nd pessary, drip and then a section! Not a nice experience and not one that I want to go through again...especially not when I'm so far from people that can help out when we come home.

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 1:45pm
haha, it sounds about the same as mine.. but I wont scare any first timers! Is the induction at 38 weeks due to the diabetes?
I think with the electives, they are about a week early in NZ. Will be interesting, I may just slip into October actually, my daughter came a week early, so am not sure what they will do in my situation.

I think you will find this forum to be an amazing support network (though obviously not as good as the IRL kind.) My Nov 2010 forum is amazing, and still going strong. I have met a heap of lovely people there, and hope to have the same in here too.


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 2:27pm
Hey Girls,

Peytonsmum - You are my due date buddy!! Thats if they both arrive at the time, Ive heard generally if your having a normal birth that the first one is usually late. Im so exicted, our first baby!! As you have done this before, When is it to early to see a midwife? I have doc appointment monday and then i was going to get straight onto finding a midwife. Ekkkkk im so excited!! Feeling so knackered today though, pulled a sligh sicky and am working from home as just so tired, also feel slighly queasy and have a really sore back for some reason - That may not be related but who knows :)

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 2:41pm
HaleyJJ, I think if you see your doctor first, then maybe start looking for a MW after that. Some MW's wont see you until about 9 weeks or so I think (unfortunately due to the high m/c rate) but it wont hurt to get in contact with one and get on their books. If you leave it too late, you can miss out on the good ones. Though in saying that, you would hope there are no "bad" midwifes. lol

I think a high percentage of first births go overdue, I was an exception, but I think they got my dates slightly out. My EDD was 18th November, I had thought approx the 15th, so I was closer than they were!


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 2:49pm
Thanks Peytonsmum - its all abit new doing this for the first time, its ncie to have a little bit of advice from people who have done it all before. Wow so you first one was born in November? So you'll have 2 novemember babies? how exciting!! So have you seen a doctor yet? Im 4 weeks today, so you must be as well? I think novemeber is a great time to have a wee baby, especially with it being christmas & such a family time of year. Its nice to be able to express yourself on these forums, Obviosuly to early for me to be telling people..but sometimes the excitment is all abit to much so nice to be able to express it! Hahaha. x

Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 2:57pm
Originally posted by PeytonsMum PeytonsMum wrote:

haha, it sounds about the same as mine.. but I wont scare any first timers! Is the induction at 38 weeks due to the diabetes?
I think with the electives, they are about a week early in NZ. Will be interesting, I may just slip into October actually, my daughter came a week early, so am not sure what they will do in my situation.

I think you will find this forum to be an amazing support network (though obviously not as good as the IRL kind.) My Nov 2010 forum is amazing, and still going strong. I have met a heap of lovely people there, and hope to have the same in here too.

I'm not sure about NZ yet but certainly at home the diabetes means that you get extra monitoring towards the end to check on the growth of bubba. I had scans at 32, 34 and 36 weeks - all were fine. They like to induce diabetics as there is a higher risk of still birth so they don't normally go over 39 weeks. I was meant to be induced at 39 weeks but got pre-eclampsia so it was brought forward a week - another thing that is a higher risk with diabetes. It's a bu*ger really but one of those things that we learn to live with and if you take care of yourself during pregnancy you're less likely to have any problems. I wouldn't change anything about my previous labour or pregnancy. I had an epidural and couldn't feel a thing for most of it!!!!

So far this forum has been invaluable for lots of things so it's nice to know that friendships are formed through it too.

Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 3:03pm
Originally posted by HaleyJJ HaleyJJ wrote:

Ive heard generally if your having a normal birth that the first one is usually late. Im so exicted, our first baby!! As you have done this before, When is it to early to see a midwife? I have doc appointment monday and then i was going to get straight onto finding a midwife. Ekkkkk im so excited!! Feeling so knackered today though, pulled a sligh sicky and am working from home as just so tired, also feel slighly queasy and have a really sore back for some reason - That may not be related but who knows :)

I asked on another thread and it appears that a lot depends on where you live as midwives are in demand. I'm in Wellington and will be calling around soon - the good ones get snapped up quickly! I've been compiling a list of recommended ones (from a thread on here) so will be calling them first.

The symptoms you have at the moment (backache, tiredness and nausea) are the joys of early pregnancy! Welcome to motherhood! Take it easy - your body is busy making a baby and it's tiring work!

Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 3:13pm
Hi Everyone!

So i got my BFP this morning... woo hoo!!
This will be our 3rd baby, I have DS 4 1/2 and DD 20 months. So glad that DS will be at school by the time this one comes along.

Congrats to everyone. It's so nice to be able to come on here and share the excitement, I haven't even told hubby yet (will when he gets home)

Hi UK2NZMummy, I'm also from the UK, moved over here 3 years ago and I can tell you after having my son in the UK and then my Daughter here it was such an all round nicer experience for me here. I love that you have one midwife all the way through and you really get to know each other, I'm hoping I can get the same midwife this time round.

Looking forward to getting to know you all =)


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 3:30pm
[QUOTE=chills]Hi UK2NZMummy, I'm also from the UK, moved over here 3 years ago and I can tell you after having my son in the UK and then my Daughter here it was such an all round nicer experience for me here. I love that you have one midwife all the way through and you really get to know each other, I'm hoping I can get the same midwife this time round.QUOTE]

Thank you....that's such a relief to hear!

Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 5:38pm
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH.....the midwife (that was highly recommended on here) is fully booked already - I didn't even give her any details! Just is that even possible if I'm due 6th November?! Her response was that there is a huge shortage in Wellington and wishing me luck! I feel like I need it now...I never thought she would be booked already! Crazy...

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 5:52pm
It could also be that she is away etc.
But, yes some will only take so many cases on per month, and fill very quickly. (That is ridiculous though!)

Welcome chills & congrats!!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 8:09pm
chills, I have added you to the list, is your EDD right? Just worked it out from your ticker.


Posted By: riceybubbles1987
Date Posted: 01 March 2012 at 10:19pm
hey peyton's mum, i was with u in another due thread i think, may 2012?? i was guest but had a m/c at 11.5 weeks.

i think i'm due 10th nov? a little nervous about this 1 but will take things as they come. Congratulations 2 everybody who tested positive!

Posted By: Spirals
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 1:05am
Congratulations to all the new ladies joining.

Unfortunately I am leaving this thread - mine turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. All over today.

Good luck with everything, especially finding decent midwives, sounds like it's going to be challenging in some areas. x

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 6:15am
Oh no biggest nightmare! I have been there hun, and it is so cruel. Take care of yourself.

riceybubbles1987, I was very temporarily in the Due August 2012 thread before I had a chem, maybe you mean in there?
Welcome & congrats anyway!
Which # baby is this? I will add you to our list.


Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 8:00am
I'm so sorry to hear that Spirals, big hugs hun

Welcome riceybubbles and yep thats the right EDD, Thanks PeytonsMum.

Also just another thing I worked out, with a 28 day cycle and EDD of 6th Nov means bub was conceived on Valentines Day...How romantic

Hope everyone is felling well today, I've got an aching back but am making the most of the next week I have left before I will wanna spew 24/7!


Posted By: riceybubbles1987
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 1:32pm
o yeah probably, yr name is just familiar? I have a daughter who is almost 2 already.

Sorry to hear spirals

So is everyone excited?

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 2:58pm
I am excited. Will be an a lot more excited once I hit around 8 weeks though & hopefully get a scan.

Yay for a Valetines baby chills, that is lovely!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 3:00pm">

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2
UK2NZMummy baby #2
chills baby #3

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 10th
riceybubbles1987 baby #2


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 3:02pm
Spirals, if you happen to come back in, I wasn't sure if you wanted to be listed as an angel baby? Didn't want to assume it was okay.
I am so sorry.


Posted By: my4beauties
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 3:12pm
Oh wow, i'm a bit behind with the times, an active november thread already - Congratulations ladies!! All the best!

I remember you gossemer from Jan 2010, congrats on number 3!!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: silvs
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 4:52pm
**lurker in***

UK2NZmummy i would recommend Sue Whitley at Harbour City Midwives. Her and her team were brilliant

I am hoping to join you all here in a few weeks but will have to make sure we make the most of this weekend

**lurker out**

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Mama Ninja
Date Posted: 02 March 2012 at 11:22pm
Hi Ladies
So I am pregnant with number 5
I am between 3 & 5 weeks, have to have another scan in a few weeks for timing but very excited!

Posted By: gossamer
Date Posted: 03 March 2012 at 2:51pm
Thanks my4beauties! Im very excited I have been waiting for this one, can't wait for my scan!

Congratulations Mama Ninja and riceybubbles...and anyone I missed..

So sorry spirals hope you are doing ok.

T (6)
A (2)
Our angel baby Sep 2011">

Posted By: Mama Ninja
Date Posted: 03 March 2012 at 4:37pm
Ok, Im gonna blame baby brain LMAO but how do I get one of those pretty pregnancy ticker thingees you guys have and where do I go to create a signature so I am not lonely on my own :(

So sorry to hear spirals that is poos and knickers

And thanks for the congratulations Gossamer - IRL I am keeping it on the Down low so it is super nice to have someone say congrats!

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 03 March 2012 at 7:39pm
Welcome Mama Ninja!

This FAQ link will explain to you how to do a ticker.

I will add you to our list, what due date should I put you as?
How is everyone feeling?

Edited: To add link!   


Posted By: gossamer
Date Posted: 04 March 2012 at 9:19am
I know what you mean Mama Ninja! We are keeping it to ourselves for now too, its hard though!

T (6)
A (2)
Our angel baby Sep 2011">

Posted By: tinkabelle
Date Posted: 04 March 2012 at 1:08pm
Hi all    Soooooo excited to be joining this group!!!!! I am due with Number Two bubba on the 10th Nov. Just got my BFP yesterday, super-stoked! It was our first month trying, we are so lucky! Loving my due date: 10.11.12 tee hee!

My wee man is 2 in May, and will love being a big brother I'm sure! I'm feeling fine, not looking forward to weeks 7 - 17 when I was constantly nauseous last time round!

I keep forgetting about the food rules, have to re-read them, I accidentally started licking the spoon when I made blueberry muffins this morn, whoops!

Look forward to hanging out with y'all! Planning to ring my MW next week



Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 6:44am
Morning Everyone,

Welcome and congrats to Mama Ninja and tinkabelle

Grrr I keep waking up super early (like 5/6 ish) my lower back has been aching loads and sleep past about 5am is very uncomfortable, early mornings are making me sooooo tired in the evenings.

Oh well, I haven't felt nauseous yet so am still enjoying that. And looks like my midwife from last birth is available for this one...yay!!

How is everyone feeling? Anybody got any appointments booked yet?


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 8:09am
Hi Girls,

Congratulations Mama ninja & Tinkabelle. How very exciting!!

Im quite the same chills, Got quite a sore lower back and once it gets to about 6am im wide awake which is great for a work day but i would love abit of sleep in the weekends. However im not complaining as im sure it could be much worse.

I have my doctors appointment today at 3.45pm - So excited!!!!! As this is my first baby its all new to me so im unsure what to expect. Cant wait though.


Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 3:04pm
Hope your docs appointment goes well HaleyJJ, I always find my first appointment SO exciting as it just seems to make things seem more official!!

I'm waiting for my mw to call back and am hoping to have an appointment in next couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to seeing her again as she was amazing in my DD's birth and I'm keen for a home birth this time round, which I know she is all for!

I'm trying to make the most of these early wake ups, today I had 2 hours quiet time to myself before my little ones got up, I managed to get lots done and drank my coffee in peace!!

Christie x


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 4:26pm
I have made contact with my MW. She has booked me in for an appointment on 2nd April.
Have a dilemma though, I realllllyy want to get a dating scan, to put my mind at ease & hopefully see a little HB flickering away. However, my MW didn't mention it, and by the time I have an appointment with her I will be 8 weeks+.
I don't know weither to ring her and ask for a scan, or to go to my GP & get him to refer me.

Welcome Tinkabelle!
I will bring our list up to date.


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 4:30pm">

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2
UK2NZMummy baby #2
chills baby #3

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 10th
riceybubbles1987 baby #2   
tinkabelle baby #2

Mama Ninja baby #5


Posted By: gossamer
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 5:27pm
Had my doctors appointment today, which was good, I loved getting an instant dark line that was darker than the control on the pregnancy test! Then went to the medlab and ran into the midwife I had with my daughters, which was a crazy coincidence but awesome, so I booked in with her on the spot!

I'm having hcg testing every few days and an early ultrasound on the 12th (next monday) as I sadly lost my last little one at 7 weeks 6 days.
I am being cautiously very hopeful, I really do feel different this time so I am praying for this baby!

T (6)
A (2)
Our angel baby Sep 2011">

Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 5:39pm
I've missed loads of posts! Welcome to all the new peeps!

So I called lots of midwives last week and got nowhere! In desperation I've called Ministry of Health Mums2Be and have a list of midwives on it's way rather than trapsing through the internet. If the worst comes to the worst then the option is always there to have a different midwife for each session at the hospital. I'm still hoping it won't come to that.

My appointment is with the doctor on Thursday - how do these appointments work? Do I need to take anything with me?

Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 6:21pm
Fingers crossed you can find a mw uk2nzmummy. I'm pretty sure you don't need to take anything to the docs appointment, from memory I just had another pregnancy test done and then he gave me some pamphlets and a list of midwife numbers to call.

I haven't booked a docs appointment this time and have just left a message for my mw instead. Do I need to book a docs appointment though?

If I were you PeytonsMum I'd either call doctor or mw to get referred for an early scan, especially if it'll put your mind at ease.


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 6:48pm
Hi Ladies,

Just finished with my doctors appointment, Really strange..I was expecting another test, but she didnt do one!!! She said your young, fit and healthy if all 3 say your pregnant you definately are..Although have to have blood tests thursday. So chills - I would book a doctors appointment your midwife will be able to help just as much as a doctor. However i did get a pamphlet on all things pregnancy which im excited to read. Hehehe.

Because everything is fine with me i cant have my first scan untill 9 - 13 weeks, Along with another blood test.Seems like so far away..i want to be 9 weeks already, oh well 4 to wait :)

Hope your all well

Posted By: Mama Ninja
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 6:48pm
Hi again. I have a mw appointment tomorrow and I don't know what to do either
Oops! LMAO - my family gp use to be a LMC and he did my last 2 and now I am stuck with a MW!!!
I want a dating scan cause I just have NO idea at all when I am due and she has just said wait and see...... hmmm if she doesn't give me a scan referral I will just go to my gp I think
Congrats to all the mamas on here - how very exciting for us all

Posted By: Guest_66521
Date Posted: 05 March 2012 at 10:15pm

Hi girls

Im due with my second on the 4th November Its a big big shock as my darling daughter is 1 on wednesday and we wernt planning on a second so soon.

I have a scan to confirm dates etc tomorrow not sure we will see any thing but im excited any ways.


I hope your all feeling ok and getting some rest.

Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 9:51am
Yay I have just booked in with my last mw, and have an appointment booked for next Tuesday!!!

Why is it with each baby you never get anymore confident (well for me anyway) This is my 3rd pregnancy and I am getting really paranoid about every twinge and pain I get. I usually get back pain but that has been getting a bit worse and I have had on and off cramping (which appears to be normal) And now I keep worrying that if we get anymore big aftershocks (we're in chch) the stress could be bad in early pregnancy......Man I am such a worrier!!

Welcome guest, and good luck for your scan today


Posted By: Brilee
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 10:01am
Hi Chills
Try not to worry! Im trying my best to put all my fears out of my head too. This unplanned pregnancy thing is stressing me out too. I felt like a naughty teenager telling the parents lol.
Im looking foward to the scan this afternoon hubby cant come so im on my own and i have to take Kaelin.
Have a good day girls


Posted By: Brilee
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 10:02am
PS I was guest! Due 4th November 2012


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 10:49am
Yay! Just booked my first MW Appointment but not untill the 28th March, By them I'll be 8 weeks.Eeee - Exciting!!

Im sure its natural to worry Chills, Im also a worrier but im trying to get myself in the frame of mind to not overthink anything. Hehehe Easier said than done. Ive been having real bad lower back pain...Will have to book in for a few massages i think :) Good excuse to anyway!

Congratulations Brilee!!

Posted By: B,E&Rsmum
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 2:04pm
Hi Ladies,

Just found out am due with number 4, whoopsie! I have no idea when due date is, am hoping Nov but could be Oct. Will find out on thurs at my dating scan. I didn't bother with my doc this time, just rung my MW early to make sure she would be available. Have been very tired, hungry and queasy. I haven't had MS with any of my previous pregnancies so will interesting to see if this one is different.
Congratulations to all the Nov mums to be!!!
Fancy seeing you in here Brilee!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 2:31pm
Hi Brilee & B,E&Rsmum - congratulations to you both!
Yay our list is slowly getting bigger!


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:01pm
Thanks for the link to get the ticker...little test here to see if mine has worked!

Congratulations to Brilee & B,E&Rsmum - our little group is growing!

Completely off the subject but just found out that our stuff is going to be delivered on Thursday! We've been glamping for a month (and 2 months back in the UK before leaving!) so I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing my bed! I'm so tired at the moment - I had the same in my first pregnancy - so I'm in desperate need of my comfy bed! I've moved my doc appointment to first thing in the morning now (it was originally pm). I'm getting quite excited now but also, like some of you, worrying about the slightest twinge. I keep telling myself that it's really early days but I can't help looking at baby clothes for newborns!!!


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:02pm
Yay - it worked!


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:15pm
Just seing if my ticker is working :) Hehehe x


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:18pm
How about now? Hahaha


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:21pm
Yay! Thats fantastic news Uk2NZmummy - You will finally have your bed, Im sure you are more than needing it at the moment.

I jsut hd my blood tests done, waiting for results now. all things looking good however :) Booked my MW appointment but not untill 28th March as ill be 8 weeks then.

Starting to get wicked headaches through the day, been taking panadol but seems to be sticking around. Oh the joys!

Aww isnt Newborn clothes just gorgeous - Our new borns will be heading out of spring and into summer clothes before we know it!



Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:45pm
From personal experience, this is an awesome time of the year to have a newborn! Don't have to worry about keeping the house warm enough etc etc. A word of advice, don't over do it on the NB clothes, they don't fit them for very long anyway, and my DD nearly lived in onesies for the first couple of months since you change them so often!

But yes, I have been browsing for clothes!


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 4:49pm">

EDD 4th
Brilee baby #2

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2
UK2NZMummy baby #2
chills baby #3

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 10th
riceybubbles1987 baby #2   
tinkabelle baby #2

Mama Ninja baby #5
B,E&Rsmum baby #4


Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 5:06pm
Originally posted by PeytonsMum PeytonsMum wrote:

From personal experience, this is an awesome time of the year to have a newborn! Don't have to worry about keeping the house warm enough etc etc. A word of advice, don't over do it on the NB clothes, they don't fit them for very long anyway, and my DD nearly lived in onesies for the first couple of months since you change them so often!

But yes, I have been browsing for clothes!

Funnily enough, I didn't buy any newborn clothes for my DD. I only ever got 0-3 months (in the UK they start at preemie, newborn, 0-3m, 3-6m etc.). I do love looking though.....they're just so ikkle and small (which my DD was not when she was born!). I have so many recommended purchases for new Mummies though...I'll spare you for now though - there's plenty of time for that!!!


Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 6:27pm
Yay for your furniture arriving UK2NZMummy. I remember when ours arrived it was like Christmas...such a luxury to sleep on a bed and east off a table!

I'm really excited about the time of year bubs will be born. My last was born in July and we were constantly wrapping her up and filling the house with heaters! Just think by next summer we'll have tiny babies!!

Argh my MIL came over today with some baby clothes she'd bought, they're really sweet and it was a nice thought but it's just SO early. She's also been telling the world and his wife, one of them happens to me the MIL of someone I know, really hoping my news doesn't get out now, I've been really looking forward to surprising everyone after 1st scan.


Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 6:41pm
Welcome and cograts B,E&Rsmum

Oh and how did your scan go Brilee?


Posted By: tinkabelle
Date Posted: 06 March 2012 at 9:06pm
Oh exciting that some of you might get early scans! I let my MW know, and will contact her for an appt when I'm about 8/9 weeks. Til then, just going on as normal but popping the Blackmores Preg Gold and folic acid. Feeling very cruisy this time round. haven't looked at any baby clothes or anything! Doesn't seem real yet, lol!

Funny how others are waking really early, I've been waking bout 5am, very annoying when you have to work all day and could do with the extra hour's sleep!

Sending sticky vibes to everyone!!! Welcome to the new ones, yay for Nov babies! So looking forward to having a Spring baby, last one was beginning of winter, hard work!


Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 07 March 2012 at 11:51am
Hi ladies,

How are we all this morning?

Just wanted to put it out there, Is it normal to feel like you have put on weight & are looking fatter? I feel so Huge & Bloated at the moment.Its horrible! I was 64kgs about 3 weeks ago - Now im 66kgs!!! Can this be becuase of the baby? It seems so early to be putting weight on.

Im not having the best day today, Headaches, Feeling unwell, Tired and ontop of it feel HUGE! Hhaha - This is all so new to me!

Hope your all taking it easy :)



Posted By: PipDais
Date Posted: 07 March 2012 at 12:31pm
It's completely normal to feel bloated in the first trimester. I'm feeling exhausted today too - again this is completely normal. Your body is doing some massive work at the moment - listen to your body and take it easy - early night me thinks...

I hate to tell you but I put on a massive amount of weight with my first pregnancy...I literally ate cakes for two though so can only blame myself!!!


Posted By: gossamer
Date Posted: 07 March 2012 at 1:53pm
Chills thats how I feel about every little twinge and pain, I am so sensitive to them. Its so hard to relax!

HaleyJJ I am the exact same, I am very small when I am not pregnant but as soon as I am, before I even get a positive test I start putting on weight, about 5 kg already, its annoying cos I dont look pregnant just that I have been eating a lot! I usually put on a good amount in the first trimester and then a lot less throughout the rest of my pregnancies. Weird cos I think most people are the other way around!

T (6)
A (2)
Our angel baby Sep 2011">

Posted By: Brilee
Date Posted: 07 March 2012 at 6:10pm
Hi girls
The scan went well showing the sack and my bloods are good too. We seem to be on track 😄
It's my bubbas birthday today so we took her to the zoo I'm lying on the couch stuffed now. Luckily she seems happy to go to bed early. I'm worried I'm going to miscarriage as Iv had bad luck before I guess it's normal to worry 😳
I hope all you girls are feeling ok


Posted By: chills
Date Posted: 07 March 2012 at 8:29pm
Hi Girls,

I so agree about feeling heavy. I haven't actually weighed myself but I'm sure I've put on some kg's, I feel like such a chubsta!!

So I haven't really had anymore cramps and have felt really good the past couple of days, so of course now I feel bad for feeling good. Crazy hey? But I suppose if i'm feeling sick then i feel pregnant right? I bet I won't be saying this next week when I'm sick as!

And Yay I'm all booked in with my lsat MW and have my first appointment on Tuesday...can't wait!


Posted By: riceybubbles1987
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 11:53am
Totally know how u feel Chills, it's scary to not feel anything, but as soon as something does happen (esp morning sickness), u kick yourself for having not enjoyed that time u had without it. haha.

Well I had just started to lose weight when I found out I was pregnant.. I was 4kgs down in 2weeks.. I'm still gonna try stick with it, just eating healthy and going 4 walks, but I dunno how I will fare as the icecream cravings come on.. haha. I already had to have a piece of bread layered with Nutella to satisfy my chocolate craving yesterday.

That's exciting people are having early scans. I'm going to request one as I have had a couple of miscarriages in the past. Will hopefully be exciting to see the little bean in there!!

Posted By: riceybubbles1987
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 11:55am
Oh and congrats Brilee about the scan and bloods. It is a scary time aye, but really theres nothing we can do other than we are all doing. I suppose that's the hard part right? haha

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 1:04pm
Hi ladies!
I still haven't worked up the nerve to ring my MW and request an early scan. No idea why I am being a chicken about it. lol I got my forms for my antenatal bloods in the mail today, so best get that done soon.

Loving the comment on my ticker.. "heart begins to beat"    Thought that was closer to 6-7 weeks though.

I think I put on around 10kgs with my DD, and lost it very quickly after that (mainly due to her being 9lb 6oz!) and also BFing helped. I wish I had stayed healthy though, as I put a lot of it back on again, so am hoping to lose a decent amount, and keep it off afterwards.

Still getting the odd nauseous spell, normally when I have had a shower, or brushed my teeth etc. No actual vomiting yet, & I didn't get any 1st time around, so hopefully that will be the case again. I can handle feeling nauseous, just don't want to be hugging the toilet bowl!

I am super-tired too, in bed by 8.30 most nights atm!
This growing a baby business is hard work!

Right, there's my novel.. hope everyone is having a great day!


Posted By: jess&bump
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 1:32pm
Hi Ladies and congratulations to everyone due in Nov. Iv only just found this site but Iv read through the whole forum already so I could get to know everyone.

Im 27 hubby is 31 and this is our first due on Nov 3rd we are very excited but also a little scared this is our 3rd pregnancy. we have had 2x MC last year, one at 6 weeks and one at 11 (almost 12 weeks)so needless to say we are keeping this very quiet until we know we are safe and this lil one is sticking around. However already I feel different and more sure this time. Hope Im not wrong.

Am going to book first doctors appointment for monday which will be 6 weeks

Cant wait to get to know you all over the next 8 months.

Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 1:58pm
Congratulations & Welcome Jess&Bump, how exciting!!! Fingers crossed this bubba sticks around and you have a baby for christmas this year :)

Peytons mum -I cant believe your baby's hearts are beating this week, Seems crazy something so small has a beating heart, ekkkk All these milestones are so exciting!!I had my antental bloods yesterday should recieve the results today or tomorro, I had to ask the GP to get my HCG levels checked as i had no idea what they were like and i was nervous to ask, but glad i did!! You know it will put your mind at rest, So you should definately ring the MW, let me know how you get on.

Feeling really sick today, Havent been sick yet though. I agree i can handle it..Would much prefer this feeling than to be hugging a toilet bowl.

Your so right, This growing a baby business is hard work, but im sure its all soooo totally worth it at the end, Hope all you laides are resting!!



Posted By: HaleyJJ
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 1:59pm
Sorry i mean, Cant believe our babies hearts are beating, Sooooo exciting!!! x


Posted By: B,E&Rsmum
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 3:15pm
Hi everyone,

Welcome Jess&bump, hope this is a sticky baby for you.

Had dating scan today and she put me between 5 and 6 weeks, she didn't give me an actual due date as such but should be beginning of Nov. I am surprised at how queazy I have been this early. I hope it doesn't get any worse, the only way to stop it is to eat something. I too feel I have put on weight, quite depressing really and I have been soooooo tired!


Posted By: kay_elle
Date Posted: 08 March 2012 at 3:37pm
Hello Ladies

How excited am I to find this forum and you group of lovely Mummies to be!! I am 5 weeks pregnant and also due in November.

In a weird twist of fate, I was pregnant this exact same time last year but at 10 weeks suffered a miscarriage. I'm feeling really good about this one (feeling the nausea, back aches, tiredness, constant hunger and waking at 6am!) so fingers crossed!

Have had my doctor's appointment, bloods done and booked in a midwife so now it's jus the waiting game!

Spoke to my midwife last night and feel i've got a really good one . Because of my MC last year, she is going to send me for a scan at 7 weeks to make sure everything's ok. Huge relief because I really didn't know how I was going to wait a whole 5 weeks!

Sorry, novel stops now!! Hope you're all having a good week and I look forward to getting to know you all over the next 8 months

Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 09 March 2012 at 2:12pm">

EDD 3rd
jess&bump baby #1

EDD 4th
Brilee baby #2

EDD 5th
Gossamer baby #3

EDD 6th
blessed_mama baby #2
UK2NZMummy baby #2
chills baby #3

EDD 8th
PeytonsMum baby #2
HaleyJJ baby #1

EDD 10th
riceybubbles1987 baby #2   
tinkabelle baby #2

Mama Ninja baby #5
B,E&Rsmum baby #4
kay_elle baby #


Posted By: P&E'S Mum
Date Posted: 09 March 2012 at 2:28pm
Just updated our list to include the newcomers!
Jess&bump & Kay_elle, I wasn't sure what # baby you would want me to put down, I know some people count their miscarriages, so didn't want to assume. Very sorry, miscarriages are so awful. Also, Kay_elle, are you due the 9th?

How is everyone feeling today? I am so super tired, & it doesn't help when DD decides 2.30am is a good time to party in her cot. *yawn* I am not a fan of CIO, but I sure was last night! lol


Posted By: Mama Ninja
Date Posted: 09 March 2012 at 3:09pm
So excited! Had my dating scan and due on 02/11 and saw the little heartbeat and everything
Trying not too get too excited as I suffered a miscarriage at 12 weeks 1 day - absolute poo, wees and knickers as I am sure you guys know
I am no longer feeling so queasy since I got this bloody awful iron supplement that is like a shot??????
Heres sending lots of sticky dust to you all
Take care and lots of pregnancy fairies coming your way   

Posted By: tinkabelle
Date Posted: 09 March 2012 at 7:53pm
*WELCOME* Jess&bump and KL! Crossing lots of fingers for you guys! Mamaninja - that sounds amazing! Seeing the wee heartbeat must be so reassuring. I hope all our wee ones are super-sticky, and in a mere 2 months time we'll all be posting our first scan pics of them *sigh* can't wait!

I'm feeling completely normal, except the 5am wake-ups, and the bloat! I;m sure I look 3 months pregs already, feeling a bit self-conscious since I don't want my workmates to know till I'm over the 12 week mark, but I think my bloated belly is gonna give it away!


Posted By: jess&bump
Date Posted: 10 March 2012 at 3:08pm
Hi PeytonsMum, we count this as our first baby thanks for asking.

What symptoms is evryone having? Im am so tired all the time, having the most vivid dreams and Im really struggling with food. Last 2x I was hungry all the time, this time not so bad but when I am hungry nothing appeals and I always feel sick after I eat Im trying to eat lots of small meals, and trying to make sure Im getting enough good stuff.

Posted By: riceybubbles1987
Date Posted: 11 March 2012 at 1:17pm
I'm not having any symptoms at all? Maybe a little extra tired and having some vivid dreams, but that's it. No sickness yet. By this time in my last pregnancy I was throwing up every day? But they do say every time is different?

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