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KiwiL View Drop Down
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    Posted: 15 January 2009 at 2:03pm
I have never experienced such overwhelming sadness as I am going through now. The not knowing why Jackson is refusing to feed properly is making me so distressed. Every time I feed him I tell myself just to take it as it comes, but when he will only drink for two minutes before arching and crying I feel so helpless. The possibilities of what is wrong seem so endless and it doesn't feel like we have to room now to try so many different things with Jackson's weight as bad as it is.

Every day I look at him and he is so skinny and I feel like such a failure. People comment all the time (even friends) and I feel like I am being judged. I know I must have depression, but even admitting it feels like I am weaker than everyone else and pathetic for not being able to cope.

It's getting worse and worse and I feel so alone. My DH is amazingly supportive, but he is not living this every day and he goes off to work and I have noone. I don't get on well with my mum and most of my friends aren't mums, so don't really get how this feels.

Lately I have not wanted to do anything, or go out of the house. I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I am feeling like there is nothing to look forward to. Today I was going to meet a couple of the girls from here, and for once I was looking forward to getting out, but Jackson screamed all night and I am just to exhausted to face a trip.

I so desperately wanted to have this baby. We tried for two years with multiple set backs before we got our amazing little boy. And all was good for a couple of months, but I think we missed the warning signs that things weren't going well. And then I started getting fobbed off by the medical profession. And now, I don't even feel like a mum. I have this surreal feeling that Jackson isn't mine to keep. Last night he wouldn't settle for me, only his dad, so perhaps he feels that way too. I love him, but I feel detached from him. I don't know if he loves me.

I know rationally, things will get better, I just need to give it time. But I am so desperately unhappy and feel completely powerless to fix things. I hate feeling this way.

I know I need to talk to my GP. But I also just needed to have a big rant.
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T_Rex View Drop Down
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I don't know what to say, but didn't want to leave this with no replies. Big to you. You aren't pathetic for not being able to cope, you are brave and strong for admitting that you are struggling.
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kezplanet View Drop Down
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Children/babies have unconditional love for their mummies and that is something that no one can ever take away from you, he may be picking up on your stress and frustration which is very normal.

I know when I had Ashlyn I never expected her to be with us for long, kept expecting something to happen or go wrong and its a horrible feeling.  You are and have been doing the very best you can, we are not experts and don't know everything about our children.  You tried to alert Dr's to what was going on and there is nothing else you could have done.

It's great that your d8h is being so supportive but make sure he also knows how you are feeling, the more you talk about things the less it seems to burden us.  You are not a failure in anyway, things are just very tough at the moment and you need some extra help and asking for that help is one of the hardest things to do. 

You have done well coming this far, keep asking for the help there are others out there that have similar feelings and there will be someone there to help you. Will drop you a pm also

Kerryn, Mum to
Ashlyn(29/3/04), Anastasia(1/11/05) & Abigail (24/02/09)
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IVFGirl1111 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote IVFGirl1111 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15 January 2009 at 2:41pm
Laurie you have been through SO much and none of it could have been helped AT ALL!

You have done an amazing job and are doing the best you can possibly do.

You have done so extremly well, most people would have given up BF way before now with all the problems that you have had with it! So you really do need to believe in yourself that you are doing your utmost best!

Do talk to your doctor, and tell your DH as well exactly how you are feeling. Im so pleased he is supportive.

I dont know what else to say as I obviously dont have children yet - but I do want to give you a HUGE hug and say you really are doing a great job and of course your gorg wee boy loves you to peices as you do him to.

Ps/ Rant away all you like because it helps!
TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
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katie1 View Drop Down
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You are doing SO well. Sending you big hugs. It is a huge huge adjustment being at home all day with a baby and the tiredness from breast feeding and being up at night can really make you feel down. You are not a failure at all - lots and lots of Mums feel exactly the same. I remember having lots of days where I just couldn't face going out after bad sleepless nights. If you can't talk to your GP could you give plunket line a ring to get things off your chest?
You have done so well perservering with the BFing.
I hope your wee man lets you get some sleep tonight. Please rant and get things off your chest whenever you need to. There are lots of people on here who have felt exactly the same as you do and can support you.
Big hugs. You are doing a great job.
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Andie View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Andie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 7:52am
Nope, it's not a failure on your part that you feel so rotten - things have been really tough, and anyone would under the circumstances. I know that doesn't make it any easier right now, but please don't blame yourself for how you feel, or how he feeds, for any of that, because you're doing an amazing job with some difficult circumstances.

And you're absolutely right - have a good rant or 12... better out than in, and see the GP, and maybe you could visit the Plunket Family Centre? Trust me, they're not opposed to mums who might burst into tears at any moment - they're quite lovely there.

It's a hard road if you don't have family support and friends who are parents - I know joining any sort of new group might seem like too much of a big ask with how you're feeling now, but maybe you could set a goal, like in 3 weeks, or whenever, and give it a shot? Plunket can hook you up with a new mum's group (and they'll host the first few sessions so no-one needs to feel too awkward about it). I'm not sure how ParentCenter works, but there's more than just Plunket out there anyway.

If you get the chance... give yourself a special treat today! Do you need chocolate? Or a new top? Or a DVD and a pedicure? Just something you can enjoy just for you.
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IVFGirl1111 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote IVFGirl1111 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 9:06am
Hey Laurie,

How you feeling today?

ETA some hugs x

Edited by BooBoo
TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
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FreeSpirit View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote FreeSpirit Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 10:40am
You may feel lonely, but you are not alone.
It can be incredibly hard to be positive when you've had no sleep, or bub's isn't well, or people think they have the right to judge your parenting.
The hardest thing to do is probably the one thing that will help. Admit that you might need help, medication or just somebody to talk too.
On those days when you've had a rough night and feel like curling up at home and not doing anything - go out. To see a mate, a close relative, or to buy something for baby or you. At least then you will feel like even if you get nothing else done you have accomplished something. I'm sure you have mates that don't have kids that you havn't see because you "don't have anything in common anymore" but I find that these are the people who are most happy to see you.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, it may just be around the corner so you can't see it yet!
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KiwiL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KiwiL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 1:33pm
Thanks everyone. I have been thinking a lot and I dunno if it is depression, or just stress. I am just SO worried about Jackson that it clouds everything else. I am pretty sure that if we could get things sorted then I would be fine.

Still going to talk to my GP and see what he has to say.

I do have a wonderful coffee group with 9 other girls who I think are fabulous. They are so great, and really supportive, and very thoughtful. But for some reason, I have been embarrassed to go to our catch ups lately. I guess it is because I am scared of comments about how little Jackson is, because it feels like a judgement at times. Silly I know, because these ladies are not like that. But I can't help but feel like they'll all be thinking "glad it is her and not me..."

Pretty warped, huh?

Jackson has had a horrendous last two days with feeding. It honestly just gets worse and worse.

I rang my GP yesterday and he said that he would get me in today with the paediatricians at the hospital. Imagine how disappointed I was when he called this morning saying they couldn't see me. They said just to double his omeprazole and they would try to get me an appointment soon as possible. Quite frustrating because, although I know he has reflux, I think he is probably ok on the current dose. When he spills into his mouth he exhibits no discomfort, like he used to.

However, later the paediatric registrar called and said she had been thinking some more and wanted to start doing some tests cos Jackson's symptoms seem much more severe than normal. So, on Tuesday we go to the hospital. The poor wee bub needs a tube put through his nose down to his tummy to test the acidity levels. He'll have it in for 24 hours. Should tell us how severe the reflux is. If it is not as severe as they think, then they will finally start looking for other things.

I feel a weight has been lifted! I am just SO relieved that I am being taken seriously and they are going to start looking for something rather than just fobbing me off with the "oh he's probably just efficient feeding" or "he is just correcting to what his size should be" or worst of all that I should "just try to feed him longer" stories.

The downside is that I have to take him off the omeprazole tonight until after the tests. Should be a fun three days!! Eek!
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jaycee View Drop Down
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That is good that they have got you in so fast to the paeds. Sorry to hear that they have to do the test that sound uncomfortable but if they get to the bottom of the problem it will be worth it.

Please keep going to your coffee group.They are so important. When Amy was small she cried for about 3 weeks straight - I was beside myself and everyone else seemed to be so composed. i went along one day and one of the mums very inocently said 'how is it going' and I burst in to tears. i was so embarrased. About 10 minutes later another mum arrived and did exactly the same thing. People tend to put up a brave front when they go out but every one has some problems. For some it is worse, or comes later but we all have bad patches. As I have said before, let me know if you want to meet for a coffee some time, even if it is to unload .

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IVFGirl1111 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote IVFGirl1111 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 2:35pm
Yah, that is good that they are taking you seriously now and really getting down to the bottom of things.

Your friends honestly would not be judging you at all, and for people that dont have children they dont realise how saying things effects the Mum.

I said to my best friend the other day, that her little girl was so cute and little and then asked if she was small for her age - and she broke down into tears saying that people have been saying that and shes doing all she can etc etc - I felt TERRIBLE! Because I did not one bit mean anything bad, I just had no idea what the average weight etc was so I didnt even know if she was small for her age - if all that makes sense.
So basically what Im saying is that if people say something to you please try not to take it personally - because people dont mean it bad at all and are NOT judging you - its just so easy to say something and not realise that the person is going to take it all the wrong way.

Am I making sense?

Huge hugs anyway, sounds like today your feeling better - well I hope so anyway!
TTC 6 years
IVF it is
IVF/ICSI round one
10 eggs, 8 mature, 3 fertilised BFN
IVF/ICSI #2 = 22 eggs!
20 mature, 15 fertilised, 1 fresh transfer and 2 frosties
2 Frosties still in freezer thank god
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james View Drop Down
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just wana send you big hugs
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LittleBug Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 January 2009 at 9:05pm
Big hugs! I could almost have written that post, months ago (the feeding issues, the loneliness despite supportive DH, the problems bonding, etc). It should definitely help if you can get the feeding sorted, it sounds like that's the main issue. Unfortunately for us it only got better once Chloe went onto formula feeds, and reflux meds (which she didn't need anymore after about 5 months)... and I went on ADs and got some support from FamilyStart and people at church, and joined a playgroup and made some mummy friends.

I'm glad they are taking the feeding issues more seriously now, I hope for your sanity that it gets sorted quickly. Good luck on going without the omeprazole for a few days, I will be thinking of you guys!!!!
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Life is hard with a baby isnt it?  You think it is the most natural thing in the world but it sure doesnt seem like it when you are doing it.  BIG HUGS to you.  Vent away on here as much as you need to.  Where would we be without Ohbaby.


I agree with the others...go to you coffee groups.  They really are sanity savers.  Most people put on a brave face but it really only needs one to break down and be honest about how much they are struggling to find out that most people are the same.  I have moved away from my antenatal group but the emails still fly around all the time asking advice and offering support.  I have never experienced friendships like those girls and would have been totally lost in the early days without them.


Glad to hear you might soon get answers.

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GoflyNZ View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote GoflyNZ Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 17 January 2009 at 6:26pm
I am worried that I will get PND, but think that it might be kicking in early.
I have suffered with depression before, but came off my medication as I am now 22 weeks pregnant.
Originally I have that wonderful pregnancy invincible feeling, but now reality is setting in.
The normal feelings are there of will I be good enough? will I love my child? will I cope? etc etc... are there but lately I have been wondering if life wouldn't be better if the child wasn't born? do I really want this baby? maybe it's better off without me? Running away from my life seems like a really good option right now.
DH & I tried for 18 months for this baby, and had a couple of miscarriages on the way, so I know in my heart he is wanted, but i just feel so inadequate, stupid, and an overwhelming loss of identity, not to mention sad and alone in my feelings.
DH is oblivious to it really, loves me & the baby without question, but just not so good at the emotional stuff .... I have no other family here and only really one close friend.
Just wanted to get this off my chest really

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hannibal View Drop Down
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Hi I feel for you - I am going thru a similar problem with our 3 month old bubs - screams everytime I go to feed her, this has been going on since xmas and we have been to the docs 5 times, 2 have diagnosed it as colic and the other 2 as an ear infection, we are now on our 2nd lot of antibiotics with the runs just to complete the whole picture! I went to the doc again yestereday and she asked me what I wanted them to do for me!!!!   Finally she phoned the hospital and we are off to see them at the end of the month - there is a 6-8 week wait and I just can't imagine what I would have done if I had to wait this time out. Bubs is better feeding with dad than me he holds her abit higher up than me apart from that I have no other clues as why she is better for him than me (perhaps she picks up that I am waiting for the screaming) Unfortunately it is just me at the coal face each day with bubs (dad is self employed) and I have no one else either to call on for help, I just kept getting up each day hoping that we are getting one day closer to having no screams at feeding times - bubs always seems to know when I need that big smile!
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midnight_sakura View Drop Down
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I understand completely. My DD would BF how i thought was right, and when she did i didnt produce enough.

She ended up being bottle feed and it was the best thing for her. She has a huge appetite and was getting colik.

It hasnt effected our bond at all as we are closer than a lot of my freinds babies who were BF and she has a great bond with her D as he can feed her as well.

I am finding it hard to adjust to being at home with a baby all day everyday. It is harder than you imagine. I am almost 2 years down the track and some days are a struggle.

Just remember you are not alone and the GP can help with some medication to get you over this hurdle until you find yourself again and how you fit in your new life.

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KiwiL View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KiwiL Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 March 2009 at 9:48pm
Wow, did I really first post that back in January? Sometimes I can't believe I have made it this far. This is a cut and paste from the September thread.... but just thought I would post an update.

I've been in a bit of a crisis mode the last few days. Like seriously crying at every feed (with Jackson only eating 30 - 50ml). I just don't know what is wrong with him, and am just getting the brush off from the hospital team. Today I got an email from the paed saying, basically, "sorry, can't help anymore." What?!?!?

Anyway, I have been scaring myself with how badly I am coping, so took the brave step of seeing my GP today. He was fantastic and it was so amazing to talk candidly with someone. I have SO much respect for my GP and have been awaiting his return from holiday eagerly. For a while today, I didn't even know how I was going to make it to the 2:45pm appointment.

I feel a bit better after a good talk, but he has diagnosed me with PND. Even writing that makes me feel like I have failed. I have tried to avoid it for so long, I think, but all of a sudden I have been totally overwhelmed with hopelessness and lonliness. Thankfully I saw the doc, and have also got in contact with a PND support group. It's been frightening to make these steps, but I know I have to for Jackson and my DH. I have a prescription for an anti-depressant, but I am scared of taking it at the moment, cos of the side effects. Rarely, it can increase anxiety, which is not what I need. I think I will start taking them on Saturday, when DH begins ten days leave with us.

I felt a bit more in control this afternoon, helped by the fact Jackson decided to have two good feeds out of three to say thanks for being brave.

I know I am grieving for what being a mum was supposed to be like. I hate being a bad mum, I know I would be bloody good at it if Jackson would just eat better. But it's unfair to expect him to, cos obviously he just can't.

Just thought I would share. I am usually very, very private about my feelings, and I hate people thinking that I am not coping. I like to be in control, which is probably why these feeding issues have been so hard to deal with. But, for once I am finding that talking about things is therapeutic.
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Hey hunny,
You're so not a bad mum!! You're also so not the only one struggling with this stuff.
I managed to cut myself so bad I needed stitches, knock myself out with a frypan and lose my memory, then hit my son, then had to ask my parents to take him fulltime til I got things sorted lol I felt like such a failure but 2 weeks of having a break, taking my meds and looking after myself and I'm seeing the end of the tunnel (I hope!!).

Jake had severe silent reflux and noone would help. He ended up on Omeprazole too which was great but I also made the decision to take him off dairy. Since I was BF that meant no dairy for me but then he ended up on formula (goats) and honestly it was amazing the difference. He was too scared to eat properly for awhile but it sorted itself out. Hes still allergic to raw lactose/dairy (not sure which yet so keep clear of all of it) but can eat bikkies, etc so anything where its been cooked. If he has any dairy/lactose he immediately begins refluxing. Don't know if that helps but I'm north of welly so if you ever wana catch up we can meet halfway
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Laurie, you're not a bad mum! You sound like you are doing everything you possibly can for him and to me, that makes you a great mum.

That's great that you've seen your doctor and can now try the meds he's given you. Hopefully they'll be a big help.

I have no words of wisdom in regards to Jacksons feeding or anything but keep pushing on there and just do what you can. Hopefully things will improve once he's on more solids and you can give him stuff that is loaded with energy. Hang in there

Livvy was never a great feeder and wasn't keeping up with the weight gains that they wanted but has come right once she became established on solids. Fingers crossed that the same happens for Jackson.
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