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Newborn feeding questions...

Printed From: OHbaby!
Category: Support
Forum Name: Infant/toddler feeding
Forum Description: From breast/bottle feeding and starting solids, to fussy toddlers, discuss it here!
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Topic: Newborn feeding questions...
Posted By: KiwiL
Subject: Newborn feeding questions...
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 1:47pm
Ollie is now 5 days old. :-) We're demand feeding, but also not allowing more than 3 hours to pass between feeds as he is very sleepy and still a little jaundiced.

My milk has come in now but I am concerned by the behaviour Ollie is showing at the breast. A lot of you will know about my problems with Jackson, so this time I feel more anxious to pick up any issues early on. He can latch well, has a good suck (much better than JJ ever had) and I have no nipple pain.

However, Ollie only drinks for 5 - 10 minutes on the first side. Only sometimes is he interested in taking the second side. I know I have a decent amount of milk and a fast flow... could 5 - 10 minutes total be enough at this early stage to fill his tummy? Looking at things online, there's lots to say that some babies don't feed for long, but everywhere seems to say 10 - 20 minutes minimum. I worry that I am falling far behind this!

Afterwards, sometimes he is rooting around, but if I offer the breast back he gets all panicky and refuses to latch on, and quickly ends in him screaming. I stop straight away and try to calm him. He still seems hungry but I can't get him to go back on. Any tips?

I am concerned he is not taking enough to gain weight, which is what happened with Jackson. But, I also know his tummy is TINY at the moment, so maybe he is just getting full quickly?

Any comments/advice/support would be greatly appreciated!

Posted By: lilfatty
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 1:51pm
He could just be a really efficient feeder. Elias didnt feed for very long at all ..

Mummy to Issy (3) and Elias (18 months)

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Posted By: palomino
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 2:14pm
Do you have a fast let down? Maybe he is just really good at getting the milk out? Is it a side preference thing? Like does he prefer to feed on one rather than the other and fusses on the non fav side.

Posted By: KiwiL
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 2:35pm
Yes, I do have a fast let down, well I did with Jackson. It hasn't seemed as fast or furious this time, but it's still early days.

I know Ollie needs to get to the hind milk, and that is what I worry about. Not concerned about hydration or anything as I know he'll get enough liquid in the let down.

As for fussiness, if he is calm he takes either side quite happily, but he is more fussy with the right breast than the left. However, once he's worked up it doesn't matter which side I offer, it's not going to happen.

Posted By: happymumma
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 3:11pm

ooooo - Kiwilaurie - just had to sneak in to say congratulations!  And love the name (not that I'm at all biased!).

Can't help on the feeding front I'm afraid but I hope you get it sorted.

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 3:16pm
congrats too from me...

ten mins could be enough for him, especially if he is constantly sucking... and maybe he just needs a little rest and a burp before going on the other side...

i know its hard but try not to put your fears from jackson and his eating problems onto the new baby.


Posted By: fattartsrock
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 3:32pm
A short feed may be plenty, as he may be an efficent feeder already - and lucky you, no nipple pain! Thats great! however I would offer that side again instead of swapping sides just in case he isn't draining that side, then swapping sides after a refusal IYGWIM?
Also your flow might be a bit fast for him, so maybe try feeding lying down/back with him lying "up" you to slow things down a bit.
His wee tummy only golf ball size, too.
Little and often for sure.
You are doing a great job, and I second Bizz, try not to worry, sounds like you guys are doing fine!

The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P

Posted By: Bizzy
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 3:47pm
oh and dont forget fully breastfed babies dont gain weight like formula fed babies and the plunket charts do NOT reflect this!


Posted By: KiwiL
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 4:27pm
Thanks guys.... I am trying really hard to forget about JJ, especially since I think the teeth were our biggest downfall, and so far no sign of those, thank god!! It's hard not to feel anxious though - the reassurance certainly helps! Some of those sites you go to for advice are so regimented, even Kellymom which is supposed to be really good. I can sort of see why America has a high bottle feeding rate - there seem to be a lot of "rules".

I am offering the same side during a feed, and only swapping once he's either had a second go on that side or he's really distressed about taking it back. Usually though, once he gets upset, he won't take either side so it doesn't make much difference.

It seems to be a bit up and down, so I'll just cross my fingers. In any case, I am quite determined to just go with what Ollie does. Jackson was extreme, and yet he's still fine and alive 2 years later. I don't want to be bullied to bottle feed again, as it didn't change much.

Thanks heaps for replies!

Posted By: Mum2ET
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 8:19pm

From day one Tom was a quick feeder as well and would only feed for 10 mins max (I was worried for the first week as well, as Ella used to feed for 45mins, but after his first weigh in when he was over his birth weight I wasn't worried). 

I found it really handy, as I didn't have to worry about Ella getting into too much trouble while I was feeding him

Mum to
Ella (5) and Tom (2)

Posted By: High9
Date Posted: 10 November 2010 at 9:04pm
Haven't read all the other posts but I think it could be that he is an efficient feeder and 10 minutes is all he needs!

Another thing could be the let down is too forceful but a sure sign of that could be he is arching back and not latching while your let down is going on...
You could try expressing a bit off first and see if that makes any difference?

Otherwise maybe wait and see what his weight gain is. Lily was a fast feeder the first week and then the second week she would take 40 mins to feed and then it gradually got less again.

Just read other posts and agree with Bizzy - may need a burping (could be wind as to why he doesn't want to go back on)

Congrats - you are doing a great job and well done!


Posted By: WestiesGirl
Date Posted: 11 November 2010 at 12:38am
Aww yay congrats. I agree too re the efficient feeder. My Jackson only ever fed for 10 minutes max on one side. Then I'd offer the other side and would feed between 5-10 minutes as well.

Our Angel July 08 Gone but not forgotten

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Posted By: Emmi_
Date Posted: 11 November 2010 at 9:13pm
Yep I have an efficient feeder here too, 10 mins is a looooong feed here!!
And congrats too! I remember you getting your BFP, I cant believe hes here already!! All the best!


+1 May 09 Angel

Posted By: KiwiL
Date Posted: 12 November 2010 at 12:26am
Thanks again everyone. Hopefully he is just efficient.

Today has been a lot better, so touch wood - hopefully it continues!

However, do people have any tips for getting baby to feed better from a non-preferred side? A couple of times today he has drained my left breast, had a small amount from the right and then all hell has broken loose. He gets upset and his limbs flail and I can't get him to latch again. I know there is plenty of milk as I squeeze and it squirts! He just really seems to hate it. I am trying both the cradle and rugby hold on that side but it makes no difference.

Is there anything I can do to encourage him to take the right?

ETA: Tried both swaddled and unswaddled - thanks Sheena! x

Posted By: Shezamumof3
Date Posted: 12 November 2010 at 1:00am
When Caden would do this my midwife told me to swaddle him, as his arms would distract him and he'd get angry and not latch properly.
I found feeding him(and Bella) swaddled was much easier! and, its also easier to do the rugby hold when they are swaddled.


Posted By: Nothing
Date Posted: 12 November 2010 at 9:50am
I had this with DD when she was little, she couldnt turn her head to the left and started refusing to feed off my right side. We took her to a cranial osteopath who manipulated her back to normal. But in the mean time we fed lying down, back to front. So to feed the right side I would lie on my left side and she would lie on her right (as though you were feeding your left breast), she instanly latched on and feed well. I found it much easier to feed my right breast rather than my left. We still feed lying down at night, so much easier, I can just move my upper torso and viola she has the other boob Good luck


Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 12 November 2010 at 11:08pm
Sounds like the right breast may have a really fast let down, and probably why he doesn't like it so much. You could maybe try expressing a little bit off first, to get rid of the initial burst of milk. And I second the winding idea, he might be coming off after 5-10 mins because he's full of wind (also very common if you have a fast let down, because they're trying to gulp it down fast!).
And if you're still worried about him getting enough hind milk, check the colour of his poos! If they're green, then he's getting too much foremilk! Otherwise, you're all good.

Good luck, sounds like you're doing a great job!

Posted By: Mum_me
Date Posted: 13 November 2010 at 8:24am
Originally posted by Bizzy Bizzy wrote:

oh and dont forget fully breastfed babies dont gain weight like formula fed babies and the plunket charts do NOT reflect this!

The plunket charts have now changed. They now use the WHO charts. I was told that as WHO are pro Bfding that the new charts do reflect BFd babies...

Posted By: KiwiL
Date Posted: 15 November 2010 at 9:14pm
Aurghhh, things have just been getting worse.

But had midwife and a lactation consultant visit today and both seem convinced Ollie is just suffering from terrible wind pains. Lactation Consultant was happy with my latch and supply, so hopefully we can keep him growing for however many weeks until his little tummy starts processing the wind better.

Do people know of any magic cures for wind? Jackson never really suffered from it too badly.

Posted By: UpsyDaisy
Date Posted: 15 November 2010 at 10:25pm

People here will have heaps of ideas, some swear by natural remedies

We found the infacol in a yellow bottle you buy at the supermarket quite good.

DS used to get so worked up crying and all tense that there was no way any wind was coming up . We used to pop on TV for a minute DS would get mesmerized by the moving images within seconds relax and burp! Worked a treat everytime!   I don't let the babies watch TV it was DH who discovered this trick.

Posted By: whitewave
Date Posted: 15 November 2010 at 11:01pm
Campbell got awful wind sometimes, really upset him, and he developed mild reflux at about 4 months - we discovered Rhuger and it worked brilliantly! Its a natural rhubarb and ginger tincture made by a pharmacy in Dunedin, which was handy for me since we lived there! But they sell online, google Balmac Pharmacy. Its a bit pricey, but it was well worth it for us, especially since it dealt to both the wind and reflux issues.

Posted By: KiwiL
Date Posted: 15 November 2010 at 11:29pm
Thanks Whitewave... I actually ordered some on the weekend, hopefully it'll be delivered tomorrow. I am hoping it will work for us too. Please keep your fingers crossed.

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