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Posted: 16 June 2010 at 10:02am |
Looks like I'm back in the club! The swaddling worked for about 2 weeks but now it has all gone to crappola again. Man it sucks being tired! Last night I tried not feeding him and spent 2 hours with him screaming and nothing working, even after I fed him he started crying again after 15 mins so I ended up getting him sin bed with me as we both really needed some sleep! He has a tooth coming through so I might try getting some Bonjela and see if that helps
fallen - does anyone in your household smoke, even if they only smoke outside? That can cause babies/children to have bronchiolitis/ear infections. I used to work with parents who smoked and it made a huge difference when they stopped. Thought I'd suggest it just in case that could be it. It must be hard on you all having a sick baby so often and being in and out of hospital, hopefully things settle down for you soon!
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Posted: 16 June 2010 at 11:58am |
Man I think I ought to RUN this club with my rubbish sleeper!
Clodagh is till waking twice a night....and thats on a good night! On a good night DF can get her back down in 5-10 min, on a bad night like last night she'll be up fro HOURS screaming. TO make it worse, she's now refusing to sleep at all during the day unless I push her in the buggy.
I know I sounds like the worst mum in the world but I am so bloody over her and her crappy sleeing I could just walk out sometimes
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Posted: 16 June 2010 at 3:36pm |
Oh Emmecat, you aren't a bad mum. I think you are a lovely, caring mum, and that's why your little girl likes to see you so much during the night It's no surprise things are taking their toll on you, not having slept in, umm... 1 year, 3 weeks and 4 days and being 16 weeks pregnant - both those things are hard on their own, both together and it's no wonder you want out some days! I don't have any advice cos my baby doesn't sleep either (sigh), but I can offer some sympathy at least
Kaybee, sorry to hear you are back in the club. It's the kind you want to get out of and stay out of, isn't it? Hopefully it's just teething and things will be sorted for you soon.
I can at least report that we have been making some progress here (YAY!). I'm still up every hour and a half to two hours, but I'm usually back in bed within half an hour now, which is a HUGE improvement. Previously I'd be happy if she was back down within 2 hours. Slow progress, but progress non-the-less, and steady and slow wins the race right?
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Posted: 16 June 2010 at 6:11pm |
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Posted: 16 June 2010 at 8:44pm |
We are back in here for day sleeps
Jake is flat out refusing to sleep in his cot during the day and if I am lucky I can get him to fall asleep on me and then transfer him to the sofa.. which means I am stuck with him in case he rolls off.. He will sleep in the car but I can hardly drive around for 90 mins or so and will fall asleep in the buggy but if I walk for 90 minutes now my pelvis will collapse (hmm really must mention that to my mw next time I see her but no doubt i will forget).
I am so over it!!!
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Posted: 17 June 2010 at 8:42am |
Hmmm ditto Mel.....but mine won't even sleep on me . Just maybe in the buggy...if I'm lucky!
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Posted: 23 June 2010 at 6:26pm |
Hey Emmecat, sounds like you're having a hard time!
I have been off the OB-train for a while so haven't been keeping up with your goss. Why is it that you don't want to BF your DD at night?? That doesn't sound like the "lactivist" I know!!
Have you tried wearing her to sleep? I know you've got that big backpack, but have you got a sling or a mei tai or something so that she's snuggled up to you? If you don't but you'd like to try something out, let me know and I can lend you something from my stash
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Posted: 23 June 2010 at 6:45pm |
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Posted: 23 June 2010 at 9:44pm |
Yay, awesome sleeping Clodagh! Long may it continue!
We are still in the crappy sleepers club, the day sleep is okay, but I usually have to BF him first.
Campbell still wants BF all night too, usually about 4 times a night. Sigh. Emmecat, how did you wean Clodagh off night time BFs?
I've managed to complicate the issue due to co-sleeping, there's no way I could do CC or CIO even if I didn't have a problem with it otherwise!
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Posted: 23 June 2010 at 11:00pm |
I can't believe I missed this thread!!
Still got a crappy sleeper here as well.
We are getting less of the squirmy nights cause a) I eat bland bland foods & b) he's hardly eating as well!
Tara, Is your girl on Losec now?
Emmecat, then I'm feeding 5-6 times to many according to them!
Hugs everyone, I'm going to bed this time before the next wake up after our long stint last night.
A = 01.02.04 & C = 16.01.09 & G = 30.03.12
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Posted: 28 June 2010 at 2:35pm |
Going to have to resurrect this. DD has gone downhill- hardly any sleep during the day and nights are getting worse. It's like having a newborn again but at least newborns sleep more.
Who knew trying to get a toddler to sleep would be so difficult?