Hey all
DD1 was 6 in January, and started school as a year 2. Within 2 weeks of school starting, she developed the most horrible attitude!! Throwing temper tantrums, answering back, being a right little madam, especially to DS. It is driving me absolutely mad, and it doesnt matter how we try and handle it, nothing seems to help. The worst part is, she is smart about it too. We were in Auckland for the weekend so took the kids to the zoo. We set out ground rules before we got out of the car (no running away, have good listening ears, no tantrums or whining). The whole trip around the zoo was great, no issues from any of the kids. Until we walked out of the kiwi house (last thing before we left). She then threw an almighty tantrum about absolutely nothing!!! So we ended up leaving the zoo in a fowl mood!!!
Any advice on how to deal with this?