Hi, I'm new here, but just really need to write how I'm feeling and get some opinions!
My daughter is 5 months old. The first 3 months she was a dream baby, starting sleeping through at about 8 weeks old and slept well during the day. Then at 3 months old she just started taking 40min sleeps during the day, resulting in a grumpy tired baby most of the day. I thought I was doing really well, but lately I've had the odd day where I just wake up thinking 'I don't want to do this today'. I'm a 'routine' kind of person and at the moment I feel so confused due to her sleeping habits. I don't know whether I should put her down, keep her up or what. Some days I'm fine and will just go with the flow and cope with her crying, other days I just want to run away!
I feel so bad for feeling like this. On the bad days I also don't have those maternal instincts AT ALL. I often think I can't do this again with a second and often think I just want the one child. I also feel really bad about this as I would love her to have a little brother or sister. Hubby is rearing to go to get started on the next one at the end of this year!
Some days I despise hubby going off to work. I'm terrible at staying at home with the same four walls day in day out. It's hard to go out with her as she doesn't sleep well, therefore usually screams in the car or pram. My husband's family live close by and are good support, however it's only my Dad who lives near us and, well, my relationship with him is not exactly close. Our family have never been ones to 'open up' with our feelings, so it's hard for me to do.
Some days I find myself thinking I can't wait for her to grow up so we can actually go out and do things. At the moment we're just staying home at the weekends. On the days we have been to visit people, she has screamed the place down which is very stressful and doesn't make it enjoyable at all.
I know I should be enjoying these first few months, but I'm not at all........I also feel really bad about this.
I find myself missing my old life of work and being able to get out and about. I've found the transition from my 'old life' to my new life extremely hard.
So with all of this happening, some days I just cry for some of the day, made even worse when she won't sleep. I don't get angry with her, just frustrated sometimes, but more upset than anything. We've had many a day with her in my arms, her crying, me crying etc etc
My mood is so up and down, I'm fine when around other people, but on my own i just sometimes breakdown. Although I have 'broken down' a couple of times in front of hubby. He's asked if I'm ok, and I've told him sometimes I just want to do something different.
Oops, sorry for such a long post!!

Just needed to get it all out there.
Forgot to say I also feel really tired during the day, even though she's still sleeping through and I often wake up with headaches.
So are these just normal first time mum feelings, or should I be going to see a Dr?