live in the far north (Hibiscus Coast!!!!) However, work in CBD and children in daycare in CBD also so kind of central, and 30+ too ;)
Not mum-to-be yet (maybe next year?!) but have 2yr old and 11.5 month old boys.
Also, almost-new-to-NZ, squirtsmum....moved to NZ 3.5 years ago, found out we were preg 6 months after arriving here!
Love the (Gave Infertility The Finger!) - we had been trying for 5+ years (well, not seeking help or counting days, just not NOT trying), moved here and agreed to leave it for 2 years while we settled in then maybe seek help to find out why it wasn't happening. pretty much a week or so after that conversation, found out I was pregnant!
Second one came about since we were in the mindset of...hey, it took 5 years the first time, it's not going to happen again so quickly.....