Hi Everyone
I decided that since there is no topic for Unexplained Fertility and I kind of feel like I'm out here on a limb on my own. I would reach out to any of you who have been diagnosed with this rather frustrating diagnosis.
How have you all got on with it? Have any of you got to the bottom of what is actually causing it ie any real reason behind it ie hormones throid etc? Anything you can tell me might help the Dr's to help me I'm at my wits end here.
Mine is well... weird... I get bloating followed by frequent urination, feeling exhausted and hormonal, then sore boobs around day 18 of my cycle for 3 - 4 days then occasional morning nausea full on preg symtoms by all accounts and I feel pregnant... but when I do a test I am not then get light (pre conception) spotting and then monthly as usual which is simply sole destroying
Is anyone else getting these symptoms aswel can anyone tell me WTF is going on here?!
Be very interested to hear what experiences you have all had with this diagnosis and whether any of you can shed any light on likely causes.... I am thinking it might be something that is not quite so obvious... been through full work up incl hormonal tests etc which didn't show up anything out of the norm... up to hysteroscopy and laproscopy tests now done HSG also hubby also fine.... just strange really got preg 4 years ago easily ended in MC had D&C no preg since... 3 years of trying still nothing...
IUI? IVF? What have your experiences been with this? How did you all go with the criteria / qualifying I was told scored high with everything barr diagnosis which got big fat 0 and therefore stopped us going through for IVF with Otago after 5 month wait for apt which just crushed us.
Thank God we had a lovely 3 week holiday in Nelson to look forward to immeadiately after (and God did we ever need it)or I would have fallen apart was very on edge and distraught after all that. Finding the waiting very hard to deal with at times not the most patient person not a nice feeling having no control and not being able to call the shots on your own life is it really....
Edited by Hopeful75116987 - 19 May 2013 at 2:35am