Just need to vent a little bit... DD is still having loads of accidents during the day, sometimes it seems that some days she doesn't get 1 wee in the loo/potty. I'm finding it really frustrating as she can and has been dry before, sometimes for weeks at a time before she regresses again. We're keeping it pretty casual (hence why I need to vent in here) and not paying much attention to when she has accidents apart from asking her to go to the toilet, change her pants and clean up any mess. Probably the most frustrating of it all though is that she doesn't care if she's gone in her undies! She would sit in it all day if we didn't notice and ask her to go change.
Any ideas would be appreciated, not sure if we're missing something really obvious? I'm almost at the point of wanting to put her back into nappies, which I've suggested before and she's refused. Don't really like the idea of that though, just a bit sick of all the washing that's piling up cos I can't get it dry...