Hi all
Thought I would finally get my A into G and post in this forum. Here's a bit of an intro to me...
My name is Lou (short for Louisa). I am currently living in Christchurch having just moved from Windy Wellington. My husband is Simon, we've been married for just over a year and a half and have been TTC for about that long as well.
I was diagnosed with PCOS at approx 16, and also have suspected Endo (currently looking into with specialist). We were seeing someone in Wellington at the hospital who basically said LOSE WEIGHT. (Those of you with PCOS will probably be saying what I said 'Yeah right... easier said than done!" The next step was clomid but we put it on hold to move down here. Currently awaiting an appointment through the hospital after our referral has been sent.
Medication wise, I was on Metformin (4 pills a day) for quite a while but it made me quite sick, and didn't help shift the weight. I also take an antidepressant (Citalopram)
So we recently made some very hard decisions with regards to what we want to do from now. We have decided we do not want to touch clomid until I have lost approx 35 kgs. Yes I know this sounds a lot, but when you have a lot to lose, it doesn't seem that way. I think I can achieve it. I also have not been taking Metformin and am reluctant to start again. Yes it was regulating my periods, but they were so painful and heavy. I would like to kickstart my periods/ovulation by weightloss/lifestyle changes alone if possible. We will see how things go in the meantime.
Well... this bascially covers me I think
If you have any questions at all of any nature, feel free to ask! I like to share