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Topic: Entitlements to help?? Posted: 01 February 2011 at 7:39pm |
Does anyone know what (if any) entitlements there are for those with PND? Other than the obvious drs, meds etc? I am more after practical help. One of the things I find hardest is the boys really poor sleeping, I am looking at biting the bullet and getting someone in to advise and help us sort out the problems, just wondering if I might be entitled to financial help
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Posted: 01 February 2011 at 8:15pm |
Have you heard about the Plunket family centres? Is there one near you? I've heard people rave about the centres in Auckland - you got there for the day, they help you with Bub's sleep, you might even get a chance to take a nap yourself.
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Posted: 01 February 2011 at 8:19pm |
Yeah we have one about 10mins up the road. I have been there before and I wasn't happy with the "advice" (if you could call it taht!) given, basically they put on a video taped from 60 minutes/20/20 in the 1980's about CIO and that was it. I am sure they are great for other things and other people but I don't like CC or CIO so am very reluctant to go back.
But thanks for the thought. I am thinking to try Small Wonders but it will be about $320 and it's not really in the budget
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 10:13am |
You could contact the sleepstore website for help/advise. They have heaps of sleep info on the site, but also will answer specific email q's.
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 10:44am |
I have tried Sleep Store before.
I have booked Small Wonders, they will be here in 10 days, just need to last till then! After talking to her I think they will be better as they come into our place, see the kids, their personalities (which I think plays a big part in our problems), routines etc. I have had 2 reccomendations so they hopefully they will be good.
Now to find DH a 2nd job, he doesn't need to sleep does he??!
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 10:59am |
I hope they are able to help. Sounds like a good service, pity its so expensive!
Totally agree that personality plays a big role in a childs ability to sleep,..or not sleep!
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 12:06pm |
If you are under the care of Maternal Mental Health, I know that they can organise a night nurse to come in and help overnight, so you can get some sleep. Plunket Family centres arent really geared up for older children and their sleeping issues - really only babies (i would say < 1yr olds).
Good Luck!
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 12:14pm |
No I am under my GP, I was referred to MMH in the beginning but after a chat they decided they couldn't really help me further than what my GP was already doing to help
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 12:18pm |
I would talk to your GP then, I have several friends who have received help over night from the MMH team, so if your GP needs to refer you back in order to get that help for you, then you might have to try again. Just a thought?!? I was referrred to MMH and they wouldnt take me on - they didnt think I was "bad enough", I felt really let down by them, but in the long run it was prob the best thing that could have happened!
I really hope that you get some help, sleep issues are so tough and on top of PND its even worse. 
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 8:33pm |
Hey Linzy, good luck with the small world thing! Sounds expensive but if it works it will definitely be worth it
We have had huge sleep probs with DD since the EQ and so in chch we've found out a lot about the different services (or lack thereof!) Plunket is great for under 1's (family centers and such) but it sounds like you've already tried that. We searched and found a service that comes to your house, sounds like the one you're trying. I hope it works for you!
Oh just about the MMH thing, I don't think you can be referred again now that youngest bub is 18months
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Posted: 02 February 2011 at 9:34pm |
No worries, DH has managed to get some weekend work so that should help pay for it
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Posted: 03 February 2011 at 11:07am |
Linzy, all I know about help in Wellington, not sure if they have it in Auckland, is Supergrans, they can help practically in the home and with regards to other help, like counselling, if you need that, there is some funding for free help through Primary Mental Health, again, unsure if they have it in Auckland. But they can pay for childcare and some counselling.
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Posted: 03 February 2011 at 2:53pm |
It sounds like you have something organised, but im pretty sure I recall there is an organisation that can come over and help out so that you can get some sleep .. or they can watch the kids while you go out etc. Its a volunteer service. Parent something or other, maybe call plunket and ask.
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Posted: 03 February 2011 at 7:38pm |
Yeah we have Parent Aid which I have used before and they are helpful, but a short term fix. Small Wonders should be able to give us long term solutions to the boys sleeping problems. Which is greatly needed as 5-6hrs broken sleep and 5.30am starts are really starting to take their toll especially as I am weaning myself off the meds