Gosh, what happened to all the old posts??
I just wanted to say that since having PND I set up the charity "Mothers Helpers" and have shared my story on the Blog - here's a link:
My story
I used to put out a monthly Newsletter called "Blue Funk" but instead have started using the blog. Since my last laptop died I'm wondering if maybe I have lost touch with all the mums via OB that wanted to receive those Blue Funk newsletters. If you'd instead like to receive my blog which has replaced those newsletters, please email me
here and I'll make sure you're on our list that receives the blog to your email.
And also wanted to say that ages ago from conversations that came out of this thread, we put together a Facebook group for mums with PND or at-risk of PND or having some symptoms of PND etc. and have decided to revive it. So if you'd like online support or to meet up socially with other mums who understand, here's a link to that:
PND Facebook Group
It's a closed group to maintain privacy but just request to join and I'll accept your request :)
NB: I was "nathansmummy" but have forgotten my login!!
Edited by mothershelpers