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Sarah Beth
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Topic: spiraling downward Posted: 19 April 2007 at 12:09pm |
I wasn't going to post this at all then thought that I should, it is rarely talked about and I guess my own reason for not wanting to post was being ashamed.
In a word, Jack is 3 weeks old and I am not coping. Prior to his arrival I was a girl that needed 9 to 10 hours sleep a night, so you can imagine how my body has reacted to the disrupted sleep of a newborn. The first 2 weeks were fine, then last week Jack would not settle, dh was out and after half an hour of his screaming I lost it and all I wanted to do was shake my precious son to make him stop. I didn't, but I did want to. This scared the life out of me and resulted in me joining in the crying, sitting on the couch, Jack perched on shoulder waiting for the husband to get home.
As soon as the husband walked through the door I asked him to take me to the doctor. While I didn't think I had PND, my reaction to Jack's crying scared me and I really felt I should tell someone (a professional) about it so it was off to the doctors office.
She actually wasn't surprised to see me at all. The birth experience I had was less than ideal, Jack got stuck and I had a c section, many would think big deal, but that is not where the story ends. Everything that could go wrong with the surgery did go wrong, the sterile field was crossed, instruments were dropped in side me during the process, Jack was stuck, one of the weights holding my tummy back came loose and flew back into me. I became incredibly high risk for infection. I think this is where the downward spiral began. I have had constant thoughts of what if, what if I had spent more time on all 4's so Jack wouldn't have been posterier, what if I hadn't had the epidural and continued using other methods of pain management that would also encourage Jack to turn, what if, what if, what if. Since then I have also found out that chances of me having a vbac are very slim and I would require a lot of monitoring given Jack was only 3kg and got soo stuck they have determined my pelvis is too small too deliver naturally, that said I think I will try next time.
Now I must admit, since coming home from hospital Jack has been pretty good, except for the evenings, where he will cluster feed for around 2 hours, normally not a problem but when mum is exhausted and Dad is still at work it was taking its toll. My doctor has not diagnosed me with PND at this stage but I got a referral to maternal mental health and on Monday I had a big chat with the crises team at the hospital who do all the pre assessment. We went through the issues I was having, the feelings of being a bad mum, the anxiety and the fact I can't sleep when he is as I constantly am listening to see if he is OK, and if he is quiet, I worry that something has happened. All of this they tell me is normal, however that hasn't helped the lack of sleep or ease any of my worries. In addition to that we have had financial stress, and hubby is self employed so although he tries to help as much as he can, from 9 till 5 I am on my own and as I am breast feeding I get very little breaks in the evening as Jack cluster feeds then.
Today 2 members of the crises team came to visit (unfortunately MMH can't take me till May). My big problem as they see it is sleep deprivation, and if I don't get on top of it, I will spiral down into a depression and will need medicating. So basically, I have caught it early, I was and am suffering from more than just the baby blues and thankfully realised that. At this stage a nurse will be coming for the next 3 nights so hubby and I can get some sleep. She will feed him through the night with expressed milk from me and I am to take a sleeping pill to make sure that I do sleep.
My problem now is, I feel like a bad mum because I can't do it on my own, feels a bit like a catch 22!
the reason for my post, to anyone else feeling down, not themselves, or has feelings of hurting their precious babies, ask for help, there is plenty out there
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 12:24pm |
Sarah beth Big big hugs to you  . First off you are so NOT a bad mother. The fact that you were a little overwhelmed and knew to seek help is an indication of what a good mother you are.
It takes a very, very strong person to ask for help and an even stronger person to receive you should be very proud of yourself for taking those first steps.
Your story is so sad, you almost made me cry. it sounds like you had a really hellish time during your birth and please don't blame yourself these things always happen for a reason that we normally can't control there was probably nothing you could have done to change the outcome. The main thing is you and Jack are both safe and that is the best outcome
I hope you get some rest and decent sleep over the next couple of days.
Remember you are a great mum!!!
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 12:27pm |
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 12:39pm |
Your post made me cry. You are so very brave for speaking up and getting help.
I didn't when I felt like that after having Ella and went through PND on my own for 6 months. She and I were both miserable with it and I often regret how wasted those first months were.
I hope things get better quickly for you SB, you are a great Mum
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:05pm |
Well done for putting your hand up for help!!!
Just by doing that, it shows how much of a great Mum you are!
I know this is going to sound silly, but it does get better. I lived with PND for nearly 4 years, was on medication for 3 of those. It is such an adjustment to having a wee bubs in the house. My major problem was that i thought I could "control" when he cried and didn't etc. I know that I will be at a higher risk of PND again when we get pg again.
Keep talking to your DH and the professionals that are helping.
Another tactic that i used was a notebook. Whenever i was upset, angry with Ethan, I would take out my frustrations on that book. There are a lot of swear words in it, and also me geing really frank about what I would like to do to him... I found it really helpful to just be able to dump all my thoughts and feelings in this book, just to get them out of my head.
Good luck with your journey.
Keep talking and communicating how you feel..
We are always here..
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:06pm |
and dont ever be ashamed about how you feel. There are a lot of us out there...
You are doing the right thing!
formerly known as "Bee"
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:07pm |
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:11pm |
oh Hun did you not read all my posts??? Tears for africa were shed over here and I handed Ella bella off to mum in early hours of the morning a few times cause i was sleep deprived, DH wanted to sleep and got grumpy with me cause of it, bubs wanted to feed off me constantly and all i wanted was to sleep. NOONE would let me try formula, and im glad i didnt in many ways, but all i wanted was to leave her home and get away! Even giving in to expressing made me did leaving her in rocker the other day....but you do need time out...walk away is the rule! I know you would never hurt him...but give yourself a breather
WE both came thru it and Dh is also getting sleep now too. I never thought i had PND either but the baby blues they warn u about do kick in, then add that torture of sleep deprivation, sore boobies and all and you do wonder about yourself. You and I both know we are intelligent women who can do this but to stop and have to deal with this each day does shake you to the core.
Have you perhaps got a family member who could come sleep there or take Jack between feeds and make you sleep...I had bubs taken off me one day and forced to go lie down and sleep by mum...can someone do the same for you?? It will help and would be so much nicer if it was a friend or family member?
You do get thru it - and soon...look at Gabriella today! BIG HUGS know my numbers if you want to talk too....
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:30pm |
Sarah beth, well done for speaking out so soon and getting help, you did by far the best thing doing that for you, Jack and hubby.
Believe me it will get better (this is true from someone who saw the rest of her life as a constant cycle of 3 hourly feeds taking 2 hours a peice) and you have made the first steps in making it better.
believe me you are not a bad mum, we were not designed to do this on our own, society has changed to the point that new mums are isolated and alone to cope with huge changes. make the most of the help overnight and the sleep, I know I did when I got the opportunity.
I was referred to maternal mental health 8 weeks ago and I am still waiting for my first contact, i have an excellent GP though and found a local counsellor to talk through my issues.
But first of all get some sleep!!!1
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 1:47pm |
Jayde 25/12/04
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 2:01pm |
I am so sending big your way. You are NOT a bad mummy for your thoughts. It is such a lilfe change for us and we all react in different ways.
I too also suffered PND, I caught it early but still was too deep to stop without medication. I was under MMH in Auckland, they were fantastic. There is also Barnadoes (SP?) who have services for parents with PND. Also as above the Plunket Family services are great for helping out, they have nurses and mums that can look after bubs for you. I never got their help as I was too ashamed to ask. Please don't be like me and seek as much help as possible.
My best advise is to talk about it. that is what helped me. Take care and remember you and bubs are number 1!
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 5:48pm |
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 6:00pm |
amy wrote:
There is also Barnadoes (SP?) who have services for parents with PND. Also as above the Plunket Family services are great for helping out, they have nurses and mums that can look after bubs for you. |
Didn't know that! Wish I had!! Will keep in mind if PND happens next time. Thanks!
formerly known as "Bee"
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 6:24pm |
you are a brave woman to see the signs and get help quickly you are a great mum and getting help when you needed just proves that big hugs hunny
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 6:33pm |
I agree with what the girls have said you are a great mum, purely for the fact that you knew straight away that you needed help and went out there and got it, what the unit is doing for you by providing help in the evenings is awesome.
I'm really proud of you Sarah, the fact that you went out and accepted the help that has been offered to you.
I hope you sleep well over the next few nights.
Being a mum isn't all it's cracked up to be, but man the rewards you get definitely outweigh the bad moments. Very soon you will be at that point where everything will fall into place and you'll be a pro before you know it.
Sleep well!
Mr Mellow (16)
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 6:42pm |
Oh Sarah, your post has really stirred up the pregnancy hormones here and I am crying. These are ALL my fears. I have moments now when I feel like I'm on the edge of not coping if I get a bad sleep and this little bugger ( I mean darling angel) is kicking my bladder constantly so I am up half the night.
My DF works long hours and I wonder how I am going to be on my own when baby arrives. I will take so much from your post to know that these feelings are normal!!!
It is an amazing thing that you have done by speaking out, as you can see from the other comments, the other mums know what you are going through and now us mums to be know what to look out for (that and those bloody afterpains no one tells you about  )
hopw you feel better soon. You are doing a great job!!!
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 7:34pm |
Hiya SarahBeth, I so feel for you right now! I am also someone who loves a good night's sleep and the first couple of weeks are definitely tough when it comes to that. I've learned to take naps during the day where possible, because quite honestly 3pm is only halfway through the feedings for the day. The cluster feeding is good, but really tiring. Try to eat good foods at night time (like yoghurt), it will keep up your energy and fatten up the milk for Jack  If you can feed lying down, that can be a great help too.
In the meantime, I have bumped two threads for you that I think will really encourage you. They are "It ain't easy" and "Trying too hard?". Big hugs! IMO it gets a lot easier after 6 weeks. The feeding settles down a bit and Jack will start smiling at you!
I hadn't known all those details about your birth, what a horrible experience! Big hugs to you
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 3:14am |
For those that have ever had the 'it was even harder in my day...' from your mother or other elder, remind them that in their day they had THEIR mother stay with them for the first 6weeks, which was the common practice. (have been chatting to my Mum and Nana about this)
I would also suggest a nanny, this may sould biased since I am a nanny, but I know from my personal experience that the extra help can lower your stress levels a little, and it gives you someone to talk to as well. The most kids in one household I ever cared for was 5, and they were 1,2,4,5,7 years old. They were a handful, but just my being there for a few hours from 4pm-8pm gave Mum a break to sit and have a glass of wine, or read a magazine. Or just breathe!
Well done for seeking help, too often Mums are afraid of being judged for being a bad mother, but just remember that a bad mother would have repressed it and risked indulging in shaking bubs, you sought help, and I applaude you for it. I will certainly remember your struggles and courage when my own turn finally comes.
Kudos to you, and all the best for a bit of sleep, keep us posted, we are eager to hear how you are coping.
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 7:09am |
Big hugs hun
You are not a bad mum - I think those first few weeks are a shock to the system for any new mum. I don't think anyone understands the meaning of sleep depravation until they've cared 24/7 for a newborn. Good on you for seeking help - it requires so much courage to admit the job as a mum is too tough to handle (I have my gran helping me - would not have managed without her)
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 6:32pm |
I didn't read all these posts and know that yours wasn't a call for help as such Sarah Beth (in fact I applaud you so much for making that post as so many mothers are in that situation and try to make it on their own... which isn't always successful).
I just wanted to say that if anyone reaches this point, then call in favours. Someone offers to come and help you with the baby, say yes! They WANT to help.
There is a reason behind the whole "it takes a village to raise a child" saying and part of that is due to the support it takes to get through the first few weeks.
Well done for seeking help Sarah, that shows what a wonderful mother you are.