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Topic: Hunger!! Posted: 03 June 2011 at 11:19am |
Hi Ladies,
Well I am NOT a dieter so I just have a question out of curiosity really. I was one of those size 8 (50-54kg) girls in my 20s and early 30s who ate heaps and whatever I like and didn’t really gain much weight – I did however exercise ALOT. Skip forward 5 years and 2 kids and now I still have 10kgs of “baby weight” (shes 2 next month!!!) to lose. I have found it so much harder after my second child --- with Jake most of the weight came off after I stopped BFing then I got pg again. This time it is not budging! (I lost about 4kgs last year with walking and zumba then put it back on this year).
So now I’m in bootcamp to get me moving again and its going really well. And I’m trying to watch what I eat, but when I’m hungry I could devour a big mac combo in seconds!!!! So what I’m wondering is, while dieting are you hungry all the time? Do you eat if you’re hungry, or count the minutes til lunchtime til you can eat again? If you’re hungry after dinner do you eat, or go to bed hungry??? (Not something I like doing, but maybe it is necessary to lose weight?)
I’m going with the theory that eating often keeps my metabolism fast, and just exercising and making healthier choices will work (ie eating a lot better, although still more than most people I know!). Anyone else found that works? Or am I kidding myself!? haha.
DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)
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Posted: 03 June 2011 at 11:58am |
I don't diet. I just eat well. To not feel hungry I try and eat lots of protein. If I'm hungry I have a drink first, if I'm still hungry I eat. I eat roughly every 2.5hrs so its not that long between meals really.
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Posted: 03 June 2011 at 12:01pm |
I think your theory is right! If you are working out your body is burning calories and to keep it burning, you need to keep it fuelled - obviously it's better to put 'good' calories in rather than empty ones though.
I actually track my calories eaten and burned and if I'm working out I eat heaps more (and more often) than when I don't BUT I still have a calorie deficit between what my body needs to maintain my weight and what I actually eat (but not too much of a deficit) so I still lose weight at a steady rate.
Right now of course, my aim isn't really to lose weight, but to keep active and to eat well
All the best with your journey, I think bootcamp sounds like fun
Edited by mummydee
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Posted: 03 June 2011 at 1:14pm |
Good to hear others have the same sort of idea as me! I hate feeling hungry (and actually get quite grumpy)! I probably eat every 2 hours. Not huge snacks but I'm hungry by then so I eat again. Trying to just have fruit or yoghurt after dinner if I'm hungry (instead of my old habit of potato chips whether I was hungry or not!).
My theoretical calorie deficit (I'm a food tech and nutritionist so can roughly work it out) isn't huge - need around 2000 calories, eat about 1800 calories when I'm trying to eat less, so only about 200cal .... but I think my body usually requires more than the "average" as I used to eat about 1000 cal extra a day to maintain my weight!
There is NO WAY I could do WW (mum and sis are doing it), I'd starve!! lol
DS (5yrs) and DD (3yrs)
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Posted: 05 June 2011 at 3:11pm |
Nikki, I remember watching on Tyra I think it was that if you are able to eat up to 2hrs before you go to bed. So if your hungry at 9 and eat you can go to bed at 11
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Posted: 20 July 2016 at 7:04am |
Hi, I see it's an old theme, but still actual and I'd like to answer. I know it from my own experience that it's very hard to control the appetite. I managed only with the help of Sibutramine capsules. I read a lot of information about it and a lot of girls' experiences before ordering it on for the first time. It was not easy to decide to take pills against hunger, but there was no other way out. I managed to lose 20 Kilos in just 3 months. Now I don't take them any more since May and to my surprise it seems I learned to eat fewer and control my appetite. So girls, the pleasure of being slim has a long way for some of us, but we must not give up.
Joined: 27 July 2016
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Posted: 28 July 2016 at 6:56pm |
Is there any side effect for Sibutramine capsules? I too heard a lot about it and I wanna try it.
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Posted: 01 August 2016 at 9:13pm |
I had a proper diet plan. I eat 5 times a day and have green tea. I completely cut carbs from my diet chart. It was difficult in the starting but once we are used to it then everything will be alright.