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Angelme View Drop Down

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    Posted: 28 August 2005 at 11:12am
Well it's funny, one can accept abuse as a child, get over it once one has had a mental breakdown. One can accept marital abuse, it's easy you can walk away (though still wear the scars from all, they do fade with time). But when it comes to parental abuse it is the hardest of all.

Parental abuse is one of the least recognised forms of abuse. You have an uncontrolled child. It is your parenting skills which are at fault, as seen by the outside world.

We bring our children into the world, love them, care for them, nurture them. It was because of my childhood that I made every measure to not be at all like my mother. Learnt behavioural techniques etc. I was firm, set guidelines, helped my children through so much. It did not help after leaving ex hubby that he gave the kids a TV for the living room, "so you can watch what you like when you like and your mother can't stop you", it did not help when he told the kids ages 12 and 14 "not to do anything your mother tells you she should not be so lazy and do it herself". It set the precedence of things to come.

My son by the age of 16 expected the earth to rotate around him, he became very abusive physically to his younger brother. He became very verbal towards me. No matter what, he could see nothing wrong in the way he acted. It was all me according to him, I was imagining it. He would damage property, etc. It made no difference what I did, he carried on, but always short of anything I could call the police on. The property damage was always when I was away and he denied it. By the age of 17 he had become a father and moved on.

He is now 18 and currently is going up to court on charges of threatening to kill, threats made to his neighbour. He ended up homeless through a situation he had no control in, so me being a mum, took him in. He was asked to respect me, no abusing his siblings, reprimanding them when I am present etc, simple rules. His response, he can do what he likes, when he likes. He had lasted not even a week when I had to ask him to move on. He has no respect. He denies there is anything wrong with the way he behaves. He feels his past has not affected him in any way. How can you get help for someone like this? How can you live with someone like this?

My older daughter is very verbally abusive, very Narcissistic, and she denies saying anything she does, turns it back on me, saying I twist things, lie etc. She does not respect me, abuses her siblings, reprimanding them when I am present. She admits we can't live together, it becomes a very poisonous relationship, where my depression returns. I won't tolerate being told what I should or should not do by my children, I won't tolerate abuse by my children.

It comes to a point when you have to say enough is enough. I could sit trying, giving my all to help my children, who continuously throw everything back at me in two folds. Abuse is abuse. That is all it is they display. They don't care about me, only themselves. One can only say no to their child so much, when in the end, we have to look back and think I have tried to help my child, I have fought for them, offered many services to assist them. At the end of the day they have to decide on which path they wish to take. There comes a time when as a parent we have to let go, we can't help everyone, especially those who do not wish to be helped. It does not mean we do not love our children any less, it is because of this love we need to let them live their own life, make their mistakes. It is the hardest thing a parent can do, but it is for our own wellbeing, our own sanity. One can only take so much abuse. We need to live, we deserve to live.

As to being nuts, does insane count lol. Myself I have found a me who I like, it took three years out of my marriage to find myself. I have found I love to laugh, it took a lot to get used to hearing this noise, I never used to laugh.

Recently someone has come into my life, a friend from my past. He lives in Australia, was in an emotionally abusive marriage. Through phone calls, emails, messaging and texting with our cell phones he has become close to me. He has given me the confidence to change the goals I had set and look for other ones, to move to Australia a place better for mine and the kids health. In the past I would have lacked the confidence to make a vast move such like this. He also has pushed me to open up. I pull inwards when things get too much. He pushes me to express myself, something hard to do when for so many years my thoughts and opinions didn't matter, I have been a nothing, now I am someone. But many times I push my friend away, put up the walls, I can become so mean, say stuff I know will hurt. He now knows why. It is not him, it is me. Through it all it has made me realise I am still growing within myself. More than I realised.

The abuse through the years has made me very strong. I now know what I want from others, how I want to be treated, how I deserve to be treated. I have finally reached the point where when someone abuses me, I won't take the Victim stature (head down, avoid eye contact, slumped shoulders). I want to walk tall with my head held high. To be a survivor.
Cheers Angel
NZ Single Parents
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mum2paris View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mum2paris Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 August 2005 at 11:23am
Sounds like you have had a very rough time of it and I am sorry for all you have been through in your past. But, may i say, how lucky you are to recognise that this is what your children are doing to you and admit that it is them, not you, and begin to put a stop to it.
Some people are not so lucky. Your eldest son sounds like my little sister... this is what she does to my mother, although she HAS had the police called on many occasions, and charges brought against her, she annoys the wrong people who then threaten and verbally abuse my mother, damaging her property and making abusive phone calls to her at night. yet mum does not throw her out.. well she does... but lets her back after a few days "she has no where to go..."

Well done for saying "NO!" and putting a stop to it.. you are an inspiration, there is only so much you can do as a parent, in the end, the person your child becomes is up to them more than it is up to you.

I hope your life is getting better and you continue to get stronger as a person. Thank you for sharing with us.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

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newmum View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote newmum Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 August 2005 at 12:06pm
Wow. You sound like an amazingly strong woman. Good on you.

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k&jsmum View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote k&jsmum Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 August 2005 at 8:11pm
wow good on you for standing up for yourself. i have seen abit of the violance towards my grandparents from there children (not my mum though) but it has changed now from violent to emotional and although i dont know how it feels i do everything i can to suppot my nan emotionally (grandad died years ago and my mum had a brain anyurusm - however you spell it lol and is very reliant on her carers) but it disgusts me they way my aunties and uncles treat her and i can see that it is not her fault - but that in its self is a long story.

As for your special friend well if he has the patience to get past your emotional barriers and get to know the real you then he is a great man worth keepong in your life.

Be strong, keep growing and be proud of who you are
Keegan ~ 14 October 2003
Jaidyn ~ 14 October 2003

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Maya View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Maya Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 August 2005 at 10:56pm
I really feel for you from two sides - partly as a mother thinking how awful it must be to have your children treat you like that, and also as a child who treated my own parents in a similar way.
My dad threw me out at 15 because they finally had enough of my lying, stealing, threatening etc. I was on my own for a few months, then eventually locked up in a CYFS Youth Justice Centre. It wasn't till I was 18 and diagnosed with clinical depression that I finally began to take charge of my life, and rebuild the relationship with my parents that I had destroyed.
At 21 I became a Mum, and it breaks my heart to look at my daughter and know that my parents love me as much as I love her, unconditionally, and that I sabotaged that for so long, and caused them so much agony. I still feel guilty today.
People look at our family and think that because my parents are still married, and we are not poor, that we are perfect. In reality, our perfect family hides a generations-long closet of depression and other mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction.
I really hope that your children will find themselves, and find their strength, and that you can begin the process of rebuilding what has been damaged. And I wish you the best of luck with your special friend, it sounds like you much deserve something to be happy about.
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Angelme View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Angelme Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 September 2005 at 11:51am
Thanks for the votes of confidence. I can honestly say from a parents perspective to literaly throw your child out, it is not easy. I still feel stink, because it was only yesterday he left. He stayed over where he is living the night before breaking his curfew, he ignored txts that night I sent him and also yesterday. His look in his eyes was pure hurt. But in the past tough love has not worked. He is a man now, and he has to learn to act like one. Sadly many of todays young lack respect, they literally don't care, and I know the high use of weed in todays youth contributes to this breakdown.

Today, he has been good, called in to pick up washing that was still going through, we talked about his sister who I took shoppping today, and tried her ususual tricks. Both of us know it is for the best this situation, but it hurts both parties. He has to learn to not act like his father, he has to show some repect, to at least some people.

As we both have realised in the past, we have a far better relationship when we are not living under the same roof.

Communication, being open and honest, saying what you mean, are all virtues that some people lack. These are qualities I have ensured are not lacking within my family, I do talk with my children. They tell me lots of stuff, as I them yet always maintaining it remains a parent child relationship, not deeming them to my problems, respecting their role.

My own family who I reside from, disowned me over the years because I do not hide my feelings, I am open and honest, I don't discriminate, nor judge. I had a breakdown 19 years ago resulting in a stay in the local nut ward for a month. My mother could not lower herself to visit me in there. Since then we never had much of a relationship, she of the opinion depression is something you can shake yourself out of. But, life happens. I know the mistakes my mother has made, she too has an abusive child who she lets live with her even now. I won't be a victim, I have a life that deserves living.
Cheers Angel
NZ Single Parents
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Roksana View Drop Down
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I think you are very strong, and have taken the right steps to solve your problems. Dont let anyone put you down....specially your own family, as we all know that people who you love the most can hurt you the most.

Good Luck and take care.

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Angelme View Drop Down

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My son came to see me yesterday and confided he was a drug addict (not just weed), and that he had stopped using the day I kicked him out.

Through all this I now have found my depression returning. It is one of every parents nightmare.
Cheers Angel
NZ Single Parents
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nikkitheknitter View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote nikkitheknitter Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 06 September 2005 at 4:22pm
Make sure you talk to someone about it and ask for help if you need it. The fact that you have recognised it returning means that you can do something about it.

Sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully he knows that while you are better not living together you will always support him in making his life work.

Good luck. Sounds like you have a hard road ahead, but one that you can deal with I'm sure.
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