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Topic: Petrol Prices Posted: 31 August 2005 at 4:10pm |
Aren't they ridiculous? Soon I won't be able to drive anywhere at all! I should probably cut back on my driving so we can save some money. I read in the paper last night that 91 might go up to $1.50 in the next day or so. So fill your tanks up tonight! I filled mine today, it cost an astronomical amount
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Posted: 31 August 2005 at 4:28pm |
It's highway robbery, LITERALLY!!!!!!!!! It's not fair that we pay $1.52 per liter when countries like the USA get their gas for $1.52 a GALLON (4 liters)!!!!!!!!!! Damn those greedy Oil Tycoons!!!!! lol
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Posted: 31 August 2005 at 11:24pm |
yeah, we too could have our oil that cheap if we bombed iraq.
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 7:04am |
Just after posting this message I went out in the car to pick up my DP, and saw that the price had gone up to 152.9! Lucky I filled up when it was still 147.9.. not that that is cheap, but still
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 8:07am |
Its terrible, We have a gull service station here. So i buy my groceries at coutdown and get a voucher for 6c a litre off at gull. Makes a bit of a difference but not much.
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 10:21am |
I was thinking of getting my license finally when i get home...maybe not, although I can drive mum and dad's cars....
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 10:30am |
i heard on the radio yesturday that petrol will be over $2 a litre by the end of the year!
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 11:04am |
I shop at Pak n save and on some days if you spend $150 you get 10c off but most days it is 6c....still better than nothing!...I told my hubby we have to use his company car more often now...I know it is horrible but with a new baby and a new mortgage you have to think of all the ways to save money!
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 11:31am |
yes, my partner and i are finding adjusting to buying baby needs hard enuff without petrol going up! its currently $1.53 for 91, and what you heard on the radio is accurate Mummyness, my friend is a manager at Shell, and he says that petrol companies all over are aiming for the $2 mark by xmas this year!!
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 2:42pm |
Oh my gosh, its ridiculous isnt it!
We're meant to be going up to Auckland and Kerikeri in a month or two to visit family and friends (driving from Wellington) its going to cost me an arm and a leg just in petrol to get there, almost thinking of cancelling it a!
And $2 a litre for petrol, are they trying to make us into a third world country, cos eventually noone is going to be able to afford it!
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 2:47pm |
In my little town we have a GAS station and the sell there petrol for 1.60ltr, only station within half an hour so dont have a choice really...
Cindy - Princess and Princes
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 9:24pm |
HAHAHAHA good call Lizzle!!!
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Posted: 01 September 2005 at 9:30pm |
Although it might help to mention (being the journalist and all  ) that rumour on the political scene atm is that the price of oil will soon drop from around $70per barrel atm to $30-odd per barrel, as the high price has led to less demand from the retail market (who already have enough put away to feed the market for at least 2 years). The tornado in the Gulf of Mexico which destroyed 2 oil rigs has caused temporary panic, but the price is expected to drop by the end of this year.
Whether or not the retail market (companies like Shell, BP etc.) will pass the reduced cost on to consumers remains to be seen. However, we will at least have ammunition to put pressure on them.
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 9:01am |
I heard through a "source" (secret squirrel) that Shell are hoping to push prices up to $2.00 a litre by xmas...
(OK, it was one of the ladies on another forum who knows someone at Shell)
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 10:02am |
That's really good to know Emma. I was thinking last night that there's no way that we could have felt the effects of the tornado all the way down here already and that it was just paniced corporate monkeys doing what they do, so it's nice to know I'm not mad. LOL
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 10:17am |
OK....Lets try this...with all the craziness of high petrol price and high "every thing" cost, life is becoming more difficult! Even with our high income we are worried about what the future holds.
So on 17th who are we voting for?
I always voted for Labour but now I am not so sure.
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 11:07am |
To tell you the truth I don't really think it willmake much of a difference who we vote for  I don't like the National Tax thing though - rich getting richer...
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 11:30am |
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 11:58am |
LOL...Yah I am so confused as to who to vote for that I am thinking of not voting at all. I have huge student loan and Labour seems to be the way to go....Arggg who cares?
Oh I do remember the days when petrol prices were low 85c or so...I think 1.53 is just a bit too much! Thank God I work 3 min away from work. But my parents are finding it extra hard as they work in Auckland CBD and it takes them an hour and a half to get there from home (ahhh the lovely auckland traffic).
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Posted: 02 September 2005 at 12:36pm |
The petrol companies (BP, Mobil, Shell etc) are rolling in money.. I can't imagine them putting prices down as they have so made so much profit in the last few months. We'll see