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Topic: Heat Pumps Posted: 22 June 2007 at 11:35am |
Not technically baby related but we have an opportunity to maybe get a heat pump put in our house but we know nothing about them other than what you see on the tv ads..
Does anyone have one? If so, which one do you have?
Are they really cost efficient?
Is there anything that you don't like about them?
I'm just trying to grab as much info as possible as we don't know anyone who actually has one.
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 11:50am |
My mum has one and she finds it AWESOME, I think it costs about 7 to 10c a day to run, she has noticed no jump in her power bills sinc she got it, and it gets clothes DRY fast, apparently...
Jacob hates it though, not sure why?
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 11:50am |
Ive got a Luxaire aircon/heatpump from the warehouse
Haven't noticed any difference in power bill- but have only had one since its been going  i may get a  when the next one arrives tho
I don't like how noisy it is but i can live with noise to keep warm
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 12:06pm |
I dont know about the power bill, so im not really much help lol.
But my mates parents have one and it is awesome. It warms up really quick and is just great. I like to put my washing under it cause it dries it real quick
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 12:38pm |
The power doesn't bother us so much as we only have a gas heater and it's the only thing on gas which really annoys the heck outta me because in summer we are paying the daily line charges on something that isn't being used.
Have wondered about the noise though
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 12:49pm |
I think the noise is a brand thing. DP installed a "something" (will ask him brand name when his is home) the other day & said the noise was next to nothing
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 12:58pm |
I love ours - its a Daiken - and I don't really notice any noise from it. I love it cause I programme it to start at 6am and when I get up the house is warm.
One thing I suggest is to make sure you get the right size for the space you want to heat.
Its pretty economical! Definately better than having other heaters on.
ETA - it was also great in the summer - when a heavily pregnant me came home - I would put it on Air con and sit under it
Edited by hailstones
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 1:04pm |
Yeah I love the thought of being able to programme it to warm the house up before we have to get up because it sucks getting up and the house (except daniels room - cause he has an oil heater) is about 8 degrees
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 1:42pm |
I have a friend who moved into a rental which had a pump. She said the hum was low but when it came to being a SAHM with a long-winded hum it got quite annoying. She thought it wouldn't be so bad for professionals who only had it on for a couple of hours - or left it on while they were out.
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 2:50pm |
we have one it suxs
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 3:28pm |
I personally don't have one, we have a lovely open fire that heats the house beautifully!
But, I am in retail appliance stores all day long for my job (I am an Account Manager) and the retailers tell me that they sell truckloads of Heat Pumps. I personally think it could be a "phase" of being "trendy" to have a heat pump installed, a couple of our friends just had to have one, they are all the rage this winter it seems
In my expereice when visiting friends that have them, they do do a great job, and most of the time we end up stripping off our jumpers as we get too hot at their place. In saying that though when you go to leave, it is a massive shock to have to leave the house as it does create quite an intense and false heat IMO of course!
So, I haven't really helped you at all.......I am definately in two minds about them though, unless it was for free of course  !!
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 3:49pm |
consumer mag recommends daikin as one of the quietest...
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 3:56pm |
The only reason we are looking at heat pumps is because of our house. Having our heating on gas and nothing else on gas is just stupid. Putting in a fire place was something that we considered but having to buy wood all the time is a pain in the ass and also wood isn't that cheap either and then we would have to make somewhere to store the wood where it would stay dry. Using electricity seemed the only other alternative..
And I'd never have it up on high. I like the house being maintained at about 14-15 degrees when we are home which is nice n comfy.
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 4:06pm |
hailstones wrote:
I love ours - its a Daiken - and I don't really notice any noise from it. I love it cause I programme it to start at 6am and when I get up the house is warm.
One thing I suggest is to make sure you get the right size for the space you want to heat.
Its pretty economical! Definately better than having other heaters on.
ETA - it was also great in the summer - when a heavily pregnant me came home - I would put it on Air con and sit under it |
DITTO excatly :)
We also have ours set on homestay, so that if the temp falls under 14 degrees it comes in the winter we come home to a warm lounge....and it is so good for drying washing underneath.
Edited by Kazzle
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 4:36pm |
We got a heat pump installed around 1 month ago. We did a bit of research and got 3 quotes. We ended up getting a Mitsubishi unit (6.8 kw - quite large). We haven't looked back since getting it installed. I absolutely love it as like others say you can programme it to turn on/off etc. Our power bill hasn't been much different to what we used to have so that is fantastic. If you do look at getting one make sure you get a few quotes - it's amazing how much some companies can charge.
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 4:40pm |
Can I be nosey and ask where you guys got yours from?
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 6:29pm |
ok i didnt mean that all heat pumps sux just ours is too small foir the area to heat and of corse we are selling the house so my dad wont get a new one now
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 6:43pm |
DP installed a mitsubishi the other day & said it was good re: noise
WE got ours form the warehouse for $500 & with DP being an electrician installation was free, but we don't get a warranty as it wasn't installed my "registered installer" Saving us $2-3ooo- i can live with the noise & without warranty.
Liking how quickly it drys the washing too
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 7:55pm |
We have one and love it! My dad installed it (hes a builder and has installed a few) and it's wonderful - would not do without it. I was a bit unsure at first but would not give it up now! Our one is a bit noisy but I don't mind - its sooo nice & cosy
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Posted: 22 June 2007 at 10:00pm |
We got our heat pump installed by a company called Hot Chilly (Wellington).
Sebastien 2 years old
Olivier 3 3/4 years old