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Mama-Me View Drop Down
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    Posted: 27 July 2007 at 9:25am
My husband is suffering from PND, he is waiting to see a counsellor next week but I don't know how to support him or even how to cope with his mood swings.
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mummy_becks View Drop Down
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Funny you put this post up as I have a feeling that mine does as well. And was going to ask for some help as well. Will be intersested to hear as well please.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Guests View Drop Down
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I am sorry but I have not been on the other end so no real advise.
Just a  for you & DH.


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Having been there, i can honestly say it sucks. Mike spiralled into a deep depression after i had Ayja, It got so bad at one point I had a moment where i thought to myself that i really didn't want to leave him with the girls.   

His manifested itself in terms of not coping, not wanting to have anything to do with Ayja, not hold her not do anything with her.. not helped by the fact that she was one of those babies that just screamed constantly... after paris being a great sleeper, (and being a nice girl for him screaming all day for ME while he was at work..), and him and paris having such a huge bond, it sucked, it hurt me to know, because he regularly said.. that he didn't feel anything for her, he didn't think he loved her.

I think what did help, was talking, and helping him through it by relating things back to the exact same way i had felt after having paris, I didn't force Ayja onto him, but did encourage them to be together when she was in a good state. I reminded him that i needed time with Paris by myself too, and hhhm I am not sure what else. We got through it because we talked, we always talk, he hates that i can tell when something's up, even after the "what's wrong" "nothing" "it's not nothing there's something wrong" " no it's nothing" talk.. it would always be something, always.

They have grown together ever so slowly, I don't think it helped that she was a very difficult child, she wouldn't take the bottle for the longest time so it was me or nothing (made it difficult when on placements) it all made it very clear that he was feeling like "what on earth have we done?!" he had been worried about having a second and hadn't felt he could open his heart to another.

He now tells me that he is pretty muchon par with her now.. although there will always be that bond with Paris more.. i think that's because he HAD to take over and take care of things when I had PND bad after having her. And that's fine, because i can say that my bond with Ayja is stronger. As Ayja has gotten older, she's a heck of a lot of fun too, and she's a bit more out there than paris is which i think has made him and her bond more.. he had no choice, she has pushed thing there by just loving her daddy so darn much.

Be there for him, keep lines of communication open as possible, let him know he can tell you how he's feeling and dont' go off at him if he says something like he doesn't love baby or whatever.. That's how PND makes you feel.. horrible to think of but seriously.. it makes you numb like looking out a black hazy window. You feel nothing.

Don't push bub on him but do give opportunities for positive time together when baby isn't going crazy screaming nuts, give him chances to do things for baby when it's settled.. play with bub, do the bath etc, cuddle after feeds, or do household stuff if he can't do baby stuff. try and get time away for just the two of you so he remembers that well, baby hasn't ruined things, spend that time doing fun things, movies, dinner, even just going for a drive to the lookout and watching the sun go down and just talking about life.. not the kids, just other stuff. You need to foster the good to help drown out the bad.

For you.. get support from friends, family etc, seeing a counsellor for both of you works well, it's hard to be the grown-up in this situation, i think i only coped by remembering that this is what he had done for me all those months when i would go through the day doing the bare minimum of feeding changing and getting paris to sleep.. he did it for me so i owed it to him to pick up the pieces after having ayja.

Mood swings are hard ones to handle.. the quiet times you just darn well want them to get up and do something!! "get over it already gggrr" kinda thing, but that' doesn't help, gentle encouragement, but not nagging works, give him time out just like you need and let him know that YOU need that time out too. angry times.. tell him to go out.. do out see mates, go outside and tinker on the car.. whatever is his hobby or his outlet.. send him off to do it. Make it clear that yes, he can have his bad days, we all do, but it's not ok to be there and around you and baby in that state.. so he needs to go out and come back when he's calmed down. again, hard not to.. but don't hold it against him.. it's sometimes far easier to cope by yourself with a difficualt kid if they're having a grizzly day etc, that it is to cope with the kid and the grotter of a hubby, plus it's a safety thing for both you and baby too.

I dunno if any of that helped. But i hope it's helpful to know that well, mikes' wonderfulwith the girls, does pretty much everything for them, has fun, is the silly fun dad i always knew he was.. he just took a bit of adjusting to get there.

Edited by mum2paris
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

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Maya View Drop Down
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I can't really offer much in the way of advice coz it's not something I have much experience with but Parenting magazine ran a brilliant article last year on dealing with a partners depression. I have a copy of it at home if you want me to send it to you.
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote newmum Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 30 July 2007 at 11:27pm
Hi guys, interesting topic! Just wondering what the "signs" are?? I am starting to worry that my DH could be heading down this road with our number 2...

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mum2paris View Drop Down
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it's hard to say cos it's different for different people. with us it was he was quite "off" most of the pregnancy, not as interested in things baby, not as happy about things didn't feel he could ever love another as much as his princess, pretty much set himself up for not wanting or caring for this child. for me to also then have health probs, hernia, worries that she had stopped growing, then SPD, i think it all compounded, she was a quick but horribly intense labour so i think from there it was resentment.. at what happened, that it was somehow "her fault" like she did this to me, she didn't let me sleep she led me to become so exhausted i dropped her, it was one thing after another which added to his feelings of "what the hell have we done?" he didn't want to do things with her, told me he didn't feel anything towards her, etc, went back to his grumpy ways (his biggest downfall is that he has a temper, not towards people but towards things.. kinda afrustration type of anger.. ) he didn't cope, got grumpy at the stupedest little things, unpredictable with moods, happy to sad to angry and back. and just wanted to spend time with his big girl and felt that we had "broken her heart" by having someone that she would have to "compete for love" with really. Paris adjusted fine. it was him that didn't. just keep a watch for things that sugest he isn't coping with things he usually would.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

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Sounds a lot like what Peter is doing/going through at the moment. The temper thing strikes a nerve because that is Peter to a "t" - although he hasn't been as bad as now for ages - I have definitely noticed that flaring up heaps again. We talked last night and I told him my "fears" of not loving the 2nd one as much and Joey not coping (which I think are normal thoughts to be having?) and he agreed that he was feeling the same. He also often makes commetns about how having this new baby will "take away" his free time ie playing on the computer in the evenings etc. and how he can't believe we "have to" go through it all again
The biggest thing that worries me is that he HASN't EVEN TOLD any of his friends back in Germany that I am pregnant!!!!!! I am due in 10 weeks, that's not normal is it?

So what can I do? Do I just keep an eye on it? He thinks I am overreacting but I'm not sure.

Thanks for all the info Janine.

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mummy_becks View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mummy_becks Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 01 August 2007 at 1:34pm
Well my DH has admitted to me that something is up. So he is off to the dr today. He has been given a week of work "stress leave" to sort stuff out. Emma if you hae a copy of that article I would love to read it.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Good that he is getting help. Hugs Hope you are doing ok?

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mummy_becks View Drop Down
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Yeah I got a shock when he rang me this morning to say he was coming home (my fear was he had told his boss where to stick the job) but his boss has been really good and is wanting to help him as well so hopefully between me, the boss and the dr we can get there.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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I'm sure with good support you'll both be fine
Don't forget to look after you too.

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Well a little update. DH has left his job (on medical advice) he has to get his anxity under control which we hope with the meds will be under control in a few weeks. I have been told that meds take 2 weeks to kick in so i'm on the countdown for them to kick in. He is fine at home but if we go out somewhere and there are a lot of people around he tenses up and goes into a shell.  I had a little breakdown today but I got that sorted, my biggest fear is that I head down the PND track myself. I had a talk with Andrew's carer from when he was in the nursery and she told me that I need to keep an eye on myself so, so long as I keep myself going we will be ok.

It's going to be hard over the next few weeks with DH, studies and 2 children but hopefully I will get out the other end.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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mum2paris View Drop Down
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Beck huge huge hugs to you, it's hard as heck andyep definatley watch yourself cos it's all too easy to feel like you're going down with the shiop so to speak because you're trying to be everything to everyone and keeps things going and be support to him and all that too.   I hope it all gets sorted and the meds help.
If ya want someone to talk to that's been on both sides chuck me a PM anytime.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja

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I just thought I would put a few things in here as Ben had PND as well.

Ben has struggled with depression since he was a teenager and his dad is an ass. When I was pregnant with Jack he wasn't that interested but I didn't think anything of it. After Jack was born he decribed his birth as the worst day of his life and went home pretty much as soon as I was cleaned up. I spent the first night in hospital in tears as I had no idea what to do and Ben wasn't there.

When we got home it was suppose to be his job to bath him but never did so it became my job. He pretty much had nothing to do with Jack and would hold him every now and then but spent most of his time at home asleep on the couch. I so wanted to leave but was too scared to try and start again on my own. Ben finally went to the dr when Jack was around 6 months and things got better. Ben had been in contact with his dad (who pretty much kicked him out of home at 15 for his new gf and her teenage kids) most of the year and whenever things went wrong with him he would take it out on us (would never come home and would hardly talk to me or play with Jack).

We decided when Jack was around 7 months that Ben would save up and move out but I got pregnant not long after so we decided to give it another go.

Ben started working
with his dad when Jack was around 10 months. At Jacks birthday party he went out dirtbike riding when he was suppose to be watching Jack so I could make the cake. He turned up to Jacks party after people had arrived. His mum talked to me and asked if he was in contact with his dad (he still hadn't been paid anything and had been working for over a month) and said she doubted his dad would pay him. The next week Ben had a motorbike crash and ended up in hospital. We then found out that his Dad had been keeping all of Bens pay while telling Ben the big boss hadn't paid him. That was the end for ben and his Dad and it was like as soon as his dad wasn't around he was a completely different person.

He started taking Jack out with him and playing with him all day when I was too tired. I worried Ben would go down the same track when Caprece was born but he didn't he has been so good with her and Jack as well. He gets up to Jack in the night and baths him every ngiht, he even takes Caprece when she is having her grumpy time at night so I can have some time alone.

So for anyone who is going thru this big hugs it really sucks but when they come out the other side you fall in love with them all over again. My only advice is to make sure they get help as soon as and keep at them if its not working ( I really wish I had insisted Ben went back to the dr).

and finally don't neglect yourself if its getting too much for you go and stay with someone or something. We stay at my parents every friday night and its great for all of us.
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Edited by catrad

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Wow catrad, that must be so hard when your baby is still so new and you need lots of help/support yourself. I dont have any great advice for you on this, but I am sure someone on here will, but big hugs and take care.

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