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Topic: nappy rash Posted: 28 November 2005 at 9:08am |
jake has the meanest nappy rash!!! He never really got nappy rash as a baby but now he's making up for it I think. It is like three open sores and they bleed. He has a little rash as well. I've tried the castor oil and zinc cream but it doesn't seem to work. Also tried sudocream - ditto. Any ideas? Am planning to go to the chemist today so will try and pick up something there. It's so scary as he bleeds into his nappy which freaks me out!! I think it's probably caused by the change in diet he's had recently. hasn't eaten anything unusual, but everything is a little diferent from japan. grrrr, poor little boy!
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 10:08am |
I LOVE Curash powder! Josiah had a bad case of nappy rash, with a small bleeding cut in where his leg and body meet. Curash cleared it right up, without stinging!
Becca, mum of 2 girls & 3 boys
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 10:14am |
i second curash...also lots of fresh air.
might be different nappies than he is used to as well. if using disposables the barrier creams can work at cross purposes to the nappy too so a powder may be more effective.
oh - might not be nappy rash too tho - could be exczema or a fungal infection of sorts. might pay to check with doc if it is bleeding.
Edited by gsmum
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 10:22am |
Yep, I'd say visit a doctor. Fungal infections need special treatment to clear up.
Sounds really horrible! Poor Jake
I also would go with the powder. Keeping the area moist often makes it worse
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 10:51am |
Quinn had the same!! Bleeding bum and massive rash... Poor wee guy!! The dr gave me some Micreme which seemed to work ok...
Other than that make sure his bum is super dry before putting the nappy on, give him time without the nappy and change his nappy as often as you can.
Anna and Quinn 10 July 2004
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 11:20am |
Actually did give him some nappy off time. Then he peed and pooed on the kitchen floor. then stepped in it before anyone could grab him. It was soooooooo gross. Might try the curash powder. It seems to be coming and going so will try that, then if it still doesn't improve, will go to doctor!! OOOOOh. jsut remembered am going to doctor tomorrow for the first of jake's catch-up vaccinations, so will ask then too. Yah! thanks everyone!
BTW - Jake is the most active child I know, and he just ast for 30 minutes and watched a baby einstein DVD - what a miracle!!
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 4:45pm |
curash is all good - we also use the johnsons anti rash nappy powder - cos i find once the curash has dulled the rash down a bit it sometimes just stops working and actually burns the bum a bit more sometimes - so we switch to that.. much cheaper.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 5:31pm |
I need help in this area too!!
This afternoon Quinn came to me hysterical, he was hollering non-stop for about forty minutes. This has happened three times now on diff occasions, basically it seems that his bum is fine and then all of a sudden one poo will cause massive nappy rash (broken skin and bleeding) and there is nothing I can do to calm him down? Today there has been no hint of nappy rash til this?!? I took his nappy off and tried to settle him but couldn't, not a bath not anything would calm him down,it seems that his bum is just so sore?
Has anyone had this or know what I could do? He hasn't had anything out of the ordinary to eat and nothing citrusor acidic? HELP!
PS Sorry Lizzle, for hijackingpost, it just seemed relavant?!
Anna and Quinn 10 July 2004
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Posted: 28 November 2005 at 10:25pm |
Hmmm I was thinking diet until you ruled that out.
Poor Quinn. Uhmmmm... teething? But that doesn't really seem to fit the situation. mmmm... I'm no help
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Posted: 29 November 2005 at 12:16am |
Anna - something similar has happened to Arna twice (that I can remember) she would SCREAM fr about half an hour, have trouble walking etc... found out that she was constipated (still for unknown reasons!) So lay her on her back with the nappy off (and lots of paper towels on the floor!) and held her knees up so she was squatting lying down... (can also do this standing up). Not sure if Quinn is having any problem like this but could be a reason behind nappy rash also??
Sorry midnight ramble...
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Posted: 29 November 2005 at 8:43am |
The best thing is Bapanthen Cream for nappy rash. The 2 times Joey has ever had nappy rash we used this cream and within the day it was gone. The stuff is FANTASTIC!!!
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Posted: 29 November 2005 at 8:47am |
went to the doctor last night asb there was massive amounts of blood in his nappy - from the rash. he gave me some cream which seems to be helping slowly.
Poor Quinn!!!!! Is it teething? Gosh, i think i put everything down to teething.