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Topic: CS 2nd time around? Posted: 26 January 2008 at 7:20pm |
Has anyone here had 2 CS's? I'm just wondering about the process involved when you found out you were pg for the 2nd time and had a CS the first time and wanted an elective for the 2nd.
Were you able to stipulate what date you wanted the CS on? Or do they just book it in for your due date? Or after the due date? And how far in advance is it booked? If all goes well, do they wait to see if you will go into labour naturally (provided it's safe for you to do so)? I'm assuming that every specialist/midwife is different and that each individual case is different also, but a general idea would be good.
And before everyone starts speculating, no we're not, and not even trying ![](smileys/smiley2.gif) I'm just interested for the (very distant) future!
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 8:20pm |
oh kirsten I was getting my hope's up. Kidding.
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 8:48pm |
I was booked in for an elective CS when I had Sades (against my wishes of course as I really wanted a VB) but was allowed to go into what they called "trial labour" and if they werent happy they were going to c-sect me straight away. Lucky she was the easiest of all my bubbas to come out. SO I narrowly escape that c-sect.
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 9:33pm |
Hehe Deb, you know that we'd have to tell family before it goes 'live' on OhBaby! I'm sure you'd find out outside of this site anyway
Interesting that you booked in against your wishes, Kels. Why was that? Surely it should have been your choice whether you wanted a VB or CS (provided there were no medical implications).
I don't know what's worse in my mind. An elective CS, where I know exactly what goes on, or be naive about a VB and try for that ![](smileys/smiley5.gif) ![](smileys/smiley5.gif)
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 9:53pm |
The specialist that did my emercency c-sect said it was policy to book in for csect even tho I want to go for VB. I cried my eyes out having a fight in his office at 20wks preg b'cos he kept using the term "trial labour" but I did have the opportunity to book a certain date if I did want an ESC.
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 10:05pm |
That's really interesting. My c-sect was classed as emergency (though I'm sure there wasn't too much rush, it's just that my labour hadn't progressed!) so perhaps it'll work in the same manner? Who was your specialist?
ETA: 'trial labour' - does that mean induction? Or just see how/if you go naturally?
Edited by baalamb
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 10:12pm |
Trial of labour is when you give VB a try and have CS as a backup.
After having a c/s for #1 I was referred to an Ob/gyn at the start of my 3rd trimester to discuss what I wanted to do etc. It's mandatory and he had to give me the list of risks etc etc.
As far as my advice goes (not that you asked for it ![](smileys/smiley2.gif) ), I recommend trying a VB for subsequent pregnancies if your first c/s was for a 'once-off' reason (e.g. placenta trouble, baby was in wrong position; but not because of being too small etc which is to do with YOU) and especially if you want subsequent babies because a VB is so much easier recovery.
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 10:34pm |
Trial labour is what Teresa said.
I had Dr Anisworth as my ob/gyn who I think has retired now (he did my c sect) and also looked after me when was pg with Mercedes and I had Howard Clentworth with Alize.
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 10:46pm |
Yeah I'd love a list of risks/pros/cons etc. It's good that it's mandatory. I was with an Ob/Gyn with Ashlee anyway so I'll go back to see him when that time comes.
I assume my CS was a once off as it was to do with labour not progressing/failed induction. I'm guessing my body just wasn't ready for it and the drs didn't like to go any further - only had gel on the cervix twice, they were going to break the waters but didn't want to cause any added stress to baby. Ashlee was having more decels than they liked on the monitor.
Kels - Clentworth delivered me when I was born, and he delivered Ashlee too! So cool to have the same specialist deliver 2 generations... Or is it ![](smileys/smiley5.gif) lol! I told him that while he had the scalpel in his hand hahaha! He's great though.
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:10pm |
Yes he has defintely been round for awhile. You cant beat experience and he really is lovely. He even coped well with a subborn labouring lady (hehe me with Alize he was called for c-sect prep etc). It is sooo scary thinking of another labour after having a c sect first time round. I was shyting myself when i went into labour that I tried to ignore it and nearly had Mercedes on the Petone Whaf lol
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:25pm |
OK so slighty OTT but I love specialist that have been around for years.
Andrew ENT specialist also didn't mine and my sisters tonsillis years ago. Me 10 and my sister 16 years ago.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:26pm |
Yeah not half an hour before he delivered Ashlee, he'd delivered twins as well! He's SO funny too! He said "jeez, she's got a big butt" about Ashlee because she was stuck under my ribs ![](smileys/smiley3.gif) and Gary and him got talking about rugby or something non-baby/pregnancy related LOL.
LOL now, but I bet it wasn't too funny at the time! But that is exactly what I'm scared will happen to me. I'll try and fight it instead of going with it. I'm pretty certain that had something to do with my failed induction! I'm scared now, and we're far from TTC even!!!
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:29pm |
How overdue was Ashlee?? Cos with Andrew I needed the gel twice on the 22nd and my OB made the decision to rest over night and try and get some sleep and start again in the morning. Little did we know that what thy gave me to relax started the contrations.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:41pm |
I went almost 2 weeks to the day overdue with her and my body wasn't even remotely looking like it was going to go into labour. And Ashlee wasn't doing well on the monitor (heart rate was unstable - she was doing OK, but not as good as she was meant to be doing), that's why they decided they wouldn't break my waters as it would start things off and it would risk her getting more stressed out.
Just like pregnancies are all different, the next one could be completely different! I just hate not knowing. I'm scared of the unknown. Haha I've got plenty of time to get over this, before we even talk about TTC#2!
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Posted: 26 January 2008 at 11:46pm |
Very true, my friend had a horrible first birth and was a little panicy about the second and it was a dream birth - hope that helps ease the mind a bit.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 27 January 2008 at 9:53am |
I have just had an elective c section 3 weeks ago after an emergency section first time round. I cannot believe the difference between the 2 experiences. I was failure to progress first time, big baby (9lb 7oz), dilated to 4cm at that was that, and baby was hardly engaged (very high still). It was a crazy drug induced haze last time, I lost a lot of blood and my recovery took forever as I was so wasted from the blood loss.
This time round having an elective, tho hard having a toddler, it has been a fantastic experience. The whole process was so calm, I remember the whole thing which is so awesome. I am so glad I made this choice.
My MW suggested to me that it might be the way to go and I agonised over the decision for ages. I went with an OB and he gave me all the facts and I made the final decision. I didn't get a choice of dates as the hospital didn't reopen for eletives until the 7th Jan which was 6 days before I was due.
All in all I know I made the right decision for me and for Harry and my recovery has been so much better this time round. Who knows what the outcome would have been if I went naturally but OB did say to me after that as Harry was big and still very high and he can't be 100% sure but thinks it probably would have ended in another emergency section!!
Hope this has helped you somewhat, you will know what is right for you whether it be elective or vbac. Do what is right for you in your situation
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Posted: 27 January 2008 at 2:37pm |
I felt the exact same as you Kirst after having c sect 1st time around but b'cos that was so tramatic for me, I vowed to never put myself thru that again (unless life threathening to the bubs) I was shyt scared of something going wrong etc. Labour was totally different, easier and fast. Helped that i was really fit at the time too and she really just popped out with no fuss at all. Howard come in to deliever her and was amazed that I had the longest cord he had ever seen hahaha He called it a skipping rope!!
It all comes down to what you want hun and no one is going to judge what decision you make. Having both options open to you is great then when TTC time comes around you can make a decision best for you and yours.
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 29 January 2008 at 8:49pm |
lotties Mum - Thank you for your post, this is exactly what I am hoping for once #2 is on the scene. I had an Emerg C/S with Caitlin, got to 9.5cms but she was posterior, semi flexed and had the cord wrapped around her neck twice and even that had a knot in it - i.e. she did everything she could to make sure she didn't come out that way! lol I had a fairly good recovery but was still very traumatic and I still have flash backs 18 months later
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Posted: 31 January 2008 at 11:34am |
I am 20 weeks now and am being referred to talk to a specialist at 26 weeks, i am in two minds about it with the recovery, the reason i had an elective c though was for many reasons and i am thinking it will bwe another elective so am trying to be open minded about my options. I will let you know what the ob says in a couple of weeks though....
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Posted: 22 February 2008 at 1:27pm |
Have just returned from MW app and we discussed the specialist app, she said i need to be clear and firm about what i want ( c-section) otherwise the specialist will try and push for vaginal, if you dont know what you want when you get to the specialist they will decide and there are no ore oppotunities to change!
She said don't be shy to be emotional, let them see your fear or worries!
I hope you get what you want, and i will let you know how the specialist app goes in a few weeks.
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