I will be having a c/section this time round, I had emerg section with 1st, tried for vbac with second but after 3 days of trying to induce and being 12days over due I had had enough of the emotional roller coaster of maybe/maybe not I went with the c/s. Heaps eaiser this time as I was almost mentally prepared (was still a little disappointed about not getting vbac).
My 2nd time round I was with a different mw cause I wasn't happy with the 1st & it was a shame that I didn't even get 1 contraction as it then meant she didn't get for her work, she was an independant at that stage. I have chosen to go with her again as I have a good relationship with her. She is now working for a hospital but she can take some sections on as same as what cuppatea said I will be referred to ob at 28 wks but it will mean that she will still do the post natal visits & living out in the country it is sometimes hard to find people who will travel.
sorry about the length but I hope it helps