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Topic: Feeling blah Posted: 16 August 2008 at 7:06pm |
Okay so I don't know if this can be postnatal depression since I am pregnant again, but I'm feeling totally crap lately. I just posted in the jan/feb mummies thread and can't be bothered typing much again.
Basically I feel like a lousy mum because I'm so tired, I want to cry when I think about getting up and looking after Chloe in the morning, and DH is working heaps atm, we need the money anyway. I've been trying to fob Chloe off on whoever can help, most days but it's hard and I'm not really sure what to do.
If I tell someone about this, who should I tell and what can they do to help anyway!?
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 16 August 2008 at 7:29pm |
Just read your post in the Jan/Feb thread.
It sounds like you're having a really tough time!
It can't be easy coping with that early pregnancy tiredness and hormones on top of the tiredness that comes with being mummy to a 6 month old. Don't be so hard on yourself for feeling overwhelmed and wanting time off, I think anyone in your position would be feeling much the same, especially since your DH is working so much too. I know when my DH is working long hours and is all tired and stressed with it, it definitely passes on to me as well as he is not able to be as supportive or to take over when I need a break.
Have you started your midwife visits yet? You could make a time to talk to her about how you're feeling and see if she can offer any practical suggestions to help.
If not, you can go and see your GP. They can definitely listen and offer advice and support.
I hope you're feeling better really soon chicky.
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 18 August 2008 at 8:20pm |
Thanks Mel  and thanks for the PM Maya.
I booked an appt to go see my Dr tomorrow, hopefully she can shed some light on things. I'm thinking perhaps all the hyperemesis meds are making the depression worse, I just read on the packet that you should be wary if you have a history of depression. So might ask her if I can try some different meds and see if that will help.
I've still been really struggling, my sister came over and looked after Chloe this morning, and a friend this afternoon, I can barely get out of bed atm as I feel so sick, I have a headcold on top of things now too which has made it even harder to sleep as I'm so blocked up! But got some Otrivin nasal spray today which has helped, hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.
A friend is looking after Chloe tomorrow while I go to the Dr, and then on Wednesday DH is finishing work at about 1pm to come home and help me, so I'm trying to keep my chin up. It's hard when I feel so hopeless. I have to try and remember that this exhaustion won't be forever, although it feels like it atm
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 18 August 2008 at 10:02pm |
Good luck with the doctor tomorrow. It's hard with the HG meds as there's a limited number that are safe during pregnancy and some of them work better than others. I found a cocktail of maxalon, cyclazine and zofran stopped the vomiting at least even tho I still felt nauseous.
Don't forget too that at 10 weeks you are right in the middle of the worst of it, it isn't going to get any worse than it is now, it will probably even get a little better. I find I throw up all day every day till about 14-16 weeks when it tapers off and after that it's only once a day.
Glad to hear that you have got some support with looking after Chloe, it was hard enough for me with the gremlins when they were 13-14 mths, I can't imagine HG with a 6 mth old!
Hang in there, like you said, it doesn't last forever, and I promise, it is worth it!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 18 August 2008 at 10:03pm |
Awww I only just saw this. I think you should go talk to the GP so I'm glad you've booked the appt.
It could just be pregnancy hormones or it could be something more but I think either way you are doing a very tough job at the moment and you are definitely not a lousy mum.
 So glad that Emma has PM'd you - I'm sure it will be helpful to get advice from someone who has been pregnant while being a mummy to babies.
Edited by Bobbie
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 12:28pm |
Thanks Maya and Bobbie
Well my visit to the Dr was kind of embarrassing  I cried and told her I wasn't coping and she said she wasn't surprised  She referred me to the gynaecologist to talk about the hyperemesis, and gave me some more tablets (buccastem) to try instead of phenergan which totally saps all of my energy. She also said when I'm there I should talk about my terrible birth experience last time as well as the inflamed scar tissue, because there may be things they can do next time around so I'm not so scared of the whole birth thing (which I have been pushing out of my head atm).
Apart from that, my Dr is getting in touch with a psychologist to talk about putting me on some antidepressants, and she also got me to talk to the nurse who is going to try and get some help for me a few hours a week looking after Chloe, from Supergrans and some other organisation.
I have to go back tomorrow, because Chloe is sick and she won't stop crying, I think she has another ear infection  but the Dr said we will wrap things up then.
Today went all to crap, Chloe was being looked after by a friend but poor thing is so sick that she just wouldn't stop crying all morning, she she bought her home. She has finally crashed out asleep now, and I'm hoping she will sleep for a while since she missed her morning nap. I just went and bought some baby nurofen to give her because the Pamol just isn't helping. I hope the Dr can help tomorrow!!
I called DH at work and had a cry, and he is coming home after he does lunch today, because I just don't think I can cope with poor sick little Chloe on my own today
I love my DH
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 12:54pm |
 Sick bubba on top of everything else!
I'm glad you've got a few things in the pipeline to help. It sounds like your Dr is a good one!
Yay for DH coming home to support you too. Fingers crossed you get a rest and that Chloe is feeling much better quickly!
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 1:10pm |
Your Doc sounds awesome! I'm so glad for you.
And yay for your DH.
Keep us posted on everything. I'm thinking of you.
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 1:12pm |
awww poor Chloe, and poor Mummy! Glad that you got the ball rolling hon, good on you for asking for help! You know you can always vent in our thread!! Hope the meds start working soon for Chloe and she starts feeling better soon, sick bubbas are hard, cant imagine doing it feeling as crappy as you do at the moment with MS!
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 1:19pm |
Oh man, when it rains it pours! Sorry to hear wee Chloe is sick  Yay for setting the wheels in motion for the other stuff tho, it will be good if the nurse can arrange a bit of help with Chloe and hopefully the new HG med and the antidepressant will help.
I think talking to the GYN about your birth experience is a great idea. Also, have you heard of TABS ( They were set up to help women who have had traumatic childbirth experiences and I know a couple of the other mums on here have found them helpful.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 19 August 2008 at 3:39pm |
I just wanted to give you this ..  and let you know that the fatty family have you in our thoughts and prayers.
You amaze me Jane!
I honestly dont think I could cope and I think you are doing a fantastic job especially being strong enough to ask for help when you know you need it.
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Posted: 20 August 2008 at 10:54am |
Last night was awful, I got about 3 hours of sleep and I feel terrible today, totally on the verge of tears for no real reason. Chloe was just waking all the time, we ended up sleeping with her in our room and I got no sleep listening to her snuffling away but it was easier than getting up every ten minutes to go check her crying in the other room. Around 4am I made DH take her back to her room because I just wanted some SLEEP. Poor little Bug must be feeling awful. Her Dr appointment this afternoon seems like it's ages away.
When DH left this morning I felt like breaking down in tears but I haven't yet, and thankfully Chloe has been asleep for just over an hour and a half so I haven't fallen apart yet.
Someone rang from something called FamilyStart this morning. Not exactly sure what they do but I'm meeting up with someone next Weds.
DH is coming home from work early today as well, if he can. I hope he can. I feel so tired and just at the end of everything at the moment. Hopefully Chloe is feeling better after her long sleep this morning and she will be easier to deal with so that I can last until DH gets home at least.
I can't wait to get rid of our colds and things, it would make things just that little bit easier to deal with. It makes me throw up blowing my nose which sucks
Sorry for the big whinge, thanks for all being so supportive and stuff. What would I do without OhBaby!
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 20 August 2008 at 11:01am |
Don't apologise for whinging, you have every right to with the shocking time you're having! Writing it all out can be very cathartic, I always find getting it all out on here really helpful as its not all building up in my head anymore.
Thinking of you today, I hope the day gets better hun.
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 21 August 2008 at 5:22pm |
Today has been pretty awful too. I have just felt terrible all day today and DH had to come home again this afternoon from work.
I've just felt so sick all day, barely have the energy to move. My Dr called this afternoon to say she had a prescription for Paroxetene (an anti depressant) for me and I told her I barely had the energy to move so she made me go in for blood tests. She said she's not surprised I'm feeling terrible as my BP is really low, I forgot to ask what it was though. She told me I have to drink all the time.
Anyway feeling pretty down that I caused DH probs at work because he needed to come home, I just wasn't coping again. Hopefully the anti-depressants will start working quickly, she said I might feel worse to start with
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 21 August 2008 at 6:39pm |
I was just about to say, you usually feel worse when going on antidepressants but it doesn't last long, just be prepared for it. I think they take 2-3 weeks to kick in...?
And I'm sure your DH doesn't mind, so don't beat yourself up over that. Its just your mindset at the moment, but again, that should change soon too.
It really does sound like such a bad combo for you, being depressed, pregnant, sick baby, sick yourself, possibly low iron, but I'm fairly certain that once one thing sorts itself out, the rest will follow. Just try and get yourself lots of help and support over the next few weeks till you start feeling human again.
 thinking of you.
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Posted: 21 August 2008 at 7:19pm |
Janey I posted in the Jan thread too but just to add that I couldn't get out of bed for a few days when I first started on the AD's either. They do knock you about at first but they really do make a difference.
Hang in there - the only way is up now (even though you may still get a few days where you feel rough)
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Posted: 21 August 2008 at 8:35pm |
No advice, just more
Thinking of you
Mel, Mummy to E: 6, B: 4 and:
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Posted: 21 August 2008 at 10:13pm |
Mama to DS1 (5 years), DS2 (3 years) and...
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Posted: 23 August 2008 at 6:18pm |
I got my blood test results back and apparently I'm very anemic and have an infection, so its no wonder I've been feeling lousy. Started on iron and antibiotics yesterday.
Today was a little better than usual, got to sleep in and Chloe seems to be getting a little better. She also had a big nap this afternoon so I got to have one too. I almost feel like normal today, just tired, instead of totally fatigued and unable to cope. So hopefully things are on the improve.
Thanks for all your support, you ladies have been awesome
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 23 August 2008 at 9:54pm |
More hugs! Have been thinking of you over the past few days but haven't been able to get online. Glad to hear that today was a good day, here's to lots more good days and not so many awful ones. I hope the antibiotics and iron kick in soon to help with the physical feelings of crappiness and that the paroxetine starts working it's magic on the emotional feelings of crappiness for you.
How is Choe doing? Is she feeling better now?
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
 Lil miss:Chiara Louise Chloe (09/07/08)
 Her ladyship:Rosalia Sophie Anais (18/06/12)