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Topic: Antidepressants and breastfeeding Posted: 12 September 2008 at 10:14pm |
Looking for reassurance/other people's thoughts here...
My team at MMH are quite keen to see me back on the meds as they think I would cope better with everything that's going on atm. I know they're right, but I don't want to take anything while I am breastfeeding. Apparently only 1% crosses to bubs, but I have a bad feeling about it. They are so worried they suggested I give up breastfeeding and take the meds coz they really, really want me on them but I'm not prepared to do that when feeding is going so well, especially as Chiara seems to be prone to respiratory illnesses (had pneumonia at 6 weeks and now has bronchiolitis), she needs the immunity!
Am I being pig headed? Should I just bite the bullet and take them? Has anyone found the meds have had any effect on their baby when breastfeeding? I am restricted to tricylics as SSRI's make me sick.
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 12 September 2008 at 10:32pm |
I tried to stay off meds while Bfeeding Alize too but it got to the stage where it was unsafe for myself and my family for me to go back on the meds. I didnt want to give up Bfeeding at all so ended up reluctantly going back on them. Alize had a reaction to the citalopram so I was changed to something else and continued to bfeed while on meds till he was 15mths old no problems.
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Posted: 12 September 2008 at 11:28pm |
I'm taking citalopram too, and have been doing so since Blair was 5.5 months old, I was prescribed this one after the GP I was seeing checked to see what was relatively safeish, and was suggested that I take them after a feed, and haven't really noticed a major difference in Blair, - he is sleeping better, but I think thats because I'm more settled, less anxious, and our week at Mothercraft
Guess I won't really notice a difference until a) I stop taking them, or b) Blair stops being such a boobie baby
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Posted: 12 September 2008 at 11:32pm |
i have been thinking about this today.
i know i am not a "nut" and dont know anything about prescription drugs or coping with depression, but i do know that they say exercise can help.
so i was thinking if you really dont want to go back on the meds then maybe you need to put a plan in place and stick to it in regards to doing some exercise for you... give you some "me time" and help raise those feel good hormones you get from exercise.
So i was thinking you should pick something, wether it be an exercise class or swimming or even just walking for an hour or more... leave the kids with the nanny and go and do it. at least twice a week to start should be good.
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Posted: 13 September 2008 at 12:18am |
I was exercising every week day after I had Alize once the kids were back at school. You are right exercise gets the endorphins (feel good hormones) going for for some this isnt sufficient esp if the depression is a physical issues eg the body isnt producting enough serotonin. Believe me I tried everything not to go back on meds as I was scared of it crossing the BM. I have since changed once I finished bfeeding to another one and am going well on this.
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Posted: 13 September 2008 at 10:54pm |
I keep planning to get out for a walk each day when Renata is here so I can just take lil miss in the buggy but I either have stuff to do or I get unmotivated and can't be bothered or it rains. Will make more of an effort this week.
I guess I'm just scared coz they obviously think I'm on the edge and I really don't want to get any worse. But then I don't want lil miss on antidepressants via my milk either - she certainly doesn't need them!
Will talk more to the psychiatrist on Mon. I can't take Citalopram which is the most commonly prescribed one for breastfeeding mothers as it's an SSRI and they don't agree with me, but Clomipramine (which is what I was on before I got preg) has a sedative in it and I don't think I need sedatives right now!
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 15 September 2008 at 5:41pm |
I don't know enough about all the types of AD's to really comment on this (as in I don't know the group you can't take) but my doc is also a lactation consultant so when she put me on my AD's and told me there was absolutely minimal transference I totally trusted her.
Could you see if you could find a doc that has the same qualifications maybe? Or if you like I could give you the name of mine (though you'd have to go to Milford)
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Posted: 15 September 2008 at 8:46pm |
I made my psychiatrist at MMH look it up, and the Mothercraft nurse I see from MMH is also a lactation consultant so I do trust what they're saying about the meds being safe, and 1% is tiny, but I'm procrastinating...
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 15 September 2008 at 9:02pm |
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Posted: 15 September 2008 at 10:04pm |
I am feeding on mine I was really worried, but like Kelz said it was better for my family. Hug's Emma jsut do what is going to be best for all of you.
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Posted: 16 September 2008 at 8:43am |
Im breastfeeding on fluox, but I think its an ssri or whatever. You can do it, its just a matter of finding the right mix. Talk to your Dr and or a lactation consultant.
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Posted: 16 September 2008 at 9:50am |
Yeah you definitely have to go with what feels right for you I can understand your concerns - the idea of putting your baby on meds is far from appealing.
For me I figured that the damage I was capable of doing to Rowan by not interacting with her outweighed the risk of transference. But every case is totally different of course.
Having said that I am determined to be off them before I start TTC again even though the risks while pregnant also are minimal.
edited for clarity
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Posted: 16 September 2008 at 11:23am |
aww buig hugs
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Posted: 17 September 2008 at 2:47pm |
I don't know much about the groups either but I do know that my GP who used to be an OB said they were pretty safe for b/f.
I think the main issue they have is some drugs like fluox (just using it as an example cos that's what I was on) can react with the hormones you create while b/f and not give you as good an effect as normal but that's it.
I think it might be a case of putting faith in the professionals and going back on them. If its any consilation I never noticed a difference between Jack's behaviour with me on or off the meds so that's promising.
Anyway, I definitely know its not as easy as just getting out and going for a walk, but great that you are under MMH so you know where you're at and where everyone else thinks you're at.