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Phat_Cat View Drop Down
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    Posted: 16 November 2008 at 8:36am
OK well mr 17 months USED to be a great eater, infact ate nearly anything and everything and also took to a big bed real well (we did have the novelty of getting in and out on ones own for a few nights)

Now he is teething - finishing off top molars & eye and cutting bottom molars and canines (is that what they are called?)

I do understand that their eating does drop when teething but now its getting ridiculous not to mention sleep distrubed nights (and son number two is due in 3-4 weeks)

He was a yoghurt fanatic but now wont even eat half a pot, he refuses to eat weetbix now and Ive never been able to get him to eat bread (sammies, toasties, buns etc) nor will he touch cows milk (and weve tried warm/cold in a cup/bottle, milo, nesquick)only on his weetbix (when he ate them lol) we offer all sorts of fruit - apples, banana, orange, raisins etc and he now will have a bite or two and then throw it back at us, crackers and cheese are now also following the same procedure. Dinner he eats some but not enough ( a few mouthfuls at the most) and is still needing at least two bottles plus water during the day. We do let him have a lemonade iceblock on a real hot day as im getting concerned that he maybe getting dehydrated.

We eat with him as much as possible (i was working evenings but DH would still make a point of eating with him) and let him do it himself (he occasionaly only lets us help which is fine with us) but now all the foods he was eating are coming to a stop.

To top it all off hes now real bad at going down to bed, we take him back constantly without saying anything and put him back into bed but we end up having to shut the door then open it later and usually put him into bed (after hes crashed out on the floor and screamed for ages) but now hes waking during the night (obviously due to hunger) and will usually settle if he has another bottle - not always. He also tries to come in and sleep with us (hes had a real nasty ear infection recently and DH unfortunately sleeps through it all and i was finding it too hard with a big belly and all getting up and down to him so he was sleeping with us) so i always take him back to his own bed as soon as he comes into our room and dont let him get in with us until its an acceptable hour in the morning - hence to say theres a tanty that goes with that. Weve tried dropping his day sleep (even though i usually need one lol) but thats made the situation worse as does if we try to limit his day sleep to an hour rather than the 1.5 - 3 he can sometimes have. We dont let him sleep past 4pm (or go down then if hes refused to have a day sleep) but if ive had to wake him then hes diabolical until he goes back down. We do have some sembalance of a routine (he would NEVER get into one when he was a baby no matter how hard we tried) where he has dinner, bath/shower (which he loves), quiet time ( sometimes a story unless hes real tired), kisses and cuddles and into bed.

Is there anything else we could try? the lack of sleep is really starting to get to me and i would like to try and have this sorted before number 2 gets here as no doubt there will be disturbances there??

Tristen - 24/06/07
Rylan - 11/12/08
Angel Babies -14/08/05 & 21/01/2010
Curtis - 26/02/12
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Rachael21 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Rachael21 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 November 2008 at 11:30am
With the food thing just keep offering a range of healthy foods, he won't starve himself. Toddlers don't need nearly as much food as we expect so just take your cues from him.

With the sleep thing, you can keep going the way you are going and putting him back to bed and he should eventually get the picture. The alternative is to get tough and put him to bed and leave him there. Explain that its bed time and he has to stay in bed, there will be tears but it will work a lot faster. To get him out of the milk at night habit only offer him water. I wouldn't be dropping his day sleep just yet as it sounds as if he still needs it.

Maybe take him to the dr again to make sure theres no infection and keep him dosed up with pamol if hes teething.

I hope it gets better for you, I've so been there and getting up to two kids is not fun.
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Mum2ET View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mum2ET Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 November 2008 at 12:45pm

sorry I don't really have any useful advice....but for the teething, have you tried dosing him up for pamol and nurfen? When Ella was cuting the first molars she was really bad at going to sleep and waking in the middle of the night and the ONLY thing that helped was combining the 2 pain reliefs.


offering him a lemonade ice blocks sounds a good idea, as it also might help with his teeth. maybe try leave some snacks on a table when he playing, so if he wants he can help himself. Also have you tried offering him a smoothie? I have started doing that, when Ella gets a fussy about food and she loves it.


hope he gets sorted soon, before Rylan arrives.

Mum to
Ella (5) and Tom (2)
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cuppatea Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 November 2008 at 12:55pm
Can you get one of those rails to stop him getting out of bed? or do they only stop them rolling out? I don't know Spencer is still in his cot so haven't crossed that problem yet ourselves.

The sleeping and eating might be related, i find when Spencer doesn't have his afternoon nap he then gets sh*tty at dinner time and will quite often refuse to eat just because he is over tired. Thankfully this doesn't happen everyday, but I could see it becoming a viscious cycle if it did. Doesn't sleep properly so doesn' t eat properly and then not eating properly leads to waking up, and on and on.

I would let him have his afternoon sleep but maybe give him an early lunch and put him down at 12ish so that the latest he is back up is about 3 and then hopefully by 7 he will be worn out and ready for bed.
I also agree with only giving water at night, that way he won't fill up on milk and will hopefully be more inclined to eat in the morning. Might mean a few rough nights but it sounds like you are already having those anyway.

Again I agree with Rach about just offering a range of foods and I would just leave him to it with them, so that throwing them etc gets no reaction, and then whatever he doesn't eat just clean up without making a big deal and don't try and force the issue. As soon as they see us trying to make them do something is normally when they start fighting not to do it.

Fingers crossed for you that it all gets sorted before no2 arrives.

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Phat_Cat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Phat_Cat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 November 2008 at 1:12pm
yep we do offer a range by putting a variety of things on a plate and just leaving him to it... that used to work really well but now hes not touching anything much. I understand the bottle thing - weve just left him to cry before and he goes back off to sleep but then he wakes an hour or so later and starts again.

The bed rail wont work in this case as his bed is quite low to the floor which has its advantages & disadvantages

Ive had his ears checked again and they are fine.

Will try the smoothie thing that may work

thanks heaps
Tristen - 24/06/07
Rylan - 11/12/08
Angel Babies -14/08/05 & 21/01/2010
Curtis - 26/02/12
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kebakat View Drop Down
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My MIL has trouble getting Daniel to eat at her house so she feeds him dinner in a swing that they have. She makes such a big game out of it and he doesn't even realise he's eating. Could that be worth a shot?
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Mama2two View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mama2two Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 16 November 2008 at 11:12pm
Samantha has become a shocking eater as well. I totally blame blimmin teething!
She also would eat pretty much anything up until a month or so ago and now she hardly eats any dinner at all. It has gotten so bad that I have had to start giving her dinner at lunchtime just to try and get some 'good' food into her. Most of the time it still doesn't work.
I am assuming that if she is really hungry she will eat. I do give her a bottle of formula right before bed though which seems to get her through the night.

I will add also that she won't eat anything that she doesn't feed herself now! If you try and feed her she totally refuses. If she is going to eat apparently it is on her terms.

Teething has a lot to answer for!!!

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