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MumsyMoo View Drop Down
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    Posted: 19 November 2008 at 5:06pm
Hey ladies,

I've been having a look through a whole years worth of posts in this topic, trying to find info on Fluox.
I did find one thread, dedicated soley to it's side effects - But I was kinda hoping there were some people out there who could give me a better idea as to the experiences they've had whilst taking it.

I was given information today, and have just got home from the doctors armed with a months worth of 20mg doses of Fluox, as I've finally fessed up to not being OK.

There's a part of me that's somewhat apprehensive... No, apprehensive's not the word.
I dunno - I just didn't really think I was bad enough to warrant needing AD's.
Having said that, I think it's more just a case that I don't want people to see me as a failure or weak.

People are so used to seeing me as a happy-go-lucky, outgoing and carefree.
It's a facade.
Ugh, that hurts to admit.
But it's easier to lie to yourself and everyone else than it is to face the music and say "actually, yeah. I *do* have a problem and I need help".

Doing the little questionnaire thingy was tough. Having to rate, on a scale of 1-5, how tired/anxious/helpless etc., was a bit too much and I ended up breaking down.
Gah, I felt so stupid.
I cannot remember the last time that I was truly, blissfully happy.
I cannot remember the last time I was full of beans and rearing to go.
I can't remember the last time I managed to get through the day without thinking "I'm so sick of this, I'm over it, I want out"
I can't remember the last time I slept a full night, and woke at a decent hour and had a really productive day.
I can't remember the last time I didn't care what people thought, and all I ever do now is get all panicky, wondering if people think I'm as useless as I feel.

This all hit me and I couldn't handle it.
It's not necessarily PND - I just think that the added stress of having a child has exacerbated the problem.

So yeah, any info on Fluox would be appreciated

My wee girl is the love and light of my life!
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my4beauties View Drop Down
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Hun, I have no info on the AD that you've been prescribed, but wanted to send lots and lots of hugs your way!  It would be a hard thing to admit when you're not feeling right, and that doesn't make you a failure at all - it makes you a honest and better person!!  I think you have to have guts and the will to feel better, to get help. 


I hope things look up for you real soon, and you'll be happy again!

My babies:

R (9),G (7), J (5)

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fattartsrock View Drop Down
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I can quite honestly say that Fluox has saved my marriage, my sanity and my life on more than one occasion. I have been on it off and on for the past 12 or so years.

It's NOT weak to take AD's, in fact it takes courage and strength to realise that doing nothing just dosen't cut it anymore, and having the balls to ask for help.

Hugs to you, I hope it helps.
The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P
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mummy_becks View Drop Down
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Originally posted by fattartsrock fattartsrock wrote:

It's NOT weak to take AD's, in fact it takes courage and strength to realise that doing nothing just dosen't cut it anymore, and having the balls to ask for help.

I totally agree with what Annie has just said.

And they also saved me as well. It does take a few weeks for them to kick in. I had no side effects with them.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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The only thing I find is that I get VERY thirsty and my skin gets dry.
The Honest Un PC Parent of 2, usually stuck in the naughty corner! :P
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mummytobesep08 View Drop Down
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Im on fluox, 20mgs a day too. I was on it prior to pregnancy and it worked really well except that while I never got really low, I stopped going really high too...I was just sort of existing. When I went off them a few years later I found I could get really high know just having silly moods and stuff. But since having bubs Ive been going low more and more often. I went back on them 7 weeks ago but it hasnt really made a difference. So I might have to go on a higher dose or something. Anyway I haven't actually noticed any particular side effects this time...but its hard cuz with a new baby it's hard to know whats Fluox side effects and new-baby side effects!

I know what you mean about that questionaire thing. I couldn't answer "do you see the funny side of thing" and "do you look forward to the things you used to enjoy" as I don't ever laugh or enjoy things!

Hang in there hun, I hope it gets better soon Theres a few of us that chat in another thread on here "Whos got PND" so feel free to come vent!

Angel babes '07 & '10- <3 <3
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MonicaMouse View Drop Down
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*hugs* I was on Fluox some years back after coming off aropax (for good old fashioned run of the mill depression) I also went back on them about 6 months before we conceived (and went off them cold turkey without advice still before we conceived)

I found it to be relatively good drug, and was lucky that I didn't get an major side effects.

That questionnaire can be scary - especially if you're having a bad day and you're like me, you're not fat on those days your F A T. I also found lack of sleep agravated the mood, and even now if I'm that tired I go back to bed when Blair goes down for his morning sleep

Like the others have said it takes a lot of guts to stand up and say 'hey things aren't right' and do something about it. I know I didn't tell my mum when I was first diagnosed with PND because of the same reasons - I didn't want her to think I was failing as a Mum.

I like to think of depression not only like a mask, something that shows when I'm at home, sometimes alone, and like you when I'm in public everything is hunky dory. But I also liken it to the cold sore virus. I know that if I don't take care of myself, I'm more likely to have a 'flare up'

Someone once reminded me, that it's just a chemical inbalance, and just like a diabetic may need insulin, we need the AD's to help balance us so we can work thru what we need to in our own time

Blair 15/10/2007
Daniel 30/07/2009
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MumsyMoo View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MumsyMoo Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 November 2008 at 11:53pm
Thank you so much for your responses.
I really truly appreciate it.

I think I probably worded it a bit wrong when I used the words 'weak' and 'failure'.
On the other hand though, sadly with the particular support group (or lack thereof) it's just the kinda vibe that gets given off.

Unfortunately, I don't really have anyone.
My family is about a 45 minute drive away, but whereas my relationship with Mum is good, she's not the greatest person to look to for support.
When I first got pregnant she was the fastest one off the starting block trying to get me to terminate the pregnancy. She loves to remind me of the fact that she told me things weren't going to be easy, and thatI most likely wouldn't cope.
In her opinion, I create my own drama, and put myself into positions where there's unnecessary issues. Depression? Pfft, no. You just don't know how to cope, you're not trying hard enough... I told you so. I told you so.

As for friends - Well, they're either working or studying, if not both.
They're either on the Kapiti Coast, or in Wellington, and it's almost impossible to orchestrate catchups and get-togethers.
It doesn't help that I feel alienated and ostrasized for the fact I am a Mum now. There's only 2 friends that haven't treated me like being a Mum is a contagious disease.
I realise this is probably all part of the territory of being a young Mum who wasn't really able to establish herself after leaving school.
I worked for a year at a sh*tty job, moved in with my Boyfriend and HEY PRESTO, what do you know - Bun in the Oven
Wasn't the most ideal situation, no.
But I was going to deal with it in the best way I could. Be it with, or without the help from others.

Admittedly I am proud of myself for stepping up to the plate and taking care of myself.
I don't know that I'd have done the same if I didn't have Eden, but who knows.
What I do know, is that I have an obligation to my child, and myself, to be the best me that I can be, and if that requires meds and therapy, well so be it.

I don't quite know what the whole point of this post was, but it's all relative.

I'm going to bed now, despite the fact I'll no doubt be awake for the next two hours at least (ick).
But thanks again for all the support and the replies.
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Kels View Drop Down
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I have taken Fluox for the last 5 years, went off it while pregnant with Alize and then back on till just recently. Never had any trouble at all. I started on 20mgs  then after a few years I was put up to 40mgs. It realy suited me but a good friend of mine hated it as she said it cause nothing but dramas.

Best of luck hun and great that you had the guts to see your GP.

Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Paws View Drop Down
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I was on and off Fluox when I only had run of the mill depression and it worked great for me. I didn't have any nasty side effects.

Good on you for seeking help. That took such guts and proves that despite how you are feeling right now there is a strong amazing lady under it all!!!

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Joscia View Drop Down
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*lurker in*

I don't have anything to add on the meds side of things, but I just wanted to say - MumsyMoo - you sound like a really smart, articulate, on-to-it lady. Good on you for taking some positive steps.

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Bobbie View Drop Down
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Mumsy if it makes you feel any better you could have pretty much written that OP for me word for word. In fact you would have done a better job than I did

You have done a positive thing for yourself (and I bet that it's the first time in ages you have done something for YOU). I hope that in time you'll be as proud of coming through this as you are with sticking to your guns and being a great mummy. (did that make any sense???)

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LittleBug View Drop Down
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I fully understand your post. And you are definitely not lazy or unmotivated... the fact that you are trying to help yourself shows how much strength you have. Everything is a million times harder when you are depressed, everything seems like such a chore, even easy little things. Give yourself a break, and just feel totally proud of yourself every time you get ANYTHING achieved, anything at all, no matter how small.

I was on Fluox a few years ago for depression. You have to be sort of aware that things may feel a bit harder before they get better, as your brain adjusts to the meds. But once they kick in, they should really help you start to feel normal again. They didn't help me to start with, and my Dr put me on a higher dose after about a month, and then they kicked in properly and I started to get some normality back. It is such a blessing to just feel like the day is going well, sometimes.

This time around (for PND) I'm taking paroxetine (aropax) since I'm preggy. But they have definitely helped as well.

Good on you for admitting that you need some support, it's the hardest and most important step to take

I don't know how much of this made sense, sorry! Big hugs Ren

ETA: I got really thirsty while taking Fluox as well!

Edited by LittleBug
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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