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Topic: bleeding Posted: 03 January 2009 at 8:59am |
how long does this all go on for? I have red bleeding since 6am on the clots...cramps but only for an hour or two thur long does it take for a mc to happen?I'm going quite mental waiting four days for my freaking scan:(
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 9:01am |
With mine I had red bleeding for 3 days, passed a biggish clot (which I assume was the sac) on day 2 then after those 3 days went to brownish spotting for a few days
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 9:07am |
My BF lost 4 pregnancies in 2008 ( ) and with all of them the bleed would start as spotting, progress to red blood and clots (and pain!) and the m/c would happen within about 24 hours. There are so many variables with this sort of thing though - when I m/c years (4?) ago, the red blood started and the clots were pretty quick to follow with it all being horrendously painful too. For both of us, our m/c's progressed pretty much like heavy periods.
On the other side of the coin - my SIL had red bleeding with my now 16 month old niece for the better part of the first 4 months of her pregnancy! It did her head in something wicked, but my niece is larger than life and then some.
I think it's disgusting that they're making you sit on your hands - it's absolutely horrible!
Thinking of you!
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 9:14am |
Mine started on the wednesday night, brown when I wiped, had felt off all day not cramping but faint and a weird. Woke up Thursday and within 30 mins of being up it was bright red, clotty and so painful I had to take painkillers and go back to bed. That day was the worse and then the rest were just like a bad period. The amount of blood was never that much just more clotty and more painful. Bleeding stopped on the Tuesday but was fairly light for the last couple of days.
Like ginger I am crossing my fingers for you that all is ok.
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 9:26am |
yeah my good friend just txted me..i have avoided telling her cause she is due in 3 weeks but she had the same three me a glimmer of hope but trying to be realistic.. :( it's just so off putting to go to the loo and see bright red blood all the time:(
ginger- yes bout half the people think waiting is ok and the other half are annoyed..I'm in the annoyed part.. you would think i live in a third world friend in Timaru said she had a similar thing and they scan right away ....she was horrified anyone would have to wait!:( and told me to come
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 10:10am |
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 11:02am |
backup mw rang and after millions of questions she said 'it can be nothing you know....but it is an indicator... no really:) lol.. so i just have to wait till monday...grr!
why do they keep asking me my blood group? if its negative would that make a difference ?is that when after the first baby the body attacks the baby? I'm A+ though..
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 11:10am |
I think if you are negative and bleeding then they need to give you the anti-d or something like that. Not 100%.
As for my bleeding last time....started pinky, then went to red. Crampy (enough for me to take painkillers but not enough to HAVE to take them IYGWIM - I just decided I didnt need to put up with it). I had NO clots!!! But then I was early on. Basically the AF the month before was much worse (first since Tom). Iwas so confused because nothing was definate....till I had my blood tests and the HCG was lower.
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 11:14am |
I got asked four times so far.. I have had blood tests but that was for rubella etc.. she didnt test hcg so they wouldnt know by that i guess?she said to expect clots and cramps and bleeding that gets heavier...or it will be ok..told her I'm so over waiting.. and she sympathised..
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 11:19am |
Yeah if you are a neg they would give you an anti-d shot. Is your DH a neg blood type?? If he is it maybe worth getting an anti-d shot.
I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 12:18pm |
nope he is B+ I'm A+ and Ethan is AB+
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 12:34pm |
Oh hun, 2 more days! Hopefully they have you booked in for the first appt Monday morning!
Thinking of you
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 1:23pm |
I had very heavy bleeding just before 12 weeks with this pregnancy. When I say heavy, I mean very heavy with big clots etc.
Like you they wouldn't scan me on the weekend at the A&E at the hospital. I had to wait 3 days also.
Turned out baby was ok, even though the hospital said I had passed the baby!!
No reason for the bleeding, but it continued for 2 weeks and I am now 25 weeks.
Good luck :)
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 2:26pm |
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 2:30pm |
1030 is the earliest...!! :( thanks melnel.. neferiti..I'd love to think + but cant really!! I am so glad it worked out for you though!
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Posted: 03 January 2009 at 2:37pm |
rianna..yeah I'm getting mostly good stories about bleeding but have had a few that had it like you... I think I shall resign myself to not being pregnant anymore and try to stop thinking about it all:(
Mum to two amazing boys!