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PipDais View Drop Down

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    Posted: 28 February 2012 at 5:21pm
I was hoping for some help and what better place to find it than women in the know!

I'm a type 1 diabetic who moved here in January this year with my husband and, now, 11 month old baby. We are here on a 2 year work visa with the possibility of it being extended/residency visa.

I have just found out that I am pregnant (week 4). I have registered with my local doctor in Wadestown but have been unable to get an appointment with them until next week. The appointment is to discuss my healthcare and get an up to date prescription etc. but now will also be to inform him/her of the pregnancy. As I understand it, you need to let your GP know asap in NZ. Back in the UK you needed to wait until 8 weeks so this is a bit of a learning experience for me.

Are there any type 1 diabetics around that could let me know how the healthcare system works here in Wellington? Do you have annual appointments with a specialist at the hospital or is it dealt with through your GP (I asked and was told it was in-house at the doctors). In relation to pregnancy is it still dealt with in-house or will I see an specialist obs at hospital? Again, I asked but was told that pregnancy is dealt with my a local midwife - should I track one down or is that done by the doctor? Do you get extra scans? In the UK I had them at 9, 12, 20, 32, 34 and 36 weeks to check on growth.

I previously had an emergency csection after 3 days of failed induction so it would be interesting to hear other people's birth stories in relation to diabetes.

For information, I have private medical through my husband's job - although I don't know if it will cover pregnancy! My previous pregnancy was VERY well planned and this one has come as quite a shock. I'm reasonably well controlled though but think a HBA1C will be necessary to put my mind at rest. My levels have been quite difficult to keep down for the last few days but I had this with my first pregnancy - it was my trigger to know that I was pregnant in the first place.

I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
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Kellz View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Kellz Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 February 2012 at 8:00pm
Im not a diabetic but can answer a few things for you- you dont HAVE to go to a GP at all at the beginning of pregnancy, but you can and they will give u the form for your first antenatal blood tests and will be able to order the extra blood tests needed for your diabetes. They will NOT refer you to a midwife- at best they might have a list of local midwives, but u will probably have better luck asking a Q on here for good midwives in your area.
You then need to start phoning around to get yourself a midwife ASAP! They book up VERY fast so now is definatly not too early. Dont wait til 8 weeks. You can arrange a meeting with a few midwives then choose the one u want to go with,- this care is free. They will then refer you to an Ob at the hospital as needed- with diabetes you will definatly be under the care of an Ob as well as the midwife, and will have extra scans. The Ob may also refer you to the diabetic educator and/or dietican at the hospital too. The midwife will then follow you through the pregnancy with regular appts- usually monthly to start with increasing to fortnightly the weekly closer to the birth. They will then attend the birth.

If you choose to go privately you will be under the care of the Ob you choose, who will then have a group of midwvies who will see you in between the Ob appts. I think you then will give birth at the hosiptal where the Ob works, and u will have whatever midwive is on duty at the time.

Hope some of that helps!
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tigger,roo View Drop Down
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firstly congrats on pregnancy :)

i have diabeties when preg - i see a diabetic team at the hospital once a month. and am under the care of an ob.

to get refered to ob - go to your gp and they will write the letter. you should be seen within the next week or so.

Your gp will do antenatal blood tests and check your sugar levels for you.

you will prob have to see a dietician too. also from what i hear get in touch with a midwife soon too as since u had c section some prefer to not have paitients who have had them in the past.

Good luck

Angels - March'11, Nov '10, May '10
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PipDais View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote PipDais Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 February 2012 at 2:43pm
Thank you both for your replies.

I was feeling a bit 'out of it' in relation to knowing what to do first but your advice has been invaluable. As far as I can tell there is one midwife in Wadestown so she will be my first port of call. My appointment isn't with the doctor until Wednesday so it sounds like I'd better pull my finger out - especially if some midwives refuse previous c-section mothers.

Thanks again
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KcP View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KcP Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 March 2012 at 9:10pm
IM a T1, but im in auckland. You will need to get your GP to refer you to the high risk maternity unit at the hospital. Again, cos im in auckland I cant tell you anything about how wellington works.

Also, for T1s finding a mw is slightly different as we ARE and always are considered high risk. you can get a private mw BUT you are unlikely to find one that will work with a high risk patient with Type one diabetes (its a huge bug bear within the T1 mother group up here..) You can get a private ob though, no sweat. Majority of the time you will be under the care of a team (MW, physician and ob) through the hospital..
Small family of three
TTC #1 4 years

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KcP Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 March 2012 at 9:13pm
Oh also if you are on facebook, there is a really good group that I can invite you to.. Just let me know if your interested..
Small family of three
TTC #1 4 years

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote KcP Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 03 March 2012 at 9:25pm
Oh, sorry but ive thought of more lol
I found that my first 8 weeks my levels sat alot higher then normal, so I combatted with a higher basal and tougher boluses .Are you on MDI or a pump? Do you know what your last hba1c was and when? They'll probably give full bloods for diabetes stuff too

Definitely let your doc know asap. They prefer to hear about it to get the referals in place.

Depending on your control you will either see an endocrinologist 6 monthly or three monthly (outside of pregnancy).

IN nz, t1's are induced at 38 weeks. IM not sure how they will work yours, they may offer an elective CS to avoid that risks associated with VBAC.

Scans - yes, you should get a few more to watch size etc. If you are sure of your dates they may still offer a dating scan at around 7 weeks, then 12. But more scans definitely later on in the pregnancy..

Edited by KcP
Small family of three
TTC #1 4 years

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papa View Drop Down

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Hi i am 28 weeks pregnant and i am suffering from gestational diabetes and from last week i have been monitoring my blood sugar levels by following a special diet and regular exercise. And after all this my sugar level has come under control but sometimes it comes in between 5m/mol and sometimes its just under a required level that means 6.7m/mol (after meal). So i was just wondering as long it comes under 7m/mol is good or as lower is better? danish
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tigger,roo View Drop Down
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my diabetic nurse doesnt worry if under 6.8 after a meal as long as its 5 or under b4 my next meal. she says if its happening regular and not under 5 b4 a meal then insulin goes up. They have tightened the levels from when i had gd with ds who is nearly 5. The lower to 6.5 the better though.

Angels - March'11, Nov '10, May '10
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PipDais View Drop Down

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Originally posted by KcP KcP wrote:

Oh also if you are on facebook, there is a really good group that I can invite you to.. Just let me know if your interested..

Thanks for all your help. The facebook group sounds good. Please add do we do that?!

I saw my doctor last week. She said that she doesn't think that pregnancy is covered under my 30 month work visa and gave me some blood test forms but said that I'd have to pay for them. Does everyone have to pay for their bloods when pregnant or is it just because of this visa issue? She has written to Wellington Hospital but I'm still waiting to hear whether I'll be referred. I'm growing concerned that I'll be left with this pregnancy with no family in the country, a husband working crazy hours (new job so needs to prove he's worthy!) and now no hospital team! All this with a one year old on top...    

I've spoken with a midwife since who tells me that my pregnancy would be covered as it is over 2 years and that I should rethink my doctor! I haven't been for the blood tests yet as I wanted to find out about costs first.

Annoyingly, the strips that i used in the UK aren't used here and she has asked the practice nurse to deal with it. This was last Thursday and I have no idea how long I'll have to wait for an answer or prescription for strips. When she asked me how often I was testing and I responded with "15x a day due to pregnancy" her jaw dropped!

I've been diabetic 20 years and, although I may not sound it, I'm being much more relaxed with this pregnancy than the last! I was obsessed with my levels and got paranoid with double numbers. I really do hope that my doctor has actually written a letter to the hospital though otherwise I'll feel very alone during this pregnancy!

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Bky View Drop Down
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Your Dr doesn't know immigration apparently! Pregnancy is covered under any visa longer than 2 years. Here you go! And this too!
I'd ask your midwife (since she sounds on the ball), or your Dr if that's easier, to redo your forms so you don't have to pay for bloods.

Edited by Bky
7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015

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