No that makes sense
There's no reason to expect problems this time, but then there wasn't before either. The instrumental delivery stuff was just some really odd commentary to get from a homebirth, non-epidural certified midwife. Looking back I think she may have been talking about scar ruptures being more common with instrumental deliveries, but the way she said it made it sound like VBAC made assisted delivery more likely.
I haven't been told when I have to go in. I guess we haven't got to that point yet. Before I was told to go in when I felt like I wanted to, so I went in when I felt I might want a check or some gas and air. Of course when I went in I'd been calling my midwives every 1-2 hours for around 5-6 hours over regular, frequent contractions and was only 4cm when I was checked.
Just worried about how it's going to go as I had a fair amount of pressure from the anesthetist to have an epidural last time. I didn't want to because I knew I'd stuck to the bed, but I ended up having to be stuck to the bed because of monitoring stuff, so I consented, but then had to get a spinal anyhow as other emergencies (not mine) came up. I think it's mainly as my midwife kept hitting the emergency call button so there were loads of people in my room.