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Topic: Jan 15 Babies Posted: 07 May 2014 at 7:37pm |
Welcome to the Due in January 2015 thread and CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What an exciting and amazing journey you are now on!
Welcome also to the OHbaby! community :) Here you will get to make some fantastic friends, learn from others experiences and share a tear and a giggle with each other.
We have two Due in Threads created each month - one is public and one is private. The public one is great for general chat and banter the private thread is password protected and is great for you to share photo's of baby bumps etc.
Your private due in forum can be found here:
If you're new to the thread and want to be a part of the private group also Just pop in here - say hi and that you're keen to be in the private forum and one of your fellow mums-to-be will private message you the password. If you're the first then private message me and I'll send it to you :)
Please note, that any talk about facebook groups on our forums is now against forum policy. This is our attempt to keep our special community alive and connected – we’re a small business with a big heart and so is our community and it’s worth protecting ☺
Please do sign up to the weekly pregnancy emails - you can do that by adding your pregnancy in your profile (you can also add your scan pictures when you have one and bubs will be there every time you login to the website). We recommend signing up the other half as well so they know what you're going through and how baby is growing too :)
Wishing you THE VERY BEST PREGNANCY!!! From the team at OHbaby!
Edited by AngieBaby - 01 December 2014 at 10:12pm
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Posted: 08 May 2014 at 9:30am |
Hi, I am due Jan 1st and would love to be part of he private forum :)
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Posted: 08 May 2014 at 3:53pm |
Hello! Due somewhere between the 5th and the 12th, suppose I'll have a dating scan at some point.
Since the thread just started not sure anyone has the private thread pw yet, but keen to get it.
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Posted: 09 May 2014 at 8:00am |
Hi there I'm due Jan 2nd with my first baby. Would love to meet others due around this time.
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Posted: 10 May 2014 at 6:41pm |
Hi, I'm due early Jan with my second baby. I'd like to be part of the private group too, thx!
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Posted: 11 May 2014 at 10:28am |
As far as I can tell there isn't a private group yet, but I've PM'd for one and the password so will let people know if I hear anything.
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Posted: 11 May 2014 at 1:29pm |
I'm also due my second in early Jan (11th) and would like to be part of this group.
Edited by Pomwi - 11 May 2014 at 7:30pm
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Posted: 12 May 2014 at 3:43pm |
Thought I was getting off with milder morning sickness this time, but no. I was having lunch and hurled into my (empty) coffee cup. Absolutely no warning.
So that kind of sucks.
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Posted: 12 May 2014 at 5:18pm |
That does suck Bky. I have been getting dizzy spells and feeling nauseated but no actual hurling!
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Posted: 14 May 2014 at 7:52am |
Hope everyone is doing well!
I thought I would start a due and scan date list. If you want to add to it just copy it and paste it with any changes.
January Babies:
January 1st-Quirkygirl January 2nd-Pipzilla66 January 10th -LuckyRed (I guessed based on your ticker)
January 11th- Pomwi January 12- Bky (it's not any later than that!)
Scan dates: Bky- May 26th, dating.
7/2010, 10/2012 and 1/2015
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Posted: 16 May 2014 at 7:23am |
Hi all, I'd love to join private forum when up and running. I am due 4 jan with my first baby. The morning/all day sickness is totally not fun (completely worth it but still not fun) and it's funny as I always thought pregnant friends and family were so dramatic when complaining about the nausea. I owe a few people apologies now!!
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Posted: 17 May 2014 at 2:00pm |
Eurgh, nausea has set in. How is it fair that my DH gets to drink a nice bottle of wine and I get the hangover? I see it as a good sign though that things are still progressing. Such a roller coaster time this early on isn't it?
Joined: 26 April 2014
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Posted: 17 May 2014 at 2:14pm |
Oh my goodness, my face has totally broken out everywhere! I've been pretty lucky my whole life not having had to deal with lots of acne. I'm even getting it on my cheeks where I have never had acne before ever! Nausea all day but it's quite light. No vomiting.....yet. Have been enjoying Rooibos (redbush) tea. It's amazing! Caffeine free, full of calcium and magnesium. Helps to settle my stomach and warm me up when it's cold. At first the taste was a bit meh, but I'm enjoying it now. So those with some nausea, give it a try. Hope the private forum gets up and running soon! Take care of those bellies ladies. xxx
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Posted: 17 May 2014 at 8:35pm |
I've PM'd again about the private forum, so hopefully soon!
Other than the one surprise vomiting incident my nausea isn't that bad. There all the time, but not really keeping me from eating. Maybe I'm forgetting what it's like though. I do remember that it gets worse around 8-10 weeks. I think I thought it wasn't as bad early on with #2, but then it wasn't really.
I love Roobios. I don't do caffeine except in 2-4 hours of sleep have to be alert for work emergencies, so it's one of my normal teas. They do a lemon and ginger one that half the time I quite like and the other half I think just seems weird.
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Posted: 17 May 2014 at 8:39pm |
Hi ladies, I'd love to join you! Just found out we are expecting #2 in late January (somewhere between the 20th and 23rd). Totally unexpected, but defiantly not un welcomed. DH and it were planning to start TTC in a few months time but I guess now is as good as time as any :-) We already have a 25 month old DD who is full of energy and so funny. I love these due date threads. I have met some amazing woman and children from my 'Due May' thread. We have all become really close over the past couple of years.
Edited by AngieBaby - 29 November 2014 at 11:44am
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Posted: 19 May 2014 at 6:45am |
Hello. I am due with baby #3 on 30 January! Very early days but would love to join this group
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Posted: 19 May 2014 at 2:26pm |
Hi guys, pretty early days & I have a history of recurrent miscarriage, but would like to join in the group for now, due with #3 12th Jan :)
2 superstars too many miscarriages 2009-2014
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Posted: 19 May 2014 at 6:08pm |
Hello new people! Your name is familiar Luckymama, as is LuckyRed's I think we may have crossed paths in various groups briefly before.
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Posted: 19 May 2014 at 9:46pm |
I recognise you guys too. Think we are old school OhBaby-ers!
Congrats LuckyMama, I hope everything goes well this time around
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Posted: 20 May 2014 at 9:19am |
Hi all, my due date is January 14th. This is baby number two for me, had my first in Feb 2010 and was on this forum then too!
Edited by Millyz - 20 May 2014 at 9:20am