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Topic: Pre natal depression?? Posted: 16 August 2009 at 2:14pm |
I know this thread is dedicated to post natal, but i was wondering if anyone else out there suffered from pre natal depression and if my "symptons" would count as depression or just "hormonal"
Ok so to start with, i seem to appear to have bouts of depression in my life, but i have always managed to pick myself up out of them without any assistance.......but i seem to be the sort of person that when things are great they are GREAT!!! but when things arent going so good, like if a friend hasnt been in touch or i didnt get invited to do something or people didnt make an effort for my birthday, life things like that, then i seem to go downhill and crash and get really really upset and then get bitter and jealous and angry and negative, and even though i dont want to be like that and I try hard not to, i cant help it and i manage to push friends further away when im actually needing them more......if all that makes sense, and i actually now have no close friends left.
So anyway since ive been pregnant, things were going along nicely, i had a very close friend who loved me being pregnant and we were always doing stuff together and weve been friends for years, but when i got diagnosed with having a growth on my brain, she couldnt be anymore uninterested and we had a fight and she has never once asked what the results of lumbar puncture was and didnt say happy birthday which was the same week and we havent spoken since, and I have taken that hard, but feel like i shouldnt be the one chasing her cos it was me going through something major etc......anyway this amoung a few other things set me off on some serious spiralling downwards.........i managed to pick myself up after a few days, even though i know at the back of my mind theres still alot going on........well i thought i had got myself sorted etc and started trying to make other friends (which isnt easy)
Theres a few other bits and pieces that has happened all in a short space, and its like im taking hit after hit constantly to the point where i am so completely worn down theres no fight left in me!! I keep trying to rev up the positive motors in my brain, but just as soon as i feel them firing up again, i feel like another thing throws some water on it and Im not sure how to move forward anymore cos my efforts seem to get me absolutely no where
The first thing i seem to think of in the morning is "i hate myself, so why would anyone want to be friends with me"
I cry over the smallest things. Like today a newer friend said she would have a baby shower for me, but then today she asked me if was gonna put one on, so she mustve forgotten or she prob doesnt see the point since i really dont have anyone to invite......and i had a melt down at work on thurs so my boss said to take some time off and said that maybe i should think if its the right job for me if i cant handle the stress of work and home etc.........and really work was the only form of daily human contact that i seem to have in the form of "friends" that are real in the flesh........but they arent actual friends but its the closest i have to anything like that..........
I had a great day yesterday and was feeling great about life again, but the baby shower thing has thrown me right down to the bottom again.........
My DH doesnt want me to go on anit Ds, hes so against them and well i would rather not have to get to that point, but i am thinking i dont have many other choices........
and of course i dont want this to turn into PND when baby is born esp if i have another boy, cos that caused one of my meltdowns so we decided not to find out sex as i had a bad meltdown where i didnt even want to be preg anymore if it was another boy.....hmmmmmm
Ok this turned into my life story, but i think what im mostly after is, are my rapid HIGHS and LOWS normal? and is there anything i can take while preg like st johns wort that i could try before Anti Ds, so i can tell my DH i tried every other option first
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Posted: 16 August 2009 at 3:46pm |
Hey Lou,
I don't have many answers for you. My depressions been labelled as pre-natal depression, though that may change.
Rapid highs and lows aren't normal no, and it does sound like something more than hormones is going on for you. Maybe not depression, but definitely something. I would suggest that you discuss it with your doctor. I wouldn't take any of the st johns wart etc without talking to the doctor as it may interact with a few things. Your doctor is likely to know if it has a chance of making things better for you. Your DH may have his opinions but I'm sure he has your best interests at heart.
I'm here if you want to talk, and I hope things pick up for you soon 
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Posted: 16 August 2009 at 6:53pm |
Hey lou,
Big Hugs to you, sounds like you are having a very hard time,I totally understand how little things can seem bigger,it is definatley te hormones.
I would highly recommend you see a doctor just let you know your options, but in the end of the day if meds are the way to go it will be the best thing for you and baby.
Also just my opinion but I would think maybe finding out now what the gender is will allow you too deal with this before the birth and may minimise the chance of PND if it is a boy and you become upset IYKWIM
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Posted: 17 August 2009 at 10:01am |
Hi! Just wanted to give you a hug... ...and to say (sorry) but no, these highs and lows are not normal. Please go and see someone and get some support.
I'm sorry your DH doesn't 'like' anti-ds, but sometimes they are essential. Medication is not the only way to treat 'highs and lows' but please let a health professional help you make an informed decision about what is best for you.
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Posted: 17 August 2009 at 11:28am |
Well I have now sent you 2 pm's one replying to your message and another after I read this post. Just wanted to leave you a great big
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Posted: 17 August 2009 at 4:21pm |
Thanks Ladies....I love being able to reach out to people on here who can relate, it make the world feel less lonely
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Posted: 17 August 2009 at 4:27pm |
I agree that the best advice is to seek medical help , prehaps a doctor you know is a good one. I suffer from depression, it worsens in pregnancy and after the birth of my children. It took years for me to be treated correctly and on the proper meds . This was due to bad doctors and midwives. My husband was not so enthuisastic about meds or long term use of them. But after our rollercoaster couple of years he is my best ally. I am currently on citalopram during this pregnancy. This is the first pregnancy out of 4 i have stayed on my anti-ds. Apart from a small slide last week i have actually felt the normal joy that pregnancy brings. My biggest measure of wether i am sliding into depression is anxiety, sleeplessness, the inability to concentrate, not wanting to go out of the house or see people, and lastly irrational feelings or behavouir. Hope this helps
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Posted: 17 August 2009 at 8:57pm |
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Posted: 18 August 2009 at 1:58pm |
I agree with the advice given by others... check in with your Dr and tell them what's going on. If you really want to try everything before meds, give counselling a go, it can help to change your mindset, the way you think about things. Changing your thought processes can go a long way. But if there is something chemical going on, as there often is in pre- and post-natal depression, then meds may end up being your best way to get through this.
I ended up on meds during my last pregnancy, even though I was really not wanting to, and I have to say that they really helped. It was a totally different experience to my first pregnancy, and I enjoyed it, and my second baby, a lot more than the first time around.
Huge hugs      
I hope that things start looking up for you soon!
Chloe (4 years) and Oliver (3 years).
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Posted: 19 August 2009 at 3:53pm |
Hi butterfly mum , got my syptoms down to a fine art now. Which is good for checking how i am. Nice to know im not the only one out there.
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Posted: 19 August 2009 at 8:06pm |
Larrl I think it comes with years of living with ourselves doctor's councellor's etc have alway's said how good it is I am so self aware I am not so sure sometime lol.
Chickielou hey thinking of you hope all is ok? and more big
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Posted: 20 August 2009 at 9:15pm |
Hey, yeah i seem to going along nicely. Think it could be the combination of having such lovely people on here to feel like i can talk to, as well as not feeling alone and giving myself a bit of a break for not always being able to cope........i think alot of mine comes down to a disappointment in myself when im not coping.......since ive had such a huge life of constant disappointments and rejection, i have always been told i am surprisingly strong considering my up bringing and when it all gets on top of me, I add to it by beating myself up for not coping and staying strong.........and of course i beat myself up over the things i have no control over and cant change........i think those AA 12 steps should be used by everyone.....
But thanks everyone for your help and support and I will surely put alot of those things into play.......i am going to try and be aware of my triggers and also how i start thing i do know is i become very negative when im about to head downwards......but im not sure how to stop myself from acting like that......basically pushing people away before they have a chance to let me down.......
I am reading a few books at the moment and hoping they help me out also........but if anyone can recommend any good books I am open to read any self help ones............Harville Hendrix has some good ones that help understand why we chose the people in our lives and how to understand more about how to get the best out of your marriages etc.......its very interesting...
Life can be sooo tiring though!!!! physically and emotionally
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Posted: 26 August 2009 at 4:28pm |
Im glad you are feeling better. Did anyone watch sunday this week on one? It described deppression as the black dog. Realy interesting about some journalists own personal struggles with depression.