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Forum Locked"Good" c-section stories??

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minik8e View Drop Down
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    Posted: 12 September 2009 at 10:37pm
I'm just wondering, does anyone else have any "good" c-section stories???

I had an emergency c-s after 5.5 hours of labour (while knowing the entire time it had to be a c-s because Jade was breech). The catheter wasn't too comfortable being put in, but I was having a contraction at the time. I never had any probs with the epidural being put in or anything (except it's a right cow trying to stay still especially when having contractions every 40 seconds). And I was off all pain relief, going to the toilet normally etc within a week. I haven't had any problems with my wound at all. Am I just an odd case? Because I would be quite happy to have another c-s next time after my recovery...and this seems like it's weird??
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Freesia View Drop Down
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I had a really good one too.

- The epidural never hurt, I could just feel pushing on my back but no pain.
- I never felt the catheter being put in.
- I was up and about the next day and had to walk Livvy to sleep all day and night for the 5 days we were in hospital (the nurses weren't much help) so moving around wasn't a problem.
- Like you I was off all pain medication within a week easily.
- And even though I'm very overweight and they thought for sure I'd get an infection in my wound, I never did.
- I don't have any numbness around my scar like I've heard others have.
- My scar has healed really well and is just a thin dark line now.

Having said all that, I'm still dying to have another shot at a vaginal birth though. But if it comes down to another c-sect I'm not that worried about it.
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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Mine was pretty good, I nearly had an emergency one when my waters broke at 35 weeks but in the end I had an elective at 38 weeks (he was breech and being a pest)

The IV hurt because they had to have a few attempts, but that's cos i have wafty veins.
The spinal didn't hurt, she took ages doing it cos apparently I have strong ligaments but I didn't realise she was taking any longer than normal.
Didn't feel the catheter go in and taking it out again was not too bad.
Recovered well from surgery, worse part was that one of the drugs made me spew. I hardly used the morphine pump thing and I stopped taking the voltaren and the codeine cos I didn't want to spew again.
I have no numbness and you can barely see my scar, my mw with Kyle couldn't believe how good my scar is and wanted to know which OB did my surgery.
No infections or anything like that and I don't seem to have any ill effects from it, i.e no spinal shocks or problems with bladder or guts.
I felt good really quickly and was out walking again around 2 weeks and driving again at 3 (but still didn't over do it just in case).

However I did have a VBAC with Kyle and recovery wise that was better, despite having a 2nd degree internal tear and an episiotomy. So still a lot of pain afterwards but was up and about sooner and able to drive straight away and made things easier with Spencer than they would have been if I'd had another c/s.

I wouldn't choose to have a surgery if it's not needed but I also can't complain about my c/s experience and there is nothing about it I would change.

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Bizzy View Drop Down
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i didnt have any problems after mine either.. wound healed well, i got good support in hospital and at home, didnt take too long to get back to normal etc...

BUT i would never want another one again. i hated the feeling of being out of control when they put in the epi and had never wanted to have one... having had both i would way prefer a vaginal. even tho i healed quickly i was still out of action way longer than with a vaginal.

in saying that tho if i had never experienced a vaginal then i would prob not be so against another c section.

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Shezamumof3 View Drop Down
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This time round was A LOT better than my emergency one with Caden.
With Caden I took ages to heal and I was sick cos I had a major blood loss and problems with my bowels. I had the epi while I was in labour, so just needed a top up in theater and the cathater was put in when the epi had taken effect so didnt feel it, thank god.

With Isabella, I walked into theater, had a spinal, which worked WAY quicker than an epi, then they put the cathater in when i was numb. The only thing about this one was that Bella was in a hard to reach spot and needed to be helped out with forceps, and the surgons had to push REALLY hard on my tummy to get her out and they majorly winded me, that was scary as.
But, I have recovered well, Im almost feeling normal now, except for some lingering wind pain problems, but they are getting better. Wound is a little bit tender but I can walk and stuff no problems now.

I am with Bizzy though, i never ever want another C Section, the recovery sucks even if you do recover quick. If I get pregnant again then on my notes it says it would have to be another C Section, so I think 2 kids is it for us!

Edited by Sheza

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peanut butter View Drop Down
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Mine was good too. It was the last thing I wanted and I was incredibly scared. My epi had worn off while in labour (conveniently before transition...yay) but the anesthatist got the spinal in no problem.

James was big so there was a lot of rifling around in there which led to a lot of internal bruising around the edges....which worried me more than hurt me. I didnt know why it felt so hard and swollen at either side.

My wound healed brilliantly. nothing oozed. I had a dressing on it for 6 weeks. It came off twice. Once on day 3 and the next time at 4weeks. Apart from hair growing back under the dressing I had no problems.

I didnt have a morphine drip or anything. I think they did morphine suppositories...nice! Otherwise it was pandol, voltaren and in the first few days something particularly strong that the MWs liked and the OB didnt so I stopped asking for that. I stopped the voltaren in my second week and kept the panadol up until about the thrid week.

nearly 8 months on, I am getting twinges along the scar when I am particularly tired or have overdone it. Its still a lttle numb in places and is fading fast.

My first birth was vaginal with ventouse. I ended up with a vaginal wall tear and stitches, and then very weak pelvic floor/prolapse. I felt like I was falling out for about 8 weeks. It was that long before I could go walking again. With the c-section I was walking in the second week. Driving in the third.

If I had to have a CS again I would...but I would prefer a vaginal birth. Thats if I ever do this again...still very much up for debate
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ElfsMum View Drop Down
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i wouldn't say mine was 'bad' just that he nearly died so the experience sucked:( though it was very painful I had a lot of after pains and took ages to recover physically ..i have nothing to compare it too.. i would rather another c-section it's other people who advise me not to...(and the thought of looking after Ethan after one)

i had to have catheter an extra day but had no issues with epi(loveddddddddd it!:) ) and no problems with wound till this time.. though i have had stomach issues i say are c-section related and doc says no..
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ShellyBR View Drop Down
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I had a crash emergency C-section with ds. Up until I was brought to the operating room everything was a nightmare, I had an epi and got to 10cm ok then it turned out he couldn't get out of my pelvis and the epi had fallen out. By the time the got the ob in as there was a delay because of the shift changeover I was in complete agony so the they literaly ran down the corridor with me. The head anisteologist had to put the spinal block in as the underling couldnt get it in. but once that was even everything was great. They whipped him out really quickly, he latched on straight away in recovery. I tired the morphine pump once out of curiousity and puked didn't have any pain as such just if I left it too long or over did it a bit of a pulling pain. As soon as they took out the tubes I had a shower on my own (no body told me I should wait encase I fainted) and was walking around the hospital like a caged animal. He was born Thursday morning and I was home saturday lunchtime. We even went to PP that afternoon. We went to eastbourne when he was less then a week old and Masterton when he was 7. He even went to Wellington Zoo at 11days. By the second week I felt completely normal no pain or anything on the wound. I was driving on the 3 week but would proberly have been driving before then only my mum and dad were here and wouldn't let me.

No2 in due in April and I have been to see my mw who delievered my ds and she is in total agreement for me to have an elective. I think she was relieved that thats what I wanted we were lucky that myself and my baby were ok the last time.

So yeah beside a horrible labour I had a great Csection.

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Bobbie View Drop Down
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Mine was great! It was very relaxed as it was an elective for breech and IUGR so no rushing.

Didn't feel the catheter or spinal block. The only discomfort was the lure for the IV in prep.

Anaesthesiologist, MW and OB were all lovely and I got to chat with them throughout.

I was off the morphine drip and catheter and having a shower by the next morning.

I was walking around fairly happily after 2 days

I was off pretty much all pain meds except Panadol after 3 weeks and I was only still taking that because my MW told me I had to.

My scar has healed nicely and you can barely see it.

Only horrid bit was the (TMI) first poo but I understand it's not really a picnic for the V-birth mummies either.

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mamanee View Drop Down
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Mine was great!    Sam was a kneeling breech and I was told two weeks before he arrived that I would need an elective c-section.   

My pain was all controlled with Tramadol, Panadol and Voltaren and I was up the next day having a shower and walking about.

Everything healed really well, no infections or anything and I was pain free three-four weeks after surgery.

I had a horrid first poo too though!
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minik8e View Drop Down
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What's the first poo thing?? I didn't have any problems there, although it did take a couple of days and some KiwiCrush LOL I had trouble with them putting in the IV, but that was because I was so swollen with fluid that they had to go by feel because they couldn't see any of my veins.

Sheena - it was your experience with Caden that scared the bejeesus out of me and I was completely freaked about needing an elective.

With not having control....I didn't feel I had any control before the epidural etc. because I was being monitored so closely and having scans and internals and I wasn't allowed water or anything because we knew it was a c-section - but the ob wouldn't let them send me to theatre, he wanted to stop the labour instead (I was 33w4d, so he wanted to stop the labour for 24 hours to get 2 doses of steroids in for the girls lungs) I personally felt I had more control with the c-section than beforehand.
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Shezamumof3 View Drop Down
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Awww. I was just one of the un lucky ones when I had Caden, nothing went right really..apart from my beautiful baby boy of course!
It was very scary, but I got through it, and this C Section was so much better. At just over 2 weeks post op, I am feeling almost normal and have just been given the all clear by my midwife to drive again Yussss! Freedom lol

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lisa85 View Drop Down
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Loooved mine and would happily do it again

* Had all female docs and nurses in theater that went to great efforts to keep the vibe happy, excited & comforting.

* Never felt a thing & the whole procedure took 45mins

* Was up walking, showering, picking up two babies the next day.

* Didn't ever feel the need to use the morphine, so I didn't. Only used panadol, codeine & voltaren.

* I was home after 5 days but was totally ready after 3 only stayed the extra 2 because I had problems feeding.

* No problems with the wound at all. In fact the scar is tiny & barely noticeable 16 months later.

I always say I'm 100% on board to do a c/section again. But I would be curious to try natural just to see what all the fuss is about. It would be nice to see both sides of the coin.

TTC #3 since Jan 2010 - PCOS
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ElfsMum View Drop Down
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lisa you think having all female was better?

the first poo for most people isnt great kate..

for me took 5 days and they nearly didnt send me home until i had.. it was ok though just took a long time..mine was cause of all the drugs i guess?

lisa- I guess i see that too...the curiousity but then i remember how awful those labour pains were and that cures me but if one more person tells me 'I should because it's the way nature intended !!:)
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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I would rather poo after a c/s than with a truck load of stitches in my vjj. I have done both and believe me the later was far worse, makes me cry just thinking about it.

Lisa, me wanting a VBAC was partly a curiosity thing, but mostly was due to my first only being for breech presentation so no real reason to think I couldn't give birth naturally or would have problems doing so IYGWIM. I think had I have had an emergency one for some reason then my out look on trying to go for a vaginal would have been very different. Although my midwife said those who have had an emergency normally do better with VBACs as the body has already done some of the labouring before so it doesn't take as long and those women know what labour is like so don't freak out as much. (ok that wasn't her exact words, more my interpretation)

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Joscia View Drop Down
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Mine was a good one too. Though the labour sucked!! I would have had a VB, but after 40 hours of it I was WAY too knackered to push - even though I was fully dilated.

But I didn't have any problems with the epidural, catheter, IV line or anything. The most painful part was the local anesthetic before the epidural!

The wound was very clean - each time the dressing was changed there was nothing on it - and healed really quickly. I had no dressing at all after a couple of weeks.

I was up and showering the next day, and taking nothing but panadol after 2 days. I was out walking a week after coming out of hospital and often had to be reminded that I'd just had major surgery and should really be taking it easy!

The worst part for me was the first poo as well - 5 days later

I would have no qualms about having a c/s again. Having experienced labour (for that long!) I don't feel like I need to do it again in a hurry! Having said that, the hospital MWs told me that because I got to be fully dilated, I should be able to have an 'quick, easy VB' next time. (Next time! Ha!)
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ElfsMum View Drop Down
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omg now i know what labour is like i would freak out !
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mummyofprinces View Drop Down
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My section was fine, healed quickly (did get a minor infection but my mw was on to it so got AB pretty quick). I was in labour when I had epi and it was in before they put in the catheter.

Was up and walking the next day, albeit sore. Actually it was more of a hobble and I waddled for the first 6 weeks... but that was more in my head than any real pain.

I would happily have another section, I dont know what all the fuss is about.

That said, I didnt want a section and I will still try for a VBAC. Even knowing the pain, I kind of feel like I need to prove to myself that I can actually vaginally birth a child.

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Manda08 View Drop Down
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Mine was good also.

After being in labour for 40 odd hours 24 active, 2 hours pushing, pethidine, gas, and an epi... DS was posterior, they tried forceps nothing worked. So in the end it was a c-sec as much as i didnt want one i would probably do it again... Got the cut now might as well use it now! haha. I didnt get up until day 2 as i had lost alot of blood and needed a transfusion, but once i was up i was all go, carrying DS around everything. I was driving within 3 weeks of it. MW kept saying to me i was doing to much, but i felt fine. All the time in hosp they tried to give me medication for the pain, i just kept refusing. I do get the odd pain now when i know i have done to much but i was on the rowing machine yesterday and im fine today so thats a start!

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tishy View Drop Down
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Mine was a positive experience too.
The spinal block going in was the worst part.

Lisa, you may have had female but we had every Irish member of the NICU staff in the theatre with us

We were prepared so well for it and everything they predicted would happen did.

I was never even given the option of morphine.
Was on just panadol/voltaren after 2 days.
Driving after 4 weeks and had my first scuba dive at 5 weeks ( DH did all the heavy carrying however)

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