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Topic: sleeping problems Posted: 04 May 2005 at 12:22pm |
Abby is now 4 months old and she refuses to sleep in her cot. She will only sleep in our bed. I have allowed her to do this as with a 3 and 8 year old I need sleep. However it's not doing much for our love life! any suggestions? Also we kept micheal and Jayden in our rooms until they were one but then had problems getting them into there own rooms, what age did you guys move baby?
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997
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Posted: 04 May 2005 at 1:21pm |
I moved into my own place when Maya was 5 mths old, so she went into her own room then. I don't remember having any problems, although we did have sleep probems later on and I used controlled crying to get through it. Sorry I can't be much help
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 04 May 2005 at 2:34pm |
We had paris in our room till she was about 7 months old, and was sleeping through the night, then we moved her to her own room. we stuck her in a bed at 11 months, before she had learnt to roll around and get out of bed. It worked really nicely.
This one will probably stay in our room till it's sleeping through again, simply for the fact that it will have to share a room with Paris until we move when i graduate, and i don't want it waking Paris up. Should be interesting though.. cos paris never learnt to roll over or stand up in her cot.. hence why we kept her in there so long (it's a portacot.. so i won't trust it once baby can stand up!) if this one learns to do all that stuff, then we'll be kinda screwed really.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 04 May 2005 at 2:38pm |
lol wouldnt that suc janine.We moved Xander into his own room when he was about 3 mnths and sleeping thru.this babe will be in our room for 6 mnths(due to breastfeeding)hopefully.but even if she doesnt stay in that long it wont matter as we have a 3 bedroom house so no one has to share/get woken up.
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)
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Posted: 04 May 2005 at 3:44pm |
abby will have her own room as the boys share. So maybe we will look at 6 months. The bed at 11 months sounds like a good idea Janine. we got so worried about Jayden climbing out of his cot we cut the legs off so he would'nt fall from a great height. I think I'm just going to have to put up with a few sleepless nights as far as our bed is concerned and try a little tough love. So hard when they are so cute though.
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997
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Posted: 04 May 2005 at 11:11pm |
I had a similar problem. jake hated his cot. So first he slept with me. then After I breastfed and he went to bed, I would put him in the cot, which is next to our bed. He'd wake in the night, and I'd feed him again, he'd sleep and I'd put him back in.
eventually he got the idea that he would sleep in his crib and was okay. It took a long time though, and I think that a sudden cahnge while hard at first, would be quicker. We share with jake, no choice really. I would put him in another room now though as we are trying to encourage him to sleep through the night. HAvnmg him crying next to me is too tempting. And with me working, it's too easy to pickhim up, thus undoing any sleep programming.
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Posted: 05 May 2005 at 9:11pm |
I actually think Paris slept sounder once she was in her own room - i mean, just us moving around while we were asleep - you can't tell me that wouldn't be enough to interupt baby's sleep.. i mean THEIR little movements wake us.. so i guess it would work the other way too.
If baby learns to stand in it's cot, then we will have to get a single bed and squeeze it into Paris's room, cos I wouldn't downsize Paris into a single bed, nor make her share her double one.  . we only have until baby is 1 yr old until i graduate.. and either move to Hamilton, or move outta this house into a bigger better one in palmy.  After that i plan to upgrade both kiddies beds into those bunks with double down the obttom and single up the top. so much easier having paris in a double bed..  she fell out a few times when she was sick once (and doped on phenergan after having allergic reaction to her immunisations  ) but other than that she has so much room, and she can take all those teddies that toddlers insist on taking to bed.. without being overly suffocated. lol.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 05 May 2005 at 9:31pm |
how did Paris go at the funeral today???
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)
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Posted: 05 May 2005 at 9:48pm |
She was quiet as a mouse stayed on my knee the whole time. lol.. have just PM'd you.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 05 May 2005 at 11:30pm |
thats fantastic. what a good girl!! Hope you and mike had a nice day......well, as nice as could be expected considering where you were!
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Posted: 06 May 2005 at 6:24am |
We want to get bunks for the boys but jayden is such a daredevil we are worried he will dive off and break something, mind you at 8 so would micheal, but he's legally blind so he won't see what he's landing on. At the moment they share a bed, because they both want to however with micky being 8 and a four and a half year age gap we figure he's going to get sick of it sooner rather than later. I think we need a bigger house but rents so dam dear. Going to try abby in her cot over the weekend so I can catch a few zzz's during the day if she doesn't do very well. I think your right Janine with troy gettting up at 4-30am and me at 6-00am It probably will start waking her.
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997
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Posted: 06 May 2005 at 9:38am |
if u have the room in the boys room have u thought about gettin the bunks that can seperate to 2 single beds just untill u feel they are ready to sleep in the bunks on top of one another???Just a thought  .Good luck with Abby and hope she lets her mum catch a few zzzz's
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)
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Posted: 08 May 2005 at 3:35pm |
my daughter went into her own bedroom at about 4-5months old i didnt want to do it cause i felt mean but i knew i had to. She has slept with alot since she was born but has always gone back into her cot pretty good. yeah she had a cry about it but thats all she needed.
Rachel & Brianna
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Posted: 08 May 2005 at 7:18pm |
I'm reading up on sleeping at the moment. One person suggests the keys is not to think
"I'm making him cry"
but to think
"I'm allowing him to cry"
that and to think when he's five and he wants to ride his bike without a helme tand cries when you make him wear one, will you give in and say "alright then, off you go"?? No of course, because you know what's best for him, same with sleep. He may be crying but you have to stay strong because it's good for him!
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Posted: 08 May 2005 at 8:36pm |
I think as a first time parent - you feel so bad about letting baby cry, cos it cuts through you like a knife, right to where it hurts. but, after baby gets to the pre-terrible-twos and decides they can cry for absolutely no reason whatsoever, on and off like a light switch.. you get a little more immune to it unless it is necessary lol. That and after spending time with my 4mth old nephew, who has a cry like a chainsaw, I can handle Paris, and i'm picking the newbie as well, crying a little. (seriously, everyone remarks how his cry seriously makes you just want to do SOMETHING to make him stop..feed him, cuddle him, anything, it is crazy!)
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 09 May 2005 at 10:09am |
LOL in my house atm the only crying is when I won't let her watch Barney again for the fourth time in a row!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 09 May 2005 at 10:34am |
I must be a big softie, your all right of course. thanks lizzle, I like that I'm not makeing her cry I'm letting her. We were going to try her in her cot on Friday night however her darling 3 year old brother picked her up and dropped her on friday afternoon. She grazed her head on a toy car, so for piece of mind I kept her with us. Convientient aye. She is now at least sleeping in her cot during the day. So I guess I do just need to be harder. If she can do it during the day she can do it at night. I know it sounds dumb but I feel safer with her beside me. She's my third so you'd think you'd worry a bit less.
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997
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Posted: 09 May 2005 at 1:17pm |
Emma, we are the same with Hi-5.. we go for weeks without watching it, then we have a stint where every day when we get home all she wants to do is watch Hi-5. I am actually glad that we got a cd of it.. I can usually negotiate so we put that on instead, which means she dances for a couple of songs, then forgets and goes and finds something to do.. sometimes i swear she has the attention span of a
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 01 June 2005 at 1:18am |
 i found with my daughter i but a radio on underneath her cot right near her head on very low and his was enough to make her feel she is not alone. The ist week will be hard with her waking every hour or so but getting up and reasure her and go back to bed. It wont take long ang shell be sleeping thru.
Its better to but in the hard yards for aweek and be alittle sleeped deprived than have her in you bed for ever.some times tough love works good luck though.
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Posted: 01 June 2005 at 9:39am |
Tanks leigh we have her in her bed during the day and are still working on the night time thing
Abigail 06/01/2005
Jayden 21/11/2001
Micheal 03/04/1997