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Topic: August 2013 Babies Posted: 30 November 2012 at 10:09am |
I thought I'd make this thread, since there was no August 2013 due date forum yet
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 10:11am |
I assume at some point the admin might create one.
But for now, I thought I'd make this one for people due in August 2013.
I'm due 8th August 2013.
So I think I'm about 4 wks.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 10:34am |
I'm in here too. I miscarried twins in September, but fell pregnant again after only one cycle. Now due on the 1st of August. I'm cautiously optimistic that this pregnancy will work out - my HCG levels are higher this time around, and I've had terrible morning sickness, where I only threw up a couple of times in the last pregnancy.
Sticky baby dust all around.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 11:57am |
That's sad about the miscarriage.
But here's hoping this one sticks for you.
I'd been having symptoms for about a week. But didn't want to get too excited about them, just in case.
I was shocked at the positive result yesterday. Even though I used First Response Early Detection pregnancy test. It says you can test from 5 days before AF is due.
So I got a 3 pk, in case it was too early. As yesterday was 2 days before my AF is due. Due tomorrow. But turns out I only needed 1 test.
And 2nd line showed up really fast and quite dark. So I wonder if I'm more pregnant then 4 wks.
What symptoms do you have?
I have had so far, indigestion, shortness of breath, fatigue, lucid dreams(for at least 4 days), sore boobs(for about 3 days), flatulence, sore back, nausea, going to bathroom more, disturbed sleep, bloating and moods.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 12:19pm |
It's amazing how early the symptoms can start, isn't it? I started throwing up at 3 weeks & 4 days, and have had morning sickness most days since. Those first response tests are so sensitive, it's great.
Are you planning to go to your GP and get blood tests done sometime soon?
My symptoms have been much the same as yours - as well as a lot of stretching pains around the level of my right hipbone (some days it's been quite uncomfortable!)
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 12:28pm |
Yeah, I have an appointment with GP for Monday.
As the midwives I will be using don't give you your first appointment til 12 wks.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 12:31pm |
Awesome, good luck :) Can you at least register with the MW, so that they will hold a spot for you? I spoke with one earlier in the week, and she has got me on her books, but isn't planning to meet with me til after my 6 week scan (next Thursday, it's so soon!)
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 12:34pm |
Yeah I assume mine has done the same.
She's my mw from when I had my 2nd child in 2010. So happy I got her again.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 3:08pm |
I moved your topic. Hope you don't mind :)
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 3:46pm |
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 6:52pm |
Thanks Skiltz :) I'm just in the process of making a due date list (a very little one... for now  ). It's nice and simple, because I remember how much hassle everyone (me included) had in the April group trying to cut and paste the big glittery headline.
Fairylight Angel
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:07pm |
Joining you! AF isn't due until Sunday, but POAS's today show a lovely second line even a blind man can see! Haha DH thought me mad saying that to him! I had embryo transfer Friday, 23 Nov, last week. I started feeling my usual implantation pain 5.5 hours later! I thought I had lost it on Wednesday as my pain completely disappeared, and I got a BFN. I was helping sort heavy boxes of donations for a charity and as I was convinced I'd lost Popsicle, I was lifting these heavy boxes! Oops! Feel like a bad mum already for doubting the wee thing when it was just too early! I'm getting dull and strong AF-like pains and twinges both on right and left sides of my uterus, lower back pains. Oh! hunger! Getting hungry around an hour after eating, no matter the meal size. That right hip thing, Jessydukes (hi!!  ) - me too! I thought it was my endo being stretched, I had the hip thing last time too (it feels similar to hitting your funny bone), so that's why I've assumed. Hoping this one is the one for us. Background: TTC over 3 years, 2 MC's this year, both IVF.
Edited by Fairylight Angel - 30 November 2012 at 7:12pm
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:07pm |
Jessydukes. 2 options I can think of to make it easier. Create a sub topic called Due in lists etc. Have a look at May babies and how they've done it. - Also maybe using google docs could work, not sure. If you need any help let me know. Thanks!
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:14pm |
Fairylight! I'm so so pleased to see you here honey x
The hunger, oh man, me too! Just starving if I go a couple of hours without eating anything. Keeping my weight down is going to be so hard... I've hired a nutritionist (first appt tomorrow) to help me make sure I'm getting all the nutrients I need (and not too much of the bad stuff).
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:17pm |
I'm just looking around for some cool graphics for our due date list.
Welcome Fairylight and congrats! Great to have you here.
I know what you mean about the weight.
I was literally 1 kg away from my goal weight. Then bam! UTD!
Edited by escadachic - 30 November 2012 at 7:18pm
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:23pm |
That's cool escadachic - you might just need to teach us how to copy and paste :) I'm not totally computer illiterate, but something about html code just turns my brains to mush. (All the pregnancy hormones don't help, either).
I got my HCG levels back from yesterdays test. 940 - doubling every 55 hours since Monday (when it was 380). As far as I can tell, that's within the normal range. I always read way too much into HCG levels - though last time they were a pretty clear indicator that it was time to give up hope. After the mc I have to have twice weekly blood tests, plus an early scan to see whether there is anything there this time.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:30pm |
I'm trying to find one that's a bit different. As it seems a lot of the blingy, glittery due date list headers are similar.
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:32pm |
Find something tough. Leather and studs or something :)
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 7:45pm |
What do we think of this one?  Oh just read what you wrote. Hmm, I am thinking Hello Kitty is not appropriate LOL!
Edited by escadachic - 30 November 2012 at 7:46pm
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Posted: 30 November 2012 at 8:18pm |
Have found a nice enough one and made a due date list.
Still need your due date Fairylight Angel.
Edited by escadachic - 30 November 2012 at 8:27pm