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Alan Mum
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Topic: Im Getting Married Posted: 17 September 2005 at 10:38am |
I can't believe I am finally going to be mrs Baker we have been planning for a while, but have now confirmed the date and the church so on the 10th December 2005 at 2pm I am really going to be married.
we are doing a very small low budget wedding. So if anyone has any great money saving
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 1:51pm |
Congratulations! I got married in January this year and it was such a great day - tho was also glad when it was all over! If you can do things yourself rather than paying to have them done saves lots of $$ - like invitations. Also, personally I dont think its worth spending heaps on a dress that you wear for a few hours, but depends on you - my mum made mine with material left from my SIL. Another money saver is not to have a full sit down meal, but finger foods instead - that also saves on alcohol too. Hope thats of some help and good luck!
Hannah 22/10/05
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 4:30pm |
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 5:31pm |
Congrats!!!! Hope preparations go well!
I'm so marriage clucky. I can't wait to grow up and have a husband and kids... oh wait... did the kid thing already
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 8:21pm |
Hey congrats! how exciting.
I agree with the idea of doing things yourself. My older sis did all the catering herself and had the reception at her SIL house. all up her wedding cost $2000. I think that's brilliant.
we are teetering between doing the "big expensive" thing, or doing the "married on the beach" with a barbeque afterwards thing.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 9:36pm |
Oh Janine we got married on the beach and it was just the best!! I am so glad we did that rather than be talked into a church wedding. We then also did the big sit down meal thing, but it can be so relaxed (apart from worrying about the weather!)
Hannah 22/10/05
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Posted: 17 September 2005 at 10:06pm |
we gotmarried at the registry office but plan of doing the big wedding when we get back. We plan to have a hangi and the reception will be at Lewis' marae. And the aunties will cater...not much choice on that.
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Posted: 18 September 2005 at 7:50am |
Alan Mum
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Posted: 18 September 2005 at 9:01am |
Thanks guy's I am just so excited we are going to do a church wedding but it will be nice and small then rather then Presents we are going to ask afew special people to comr to tea and have them pay we don't need anything for the house so I'd rather that then present's.  I have my dress Dad bought it as a prresent for me it is real plain but totally me.
Anyway my boy is screaming for attention again so I better go.
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 9:12am |
I had a huge wedding...450 people but must admit that we saved alot by doing things our selves. I made my own matched my dress and the theme (saved approx $900)...I did my own decorations (called a few professionals...and stole their ideas.....he he ha  ).
In America they also ask for money tree in their instead of pressies they get money. Works out quite well really. I didnt ask for it but as well as pressies I got loads of money.....Good luck with your plans.
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 11:52am |
Congrats! We are getting married next year (sometime, probably Oct depending on $$$), and planning to do a lot of it ourselves.
Willie is Maori, so like you Lizzle, no choice on the hangi lol. But that's ok - it's actually a cheap way to feed the whanau (and there are a lot of them).
We're getting married in the Catholic church coz I'm Catholic and it's important to my family, but the reception will be at Willie's family home, which is a farm north of Auckland, so we'll be praying for nice weather too!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 12:09pm |
hangi is soooooo goooood. every year the NZ embassy puts one on for waiatangi day, we go along with any of the all blacks that are in japan now. we met......some guy...i dunno lewis was excited anyway
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 12:30pm |
well never really had real hungi but had lovo (fiji), which I hear is the same thing! Its good!!
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 2:18pm |
Yep, good alright! Willie's dad died when I was 3 mths preg, which was awful, but at the tangi they had hangi, it was like heaven! Must have been the little Maori baby inside me craving it! Even now Maya loves her hangi and boil ip.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 2:23pm |
I am sorry....what is ip? (I know I sound stupid now....)
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 2:25pm |
LMAO!!! I think emma just misspelt up, hehehehe she means boil up!
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Posted: 19 September 2005 at 9:41pm |
pork bones and puha.....ick, i'm not a fan of that.
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Posted: 20 September 2005 at 9:19am |
We did almost everything for our wedding too (hmmm, make that I did almost everything, hehehe, I am a real control freak!)Starting from making our invites, menu cards, place cards, song booklets for church to decorating the venue (at 7am the morning of the wedding as we couldn't get in earlier, aaargh!). We did order food, buffet style ended up cheaper and more food, and had a professional DJ. The thing that got really expensive though was the drinks, in Germany the hosts are expected to pay for everything!! I think we ended up paying almost $5000 for alcohol alone!!!!  On the other hand we did get lots of monetary pressies which ended up paying for almost the whole thing in the end anyway...
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Posted: 20 September 2005 at 9:51am |
LMAO, yes I meant to say Boil Up! hehehe.
But I'm not a great boil up fan either. I do like watercress, but it has to be boiled in a separate pot to the meat, and I soooo don't do puha.
Back to the subject tho, is it still traditional to give little gifts to your guests? We are probably going to have about 100 people, so even at a tiny $5 a head it works out as quite expensive.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
  The Gremlins:Sienna Marie & Mercedes Kailah (14/10/06)
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Posted: 20 September 2005 at 10:32am |
Yah we had a buffet dinner and we paid $10 per head...mind you the catering company owner was a friend of ours. But multiply that with 450 people.....We only had beer and wine at our reception so we rang around heaps to find the best deal, and once you tell them how much you need they usually offer a discount anyway.
I had to buy 80 meters of silk material for the decoration but I got a good deal from one of those bulk material places.....
Had flower arrangements for each of our 50 tables...but if you go to those small flower places they should give you a better price. Or do the centre pieces glass vases ($2-$5 ea from warehouse) and then 1-2 flower in it tied to some thing that it has that floating effect and some color pebbles at the bottom....all up $8-$10 per table....there is so much you could do really.....ok enough of my blah blah
Emma we gave our closest families (100) glass coasters which had two intertwine hearts with our names and on the boarder it had the date of our wedding. Cant remember how much it cost us but I know it was not that expensive. The company provided us the boxes for free...all I did was put gold tissue paper in it, two coasters for each family and then sprinkle of some red heart shaped glitter things and then tied it with those curling ribbon things. People actually use them!!!
Edited by Roksana