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Topic: Bassinet or Cot?? Posted: 28 September 2005 at 7:53pm |
Hi there,
I am due on the 14th of December and am having the baby in Saudi Arabia as my husband and I have just moved here for his work.
I was just wondering if it was worth buying a bassinet for the first few months and then move the baby into a cot once it has outgrown the bassinet.
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Posted: 28 September 2005 at 9:00pm |
Welcome to OhBaby!
Nowdays you can buy cots that have a bassinet level in it - these are around the same price as the ones that are just the cot level.
Basinet's are good if you would like baby in your room and can't be bothered taking the cot down and back up after a few months.
All personal preference
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Posted: 28 September 2005 at 9:05pm |
Ditto as to what lenabeanz said. We had a bassinet but IMO it was a waste of money as both our girls were in their cot by about 4 weeks and slept much better in a cot.
Jayde 25/12/04
Alyssa 08/04/03
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Posted: 28 September 2005 at 10:27pm |
my son hated his bassinet, but LOVED the cot. he's a roller so liked to have extra space to roll around and even when he was tiny he liked to kick his arms and legs about. the bassinet was too small and he would hit his arms and legs on the side and wake himself up.
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Posted: 29 September 2005 at 8:11am |
ditto to what Lizzie said, my Joey is definitely one to wave arms and legs about. He is 6 weeks old and has been sleeping in his cot for about a week now.
Bassinet on the other hand was nice at first because he was in the room with us and obviously if he hadn't grown so fast he would still be in it!
As lenabeanz said, personal preference really!
PS Welcome to Oh Baby!
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Posted: 29 September 2005 at 9:00am |
Hi and Welcome to Ohbaby....
I am expecting my first in less than 5 weeks and was also thinking about the Besinette/cot thing.....but decided that if my baby grows really fast then the maximum time she will spend in the besinette is 5 weeks?!! Since we have a great cot we are just going to put the baby straight into it.....
Its really upto you! Good luck! .....and the decision making starts here.....and the worries....dont you just love being a first time mum??
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Posted: 29 September 2005 at 1:06pm |
My baby was in the basinette for 3 months, and I only took her out because I wanted her to get used to a cot because we were going away.
I found it brilliant for the unsettled nights / days early on because you can move them around more, and when really desperate I would put the bassinette on the bouncinette & rock her to sleep. Also she had jaundice so I had to put her in the sunlight to sleep. Also it was easier to prop up one end for reflux / spilling.
She was normal height & weight (always right on the 50% mark), and I never had problems with her banging her arms because mostly I would wrap her.
Don't think I would buy one new though as they're quite expensive for the time you use it. Mine was hand-me-down. 2nd hand would be the go.
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Posted: 29 September 2005 at 9:22pm |
We never had one, Maya went straight into the cot, but we did wrap her so even in a basinette she wouldn't have been able to hit the sides. She did spend a week and a half in a hospital basinette when she was 3 weeks old and hated it, she screamed so much they eventually brought in a hammock for her to sleep in.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 8:01am |
We tried the wrapping technique but he wouldn't have a bar of it!! He likes to suck his hands and would scream the place down if we wrapped them away!!  There are things you can get to put in the cot/over the cot at first so baby doesn't have to sleep in the big bed straight away... or a moses basket is always nice and very portable...
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 10:47am |
i know what you mean Ana, jake was the same, just hated being wrapped. he didn't mind us doing it, just would worm out within two or three minutes, even when the midwfie did it!!
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 12:22pm |
Han has always been wrapped but I generally wrap her so she can get her arms free. But yeah, we had the same problem with the basinette. She would hear a noise and throw her arms out and wake herself. Putting her in the cot meant she didn't wake as easily. She was probably in the basinette for about 8 weeks.
My cot had a level you could put the base on which was quite high, so leaning over was never a problem.
But in all the basinette bagging I am doing... they are just so cute for little babes. I always wish I'd had a moses basket. It would have been great for carting around the house so that I could be in different areas and not have to worry about not hearing Hannah wake.
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 1:49pm |
We have the bassinett that my husband and his siblings used (with a new mattress). Its really beautiful - old type wooden rocking one. Probably wouldnt have bothered buying one otherwise. Am beginning to think this baby isnt going to like a bassinett tho cos its so active (even the doc has a great laugh at how busy it is in there every time I go to see her!). I think it might end up being a wriggler
Hannah 22/10/05
Greer 11/02/08
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 8:29pm |
Thanks for all your replies. I have been offered the use of a bassinet so I think I will try the baby in that first. My mother thinks I should wrap the baby but I have no idea how to do that - Mum is not arriving until two weeks after the babies due date - can someone give me instructions!!!
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Posted: 30 September 2005 at 10:12pm |
If you have antenatal classes over there they show you how to wrap your baby, or at the hospital.
My MIL was down after my daughter was born and she wrapped Arna but then she kept getting upset so we stopped and I never learned!! Maybe someone else will know...
Glad to hear you have got hold of a bassinet, best to borrow as much as you can!!
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Posted: 01 October 2005 at 5:08pm |
Your midwife should show you once bub is born how to wrap him/her.
We had use of a bassinet when Ella was born, she slept in it for about 7 weeks - another baby who liked to sleep with her arms spread out so she was better off in the cot. Very handy though, can wheel it around the house and pull it close to the bed.
Ella - 5.5 years old!
Toby - nearly 3 years old!
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Posted: 01 October 2005 at 8:17pm |
PAris was wrapped for ages, always with her hands just peeking out of the wrap, We tried Ayja a few times and she went nutty... annoying since i had gone and bought a whole heap of cute new wraps for her to use.
if you are going to buy a portacot at all, then get one with a bassinette piece... thats what we use.. and it's great cos it is nicve and roomy but not as open as a cot.
Janine and her 2 cool chicks, Paris & Ayja
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Posted: 01 October 2005 at 10:35pm |
my midwife at the hospital showed me how to wrap Jake...and how to put on cloth nappies. i felt so stupid at the time, but she said she'd taught many a mum.
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Posted: 02 October 2005 at 4:45pm |
My midwife didn't know how to fold cloth nappies! (Except the pinless newborn fold). Lucky my Mum was there to show me.
But she did show me how to wrap her. PLunket have a different way of wrapping but Maya never liked it, she had to be wrapped up really tight and snug.
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 02 October 2005 at 9:10pm |
I don't have a mid-wife over. I have a Dr and then there is a separate birthing team who I haven't met yet. They also do not have antenatal classes but my Dr thinks they have a video which she is trying to find for me. At the moment I see my Dr at the hospital every two weeks, so am not sure what happens after the birth - will have to ask my Dr at my next appointment!
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Posted: 03 October 2005 at 1:56am |
the one who showed me was just the midwife at the hosptial.