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Topic: Due Dec 2014? Posted: 31 March 2014 at 8:04am |
Hi, its very early days but looks like im due 5th Dec 2014. Very happy and hoping for a very sticky baby :D Anyone else due December 2014?
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Posted: 31 March 2014 at 9:00am |
I am :) will be due around the same time as you. Feeling a little anxious as it's still so early and I really want baby to stick but all signs are positive so far. Hopefully a private December forum opens up soon!
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Posted: 31 March 2014 at 9:02am |
Im also due early December :) Still very early but looking good so far!
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 8:09am |
I have emailed admin and requested a private forum :)
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 12:29pm |
Very early days for me 2! Also, "due" 5 December 2014. Is my first child. Nervously, playing the "I hope it sticks" game too. 2nd round of bloods for me today.
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 12:52pm |
I went to the Doctor's yesterday and my EDD is 7th December, so exciting to have others so close! Welcome Tegan  this is my first child as well and also feeling anxious hoping that it stays put. I haven't had any bloods, went to the doctor and she said that if my AF had stopped and I'd got a positive on an HPT that was enough. Are your bloods to check HCG levels? I'm envious, I feel like knowing my levels might help put my mind at ease because at the moment I don't have much to go on!
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 2:30pm |
Thank you! It's a very exciting time but in saying that I'm trying to not get too excited in case I'm disappointed. But so far so good :-) I had a a doctors appointment on Friday just gone for something unrelated and decided to mention the possibility I might be pregnant, I was only a couple of days late on my cycle, which is very unusual, so he suggested getting bloods because of their sensitivity to even the slightest increaseing HCG levels. Apparently the first round of bloods is just a base reading, so I went back today for bloods to see if they have increased and also for HIV screening which is routine for pregnancies apparently. So, yea I'm hoping my HCG levels have or are increasing! Fingers crossed! Understandable, I am naturally a bit of a pessimist so I thought it was best just to get it done. You could suggest it to your doc just to get peace of mind? I'm glad I stumbled across this forum, I'm desperate to tell everyone but know it would be a bit premature to do so, it's not to be able to share with others who are going through the same thing. It's a strange feeling, it feels a bit surreal!
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 2:32pm |
* nice
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 2:42pm |
I am keen to join in here, I'm only 11 dpo but got a clear positive test this morning, bloods on Friday to confirm. This will be our second child, DD is 2 this month. Exciting but still so early for me, all going to plan I'd be due on 11 Dec!
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 2:46pm |
Hi! I'm 4 days late and had a blood test for hCG levels so I hope they are high!! Had a neg preg test this morning but had a weird cycle so I didn't have a 2WW.. So I might hopefully only been like 1 week preg! Here's hoping!!! :)
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 2:50pm |
*blood test was today, so will have results tomorrow
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 6:17pm |
I saw my GP yesterday and she sent me for bloods mainly to check HIV/Hep B status as well as blood grouping. Im a practice nurse and we routinley do bloods when someone comes in with +ve result plus swabs to check for infection. We dont usually do HCG levels if someones had a +ve urine pregnancy test unless theres concern for miscarriage.
Where is everyone else living?
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 8:09pm |
Hi, also due on 5th December in Auckland. Was a bit concerned that i was given a form for blood tests without any explanation as to why i was being tested for HIV. Do pregnant women not get given the usual questions associated with HIV tests such as are you/have you ever been a drug user, taken part in unsafe sexual practices, multiple partners without condoms etc? I am rather unhappy about it tbh. Anyone else think its a bit wierd or are you totally happy to be placed in the same catergory as drug users and prostitutes?
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 8:22pm |
I'm also from Auckland.
I too blanched a bit at the idea of HIV testing, I was basically told that it was routine and a relatively new initiative which was optional to me and I could have opted out if I wished. I know there is no way in hell I could be HIV positive but I just decided to get it done anyway just for the sake of it. Where you offered the option of opting out S141593? I personally do not know much about it really I just did it lol.
Edited by TigBrady - 01 April 2014 at 8:23pm
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 9:05pm |
Ah I had a blood test just before we started TTC to check everything was ok. We conceived so fast that it was only a month ago so that's probably why they didn't bother with another one.
HIV certainly isn't restricted to prostitutes and drug users. It is prevalent in all social classes among all types of people and it is a real misconception that it only affects small subsets of the community. I'm quite impressed that they've taken the initiative to screen for it, hopefully this can help break down some of the stigma attached to it and save lives in the process. I do know how you feel though as I was a little offended when my doctor wanted to test me for chlamydia as I knew there was absolutely no way I had it. I figured it would do no harm though and I'd just be proven right!
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 9:34pm |
Hi everyone! I am due 4th December, although getting a dating scan next week to confirm as period and ovulation dont match up. Its my second, I have a son who is 17 months. So excited, hoping everything goes well.
I live in Ashburton just south of Christchurch.
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 10:13pm |
Hi TigBrady, no i wasnt even asked i was just handed a slip and it wasnt until i got home that i got a shock and did some research. I might not have minded as much if there had been some dialogue with me as to whether i minded or not and i also cant work out how screening pregnant women is going to give an accurate account of HIV amongst other groups who arent drug users, had blood transfusions, engaged in risky sexual practices or have a closet gay husband who pops out at night to visit his 'friends' on K-Road. lol. Surely it would be better to find out the history of the person and insist that your partner also is tested. I am not sure about this in NZ but in parts of Europe if you have had an HIV test, even if you are negative, your life insurance policies sky rocket. It was good that you were asked though, which surgery do you use?
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Posted: 01 April 2014 at 10:42pm |
Hi all, Due with baby #2 here on 1st Dec. Very excited and much anticipated after ttc for over a year. There is a private facebook group if anyone would like to be apart of another place to share our journey it is private/closed for now and will be made secret in a couple of weeks.
Edited by Lena141599 - 01 April 2014 at 10:43pm
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Posted: 02 April 2014 at 7:54am |
I didn't have a problem with the HIV testing as I knew it was routine and a good opportunity for screening, plus if youre having bloods drawn anyway then I figure whats the harm in another tube being taken.
I was given a form for dating scan and told to wait another 1-2weeks. I didn't have a dating scan with #1 so interested in how many weeks you all were when you had dating scans. Im eager to get in asap and see that everything is going well but don't want to be disappointed by going too early... Plus we have high incidence of fraternal twins in our family so keen to rule this out too hehe
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Posted: 02 April 2014 at 11:25am |
Sounds good Lena, I might wait till it's secret then send you a PM to join up? I'm a bit paranoid that someone on my Facebook page will see that I've joined it!