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Topic: VBAC Posted: 19 April 2007 at 2:20pm |
My first labour ended in c-sec. Reason, SROM & failure to dilate (got to 5cms)
Recovered really well after surgery and was doing the usual after a week. BUT.......
I feel "robbed" of the whole birth experience.
Thought we could share experiences and give each other moral support for those who are thinking VBAC or have done it.
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Two Blondinis
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 3:34pm |
Big ![](smileys/smiley31.gif) to you Glow.
I had an emerg CS after "failure to progess second stage" I got to 9.5cms.
I'm not much help to you as I have already decided to have another CS if/when I have another baby, but it will be an elective that time
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Sarah Beth
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 3:37pm |
How come you have decided to have a c section second time round Toni? I will have the option of an elective one but am tempted to try for a vbac (though this is unlikely to happen for me).
I got to 9cm and was there for about 2 hours when my bp went up (148/100) and temp and I went down hill, Jack was fine but in the interest of my health they decided to get him out quick smart.
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 4:56pm |
I had an emergency C/s with my first baby and was offered an elective one with number2. I decided to for a VBAC as my surgery and recovery was horrible after c/s. I felt sliced from here to Africa (and I was literally) as well as my wound opened and took months to heal (scares me just to think about it). I went on to have 2 VBAC births. Just dogged a c/s with #3 thou, he turned his head and got stuck (didnt help the cord was around his head twice ![](smileys/smiley11.gif) ![](smileys/smiley6.gif) . Goodluck with what you decide Glow
Busy mum to Miss 15yrs, Miss 10yrs and Master 4yrs
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Posted: 19 April 2007 at 5:16pm |
Hi Glow, I had a c/s with my first baby, reason was the placenta pulled away and I started haemorraging. I was only 4cm ![](smileys/smiley6.gif) I was offered an elective for my second baby but at 22yrs old, I felt I was too young to decide that all my future babies would be born via c/s (after two c/s I would not have been offered the VBAC option again).
Because the placenta pulling away was not likely to recur, I did decide to go with VBAC. The plan almost went to custard when at 37 weeks my baby went footling breech!!! ![](smileys/smiley5.gif) But fortunately she came right and I was able to VBAC her ![](smileys/smiley4.gif) . It felt good, like "yay nothing is wrong with me I can actually push a baby out!" (how deluded we are lol!), the only problem was I was too keen on the epidural after having it with the c/s and I actually found it was a bad decision for VBAC - cause I couldn't feel any urge to push. (Some ppl do enjoy the epidural with VB but I have a short second stage so the epidural doesn't wear off quick enough for me.)
The meds were very cautious with #2, I was semi-prepped for c/s from the time my labour started and needed a lot of extra CTG monitoring. Third time round I finally got it as it should be
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 10:34am |
Years ago when i had my daughter Kelly (aka caitlynsmygirl) there were Ceasarean Support Groups in Auckland, Waikato, Wellington and I think Christchurch.
The Auckland one no longer exists but I dont know if the other ones do.
We used to have coffee mornings and had a library of books which is somewhere in the Auckland area, I am not exactly sure where.
May be there is a need for a group such as this to be set up.
Also Toni, I have got the Ceasarean Support Booklet that we used to have photocopied for you and will post it just havent gotten round to getting an envelope as yet.
It would just need capable people to set up a group in Auckland if it was needed and we had people in our group who had VBAC after ceasarean, I was one who had three ceasareans and we had two people in the group who actually had five ceasareans
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 12:11pm |
I don't know of any c/s support groups as such but so many people are having c/s these days that you're bound to meet up with another c/s mum via a Plunket or ante-natal group.
Hospitals have some rather informative pamphlets, and after having a c/s you will be referred to an Ob in your third trimester to discuss options and recommendations for your next birth.
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 12:49pm |
Thanks for sharing & well wishes everyone
busymum how did you recovery after surgery? What did you prefer, c-sec or natural?
All but 1 mum in my antenatal (9) had c-sec
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 1:24pm |
i've been thinking about how to reply to you glow without upsetting myself all over again
jack was breech so i had a c/s at 39wks which was fine as i was actually scared of the whole labour process anyway. i was a little upset about it but got over it and was certain the next bub would be VBAC as there was no reason why i couldn't.
everything was going really well when i was in labour with charli. because of the first c/s i was also prepped for another when i got to the hospital (drip thing in hand, ctg constantly) i was fully dilated and pushing with no pain relief for almost 2hrs and finding things going alot easier than i had imagined.........then the sh*t hit the fan. charli was posterior, head up/flexed and her heartrate was all over the place. so my m/w called in the hospital drs and they told me it would have to be a c/s. they gave me a spinal asthetic (sp?) and tried forceps but it wasn't to be.
my m/w wasn't going to give up and i was still pushing right up to the last minute possible. she knew how much i wanted a VBAC. to come so close and have everything going so well with labouring only to result in another c/s was devasting to me. to the point where i'm actually in tears now as i type this post. i ended up with a tear to my uterus because charli was so far down and then she didn't want to come back up and out. as a result of the tear i lost 3ltrs of blood!
my chances of having a VBAC are none, i'm not allowed to even try, so we've decided our family is complete. i feel very robbed of the whole birthing process and am still grieving over it and i'm sure i always will.
ladies, if you are able to have a VBAC, well done, i'm so happy for you.
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 1:36pm |
i just read that last sentence back.......i do actually mean that
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 1:57pm |
![](smileys/smiley31.gif) Vanessa, am sure you meant that.
Tears fell from my eyes as i read your story, that would be the worst thing. But big congrats & welldone for trailing
That & so many other things scare me about VBAC.
Mummy of Two Boys B: 2004 K: 2007
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 2:25pm |
i wis i had a reason for my c/s
i got to 10cm his head was there the midwife couls see it i pushed with everything i had times 3 had a vontruce times 2 nothing and had a c/s under genarl they knocked me out as i had had anuff i didnt even hear my sons frist cry lucky my mumwas there to hold him my midwife and student midwife stayed till i woke up and i will nevr get to have vbac its on my file must have a c/s with anyouther baby
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 3:59pm |
I had a C.S after 26 hours of labour. My boy was happy as just didn't want to come out. In then end I was over the whole experience and Tyrell was too big for me to deliver naturally. I am in 2 minds as to VBAC or Elect CS. I would elect for CS if it wasn't for the fact I was bed ridden for 2 weeks after Tyrell was born due to infection. There will (hopefully) be #2 but as to how he/she is born will be a HUGE bridge that we will have to cross when it happens.
I love the stories as much and feel for you all as I sit here with tears in my eyes remembering my experience.
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 5:35pm |
Glow wrote:
busymum how did you recovery after surgery? What did you prefer, c-sec or natural?
All but 1 mum in my antenatal (9) had c-sec![](smileys/smiley3.gif) |
Maybe we need some VB support groups
Glow I preferred the VB recovery all in all, the recovery is very different though. Going into a VBAC labour is very freaky because you have a fuller idea of all the "what ifs" and my word, I'd far prefer an elective c/s than emergency. I very nearly went for elective just so I'd know what would happen! I prefer the VB because I recovered so much quicker, could up and shower and all that stuff same day (by myself that is) and had a choice about how long I stayed at the hospital afterwards. Sex afterwards isn't so pleasant though, but that's probably only because I had stitches (x2 births). I was ready for it twice as fast after a c/s than episiotomy lol.
A big plus for VBACs is that the meds are always very cautious about inductions etc. Even when my waters started leaking for Krystiana, they still gave me a good 48 hours to go into labour where usually they would only allow 24. And it went fine, no probs, no infections (even though I had strep B).
It's a big decision! Go with your gut
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 9:17pm |
Further to my earlier post I feel that there is a need for Ceasarean support groups I will do my utmost to find out if Waikato and Wellington still exist. We used to have people in our group in Auckland who wanted vbacs and we all supported each other in what we wanted whether it be vbac or ceasarean
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 10:13pm |
I had a c-section after failure to progress and in some ways i'm a little disappointed but we did say our only rule was "healthy baby healthy mum - what ever it takes."
I know my GP/LMC wants me to have an elective next time though I do have reoccuring dreams of having a VBAC which do make think it would be good to go for one. I think in the end I'll discuss it with Monique and go with her suggestion. I was close to rupturing last time apparently and that worries me more than another c-section to be honest.
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Posted: 20 April 2007 at 10:17pm |
Paws - step away from the Paws-damaging talk and step back towards the advice from Monique. *shakes head* what would Monique say if she heard you talking baby-having talk again so soon? Step away from the VBAC talk and back to the WAIT 12 MONTHS talk (for your reading pleasure I will now stop channelling the advice of our Dr)
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Two Blondinis
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Posted: 22 April 2007 at 11:37am |
My CS story (very long (16 hours approx) cut short)
Got to 9.5cms at home, thought all was going well, got in birthing pool (had only gas to help pain) and then contractions all stopped after a couple of hours, then Caitlin got stressed and passed thick meconium, got back onto bed, had epi as needed to kick start the contractions (with syntonin?), I went through 3 bags of saline for energy (nada worked), then her BP and mine went all over the place, eventually the Obst came back and agreed with my MW that I needed help (bubs was stuck and posterior), Obs tried vontuese (sp?) twice which failed (obviously), then had CS. Declared failure to progress advanced 2nd stage.
My reason for wanting another CS is that I would not want to put another baby or myself through that again. I was lucky that I had a good recovery and lots of support.
I did go through a bad patch where I was questioning the MW & Obs decision to do the CS as I had done all of the hard bit (got to 9.5cm at home) so was blaming myself for not being able to go the last 0.5cm. I met again with my MW and also requested my labour notes as I needed to know what went wrong, what could I have done differently etc, was assured by MW that there was nothing anyone could have done to prevent the CS.
I'm a strong beliver in what is meant to be will be. This is totally MY personal view and has helped my deal with what happend, I know a lot of people will disagree but I feel that the labour and birth is the shortest part in the whole event of motherhood and the baby's life and I don't think it is that important how baby gets here as long as everybody is safe.
I think the CS support group is a good idea, but due to there being so many different reasons and view points on Elective CS Vs VBAC I don't think it would help me, I can only see it dragging up more bad feeling etc again.
But I hope it does go ahead as it would be a fantastic place to talk to other people that have been through the same. I would have definitely used the group though when I was going through my bad patch.
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Posted: 22 April 2007 at 12:11pm |
I hope no one takes this the wrong way as I did not have a c/s but vb. All I wanted to say was that we all have goregous bubs and any way of them making it into the world safe and sound is sooo worth it. I don't mind what happens next time as long as my bub is well
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Sarah Beth
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Posted: 22 April 2007 at 1:18pm |
thanks for sharing Toni, and sounds like what you went through is similar to how I have been feeling, and why I want a vbac.
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