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Topic: birthday food Posted: 10 October 2005 at 8:11pm |
jake's birthday is coming up. we are having an afternoon tea party, which sounds a lot more civilised than i expect it to be. there will be about 20-25 people, 5 of them kids..probably older than Jake. Anyway, have organised entertainment - a DVD, some crayons, paper, bubble mix stuff, balloons. But now getting a bit stuck on food. Got the cake organised but not sure about party food for a one year old. i don't want to have too much junk food as I don't want Jake on some sugar rush, let alone 6 kids going crazy. I am going to do some veges and dip....and that was as far as I got...any ideas?
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Posted: 10 October 2005 at 10:07pm |
If there's anything i have learnt, it's that for the most part, the kids don't actually eat that much - it's the adults that get restless. we had biscuits and stuff, wafer ones so that they didn't make too much mess, we got rice crackers - always a fav with the little ones and nice for adults to dip, also, saveloys n sauce, and get some pizza and cut them into smallish pieces.. everything in small portions - it goes further and kids are less likely to waste it. also things like pikelets, and little cupcakes. If you give them stuff that has a bit of substance to it they get nice and full but it's a good full, not a "i've-had-so-much-sugar-I'm-gona-go-throw-up-on-your-couch" kinda full, lolol hope that was some help.
Edited by mum2paris
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Posted: 10 October 2005 at 10:36pm |
i had an afternoon tea for gabriels first birthday and didnt do much food for the kids, i iced some plain bikkies - had some sausage rolls and fairy bread, some chips. and had a nice cake and slice for the grown ups. but because it is an afternoon tea they wont be expecting much any way. so dont go overboard.
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Posted: 10 October 2005 at 10:56pm |
We mostly had adults for Ellas main birthday party - had a coffee group get-together a couple of days beforehand. We cranked up the BBQ and hubby took charge of that, we made steak sammies and sausages in bread. There was also sausage rolls with tomato sauce, chips, muffins, and of course cake! That was heaps.
Ella - 5.5 years old!
Toby - nearly 3 years old!
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 12:50am |
dammit, now I feel like sausage rolls. I don't quite feel like going to the supermarket and getting the ingrediants. (can't get sausage rolls over here). might try the pizza things though....we can get that. maybe some hot chips baked in the oven. jake is a fan of chips
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 4:30pm |
oooo good ideas. i'm getting scared about the whole party thing now!!!! eeek what if i can't entertain everyone for a couple of hours?? and not everyone knows each other... and they are from such different backgrounds!!!
you oh baby girls will pretend you are having fun even if you aren't right?!?!
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Posted: 11 October 2005 at 5:24pm |
If you have people coming that don't know each other, either do the "name tag" thing or turn it into a big game and you have to learn as many names as you can (for parents and kids alike)
I forgot to introduce people and Arna's bday party - this lead to people sitting there talking to the people they knew and not others - and silly me didnt realise till after!! Oops
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Posted: 12 October 2005 at 2:26am |
actually thats a good idea, as a lot of people coming to jake's don't know each other. Hey Nikki, i bought jake some bubble mix today and he went crazy. He loved it and cracked up laughing. He also liked drawing and carted his book and crayon around all day. only thing originally i gave him a pack of crayons and he threw them around the room, when i only gave him one, he drew with drew i mean stabbed at the piece of paper. And he got given a helium filed balloon at the bank the other dy. that too was popular, so i figure that will keep them all entertained. we are having a bob the builder theme, jake doesn't really like anything in particular apart from Sean Paul ( no idea!!) and as we aren't having a dancehall themed birthday, bob the builder it is....i have invites
Can we party? Yes we can!!! In case you can't tell, i'mn quite excited...only three more months til i can plan his xmas party!!!
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Posted: 12 October 2005 at 1:01pm |
Hmmm, I go sooo overboard with birthdays (the luxury of having 2 incomes and 1 child I suppose  ). Her first we hirde out her daycare centre. Foodwise I just did what everyone else has mentioned, I also ordered a big bacon and egg pie from the local bakery which was great for the adults, a tray of those 'Jolly' drinks from the Warehouse, and some mini donuts from Pak N Save. Because of Maya's allergies I had a few other bits and pieces: home made muffins, rice crackers, gingernuts and chicken shapes. Also did a fruit platter which went down surprisingly well. The bonus of having a summer baby means blueberries, melon, grapes, strawberries...
Her second we had at home (she also had a cake at daycare, and went to McD's with some Playcentre friends). We had a mini afternoon tea with party food for the kids at about 4, then a bit later Willie cooked a BBQ so we had sausages, steak, chicken and salads etc. Was good because the decent feed kept the kids (and adults) happy and balanced out the sugar levels of all the lollies!
 Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Posted: 12 October 2005 at 11:55pm |
Hrmmm... Han likes drawing too but tends to forget about making pictures and eats whatever materials she is using. Ate a piece of green chalk the other day which wasn't so bad in itself except that she had green dribble for the rest of the day which I'm pretty sure got me a few weird looks.
Have to do balloons... lots of games to be played with them. Although once again, Han just tries to bite them.
Will do the bubble mix thing too. No prizes for guessing that Han will probably try to eat that too. Ah well. At least she'll have clean insides.
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Posted: 13 October 2005 at 11:40am |
one thing nikki, i watched an episode of ER where this kid bit a balloon and it burst and a bit went down his throat and his was choking. The George Clooney saved him, howevre, watch the balloons just in case. I'm still going to have balloons for Jake I'll just be careful
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Posted: 13 October 2005 at 12:38pm |
All this Birthday party talk makes me wanna have one too...and the bub is not even born yet....I think I will start planning from day one....he he ha ha
One of my friends hired a jumping castle thing and a clown...and some out door play a sea saw(SP??)....swing, slide thing.....they had finger foods and BBQ. It was very nice...I will have to do some thing along those lines but may be do a bit more...he he ha ha only the best for my little girl!!....Oh my I am a nutter!!
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Posted: 13 October 2005 at 4:07pm |
Maybe I could just get George Clooney to come to the bday party  just in case
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Posted: 13 October 2005 at 11:20pm |
you may wanna ask now....the baby birthday season is coming up. he may be busy!