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Topic: Mums to premmies Posted: 14 November 2005 at 7:03pm |
Hi there,
Just wondering if there is any other premmie mums out there, we had a normal no hassle pregnancy with our first child and then we had a wee girl at 30.2 weeks gest on the 16th July. She was fine with no health probs and is growing nicely. How are you doing and what hurdles have you had to overcome
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Posted: 14 November 2005 at 10:03pm |
hi there I'm Marlene and have 2yr twin boys. They were born at 31 weeks gest. The boys have done well although they did take longer to do things like smile and roll over etc but once you worked out their corrected age it all worked out on pa with most full term bubs. Have had a few other wee probs - the boys were prone to bronchitis for their first year but i think they have outgrown it (like the doc said they would). did u manage to get the steroid injection b4 you had Makayla? They managed to get one into me thankfully. Where did you have your wee girl? Look at me questions questions questions lol.
Also Keegan ended up with a badly shaped head and had to have a special pillow for sleeping and a desk/chair set from the childrens nuro-developmental dept. Its still not quite right but 100% better than it was. Not sure if due to being prem or not but i guess its partly due to it. And Jaidyn has a squint so is on eye patches for a few years. The follow up care is pretty good with prems. The boys see a child developmental specialist now once a year until they are 5 but if any probs they will visit more often (when keegs had head prob it was once a mth) Well thats all i can think of at the mo (like its not enough lol)
Keegan ~ 14 October 2003
Jaidyn ~ 14 October 2003
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Posted: 14 November 2005 at 11:23pm |
LOL Nic,Marlene is another one of my converts lol  .
Angel Baby 10/07/09 (10wks4days)
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Posted: 15 November 2005 at 10:42am |
Ha Ha funny, Hey Marlene, we had our precious wee girl in Palmy. I had probs at 24 weeks and 28 weeks so got two lots of injections which is prob why she had no health issues. I agree with the corrected age as Makayla is doing exactly what a 7 week old baby should be doing it was hard not getting the smiles and goos etc when you have already done it before with a normal full term bub, we have been discharged from Peds till age one as she is doing so well, Is getting a flat head but think that is just from being on her back so much for so long, so have started tummy time and ocassionally sleep her on her side for day sleeps. It makes for very interesting times with a two year old as well but he loves her to bits so that is good, prob change once she becomes mobile lol. So Bex converted you to this sight as well aye!!
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Posted: 12 December 2005 at 9:32am |
Hi there, I had my son Keegan at 35 weeks, he was born 5lb and is growing really well (15lb a few weeks ago at 5 month check) we were in NICU for 10 days while he learnt to breastfeed and he has done really well since. No health problems either. Great to hear all bubs are doing well :)