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NeoshasMummy View Drop Down
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    Posted: 28 March 2008 at 1:24pm
So if you have an elective c-section how does it get done? Like do u get the epi just like the emergency c section? Or do they put u out?

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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Kellz View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Kellz Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 March 2008 at 1:29pm
Yep u dont have a general anethestic unless there is a medical reason why it would be better for u and baby. There are less risks asociated with having an epi than general, you need less monitoring etc too.
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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I had an elective and they gave me a spinal which is much the same as an epi (just in a diff bit of the back I think) but stronger. Then as far as I know the whole thing just happens the same. I got prepped for and emergency one three times and the prep was the same as for the elective.

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NeoshasMummy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NeoshasMummy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 March 2008 at 2:12pm
Kinda scary, I didnt care about getting the epi the first time because I was in so much pain, but I dunno about getting it without being in labour gee that must be sore!!
cuppatea my mum had a spinal and a epi, first the epi because I was stuck and posterior and she wasnt progressing (same problem as I had) then the spinal the 2nd time becuase they realised her pelvis was too small. She said the spinal was much the same as well but hurt more I was so scared in the OR I thought it wasnt going to work and I would feel it, I mean feel the cuts. I was just wondering what the procedure was. I found the epi to be good anyway

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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I had the shakes when they were doing the spinal but I think it was just cos of all my nerves about the surgery, I had never had any type of op before let alone being awake for one. I had some scabbing on my back afterwards because the anaesthatist (sp?) had trouble getting it in, apparently I have very strong ligaments, but apart from that it was fine and I couldn't feel her struggling with it as the local had numbed the whole area and having the local didn't hurt anymore that any normal injection, I actually found that having the IV put in hurt more. I had a bloody IV put in 4 times cos of being prepped and then told no go back to the maternity ward

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NeoshasMummy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NeoshasMummy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 March 2008 at 2:28pm
OMG why did they do that?? seems so stupid! Within an hour of being told I may have to have a csection it was being done. I had the shakes for ages afterwards it was freaking me out lol, standing up for the first time was so hard, I lost my breath.
Wonder if I should try VBAC instead for the next time i get pregnant.
The problem I have is this my mum presented with the same problems as I did with both pregnancies so im wondering if its a waste of energy to even try because I couldnt possibly go through another emergency c/s it was horrible.

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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cuppatea View Drop Down
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2nd time around though they know your history and will not allow things to progress as far as they did the first time. I had a c/s cos of him being breach and I am still at higher risk of having a c/s 2nd time just because of the 1st one.
The reason they kept prepping me and then not doing it was because my waters broke and I went into labour at 35 weeks, found out he was breech and was prepped for a c/s as they were prepping me my contractions stopped so they decided to admit me, two days later the contractions started again so they wheeled me back to the delivery ward and prepped me again, again after about 8 hours it stopped so they sent me back to the maternity ward. Finally after a week of nothing happening they let me go home, then when I came in for bloods and ctg what do you know it all started again, yet again I got prepped and then got admitted cos it all stopped. I then went home and got re-admitted another 2 times (but not prepped) before they finally took him out of me at 38 weeks.

Know i really hope i don't go through that again, cos it was a pain in the butt, but also it would be awful now that I have Spencer if he had to be shoved from pillar to post for 3 weeks while i am in and out of hospital.

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Maya View Drop Down
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I had an epi put in prior to induction with the gremlins and it was THE weirdest thing, I didn't care with Maya coz as you said the pain was a distraction, but having the whole process carried out so clinically was really weird. I don't think I'd like to do it again
Maya Grace (28/02/03)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NeoshasMummy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 28 March 2008 at 7:40pm
eek yeah what a experience!

I guess I have alot of time to think about it anyway

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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lottieandharry View Drop Down
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I had an elective nearly 12 weeks ago after an emergency caesar first time round.

It was totally the right choice for me and it was a great experince(if that's the right word to use for being cut open ).

Not sure how much you want to know so I will be brief

Got to hospital and taken to my room for the time I was there, the midwife who was going to theatre with me came in and did all the prep work ie paper work, ordered hubbys lunch ( yes they feed them and yes you are nil by mouth for 4 or 5 hours before!!)

The anesthetist came in to meet me, got changed, hung about for a bit, think my OB popped in too. Then MW came back and off we walked to the theatre. Had a chat to the anesthetist and her second in charge person, met all the theatre staff had a good old chat to them all.

They prepped me with the IV etc then went in chatted to my OB. They administered the spinal which didn't really hurt much as they numb your back where they put it in. Felt kinda weird as your legs kinda go hot then you just can't feel them!! The spinal actually made me feel pretty nauseous (sp?) so she administered something through my IV which did the trick. They were so busy yakking that they forgot to tell me they had started!! The OB says 'oh by the way we have started'!! Random!

So a couple of minutes later they are saying here comes the baby, lowering the screen and I see my wee man appear! Amazing! Takes longer to sew you up than get bubs out!!

Then you are off to recovery and the fun begins , lol!!

Honestly the whole experience was surreal but SO much better than last time. I am so glad I made the decision as there was very little stress and I actually remember the whole thing unlike last time. Recovery was a whole lot better as well. Hope that helps??! Wasn't so brief in the end was it, sorry

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NeoshasMummy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NeoshasMummy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 March 2008 at 9:13pm
No thats is what I wanted to know.
So the recovery was easier the second time around, like were u able to stand earlier and stuff?

I had stapels but got told some people have stitches? I had alot of issues with the staples being to tight and I was unable to stand straight until they were taken out and then it was smooth sailing from there.

I really hated that yanking motion but yeah I remember the nurse was getting annoyed because I kept asking if they were finished sewing yet because I wanted to hold my baby and the lights were in her eyes, ur lucky u got to see him straight away I didnt she was gone for a while before I saw her SO SCARY!

A few more questions if im not invading ur privacy too much, why did u have the emergency c/s the first time? Did you have the choice for vbac and was it hard to get them to agree on another c/s? Sorry I hate not being prepared and people and seem to want to talk to u about this stuff once u are actually pregnant and half way there good to know the spinal doesnt hurt.

How did u girls get on having c/s with #2 when u have a toddler? Thats going to be a issue for me

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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lottieandharry View Drop Down
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Feel free to ask away I don'[t mind answering!

Had emergency section first time round due to a few things - basically failure to progress ( only got to 4cm, baby was big 9lb7oz, baby was still really high and it just didn't really look like she was going anywhere) My midwife basically made the decision before baby got distressed, my contractions were fairly intense hence not trying the drip to get things going. I ended up losing around 1000ml blood so that made my recovery quite hard going.

I could have gone for vbac if I had of wanted to but my midwife basically said that she thought the same thing would happen again so an elective would be a good option, she would have supported any decision I had made though. I didn't want to go through the recovery I had first time with a toddler this time round.

Recovery just felt better all round, up and moving quicker felt pretty good within the first week. Though I did over do it a bit because I felt so good. Was a bit difficult for first few weeks having a toddler but I have lots of support which was great. Hardest thing with having a toddler was remembering not to pick her up and it was hard trying to get her to understand that too. But overall it wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated.

Also I had dissolvable stitches which were fine.

ANy more questions feel free to ask. This is just my experience though so others may have other stuff to add as well.

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NeoshasMummy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NeoshasMummy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 31 March 2008 at 5:21pm
Oh gosh. I had the same problem, never made it past like 3 cm and that was with breaking the waters and a few hours of the drip NOTHING WORKED. But my midwife kept trying the baby was 8lb 14oz it took another nurse to call the OB who said C SECTION NOW. It was such a horid experience! (the labour part not the baby part )

You sound like u had a good midwife, I think I will want to go with the c/s again and I want to ask about disolvable stitches because the staples were TERRIBLE and they caught on the flannel when I tried to clean yuk yuk yuk. TMI sorry. My midwife said there is absolutely no reason y I cant have a vbac and that I shouldnt consider another c/s because of the risks and also that every pregnancy is different and my history & mothers history shouldnt be taken into account which is a load of turd. ANYWAY how many weeks were u when they did the elective? Did they choose a date or did u? Gee it must have been nice being able to plan that this week u were having the baby and that was that lol

Mrs Te Kani ❤️
Neosha 26/5/2007
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