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Candkids View Drop Down
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    Posted: 13 June 2008 at 1:53pm
dh has finally had enough of my random crying and yelling at him and sitting in tears for hours. and has booked me in to see his doc.

what am i suposto say to her,??? im not good at talking to anyone i know about anything really as im a really private person so not sure really what on earth to say to some lady that i have never even met before!

i cant even explain it to my DH. some days are ok and others the tinyist thing like forgetting to do something sets me off on a downward spiral, i dont really have any friends to go visit and am always putting off the few i do have by making excuses and saying im buisy (when im not) some days like today i just feel really really down for no real and have cried almost all day,. but why??? i dont know, . so if i dont know then how am i suposto explain that to someone else who doesnt know me?

dh keeps saying i have nothing to be down about as i have the cruzyst life, which in a way is true but then makes me feel worse as i just feel really selfish and ungrateful

Edited by catrad

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.Mel View Drop Down
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The doctor will probably just ask you a few questions, and I guess it's up to what you want to tell her.

She may offer you different options, and then I guess it's up to you.

It's ok to feel overwhelmed, but if it keeps happening all the time, then yes you probably do need some help. Maybe not medication, maybe just someone to listen.

Hugs to you Cat!
Mr Mellow (16)
Miss Attitude (8)
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MonicaMouse View Drop Down
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*Hugs* I know talking to a complete stranger about how you are feeling can definately be daunting and a tiny bit overwhelming especially if you don't can't put a finger on it. You've managed to put into words to us some valuable info that in my opinion could be shared with the doctor, (maybe imagine she's one of us)

My very first appointment with a dr about depression he asked what we were there to discuss I said me and then burst into tears and the symptoms just came tumbling out of my mouth. This time around (new doc) he asked why I was there to see him and I told him I wanted a script for some drugs.....(I had seen a woman from MMH first and got PND confirmed)

If you need to rant more, then we're here, but we'll also listen to the good stuff, and the stressy stuff and all the don't know stuff too.

Good luck, let us know how you get on

Blair 15/10/2007
Daniel 30/07/2009
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MummyFreckle View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote MummyFreckle Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 June 2008 at 2:45pm

TBH I think its actually easier to talk to someone that you dont know, that way you are less likely to feel judged by them.

I agree with MM - when I talked to my Dr the first time, it all just came out....I think that the "relief" of getting it off your chest will be good, and will make you feel a lot better.  I guess just try and be honest and tell the Dr everything - even if it sounds muddle and non-sensical!!

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Bobbie View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Bobbie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 15 June 2008 at 11:36am
It's definitely nothing to do with the life you have - it's a chemical imbalance in the brain. I put off going to docs for ages because I had this 'easy' baby and so what right did I have to complain? Also I think it is easy for DH's to not understand fully the drain that a baby has on us. Don't worry too much about that aspect of things at the moment. You feel overwhelmed and that doesn't make you selfish or ungrateful.

You will find that the doc will help you by asking questions to get the answers they need. So they'll listen and help you discuss it.

I agree - it will probably just all come out. I was always stoic around my doc before I went to see her for this and I felt so sick with nerves going in but because that was the reason for the visit I found I could do it.

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Andie View Drop Down
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Cruisy life or not, it does'nt pay to compare yourself to others, because it's not important - what's important is you and how you're doing.  And remember, you have 2 kiddies to raise - that in itself is a great deal of work, and I'm finding it hard to imagine how that could be cruisy (sometimes men just don't 'get' that though, so please try not to take your DH's comments to heart on it - they really do seem to think our jobs are a lot easier than they really are).  I think you put it into words really well in your post, and if you can say that to the doc, you'll be fine at that appointment.  She'll have a few questions for you anyway, so that'll guide your thinking and the answers will come to you, because you're the expert on the subject (of your life).  Good luck hun, and good on you for going - you deserve recognition for taking that step. 

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debsaid View Drop Down

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Hi Cat...My heart goes out to you, I hope all went well at the docs, some days are good and some are crap, just go with the flow, I had and still do have awlful PND, the first 2 months were hell, but be reasured it does get better, i am finding that out.
You need to talk about how your feeling even so you can get the thoughts from your head out, even if you scribble them down, I am keeping a jornal and it helps.
I could'nt get out of bed without having a anixety attack about what the day was going to do, now I think I can make this a good day or a bad day, and most of the time the good days out win the bad.
I to don't have a great network of friends and relatives, so if you feel like budding up for a coffee group or walking, feel free to contact me.
My DH has been great, but I still find trying to explain to him what the heck is wrong damn near impossible, but he sits nods his head and makes all the right noises, lol ... and if the docs given you the friendly pills keep taking them, even when you do feel better. Take care...
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mummy_becks View Drop Down
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Cat how did you get on?? I know that once I finally got everything out with my dr it felt so much better. And my dr was waiting for me to come in.

I was a puree feeder, forward facing, cot sleeping, pram pushing kind of Mum... and my kids survived!
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