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Topic: phil and teds dash vs sport model Posted: 15 June 2008 at 1:20pm |
Hi, I just looked at a Phil and Teds dash model today for the first time. I liked the look and feel of it but the person in the shop couldn't really tell me anything about the features etc. I also looked at the sport model.
The sport model was $599 and the Dash $799. Has anyone had it explained to them what the extra features are? I looked on the website but I didn't think it compared them all that well. Is the dash supposed to be any lighter?
Has anyone brought a Dash model or even looked into it? Can you shed some light?
Thanks heaps.
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 2:02pm |
I think with the new model you are able to put it down with both seats attached instead of taking top/bottom one off...thats what i understood when i went looking....but again the assistant didn't really know to much about the prams
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 2:55pm |
I have a dash model here we brought it about 3 weeks ago i think. They are a great buggy. Heaps more padding than the sport. They lay back more. You pull the handle that you push down and thats how you lock the brake. It has lost of pockets to store stuff and a big basket under it. The dash does not fold with the toddlers seat which we were told it did so we are taking ours back to get the vibe. I would keep the dash if it did fold like that. But the toddlers seat folding with the pram was the only reson we got the phil and ted.
Edited by AandRs_mum
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 3:00pm |
o also the dash lays back mech easier. It has a pull string thing and not zips. Th zips are harder to undo with a baby in the buggy. I have had both buggies. The sport is still a very nice buggy. The dash is just a step up and nice padding.
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 3:29pm |
Thanks heaps A and Rs mum! You've had both - perfect person to ask! That was so helpful to read. I can see the appeal of the Vibe for the folding with two seats. Such a shame the dash doesn't do that isn't it?
Do you think the dash features are $200 dollars worth more feaures than the sport? Happy to pay it if so. Was the dash any easier to push and manouevre than the sport?
In the shop I found the foot brake a bit tricky on the sport model but I wondered if it was just a bit faulty from being in the shop. My mountain buggy has the foot brake and I have always found it fine. How did you find the foot brake on the sport model?
And one last question (sorry!!!!!) how much of a pain is it to fold up and put on toddler seat separately? ie would it take 15 seconds or so once you know what to do?
I really appreciate your help. Thanks.
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 3:39pm |
Ooops sorry thats what i was told i guess she really didn' t know what she was talking about! Lucky i didn't get one otherwise i would have been pissed!!!
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 4:55pm |
Thats ok i was told the same which is why i brought it.
To be honest yes i do think its worth buying the dash. But maybe get it from winkalotts they are $720 thro them with free shipping. I didnt relise so brought mine at smithcity. I am just being fussy about the buggy not folding with the seat on it because it honestly take about 5 secound to put the seat on. The toddlers seat also reclines abit for sleeping. The foot brake on the sport is well knowen for being abit stiff. I love that the dash has the brake at the handle just by pulling the handle down. The dash i felt is alittle nicer to push altho the sport is great also. They are both prity light which i love. Also the other great thing about the dash is that it folds with buttons at the handle no bending down. Gosh i think i am talking myself into keeping it which DP will be happy about lol. I can put some pics up tomorrow if you would like. Let me no if there is anything ealse you would like to no :)
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 5:08pm |
Just be careful buying thru winkalotts. I brought my sport buggy thru them and have had a couple of probs with it so had to courier it back to them. They have now had it for 3 weeks. I have been ringing weekly to find out whats happening and keep getting told they will ring me back and let me know...still waiting. In comparison a friend her brought her sport thru Baby City and they gave her a replacement buggy and she had her buggy back within a week. The problem with both were the zips on the side so thats worth noting and also the brake is a huge PITA!
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 5:13pm |
Oh Peanut
Thats shocking. I couldnt be without my buggy for that long. Maybe its only a good idear to buy thro them if you live where there shop is.
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 6:23pm |
The brake on ours is a PITA too, It works well, is just a mission to get on and off.
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Posted: 15 June 2008 at 6:24pm |
Thanks guys. That is such awesome feedback. So interesting about the brake. I found it REALLY hard in the shop. Maybe the dash is the way to go. I did really like the dash. (DH doesn't like the extra $200 bit though!)
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Posted: 16 June 2008 at 9:11pm |
I went shopping to buy the sport, and hadn't even considered the dash, but bought the dash!! The little things all add up I think to make it worth the extra $$$ Love the brake being on the handle, have heard that the foot brake on the sport is really hard, near impossible if you are wearing jandles or something like that, though have heard that it gets better with use. It has infinate recline instead of only 4 (I think) positions with the sport. It has plastic in the footrest instead of fabric, have read that older kids can press down hard enough on the fabric to make the wheel stop and it eventually rips, they cant do that with solid plastic! Love the extra padding too. Hope that helps, those were the little extras that sold it for me!
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Posted: 16 June 2008 at 10:06pm |
I would go all out and get the VIBE, the dash was cool and would be my next option but it's really handy to be able to fold the whole buggy down without removing the seat beforehand. As for the brake I couldn't even get it to work in the shop lol it was really hard but DP did... stronger grip maybe?? The sport comes in a good variety of colours though. Oh and laying the seat back is much easier in the DAS it doesn't have the zips just a pully thingy. "Technical language here" hehe
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Posted: 17 June 2008 at 12:04pm |
We have the e3 with toddler seat, and having seen the sport and dash in the shops,...I would so go for the dash. Love how the seat adjustment is by a pull cord and not zips, the zips arent annoying tho, but the pull cord would be easier. And love the braking system in the dash rather than foot peddle,..the peddle can be a bit hard to get to when u have the toddler seat on at the back, or even when the main part is in the flat newborn position.
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Posted: 17 June 2008 at 12:39pm |
Am sold! Thanks so much guys! Yay! I liked the dash better but DH didn't think it was worth the extra money. I have been reading him out your comments and he has changed his mind!
Has anyone seen it in the red and orange? Was it a bit much? I would have got a red one if I had got the sport model but think for the dash I will do the black and grey.
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Posted: 17 June 2008 at 3:12pm |
I have blue/gray (e3) and wish I had gotten red instead!
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Posted: 17 June 2008 at 4:04pm |
Here is some pics of our buggy. I have heard that the red phil and ted buggies fade very fast. If you look at some on trademe i think it might be true. Shame cause i love the red.
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Posted: 17 June 2008 at 5:03pm |
Its really nice AandRs mum. If the red fades I think I'll go with the black and grey. - Although I know what you mean Kellz, sometimes you just want something nice and bright!
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Posted: 23 June 2009 at 9:08pm |
Just bumping this thread up as I'm considering a P&T Dash - but have read some pretty bad reviews online :(
Just wondering if anyone else has compared the dash with the sport?
I really don't want to give my MB urban elite up - but with bubs #2 on the way - we have to upgrade and I want a buggy which is just as good as the MB but can fit 2x kids!
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Posted: 23 June 2009 at 9:29pm |
we cant compare it to the MB but we also went into the shop planning to buy the sport and came out with the dash. I couldnt work the break on the sport with sneakers on and thought it would be a pain with the toddler seat on anyway. Plus all the zips to lower the main seat seemed a pain, the draw string type idea is better.
We havent yet tried it with two babies but cant wait lol.