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Topic: BOTTLE FED & CONSTIPATION Posted: 20 September 2009 at 8:11am |
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Posted: 20 September 2009 at 8:40am |
Oh big hugs to you jahvaan, I've got no ideas to help but didn't want to read and run. Is she grunting and pushing during the day as well? (I only ask because my daughter was a sleep grunter, she was just really noisy!)
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Posted: 20 September 2009 at 9:06am |
Sometimes it takes trial and error to work out what formula best suits bubs. For example with daniel karicare gave him huge amounts of wind, it was awful stuff. Nuture made him constipated and S26 we had no issues at all yet other bubs will have other reactions to them.
Diluted prune juice works well to get things moving
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Posted: 20 September 2009 at 9:11am |
Aw hugs. The novalac one is normally available from pharmacies or your pharmacist might be able to order it in for you.
Microlax isn't fun is it, I had to use that on our boy a couple of times. He developed really bad ezcema as well and it turns out he is allergic to dairy so he was put on a prescription formula, he's over 2 years now and still on it.
Did a Dr give you the microlax or did you just buy it over the counter?, might be worth seeing the Dr if you haven't already.
Also there is some stuff called lactulose, it's an insoluble sugar that holds water in the gut so helps keep the poos soft and is more suitable to use than brown sugar in water. You can buy if from the pharmacy, we use to give Spencer 5ml in 50ml of water and it would take all day to get him to drink it, giving little bits with each feed and in between feed sometimes but it did the trick. You can adjust the amount up or down depending on what is coming out the other end. Spencer was on it permanently whilst we waited for the prescription formula.
If she drinks her formula then you could add the lactulose straight to that, Spencer wasn't very good at drinking his cos he had reflux as well as the constipation going on.
Hope things improve quickly for you
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Posted: 20 September 2009 at 11:02am |
we did go to the dr on thursday but that was one of the in between days that she didnt have constipation and had a nice NORMAL pooh for her to see lol.
dont want to keep using microlax, although that helps gets it out but doesnt help in the long run.
wil consider the over the counter stuff
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Posted: 20 September 2009 at 12:48pm |
if the pooh was normal she may not be consitpated...if she is it should be very hard and small (i think there is a description in the bounty book of baby constipation.) babies do grunt a lot in their sleep, they are noisy little creatures. i would want to be very sure before you start giving her lots of different stuff for it - especially at 2 weeks...
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Posted: 22 September 2009 at 9:49am |
ah yes she is definately constipated, she had one day of not being, and then ba ck to it, we have had the worse sleeps ever, am about to go up the rd to get that lactulose, as brown sugar and water isnt helping either.
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Posted: 22 September 2009 at 12:56pm |
i thought you said in your other post that you had got over the constipation problems?
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Posted: 23 September 2009 at 5:35pm |
yes for a day and then she got it again, is that allowed?
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Posted: 23 September 2009 at 11:11pm |
We had a constipation problem that went on for about 4mths. Have used microlax, and lactulose. i found the best solution was brown sugar and water. It took a few goes, but it certailnly had a better result than the lactulose.
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Posted: 24 September 2009 at 8:22pm |
i seriously doubt that a 2 week old is consitpated. i think you should be talking to your doc before administering anything to a bub so young. her system is still so immature and there are prob better ways of fixing the problem. babies dont always pooh every day and they grunt for no reason.
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Posted: 24 September 2009 at 8:30pm |
bizzy, it is very likely that the baby is constipated especially if the bub is fully formula fed (which it is).
I used the brown sugar in water with my son and found that it worked well when needed. It only took about 4 weeks or so for his tummy to get use to formula and then he was fine. I only used the brown sugar and water when needed not daily. We use to mix 1 tsp of brown sugar in about 20 mls of water and gave it throughout the day. This was recommend by my MW so never went to the dr as it got the results needed.
Are you sticking with one formula? Chopping and changing formulas can cause problems and you should def stick with the same formular for 2-3 weeks before changing to another type but as i say it can sometimes take 4- 6 weeks for the baby to get use to formula.
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Posted: 30 September 2009 at 9:26am |
My Dr suggested extra water in between feeds and coloxyl drops into his bottles for one week then reassess. My baby is 4 months old though. I hope you've had some success. I would try another formula though and see how that goes.
Edited by CarrieMumToBe
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Posted: 04 October 2009 at 12:16pm |
I think Novalac formula is now available from supermarkets. I saw a range of them at Pak n Save Thames for $23.95
Edited by Kellie
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Posted: 04 October 2009 at 10:01pm |
Caden got constipated at 4 weeks old when we started formula, poor thing could only poo out little rock hard pebble poo's :(
It turned out that it was the karicare formula, it didnt agree with him, so we put him on S26 and it was great, he started pooing everyday after that, I also sued to add a little bit more water to the bottle and that also helped.
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Posted: 05 October 2009 at 2:36pm |
I agree with Peanut on this (funnily enough we have the same m/w). Brown sugar in water has always worked for Ava.
You can give extra water between feeds too, FF babies need up to 50ml a day (less in cooler weather, I've found I haven't had to give Ava any yet because she's not needing a drink, just food IYKWIM).
Another thing is having nappy-free time and gently massaging baby's legs up to her tummy a few times. Do that a few times a day. It seems to help here if Ava's a bit blocked up.
It's normal for a FF baby to go red in the face and grunt when pooing as their poos are usually more solid than BF babies. We often get an unsettled period for a couple of hours (sometimes the whole day) before a poo, as she only goes every 2nd day.
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Posted: 24 February 2016 at 8:30pm |
My baby was suffering from bad constipation and nothing was helpful until I started babies magic tea. Now, no issue of bowel movement.
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Posted: 01 March 2020 at 8:16am |
i faced the same problem with my baby girl. She was constipated and had too much gas and that made me think that she might be lactose related issues. I switched her to Enfamil ProSobee and it solved the problem for me.
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Posted: 08 January 2021 at 2:20pm |
Thanks for sharing this information.