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Topic: Feeling a bit lost Posted: 05 October 2009 at 8:20pm |
i have been reading posts on this site for a couple of weeks now and thought that it may help me to post. im feeling a bit lost and dont really have anyone (other then my partner) to talk to
my partner and i have decided to TTC. we are young (im 20 and he is 23) but feel the time is right for us. we have also decided not to tell anyone
due to having PCOS i had an IUD put in about 4 years ago which i had removed on the 23 Sep. i never had a period when i had it in and only had very light bleeding after it getting removed
im now waiting to see if i get a period but feel like im in limbo  anyone else that has been in this position or has any tips/hints for me
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Posted: 05 October 2009 at 8:50pm |
Hey Helen! Welcome to OB!! The girls on here are great!!
I dont have PCOS, but with you saying you didnt have one AF with the IUD in 4 years I would head to the dr for bloods and to let them know your TTC. If your not ovulating (and since you dont get AFs, I would say that its pretty likely that your not) then you arent going to concieve and they can do all sorts for PCOS these days, even Clomid might help... So Iw ould wait maybe 60ish days since having the IUD taken out and if no AF then go have a chat to your Dr.. If your Dr fobs you off, go see another one as not all of them are understanding about TTC issues...
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Posted: 05 October 2009 at 9:40pm |
Welcome Helen I agree with Emmi... maybe go to the GP and tell him that you are TTC and get some blood tests done to check your hormone and insulin etc 
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Posted: 06 October 2009 at 6:40am |
Hi Helen and welcome  I third the advice to go to the Drs. I've got PCOS too, and since I don't ovulate, our chances of getting UTD without some help aren't that crash hot. However, there's a lot they can do to help now days, so if it turns out you're not ovulating, there's heaps of help you can get.
The ladies on this site are great, and you'll find it a great place to get support. There's a few of us on Clomid (which they might put you on) down in the infertility section too - feel free to check that out as well
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Posted: 06 October 2009 at 7:25am |
Hiya Helen  Welcome to OB and congrats on starting the ttc journey, hope your stay is a short one
I dont have PCOS but I had a Mirena IUD for 2 don't have periods with them that's normal.
My AF came back probably 2 months after I had it removed. I agree with the girls though, head along to your doctor and tell him/her that you are ttc. As soon as you get your AF you will want to go for your CD2or 3 and then your CD21 (actually 7DPO) bloods to test hormone levels. Your doc should be able to give you the forms so you are all ready when AF does show...but yeah, it is a bit of a waiting game in the beginning hun
They test your FSH, LH, E2 and lots of immunity stuff like HIV, Syphilis  Thyroid function and Rubella on CD2 then on CD21 (or 7DPO if you don't ovulate on CD14) they test progresterone.
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Posted: 06 October 2009 at 3:34pm |
thanks im now trying to find myself a doctor that i am happy with. most of the doctors in my area (the hutt valley) arent taking new people on!
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Posted: 07 October 2009 at 4:21pm |
Hi Helen,
I cant really help so much on the IUD front but I am young also, I am 23 and my husband is 24 and we are TTC our first, and I dont really have anyone to talk to about it as my friends are no where near considering babies. So if you ever would like to chat just let me know :)
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Posted: 07 October 2009 at 6:29pm |
Im 23 too, and PG with our first... Know what you mean Lisa with none of your friends any where near considering babes.... They dont even have bfs never mind partners or husbands! Hehehe....
Im in welly too if you ever need to chat Helen!
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Posted: 09 October 2009 at 5:40pm |
i went to the doc today. i went to a new one as i wasnt totally happy with my old one and im soooooo glad i went!
she was lovely and talked to me about everything. she said that first thing that i need to do is take a big breath in and out then relax. then she said i need to wait until i get my first period and go from there
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Posted: 09 October 2009 at 6:14pm |
Glad you saw a much better Dr!! I would go back if AF still hasnt arrived after 2 or 3 months of taking the IUD out, I think the fact you have confirmed PCOS should get them to start taking you seriously earlier than if it wasnt known...
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Posted: 09 October 2009 at 10:36pm |
Helen... come and join us in the "waiting to ovulate" and "two week wait" threads.... we can be chatty and encourage each other heaps 